"Someone left their inside b*** on the toilet!" July-Aug 2014 Done 3/03/2015

from raw-6304
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6305
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6306
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I loved the look of the boardwalk sidewalk.

from raw-6307
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We got our food at the End Zone Food Court.

from raw-6308
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6309
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6311
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The Princess and I shared my beloved chicken nuggets. Hahahahaha I got some water. I can't remember what the others got. I see the King's Taco salad though.I don't remember hearing too many complaints.

from raw-6312
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6313
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I snapped a bunch of pictures while we ate or just after.

from raw-6314
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6317
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6318
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6319
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6320
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6321
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

After our bellies were fed, we were planning to head out somewhere. You'll have to wait for the next update to find out where though. LOL
I love seeing all the pictures of Sports! Makes me even more excited for our trip coming up!

The Tennis section is cute and it looks like you have fun view! :thumbsup2
Since I've only stayed at POP and have never seen any of the All Stars, it's always a treat to see photos. I think the basic design is the same, but obviously the theming is very different. And we all know how good Disney is at theming.

Ah Disney Chicken Nuggets, the meal of royalty. At least in my humble opinion. :goodvibes
Yay!!!! You arrived! And of course I am hungry and those nuggets look so good.
I am freaking out now as I am going next weekend for just the weekend and i have not realy plans myfirst night and I just thought...OMG...where will eat? :lmao: So many choices and not enough time!
Oh wow the Sports food court refurb looks awesome! I love all that art!

I loved the art! It really made it a lot of fun! Disney characters playing the sports is my kind of sports!

I love seeing all the pictures of Sports! Makes me even more excited for our trip coming up!

The Tennis section is cute and it looks like you have fun view! :thumbsup2

I think we had a good view! Yay for an upcoming trip! Can I hop into your suitcase?

Since I've only stayed at POP and have never seen any of the All Stars, it's always a treat to see photos. I think the basic design is the same, but obviously the theming is very different. And we all know how good Disney is at theming.

Ah Disney Chicken Nuggets, the meal of royalty. At least in my humble opinion. :goodvibes

I've stayed at Pop 3 times. I love it there two. The main difference is that Pop has 4 floors and the All Stars only have 3.

I remember seeing nuggets in your TRs too. ;) They are just right!

Yay!!!! You arrived! And of course I am hungry and those nuggets look so good.
I am freaking out now as I am going next weekend for just the weekend and i have not realy plans myfirst night and I just thought...OMG...where will eat? :lmao: So many choices and not enough time!

Oh my! Get on that! LOL You need to plan some meals! I am thinking that I need to go back because there are still more places I've never eaten, or some favorites that I missed this last time! Have a wonderful short trip!!!
I haven't been to Sports or seen too many pictures of the inside, so I love seeing your pictures. :) It looks like a really cute resort!
I haven't been to Sports or seen too many pictures of the inside, so I love seeing your pictures. :) It looks like a really cute resort!

Thanks! I think it's cute. I like the more Disney spots. I will be sharing many more pictures. On the morning we left Sports for POR I walked through all three All Stars to get some shots.
After nourishing our bodies, we were planning to head to DTD.

from raw-6322
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was browsing in the store before we left. The King went back to the room, or I just wanted to, because I love Disney shopping. The Princess ran in and asked me to go dance with her and the CMs. So I said yes, of course and then she chickened out! I danced, and gave my camera to the Queen to watch. I was dancing with my wallet and it was getting annoying, so I tossed it to the Princess.

Sorry for the blurry picture, but the Queen didn't know how to use my camera! (I was hoping to not have to do any more updates without all their pictures, but I was tired of waiting! You will get their pictures as soon as I get them!)

from raw-6323
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6325
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I danced to three songs, mostly hoping for a sticker or a button for the kids back home, but also to show P (I'm getting lazy) that there is no need to worry about others and to be silly and have fun! No prize, just the fun!

Time for Downtown Disney!

from raw-6326
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6327
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6328
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

This was their first time on a Disney bus!

from raw-6336
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Sitting on the bus, I noticed that I didn't have my wallet. "Where's my wallet?" I asked. P had set it on the garbage can and then we forgot it! OOPS! You know how the All Stars share buses a lot? Well, not this time! LOL. So I sat and debated what to do. Would I just go back to the resort? That was the original plan. Then I decided to go to guest services and have them call the resort. There was nothing I could do at that point. I had my MB and I could use that to buy things. So that was what I was going to do.

from raw-6337
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6339
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

(Flickr is being so annoying! Each time I try to share a picture, it tells me that sharing is restricted for the photo. Before I was closing the tab and opening a new one each time. At least now I am just refreshing the page. Still annoying!)

from raw-6340
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6341
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I got in a long line at Guest Relations.

from raw-6342
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6345
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6346
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The others went off to wander and browse. The King found the phone number at the Lego Store and called the resort directly. He must have because they told him that they had the wallet and that it was found on the garbage can. They told him I needed to take my passport down to show them who I was and I could pick it up. All was well! My feelings for the past hour or so were: panic, fear, stress, annoyance (I asked you to hold my wallet, NOT put it on a garbage can!), faith in humanity, Faith in God that all would be well and eventually relief with still a little worry because who knows what might be missing from the wallet.

from raw-6347
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6348
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We wandered some stores, fairly quickly. P got bored really fast! There was not enough make up or clothing her style in there.

from raw-6350
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6351
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6352
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6353
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6354
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6355
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6356
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6357
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Awww I love that you danced!!! It's Disney... just... have... fun!

You know, I would love to take an informal survey about the number of people who go to DTD on arrival day vs those who don't I bet the percentage that do is really high.

OMG, my heart just totally races when I read Lost Wallet!! Good on you for not panicking too much. I would (and did).
I'm so glad to hear they found your wallet! That is definitely a scary feeling not knowing if you'll see it again, and the thought of someone currently using your credit cards, ID, etc.

Wonderful pictures at DTD!!
That's so great that they found your wallet! I would have freaked out too. I'm the kind of person that freaks out if I don't see my keys in my purse as soon as I look in. I "lose" something at least once a week!

Yay for the inaugural bus ride! Disney bus rides can add to the fun, even though they are usually FREEZING!
Awww I love that you danced!!! It's Disney... just... have... fun!

You know, I would love to take an informal survey about the number of people who go to DTD on arrival day vs those who don't I bet the percentage that do is really high.

OMG, my heart just totally races when I read Lost Wallet!! Good on you for not panicking too much. I would (and did).

It's not the first time I've danced... I danced at Pop in 2007 too. I totally agree, just have fun!

Those of us that really know Disney, at least. I've been known to go to DTD or head to a park.

And that's right! I remember reading about your lost wallet! You totally understand what I was going through!!! I figured there was nothing I could do while trapped on a bus. It's just funny (in a bad way) that the bus did not go to the other All Stars that time. I could easily have hopped off and gone to get it.

I'm so glad to hear they found your wallet! That is definitely a scary feeling not knowing if you'll see it again, and the thought of someone currently using your credit cards, ID, etc.

Wonderful pictures at DTD!!

It was a little scary for a bit, but it all worked out in the end.

That's so great that they found your wallet! I would have freaked out too. I'm the kind of person that freaks out if I don't see my keys in my purse as soon as I look in. I "lose" something at least once a week!

Yay for the inaugural bus ride! Disney bus rides can add to the fun, even though they are usually FREEZING!

I am always losing something, but not usually at WDW! (Well, except for cell phone chargers!)

I love Disney bus rides! Before the trip, I was watching youtube videos of bus rides and the 'voice' was getting me all excited. And yes, you are totally right, they are usually freezing!!!
Sorry I've been MIA, my classroom was the second last classroom cleaned this summer, so I couldn't get in until this week. I've been in most days arriving between 8 and 10 am and leaving at around 8pm. So annoying. I like it better when my room is ready earlier and I can pop in on rainy days or when I feel like it here and there! School doesn't start until Tuesday for teachers, but we're all in our rooms getting things done!

Now I am at a wedding (assisting the photographer) all day today and tomorrow is the Acadian Festival and I'll be away all day for that too. It's one of my favorite days all year long. In Charlottetown, we have Old Home Week, and it's nice, but I don't do a whole lot there anymore, this is more like an Old Home Week for where my mother is from.

This is a little promo video of what the Acadian Festival is about. At 0:22 in, you will see my uncle and the boat that I will be on tomorrow morning. LOL

Acadian Festival

Back to the trip report!

I have to say a little shout out to a friend from church, Elsa and her mom! Yes, her name is Elsa, sorry mom, I didn't know if you wanted me to say your name or not, so this is how I decided to do it! You totally shocked me at mass telling me that you read my TR. Pop in and say hello if you'd like!

I left off entering the amazing World of Disney store.

from raw-6358
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6359
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6360
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6361
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6362
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I didn't take as many pictures as I'd like to around the store... someone got bored very quickly as it wasn't all her type of clothing. I won't say who, but you know it wasn't me!

from raw-6363
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I think they took a picture of me wearing the Sully hat, but I can't remember. I'll be adding a bunch of pictures when I get their cd I guess!

I really, really, really love these shirts! Disney shirts are just too expensive. I can't stand spending that much on a shirt, so I limit myself to how much I will buy in the stores. I thought about these ones.

from raw-6364
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I told P that this looked like her style, and it really does!

from raw-6366
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

That's a lot for a teeny tank top!

from raw-6364
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I really like these ones too:

from raw-6368
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

SHORTS! I don't often see ladies shorts for sale at WDW.

from raw-6369 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love Dooney's! Well, to be fair, I love DISNEY Dooneys.

from raw-6370
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6376
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

That's all from WoD.

Well sheesh! I have to go already. This took longer than I thought, and longer than it should. Flickr has really been an issue with me lately. It takes me twice as long just to copy the pictures and half the time it doesn't copy the code and I have to go back and triple check for doubles! Sorry. I will hopefully get back here on Monday to get in a full update.
(Going back an update!)
YIKES! I'd be pretty nervous too about the wallet, glad it was found and secured by the CMs (hoping there's nothing missing!)
YAY for dancing! I love that, it's what Disney's all about -- being a kid at heart!
Ahhh Downtown Disney, I miss it.
Acadian Festival sounds fun! I wish I was off today, I might just take a run over to the "Other Island" for something like that. I'm 50% Acadian :rotfl2: :thumbsup2
Loving all the t-shirt pics, almost as good as browsing in DTD myself!
I find it so odd that the more expensive clothing items seem to be the thinnest material. I guess it's "stylish", but still.

I travelled with a teen a few years ago and it was the same thing. No interest whatsoever in the Disney stores. She wanted to go to a "real" store to shop. :confused3

I do love your photos Tina.
I would've been freaking out with my wallet lost...so glad it was found.
Those are awesome shots at WoD store....now I have a new mission. :lmao:

I had major issues with Flickr too. I have emailed them several times and they tell me it's my computer as they don't see those issues on their end and I told them it wasn't and several of my friends are having the same issue and they won't acknowledge it. So PLEASE contact them.
In the mean time I am using Flickr on Opera. It's the format before the most recent change and so much easier. It might be worth it to download Opera to use just for Flickr.
Hi Tina,
It is Elsa's mom, Carol. Her name has been Elsa since before she was even born. It used to be a unique name, no longer though. At first we were so excited about the character sharing her name, I am less excited now that I have met several baby Elsas this summer.

I am enjoying this report and have read some of your other ones,too. We are so excited about our trip in 30 days!
Hello Tina! I'm joining your trip report. I'm dying to know what your title means. :)

I am planning my very first trip to WDW with my husband in early 2016. We live in Oregon so it's going to be a long trip! Just for fun I pulled up Google Maps. It's 1900 miles from where you live. 3000 miles from where we live. Gah! I'm still in the stage where I don't know for sure where I want to stay, or even for how many days. I'm thinking 10 days but not sure. Considering either POR or CBR. It's so fun to dream and plan. :goodvibes

Glad to hear you had an uneventful trip. You and Princess's nails are very cute. One of my biggest fears is a flying insect getting trapped in my hair and buzzing. LOL. It's way too early for Princess to be tired of pictures. You haven't even gotten there yet! :rotfl:

Your "real" camera takes fantastic pictures. Really enjoying them. The resort pix you have so far are awesome. I grew up in Southern California so I'm not as enamored with palm trees as you are. LOL. There is a guy down the street with a dead palm tree in his lawn. I feel like telling him "dude, this is Oregon....you can't grow palm trees here.....what were you thinking?"

I love the artwork inside the food court. Those old timey Disney cartoons are great! I've heard a lot about the Disney chicken nuggets. Can't wait to try them.

Thumbs up for dancing! :thumbsup2 I'm so sorry you lost your wallet. That must've been very stressful for you. But glad it got turned into L&F right away. The WoD store looks great. Love your pix, especially the Pirates ones.
I am joining in, your pictures are so nice and clear, love that. My daughter is the same age as princess and we love going to Disney!


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