Secrets to DW

We just got back from a week at WDW, and I have to say that the coolest little thing I saw was a checker board outside of La Chapeau in the MK. It is right next to Tony's right by the flagpole. it was a great 5 minute break from the hussel and bussel of the trip.

Wonderful tips- anyone have more?:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

OOps, I almost forgot to add mine! There is a new hidden mickey guide book due out in the bookstore in April!
...if you are not really observant, you may just walk right past her!!! We were walking from Asia to Africa when we stopped a small group of people staring at a lamppost.....our curiosity got the best of us, so we decided to stop to see what everyone was staring at. It was Da-vine, secured to a lamppost, almost upside-down!! She was moving ever-so-slowly, and had the samll gathering not been there, we would have walked right past her!! It was REALLY COOL!!
Wow!!! Great Stuff. Bumpity, bump for all the newsies!
I imagine this gets missed alot. In the waiting area of Muppets 3D, if you look into the rafters up to the left, there is a large picture of a muppet that is modeled after Jim Henson. I thought that was pretty cool.
I need this thread. I love looking for secrets. Thanks so much and keep up the information.
just posting so I can keep track of this thread and print it out later...great tips! Thanks everyone!:Pinkbounc
We received this tip before our last trip, and I try to share it with everyone. It was so helpful. Toontown opens later than the rest of the park. However, you can ride the train to Toontown earlier. You just get off at that stop. There is nothing open, but the kids can play on the playground and in Donald's Boat. When the ropes dropped, we went straight to the Judge's Tent (is that where the characters are??). There are three different lines. We got to see Cinderella and the mice in one room, Chip and Dale and Minnie in another, and Winnie the Pooh and gang in the third. We did this all right in a row with hardly any wait. They only let so many people in each room. Somone posted in another thread that they thought it was the same characters in all of the rooms, but that is not true. After we finished there, we went to see Mickey and around that time, it was crowded. We got to see lots of favorites without wasting a lot of time.
Here are my few tips i found out from my recent trip:

There is a talking trash can located in Cosmic Rays Cafe it is to the right of the condiments table

Monday,Tuesday,and Wednesday in the late evening are the best days to go to the park because lines are very short... me and my crew road space mountain 3 times in a row with no waiting

Buy LOTS of film... we ran out so we had 2 go 2 the gift shop to buy some and it was $10.00 for a roll!

In epcot at around 1 o'clock or 2 o'clock a man dressed like a statue comes out and performs... i am not sure where because i forgot

If your going with a dance company or a band or something you should try to get into a dance or band workshop.. I went with my dance school and we went to a camp and performed in Epcot... it was really fun because we learned dances to "zippity doo-da day" and "the circle of life" from the Lion King show... and at the end Goofy came in and danced with us.. it was great and really fun

the 50's Prime Time Cafe in MGM (i believe its there) is a great place to take the kids because the waiters and waitresses act like your parents and they tell you to get your elbows off the table and if you dont finish something they do the little "tsk tsk" thing lol...Plus theres TV's that play cartoons so your children will be entertained while eating
If you go to the Wilderness Lodge, the front desk has a handout with clues to hidden Mickeys around the resort. It was a fun thing for us to try to do while we stayed there.
I just heard when my mom's boss went to disney, she was picked to open the magic kingdom one day. She even got to throw fairy dust as it opened. She wasn't sure how she got picked, just someone in the crowd. Has anyone ever heard of this and how you would get picked???????? Wouldn't that be the ultimate?


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