Secret Pal Exchange- Make Your Guesses Here

Beanie- I think you're my secret pal. You posted my real name in the 7-11 thread, and I don't think anyone on the RB but my secret pal knows my real name. Hmmmm :p
Actually I have always known your name was Jennifer...I believe you had my name once before on some exchange? Maybe the sticker exchange on the Scrapping board??

Anyway, I did know your name! LOL
Yes, that's right! I had your name in the sticker exchange. It was just a hunch. ;)
Originally posted by J&D
Yeah! I even looked for you some flip-flops when I went to Target tonight, so you better be nice and stop falsely accusing me of things or I will PM your secret pal and tell them to send you a lump of coal because you've been a BAD GIRL! :eek:


I saw on another board that Payless has Montego Bay flip-flops on sale for $1.

I promise to be good from now on!

Thanks for the info about the flip flops. I see that I'm going to have alot of friends helping me to stay addicted.

Not me, Denise!! I am not a Tag Fairy, but I do have a certain pull with one of them!

Ok, now we know there is more than one of them. They are tricky little buggers!
I just wanted to say thanks for organizing this J&D!

This will be my 2nd secret exchange. My first one was over on the craft/cooking/scrapbook board last year.

I'll start my shopping next week :Pinkbounc

Thanks again to J&D for organizing this and also to everyone else who signed up ... should be lots of fun!!!!!
I know your real name but never use it because you do not sign your posts as such and did not know if you were comfortable with it being posted.

so maybe I am your secret pal.....

are you listening tag fairies?????

maybe the tag fairies need to make a visit to the rewards board once in awhile we all our DISers too;) ;)

I know your real name
I forgot that I sometimes use my name when I send PMs, so there are probably a few more that know my real name. For those who are new, my name is Jennifer, and my DH (who helped me assign and send out names) is Dennis, so we are J&D. I am the one that does all of the posting, though.

I just wanted to say thanks for organizing this J&D!
You're welcome, and thanks for participating.

This exchange should be a lot of fun. Maybe we could also do Secret Santas at Christmas.
Originally posted by Maleficent2
are you listening tag fairys?????

maybe the tag fairies need to make a visit to the rewards board once in awhile we all our DISers too;) ;)


I agree Mal, how about Organizer Extrodinaire

Anybody else have an inspiration for the tag fairies?
Mal- Do I need to speak with your secret pal and tell her that you're being bad as well? Let the record reflect that I wasn't saying,"Don't hate ME(J&D) because I'm beautiful." I said I hate the commercials where the women say,"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful." I don't want others to get the impression that I'm conceited or anything. :o

This will be my 2nd secret exchange. My first one was over on the craft/cooking/scrapbook board last year.
You had my name in that exchange. :D

I know where that quote came from I just thought it was cute and I did use the quoatation marks didn't I???? ROFLOL

hey you have to overlook me I am a witch afterall....

Let's see, I found some more (and these are direct quotes)

"Yes, I am a worrywart!"

"I couldn't believe they picked the skater with the tattoos all over his body."

"I love Paints. "

"I feel your pain!"

"Not another token game. I never got my last Lilo and Stitch token! ;) "
where are those tag fairies when you need them.......must have had a tag fairy party last night and are sleeping late....

I haven't received my secret pal exchange name yet. Did I miss it? I e-mailed my name in. Was the info coming by e-mail or snail mail?
Terri- I sent you a PM Wednesday night, so check your PM inbox for your name. :D

txadmin- You need to check your PM inbox as well.
I got my package today! My Pal sent me a T-shirt that says Jersey Shore. My 4year-old loves the light house on it. I do too, of course! The size is perfect and the color is great!

When can I guess?



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