Something About Nothing ... #12

Wagman - thank you. It was certainly the weirdest series I've ever watched. Give them heck next season!

Speaking of weird. Today was off the chain here. First a crown decided to pop off when drinking a cuppa. Good thing i have cleaning tomorrow.

Then got stuck in a car wash.:tilt: One of those automatic types. Mid morning, quiet time there the only customer, listening to GD chirp away in the back seat. Finally dawned on me process was taking a long time. The machine got stuck & was spraying merrily away on my front windshield.

I likely have the cleanest car in the state at this point. Finally, rescued by attendant who had been lord knows where. He got soaked needing to enter the bay to hit the emergency button...the one he said he was trying to gesture to me to get out of my car & hit.

HA as if buddy, that's above my pay grade and surely an accident waiting to happen. Duh


Congrats to the birds. Two years in a row. The fact that the predators put up some great games made this Stanley Cup 2017 a good one. Yay! for Kiesha.

Well, I asked for warmth. That didn't mean sweat from the time you first step out. But I am loving this all day sun. In the shade yesterday, it was not too bad. Today, it will be 95 degrees, with heat index over 100. Yeah, the H's, Hazy, Hot, and Humid. Hello. Brief visit from them, heat wave will be exactly 3 days. Then cold front to end the week, with temperatures in the low 80's. Yay! That mean summer is dipping it's toe in. And two more Mondays, and little one is done being a Sophomore. The school year has gone in a flash. To also say, older one is no longer a Freshman college guy also seemed it was fast.

But, lest the thread does not confirm it's Monday,


So, for those who keep count, it's the start of the work week for most, so hunker down, Monday is here, and that means another Friday will come slowly in sight.

Time for some tea. Have a great day homies! Let the sun shine bright.

- that's Mac. Maybe Robo or Tink too. Morning Keisha!

Lol the dog pic! Hmm no cold front forecast here. It's toasty toasty. Expect to be whining about that after a few days. Funny, took a look at our thus-far lame garden & it has taken off after just a day of near 90 degrees - finally!

IDK beach soccer sounds pretty sweet :)

Why are people getting confused by the term "The Dark Side"? Where are these people coming from?


What a way to end my Birthday... Driving home from my weekend at my sister's, yesterday, my car over heated on I-90. I, luckily, got into a service plaza only to find out that AAA is not allowed to work I-90 in Massachusetts. So, the state police had to dispatch a tow truck. Seems like my coolant fan is not working. I am stuck in a hotel an hour away from home. The mechanic said he 'should' be able to fix it this afternoon... looks like I'll be here another night...

Yikes, so close yet so far away from home.

Talk about a cosmic joke on your BD, sorry.

You are officially entitled to come home & have a proper do-over!

Happy Anniversary @Lynne G

@schumi that is an awesome tri-fecta celebration. congratulations!! Bubbly for everyone!

i let the girls sleep in today. they were an hour and 15 minutes late. somehow the summer schedules got crossed and after getting the girls all excited to go to princess camp - (picked out the dresses and everything), realized it is NEXT week! I remember they moved it last minute and looks like we deleted the wrong one from the calendar.

all day spanish immersion does not have the same child appeal compared to princess camp at dance school. not to mention - now we are double booked (read = double paid) for next week. i am just glad i caught it before my husband dropped them off this morning! i am hoping the school let us get a credit for the fall - the girls would be crushed to miss princess camp. not to mention is 1/2 the price!

oh - and our electrical box needs to be replaced. no power in living room or master bedroom. so thankful the electrician can come on wednesday. it's old and we knew it was coming - but of course, it has to happen right before vacation.

so lucky i can work from home this morning so the girls could get some extra rest. i dropped off a happy rapunzel and elsa for a day of spanish!

okay - that fart machine though.... bwahahhahaah.

@keishashadow the girls refer to the portofino as the beach pool and ask to go constantly. they think we are going over the 4th even though i keep telling them it is not at disney. RPH has a beach pool too, but for some reason, they love PBH. they have never been to HRH. hmmm. maybe i could sneak a day over at HRH on 6/30 before disney?

Our electric entrance/box updated in house before we purchased but it's way too small for this day & age. On our bucket list. Here you need permits out the wazhoo to tinker with it.

Sounds like a plan to me, we often slink over to one of the onsite properties for only a night. That's funny how your girls are of a like mind.

@Lynne G beach soccer? oh my! that just sounds expensive! my girls LOVE dressing up. They won't wear the costumes tho - because they are itchy. So i just buy real dresses that have a similar look. Disney sells nice ones that I get on amazon for way less - and then they go play in the mud with them. HA! there is also a decendants camp. it is supposed to be for the older girls who don't really dress up anymore and are out of the princess stage - but my girls are obsessed. they are letting them go even though they are way younger. we will see how they like it. they will probably be the only ones dressing up!

i do not remember dressing up when i was younger. of course there were only like 4 princesses then...

glad the weather is warming up a bit and you are in the home stretch for school!

GD OD'd on princess dresses around the age of 4. Miss it. She did request a moana outfit last year. Biggest hit of clothes i bought her for vacation was a lego Star Wars tshirt of Princess Leia saying "don't call me princess" lol.

Yea totally true

Wdw is the motherland and UO is the darkside
It's been the unknown place since the beginning until others started to venture out and try it

UO can hold its own now and is no longer a one or two day park

It is a total vacation for many

I never was down with the motherland nomiker for WDW but the dark side is a 100% fit for Universal harkening back to the pre HP days. Who is still kicking themselves for not buying more of those 7 day PH AAA $67 passes? I had 6, one just converted to new ticket.

I am hoping the car gets fixed today... but I got to ride some roller coasters at 6 Flags yesterday, the hotel I am at is nice, and last night the bartender took pity on me and gave me a free slice of chocolate devotion cake for my birthday :) I am probably stuck here another night tho. Mechanic said he might be able to get the part today and fix it by 5, but not to count on it.

If you can work coasters into car trouble, that's the best case of making lemonade ever! Hope it's resolved soon & you're on your way.
Pirates was good. Theater had the sound too loud. Feel tired after that.

Tis still hot. 88 degrees right now. Tomorrow will be 93, but 73 on Wednesday. Pants on Wednesday.
Not that I have been outside but was told it was stinking hot here today

If I don't have a PT session, I'm in the house on the couch or bed watching non stop CSI

Yes tv is boring and until when I can get up and about, tv is my only friend

Oh, have started some days watching the house redo shows
Some of them are reruns I have not seen in ages

Love it or list it and the show with Joanne and chip are the ones I watch
Lol........Janet.....that's funny........:laughing: yeah I wouldn't have got out either.........nope.

Busy morning........been to get legs waxed and face done, had pedicure and manicure too. Nice.

Having some lunch at home then head back out to get friends birthday presents for tomorrow. Then meeting with lawyer/financial advisor later today........always fun...........

Chicken and salad for lunch with French bread.........

Hey Mac.........just saw you peep in there........:wave2:
- So, another lovely steamy day. I actually enjoy the heat. Little one is annoyed, seems the suburban schools have some AC, the city one don't . City kids gets a half day. Oh well, now there's exactly 5 more days of school left. Yay! It's June.

Schumi, sounds like a busy day. I need a nail appointment too. It's finally sandal season. Nice to shop for presents, as that means a birthday. Yeah, our trips to our accountant usually means paying taxes. Not sure what I'm having for lunch yet.

Mac, good morning! Hope you had a nice cup of coffee already, and the cats are keeping you company.

Yeah Keisha, beach soccer is fun. While competitive, it's not a ranked tournament. It's also an excuse to get a 3 day pass to the amusement and water piers. The amusement piers are free to walk around, the water one, no without a ticket. Thus, when kids are in the water park, the parents are enjoying a meal and adult beverages in the restaurant outdoor porch overlooking the water pier, and enjoying an adult beverage on a bench inside the amusement pier.

With that, I need tea. Cold inside, so not quite hot tea. It will be ice tea by the afternoon.

Was a traffic filled start to the day. Why people lay on their car horn thinking that will help is beyond me. No you don't block intersections. Well, most of us don't. Rant over. - Proceed.
ATTN all,:cat: especially Tink who i believe is waiting

SWA's BD sale starts today.

My fares went up or stayed the same, as usual

Happy hunting:wizard:

Carole - now that you're all gussied up, time to go out for dinner :)

Pirates was good. Theater had the sound too loud. Feel tired after that.

Tis still hot. 88 degrees right now. Tomorrow will be 93, but 73 on Wednesday. Pants on Wednesday.

Pants on wednesday is a good thing...

For that matter on any day :P

IMAX even worse re the sound:confused3

Not that I have been outside but was told it was stinking hot here today

If I don't have a PT session, I'm in the house on the couch or bed watching non stop CSI

Yes tv is boring and until when I can get up and about, tv is my only friend

Oh, have started some days watching the house redo shows
Some of them are reruns I have not seen in ages

Love it or list it and the show with Joanne and chip are the ones I watch

Never made it thru a J & C show. He's in some legal trouble re cutting out partners before he made it big as i understand it.

Love it/List on my radar too. Usually watch while on iPad

Good day all, I'll be :drive:most of am & afternoon, hope the storms hold off, need a new wiper.
...... Who is still kicking themselves for not buying more of those 7 day PH AAA $67 passes? I had 6, one just converted to new ticket......

Good thing my legs don't bend that way-(well, not intentionally below)-I've been semi-hoarding my stash of unused and non-expiring park tickets for many years. Back in 2004, I think, I got a Mastercard USO offer...Buy 3 multi-day, get 1 free multi-day $59. Can't remember exactly how many I bought, but suffice...bunches. I've still got a few in the safe! It's sickening to see the prices now. I just close my eyes and click "Submit Order" when I get them for friends and family-ish folk. (I ain't giving nobody my stash.)

Disney Quest trip is still a go for the sendoff. Still haven't nailed down exact dates...June 28-July 3, or 4th, maybe 5... All I know for sure is Gage wants to be there on the 1st & 2nd.

May drive if I get a new truck...BTW...Can I take a cane on Southwest? (Long Story) :crutches:
I don't see why not Buckeev. You just have to put the cane up in the compartment. I think I remember seeing walkers and canes. Hey, at least you may be seated first, though get off last if with SW. Sorry to hear, even if a long story.
I keep my cane with me on the flight
I lay it in the floor once I collapse it

Never was an issue in flights
Good morning :coffee:

Sad to see that my flight prices didn't change with the anniversary sale in fact my return flight has increased...should have bought sooner. SW has changed but still the best value when you consider the bag fees.

I'm just going to cut down on the food budget to make up for Club Villain for us :sad:

On a brighter note, I had to work late yesterday and my lovely daughter surprised me by having dinner ready when I got home...bbq chicken, sweet potato mash, peas and roasted brussel sprouts...I could get used to this :love:
Hope everyone has a great day :flower1:
Disney Quest trip is still a go for the sendoff. Still haven't nailed down exact dates...June 28-July 3, or 4th, maybe 5... All I know for sure is Gage wants to be there on the 1st & 2nd.

We are planning to go on the 1st!

Not that I have been outside but was told it was stinking hot here today

If I don't have a PT session, I'm in the house on the couch or bed watching non stop CSI

Yes tv is boring and until when I can get up and about, tv is my only friend

Oh, have started some days watching the house redo shows
Some of them are reruns I have not seen in ages

Love it or list it and the show with Joanne and chip are the ones I watch

Good thing you stayed in side. Pollen count is cray cray AND it is HOT!

Oh well, now there's exactly 5 more days of school left. Yay! It's June.

Schumi, sounds like a busy day. I need a nail appointment too. It's finally sandal season. Nice to shop for presents, as that means a birthday.

Was a traffic filled start to the day. Why people lay on their car horn thinking that will help is beyond me. No you don't block intersections. Well, most of us don't. Rant over. - Proceed.

YAY! only 5 days - it is coming so fast.

RIGHT? #HornsNotHelpful

@schumigirl and @Lynne G i am so behind on my ladyscaping! So overdue for a mani-pedi. I could probably climb a tree and ward off small animals.
SWA's BD sale starts today.

Pants on wednesday is a good thing...

For that matter on any day :P

Never made it thru a J & C show. He's in some legal trouble re cutting out partners before he made it big as i understand it.

Love it/List on my radar too. Usually watch while on iPad

so - you all really like sw? i have recently been introduced as they just started flying out of atlanta? how is it flying with younger children? have used it twice to vegas - but was solo. I was thinking it MAY be worth the switch from delta if we can realistically reach the companion ticket.

Pants! Ha!

@macraven @keishashadow i love the renovations shows! it sometimes gets depressing though because the prices they quote and reality (at least in atlanta) have quite a drastic gap! LOL.

@keishashadow i am still laughing at the mental visual /movie i have of you sitting in that carwash with the attendant frantically waving and gesturing and you and GD just sitting there with the sound blocked out, maybe singing with the occasional whoosh and falling water.

haven't changed any ressies for our 4th trip hotel yet. tentative plan is disney quest on 7/1, epcot on 7/2 (sunday), move to shades of green 7/5 and commando rope drop insane (mama's gonna need a drink or two) MK on Thursday 7/6 then pool / spa / resort dining / relax until sunday.
Sounds like a fun July plan goND. With commando, adult drinks are a must. stamina and all.

Hot, hot, hot, here. And my pollen sneezing older one. He had a good sneeze last night, and before I could say anything, yeah mom, I know, I did take my medicine. Yeah, but not consistently as he should. This is not a fun time for him. Indoors is also good, as long as there are not live plants or cut flowers inside.

Almost time for lunch, and the walk will be short. Forgot my hat, and the sun has beat down all day. Maybe time to get a iced coffee.
We are planning to go on the 1st!

Good thing you stayed in side. Pollen count is cray cray AND it is HOT!

YAY! only 5 days - it is coming so fast.

RIGHT? #HornsNotHelpful

@schumigirl and @Lynne G i am so behind on my ladyscaping! So overdue for a mani-pedi. I could probably climb a tree and ward off small animals.

so - you all really like sw? i have recently been introduced as they just started flying out of atlanta? how is it flying with younger children? have used it twice to vegas - but was solo. I was thinking it MAY be worth the switch from delta if we can realistically reach the companion ticket.

Pants! Ha!

@macraven @keishashadow i love the renovations shows! it sometimes gets depressing though because the prices they quote and reality (at least in atlanta) have quite a drastic gap! LOL.

@keishashadow i am still laughing at the mental visual /movie i have of you sitting in that carwash with the attendant frantically waving and gesturing and you and GD just sitting there with the sound blocked out, maybe singing with the occasional whoosh and falling water.

haven't changed any ressies for our 4th trip hotel yet. tentative plan is disney quest on 7/1, epcot on 7/2 (sunday), move to shades of green 7/5 and commando rope drop insane (mama's gonna need a drink or two) MK on Thursday 7/6 then pool / spa / resort dining / relax until sunday.
We went to USO over the fourth last year after a week a champions gate for our annual cousin week (the kids.) The parks were not busy nor was WDW from what I've heard and app wait times. Apparently there was an attack threat for the fourth at universal. No fireworks at was weird. The entire pond/lake area at citywalk was surrounded by people waiting for fireworks. Never seen them set off there so we were thinking, wth, we didn't hear about a 4th show. Anyway, no fireworks at all that night.
Chuckers - Happy Birthday a day late!

Keisha - Wow - enjoy your super clean car!

Lynne- Hope the weather improves for you. It sounds like it's either hot or cold! Others have been telling me that their temps were hotter than Orlando's on Sunday and Monday.

Tink - That's so nice that she had dinner ready for you. You've trained her well. Unless I specifically ask, my eldest will just go hungry until I come home.

I've heard SW had good flights to Orlando. I met up with a high school friend at Disney Springs last night. She said her SW flights were just $200 each from Providence, RI. I wish hubby's work travel schedule was more set in stone so I could take advantage of the good rates. I know for certain when he's going to be away for this month but just an estimate for next month.
haven't changed any ressies for our 4th trip hotel yet. tentative plan is disney quest on 7/1, epcot on 7/2 (sunday), move to shades of green 7/5 and commando rope drop insane (mama's gonna need a drink or two) MK on Thursday 7/6 then pool / spa / resort dining / relax until sunday.

Are you going to get a chance to get to Universal in there? I will be at Universal on the 3rd. I've never been that time of year and am going as tour guide for friends so I'm hoping I'm pleasantly surprised about both the heat and the crowds.


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