Something About Nothing............ #14

Sick for 6 weeks after vacation & cruising (no crappy lol), would think one would lose weight. nope, worse now that when I came home. There will be salads In my future.

Edited to keep my posting privileges intact.
Thankfully, we have just been getting downpours. The high winds just starting to blow thru again. Bit of snow tomorrow, then we drop into teens as highs for most of next week.

nothing like the great white north, however, that’s extreme for my ‘burg.

My house waits all year for the playoffs, even if not in the game. A surprise we slunk in to the wildcard playoffs. Think happy thots for us as my team shuffles off to buffalo, just don’t bet the house.

crack a cold one, fry up those wings and have a great weekend all:cheer2:
Good evening. nothing much going on around here. We have a possibility of snow on Tuesday. Of course that is the day my car is supposed to be ready. I really want my car back. I don’t really like the rental I have.

I have started a new cross stitch project. This one is sort of a series. I am stitching 4 of the 6 states in which I have lived. I’m stitching the state where I was born, where I grew up, where B was born, and where I currently live. I’ve made a lot of progress on Alaska, but I’m missing a few colors of thread. I will probably make a trip to Hobby Lobby tomorrow.

I guess all with new insurance this year, issues are plenty.
Yeah. In addition to adding Medicare, we have clients changing companies, and 2 companies merging and changing names… fun times

It is -41 with the windchill here today

It's -24 to -30 with windchill here today. Brrrr................. We get to keep this lovely cold weather for a week, then we get a 5 above zero!!! Yeah, can't wait! (being sarcastic here, lol)
This Georgia girl cannot fathom negative temperatures. I currently live the farthest north I have ever lived (excluding the first 2.5 years of my life which I don’t remember), and I don’t want to go any farther north.

Sick for 6 weeks after vacation & cruising (no crappy lol), would think one would lose weight. nope, worse now that when I came home. There will be salads In my future.
That’s such a bummer. The least you could get out of being sick is a little weight loss. I need to start exercising more. My job and my hobbies are all sedentary.

My house waits all year for the playoffs, even if not in the game. A surprise we slunk in to the wildcard playoffs.
I haven’t been paying much attention to the NFL this season. I don’t think that any of the teams I care about are in the playoffs. Dh will probably want to watch all the games though.
My son and his wife who I absolutely love Is letting me take the night shift from 11:30 to 5:00 to hold their baby tonight

The drove 6 hours to get here
He is two weeks old and so in love with him!

big squeal out of me !!!!
I love babies!

They drove hours to get to our home so we could finally meet him
He is now two weeks old today

I told my daughter in law that this is what i do best
i hold him and sing to him

the 2 cats find him interesting until his binky falls out of his mouth but they run away when he screams

He will get used to the cats or learn how to find his mouth for the binky

This is our first grandchild and we are going ga ga over him

Just a little peanut

Told son I will shop for him tomorrow

Son said any color except pink or yellow

obviously all are sleeping now except the little pea nut and me

tomorrow will be buying him blue and red outfits

I adore little babies
as they don’t know the word no yet….

he has no idea what a cat is yet
And our cats have no idea what he is……

I might have go shopping tomorrow as he needs more binky!
Interesting tibit for you this morning.

Where I am in western Canada we use Celsius to measure the temperature. When it gets to - 40 Fahrenheit evens out with Celsius and then goes past it.

With the windchill it is -42C here this morning which is -44F!! 😨😱🥶🥶🥶

Have a great Friday!!

Heck!!!! We have 0 here again this morning.....cold enough for me!

It's -24 to -30 with windchill here today. Brrrr................. We get to keep this lovely cold weather for a week, then we get a 5 above zero!!! Yeah, can't wait! (being sarcastic here, lol)

lol.....are you excited for the higher temps coming up for you soon......keep cosy and snuggled up Ruth!!!

Sick for 6 weeks after vacation & cruising (no crappy lol), would think one would lose weight. nope, worse now that when I came home. There will be salads In my future.

Edited to keep my posting privileges intact.
View attachment 825293
Thankfully, we have just been getting downpours. The high winds just starting to blow thru again. Bit of snow tomorrow, then we drop into teens as highs for most of next week.

nothing like the great white north, however, that’s extreme for my ‘burg.

My house waits all year for the playoffs, even if not in the game. A surprise we slunk in to the wildcard playoffs. Think happy thots for us as my team shuffles off to buffalo, just don’t bet the house.

crack a cold one, fry up those wings and have a great weekend all:cheer2:
View attachment 825294

Hope the game is good and you win!!

Yes, 6 weeks is enough to be poorly and I agree, why do we never lose weight when we`re like that!!!

Good evening. nothing much going on around here. We have a possibility of snow on Tuesday. Of course that is the day my car is supposed to be ready. I really want my car back. I don’t really like the rental I have.

I have started a new cross stitch project. This one is sort of a series. I am stitching 4 of the 6 states in which I have lived. I’m stitching the state where I was born, where I grew up, where B was born, and where I currently live. I’ve made a lot of progress on Alaska, but I’m missing a few colors of thread. I will probably make a trip to Hobby Lobby tomorrow.

Yeah. In addition to adding Medicare, we have clients changing companies, and 2 companies merging and changing names… fun times

This Georgia girl cannot fathom negative temperatures. I currently live the farthest north I have ever lived (excluding the first 2.5 years of my life which I don’t remember), and I don’t want to go any farther north.

That’s such a bummer. The least you could get out of being sick is a little weight loss. I need to start exercising more. My job and my hobbies are all sedentary.

I haven’t been paying much attention to the NFL this season. I don’t think that any of the teams I care about are in the playoffs. Dh will probably want to watch all the games though.

Look forward to seeing your new projects.

My son and his wife who I absolutely love Is letting me take the night shift from 11:30 to 5:00 to hold their baby tonight

The drove 6 hours to get here
He is two weeks old and so in love with him!

big squeal out of me !!!!
I love babies!

They drove hours to get to our home so we could finally meet him
He is now two weeks old today

I told my daughter in law that this is what i do best
i hold him and sing to him

the 2 cats find him interesting until his binky falls out of his mouth but they run away when he screams

He will get used to the cats or learn how to find his mouth for the binky

This is our first grandchild and we are going ga ga over him

Just a little peanut

Told son I will shop for him tomorrow

Son said any color except pink or yellow

obviously all are sleeping now except the little pea nut and me

tomorrow will be buying him blue and red outfits

I adore little babies
as they don’t know the word no yet….

he has no idea what a cat is yet
And our cats have no idea what he is……

I might have go shopping tomorrow as he needs more binky!

Glad they arrived safely, new babies are so gorgeous to look after!! The cats will adore him after a few days.

Enjoy your time with him, I know you`ve been looking forward to this time with them.

Busy times here!!!

Kyle`s birthday weekend is here.....tomorrow is his actual birthday but we`re following the Keisha`s party celebration style and celebrating for a week 🎉 He was out with all of his work colleagues last night for dinner then drinks in town, running this morning and tonight we have his dinner and then party afterwards, not doing much tomorrow as he is running again, will do presents and make him a nice dinner, then next Saturday we have another dinner for him with us and some friends and their adult kids he is close to.

And he is off Monday as the company gives them a day off for their birthdays, so he chose Monday in lieu of Sunday. Might see if he`s around and take him out for lunch if he`s not doing something else.

Cold here.....not as bad as saskdw and Ruth, but we`ll hibernate the rest of the day till we head out tonight.

Just had bacon and poached eggs with the biggest pot of tea we have, on days like this we do make a lot of pots of tea!

Happy Saturday.


Woot! Mac has a grandbaby. Congratulations. Aww, cats will like soon enough.

Ah that rain did come last night. Was noisy at times. But it’s gone as of very early this morning, giving snow to the NE area this morning. And wind advisory posted. But a nicer weather day, close to 60 the high, even with that wind making it feel cooler.

Then we get the predicted 32 degrees, yes, freezing temp the high temp, when snow is predicted to fall. I am hoping that I will get situational teleworking approved that day, if we do get enough snow, for enough to make driving not as fun as it could be. And in the past, we had late arrivals, no work, or lately, once all had a laptop, teleworking allowed when bad weather. And me, traveling when I should not have, twice, when I did commute every day. Sigh.

Time of year, you know bad weather, cold weather, is coming. But I am thankful to be just enough South, not getting those bone chilling temps like Sue, Pumpkin and Disney. And since February is our coldest, usually, we get an extra day next month to enjoy that cold weather. Hehe, leap year this year.

Ah the weekend is here. Holiday one for us. And one that oddly, all have off, as older one has a floating week schedule, so he has different days off every week. And so, has this Monday off as well. Woot!

DH got up at 4 am to do some volunteer work. The radio alarm went off at that time, and plays for an hour, unless you turn it off earlier. I woke up hearing it, told DH to be careful driving, then went back to sleep. I must have turned off the alarm, but don’t remember it. Or maybe I did. I thought I was dreaming as heard it’s 4:09 and news, when I awoke and looked at my watch, it was 6:30 not 4:09. Funny how your mind works when you are in those different kinds of sleep. And so, my sleep must have been enough disturbed, I didn’t wake up again until 8:30.

Plans? Lazy and ready for that very long hot shower. Little one wanted pancakes today. Guess I’ll make them after I get ready for the day. I know she will not be up, before I get ready for the day. Older one may even beat her waking up, as I usually hear him in another hour, as he gets ready for his work day routine.

Super happy Saturday to all.
Heck!!!! We have 0 here again this morning.....cold enough for me!

lol.....are you excited for the higher temps coming up for you soon......keep cosy and snuggled up Ruth!!!

Hope the game is good and you win!!

Yes, 6 weeks is enough to be poorly and I agree, why do we never lose weight when we`re like that!!!

Look forward to seeing your new projects.

Glad they arrived safely, new babies are so gorgeous to look after!! The cats will adore him after a few days.

Enjoy your time with him, I know you`ve been looking forward to this time with them.

Busy times here!!!

Kyle`s birthday weekend is here.....tomorrow is his actual birthday but we`re following the Keisha`s party celebration style and celebrating for a week 🎉 He was out with all of his work colleagues last night for dinner then drinks in town, running this morning and tonight we have his dinner and then party afterwards, not doing much tomorrow as he is running again, will do presents and make him a nice dinner, then next Saturday we have another dinner for him with us and some friends and their adult kids he is close to.

And he is off Monday as the company gives them a day off for their birthdays, so he chose Monday in lieu of Sunday. Might see if he`s around and take him out for lunch if he`s not doing something else.

Cold here.....not as bad as saskdw and Ruth, but we`ll hibernate the rest of the day till we head out tonight.

Just had bacon and poached eggs with the biggest pot of tea we have, on days like this we do make a lot of pots of tea!

Happy Saturday.


Carole, it sounds like wonderful birthday day and week for Kyle. Congratulations to him:) It sounds like he is going to have a wonderful time. We never got our birthdays off when I worked! That's a nice perk:)
Take care and will catch up after all the celebrating. And, yes, I am trying to stay warm, brrrr.
Hey all, just a bit of snow, blustery to say the least here

haven’t been paying much attention to the NFL this season. I don’t think that any of the teams I care about are in the playoffs. Dh will probably want to watch all the games though
They cancelled our game, now will be monday at 4:30 pm. Announced by governor of NY. Not sure if any others were postponed.

don’t think my good luck chicken wings will hold till Monday, will just (air) fry them up tomorrow
My son and his wife who I absolutely love Is letting me take the night shift from 11:30 to 5:00 to hold their baby tonight
Aw, that‘s great you got to meet the ‘lil!

i’m sure you are whipping up a feast for all. Give the meows a few extra treats and they’ll be fine.
Kyle`s birthday weekend is here.....tomorrow is his actual birthday but we`re following the Keisha`s party celebration style and celebrating for a week 🎉
Way to go! :banana:Let the merriments begin.

on their deathbeds, nobody ever said “I wish I had celebrated my loved ones less”.:teacher:
DH got up at 4 am to do some volunteer work.
Good for him, that gives being an early bird new meaning.

we had a flight change on SWA for April trip I.E. buying opportunity to move our just recently modified late flight down. Not a fan of driving on 417 in the dark. DiL requested we change date to be able to hit the race expo bright and early the next day.

We were able to switch our pp $103 fights to the $414 10 am departure one. I refused to join them on their 5 am flight. Nope, not going to happen for anything but a few night trip. I’d have to leave my house at 2 am. Would be a zombie all day.
And, yes, I am trying to stay warm, brrrr.
Congratulations Mac, on your wonderful new grandson! They are so much fun and so sweet!
I have 6 grands and 2 great grands, and I have loved every minute with them. The best part is that you can send them home after having all the fun with them, LOL. 6 hours away is quite the distance, but I bet you will be putting a lot of miles on your car this year:)

Charade: I hear you about the weather up here. We actually moved as far north as you can get and not be in Canada in MInnesota. We moved from Tennessee where we lived for many years, so this move was a complete surprise and hard to adjust to. Now all our kids and grandkids live here so we are stuck. Won't move away from the family, but I sure miss the weather. We visit my brother who lives in Tn. and soak up the warmth:)
I love your idea of cross stitching each state you have lived in. Can't wait to see what it looks like. I know I said I would post a photo of my Christmas cross stitch, but I completely forgot and didn't even get them out this year:(

Keisha I hope you are feeling better now. I am getting ready to watch the playoffs too:) I'm a big NFL fan and am really upset that the Kansas City/Dolphin game is only on Peacock. I'm not going to pay to see it even though the cost is cheap. It's the principle of the thing for me.

LynneG: I hear you about the cold weather. If it wasn't for the kids/grandkids we would move back to Tn,
At least you don't get the awful subzero temps like we are getting. It's nice you are off work for a holiday and enjoying your weekend.

saskdw: You are the only one who is colder than me, LOL. We can commiserate over these temps. But you know, we do get kind of used to this weather after a while and know how to dress and prepare for it. Hope you get some warmer days:)

I am excited to watch our one playoff game this afternoon. I have green beans, ham, and potatoes cooking, so I don't have to cook tomorrow. On Sunday the day is filled from morning to night with Football! I think I'm in heaven:)

I am going to make a rescue doggie quilt and send it to the new owner. I do Bichon rescue blankets and have been doing it for many years. It's so much fun and the people (and dogs) seem to love them. Since we are unable to adopt a Bichon at this time, this helps me feel better about losing my own bichon. And it's fun to do:)

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend everyone:)
PS: I think I'd better change my name on here. I'm no longer a disney fan, so will have to figure out how to do that.

Since we are unable to adopt a Bichon at this time, this helps me feel better about losing my own bichon. And it's fun to do
That’s a great idea
PS: I think I'd better change my name on here. I'm no longer a disney fan, so will have to figure out how to do that.
I freely admit the mouse owns us.

At least the bulk of our vacation budget. No complaints there. Disney will always hold a special, sentimental place in my heart.
DB903F41-758E-4A9B-B247-FDCBA14C647F.jpeg(Lock, shock & barrel from nightmare before Xmas)

Charade above one of the many ornaments I grabbed for few bucks for myself and Xmas gifts next year

Ordered 3 of these 75% off, have been watching this season. . Do hope they ship. My boys will go ape!
Carole, it sounds like wonderful birthday day and week for Kyle. Congratulations to him:) It sounds like he is going to have a wonderful time. We never got our birthdays off when I worked! That's a nice perk:)
Take care and will catch up after all the celebrating. And, yes, I am trying to stay warm, brrrr.

He has had the best weekend, celebrating with all his friends has been amazing. Not long home from his dinner and party with everyone else, it was fabulous, they all did him proud!!!

Nice touch with the day off for your birthday, not many places do that....I`m so glad he works 9-5 Monday till Friday too....means he can choose anyday off if his birthday falls on a weekend like this year.

Yes, will catch up later tomorrow, and definitely stay warm!!! Hope that Yeti is safe

Hey all, just a bit of snow, blustery to say the least here

They cancelled our game, now will be monday at 4:30 pm. Announced by governor of NY. Not sure if any others were postponed.

don’t think my good luck chicken wings will hold till Monday, will just (air) fry them up tomorrow

Aw, that‘s great you got to meet the ‘lil!

i’m sure you are whipping up a feast for all. Give the meows a few extra treats and they’ll be fine.

Way to go! :banana:Let the merriments begin.

on their deathbeds, nobody ever said “I wish I had celebrated my loved ones less”.:teacher:

Good for him, that gives being an early bird new meaning.

we had a flight change on SWA for April trip I.E. buying opportunity to move our just recently modified late flight down. Not a fan of driving on 417 in the dark. DiL requested we change date to be able to hit the race expo bright and early the next day.

We were able to switch our pp $103 fights to the $414 10 am departure one. I refused to join them on their 5 am flight. Nope, not going to happen for anything but a few night trip. I’d have to leave my house at 2 am. Would be a zombie all day.

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I was ready to catch up with the results tonight!!! Monday will be positive for you....hopefully!!!

Yes, you can never celebrate too much with friends and family.

We know folks that go for the same time of flight we get and leave the house at 2am to get there......nope, overnight at the airport for us every time, worth it.

Love the memes!!

Congratulations Mac, on your wonderful new grandson! They are so much fun and so sweet!
I have 6 grands and 2 great grands, and I have loved every minute with them. The best part is that you can send them home after having all the fun with them, LOL. 6 hours away is quite the distance, but I bet you will be putting a lot of miles on your car this year:)

Charade: I hear you about the weather up here. We actually moved as far north as you can get and not be in Canada in MInnesota. We moved from Tennessee where we lived for many years, so this move was a complete surprise and hard to adjust to. Now all our kids and grandkids live here so we are stuck. Won't move away from the family, but I sure miss the weather. We visit my brother who lives in Tn. and soak up the warmth:)
I love your idea of cross stitching each state you have lived in. Can't wait to see what it looks like. I know I said I would post a photo of my Christmas cross stitch, but I completely forgot and didn't even get them out this year:(

Keisha I hope you are feeling better now. I am getting ready to watch the playoffs too:) I'm a big NFL fan and am really upset that the Kansas City/Dolphin game is only on Peacock. I'm not going to pay to see it even though the cost is cheap. It's the principle of the thing for me.

LynneG: I hear you about the cold weather. If it wasn't for the kids/grandkids we would move back to Tn,
At least you don't get the awful subzero temps like we are getting. It's nice you are off work for a holiday and enjoying your weekend.

saskdw: You are the only one who is colder than me, LOL. We can commiserate over these temps. But you know, we do get kind of used to this weather after a while and know how to dress and prepare for it. Hope you get some warmer days:)

I am excited to watch our one playoff game this afternoon. I have green beans, ham, and potatoes cooking, so I don't have to cook tomorrow. On Sunday the day is filled from morning to night with Football! I think I'm in heaven:)

I am going to make a rescue doggie quilt and send it to the new owner. I do Bichon rescue blankets and have been doing it for many years. It's so much fun and the people (and dogs) seem to love them. Since we are unable to adopt a Bichon at this time, this helps me feel better about losing my own bichon. And it's fun to do:)

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend everyone:)
PS: I think I'd better change my name on here. I'm no longer a disney fan, so will have to figure out how to do that.


Bichons are so cute!! You come from a very talented family for sure.

You`d need to create a new username and lose your post count to change your name....they don`t let you change names on her for some reason.

(catch up tomorrow)

That’s a great idea

I freely admit the mouse owns us.

At least the bulk of our vacation budget. No complaints there. Disney will always hold a special, sentimental place in my heart.
View attachment 825583(Lock, shock & barrel from nightmare before Xmas)

Charade above one of the many ornaments I grabbed for few bucks for myself and Xmas gifts next year

Ordered 3 of these 75% off, have been watching this season. . Do hope they ship. My boys will go ape!

they are cute!!!

i can see why the mouse stilll holds you, there are a lot of positives with Disney.....

We had a lovely evening celebrating Kyle`s birthday. His friends were all amazing and it was a lovely evening, nice dinner and after celebrations too. Late nights all round, so lazy and relaxing day tomorrow.

Will be after lunch before we see him for cards and presents........ 🥰

It seems I`m still being mimicked which is sad to see.

My husband and I have volunteered with various charities for many years, and will continue to do so, we have a genuine passion for helping where it`s needed. Shame it`s being mimicked for points. I never understand the need to mimic or copy others, but must be a sad existance.

Pots of tea, farmers markets, snuggling, volunteering, early rises for sure are a large part of my "something about nothing" conversations......and so much more, but it seems to be a form or mockery for one woman. Hey ho, but very sad. Some folks can never compete with others. Time to stop.



After 1am here on January 14th, so a very happy birthday to the best son anyone could ever ask for, we couldn`t be prouder of the man he has become ❤️


Late nights mean lazy days.........☺️

At my age anyway!!!!

Cold one again today, but it`s been a lovely sunny day which has been nice.

Snack foods for dinner tonight for us, been nibbling cake all day so not really feeling like cooking, snacks will work tonight. Shouldn`t really make another pot of tea as we`ll just nibble on more cake.......oops!!! 🍰

Happy Sunday!!!!
An S day for us. Sister visit, snow squall, and a Sunday.

Day of chilly weather, windy, making that squall giving not so fun travel. We are hoping to go in between that squall coming in the mid afternoon.

And so, kids are not to be seen yet, so DH and I are enjoying some quiet time. Nice when we get to do that.

Ooh, I think I hear older one awake. He’ll meet up with us at sister’s home, as he has to drop off his car for service closer to her than us. So whenever are ready to leave my sister’s place, we’ll follow him, and then all will go home in one car. Service place will call him tomorrow, when it’s done. Then little one and him will go to retrieve his car. Good thing we are all getting to enjoy a lazy Monday.

Super happy Sunday wishes for all.
Snowplow woke me at 6 am. We didn’t get more than an inch or two. Methinks whomever on callout wanted to earn some big bucks.
IMG_4402.jpeg I can’t even imagine

Just two NFL games today. Need to decide what sides to make with the wings. Not feeling a veggie tray for some reason. Most boring weekend breakfast of special K strawberry cereal. dread steping on scale at podiatrist tomorrow & family doc tuesday. Wonder if I can lose 30 # overnight by skipping dessert today? ;)

Happy sunday all. No schools or anyone I know here off work tomorrow. assume no mail or banking services.

been nibbling cake all day so not really feeling like cooking, snacks will work tonight
Let them eat cake!

Happy Birthday to that wonderful son of yours! Did you buy him any running gear this go-round?

Had no idea there was so much running gear out there other than shoes & clothing. Duh
I was puzzled as to seeing the ‘lil‘s outfit for one of the upcoming disney races. Yes, there is a rule you need a different themed one for each of the three lol. At first I thought she had long opera gloves on with one of the unitards that she favors. (who can imagine wearing a unitard in public? Eek). Turns out they were fingerless compression sleeves used in racing. Um, ok, then Lol
Snowplow woke me at 6 am. We didn’t get more than an inch or two. Methinks whomever on callout wanted to earn some big bucks.
View attachment 825801 I can’t even imagine

Just two NFL games today. Need to decide what sides to make with the wings. Not feeling a veggie tray for some reason. Most boring weekend breakfast of special K strawberry cereal. dread steping on scale at podiatrist tomorrow & family doc tuesday. Wonder if I can lose 30 # overnight by skipping dessert today? ;)

Happy sunday all. No schools or anyone I know here off work tomorrow. assume no mail or banking services.

Let them eat cake!

Happy Birthday to that wonderful son of yours! Did you buy him any running gear this go-round?

Had no idea there was so much running gear out there other than shoes & clothing. Duh
View attachment 825800
I was puzzled as to seeing the ‘lil‘s outfit for one of the upcoming disney races. Yes, there is a rule you need a different themed one for each of the three lol. At first I thought she had long opera gloves on with one of the unitards that she favors. (who can imagine wearing a unitard in public? Eek). Turns out they were fingerless compression sleeves used in racing. Um, ok, then Lol

lol....that is quite the snowman!!!

Thank you.....I`ll send him that meme and your wishes!

No, the running group all put together and got him vouchers for a place they all buy a lot of running gear from so we knew not to bother, but he did well from them too!!

Yes, the stuff they have for running is incredible. He wears a kind of harness thing over his shoulders and chest that holds water, energy bars and little pockets for phone and such, he only wears that during longer runs of over 15K, but it is ideal.

A`t imagine!!! But, yes, there are so many things runner use and buy and I can imagine girls will definitely want different outfits and pretty ones too. He only wears different shirts he`s got for running different races when he`s running unless it`s a club event then they all wear the club running top. But, yes, you can spend a fortune.....running shoes and socks alone made me raise my eyebrows when I saw the price, and the running shoes only last a certain distance in miles!!!

And I hate to say it Janet.....I doubt that 30lb will come off overnight!!!! So unfair isn`t it......good luck tomorrow and Tuesday too :)
It’s cold where I am and assume even colder where most of you reside!

This month can have varying weather!

I am looking forward to February and March.

Since we have company staying another night with us, plan on ordering food out again for tonight.

It’s rare that I cook when we have company stay with us
for a few days.
we order our meals out so everyone can have exactly what they want.
Usually order from different places as some want full meals while a few want pizza or junk food.

(Most likely it will be pizza for them but not for me.
A tad tired of pizza since we had it two days ago.)
Quick post before bedtime. My office will be open tomorrow, so I need sleep to deal with all the cancellations we will be getting. We will possibly get a little snow overnight and then it should start snowing again sometime tomorrow afternoon. I went to the grocery today and there was still plenty of milk, bread, and eggs, so I’m guessing this will be a mild storm.

My son and his wife who I absolutely love Is letting me take the night shift from 11:30 to 5:00 to hold their baby tonight

The drove 6 hours to get here
He is two weeks old and so in love with him!
Congratulations. Hope you had a wonderful weekend with your new grandson.

Look forward to seeing your new projects.
Thanks. I should have Alaska finished soon.

Kyle`s birthday weekend is here.....tomorrow is his actual birthday
Happy belated birthday to Kyle.

They cancelled our game, now will be monday at 4:30 pm. Announced by governor of NY. Not sure if any others were postponed.
Smart move. It’s crazy some of the conditions they are expected to play in.

am really upset that the Kansas City/Dolphin game is only on Peacock. I'm not going to pay to see it even though the cost is cheap. It's the principle of the thing for me.
I’m annoyed with Peacock right now. I have the app for the free service, but not the paid. One of my favorite shows used to be available for free, but now they have moved it to the premium service.

I am going to make a rescue doggie quilt and send it to the new owner. I do Bichon rescue blankets and have been doing it for many years.
What an awesome thing to do.

I freely admit the mouse owns us.

At least the bulk of our vacation budget. No complaints there. Disney will always hold a special, sentimental place in my heart.
I have a friend who refers to Disney as a people trap built by a mouse. Every time I think we will take a long Disney break they add something new that we want to see.

We know folks that go for the same time of flight we get and leave the house at 2am to get there......nope, overnight at the airport for us every time, worth it.
2 am? Nope! We are willing to drive a few hours to a different airport if the price is right, but any one over an hour away means an overnight stay.

Wonder if I can lose 30 # overnight by skipping dessert today?
If you can figure that out you will be a billionaire.

Good night all.


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