Something About Nothing............ #14

Hello sunshines! First day since NYE I’ve felt like moving. Family demanded I go to the medical practice’s mini ER a week ago as breathing and coughing really amped up. Turned out whatever gunk I’ve had off & on since 12/1, morphed into bronchitus that lead to bronchospasms. never heard of that, quite scary. Antibiotics & steroids helped immeasurably with the breathing. Still unproductive hacking, told it could take another month to fully resolve.

i need a vacation :duck::rolleyes1

we got our
IMG_2764.jpegi’m in this club. not the snow, it’s that ice that forms first when temps start out in high 30’s that is a challenge

Shout out to those who kept the fires burning here & those who haven’t posted for a hot minute…

robbie & mac - hope you are both doing much better!

New Year’s Day was disappointing. Our football team lost the bowl game. We were crushed by the other team. I kind of wish we had gone to a smaller bowl and then worked our way up to a NY6 bowl in a few years. Dh and I met the team at the airport when they arrived home around 11:15 last night. I was disappointed that there was only one other person besides us to welcome the team back.
at the risk of leaning heavy on the sports cliches…

The fans, being rather new to ’the dance’, may just not have been up to speed on suitably greeting the returning warriors. defeated or not, they still made it to the game & should be acknowledged for their efforts and dedication IMO

Gd got sick on Saturday & Sunday. She felt better yesterday when she woke up. She still had a slight fever and headache on the drive home yesterday. Hopefully she's on the mend now. It is scary when those high fevers spike up and won't go down - even when using both advil and tylenol. It finally broke early Monday morning - then she got a solid sleep after that - along with some snoozing on the car ride home.
an odd phenom, it’s worse when your kids are sick. Multiplied exponentially in my mind when it’s GD. Might be of the they are in your care and you don’t want to let your own kids down sort of thing?
This is the fun time of year when insurance plans change. It’s amazing how many people don’t know that their plan has changed, or, if they do, have no clue what their new insurance company is. This year we are adding Medicare into the mix. This is the first time that LPCs (licensed professional counselors) are able to accept Medicare. We are trying to get both therapists enrolled and understand all the rules and regulations. They don’t make it easy.
only way many of us on Medicare sort of plans know our plans change is if we receive official notice. Especially, the specific/restrictive advantage ones that are tied to retirement benefits & only available to those few.

you have until a certain date to change plans under Medicare each year. Most insurers don’t send out change notices, it’s up to the consumer to educate themselves. this, even tho they are required by law to send out an annual notice. what nonsense.

the notice of change is legally covered by a one page letter or email (if you opted in that way for notification). onus on the consumer to go the old fashioned route and call in & ask for notice on any changes.

ridiculous system IMO. Not complaining tho, my plan has some improvements this year as to drug tier coverage. the type of plan they used to call “cadlilac coverage”, we’d never go shopping for new plan Just would like to know what has changed in the new year Without having to dig for it. Oh well, the system is what it is.

our dermatologist this year has gone from working for one of the large health insurers to being independent. His new office staff called me last week. said it’s been a real nightmare for them re insurance

first, had to apply to the various insurance providers to be accepted. Said Medicare is separate issue, a real bear to slay. They wound up recently hiring a company to handle initial insurance verification for patients, as all had to come in as “new patients’ Into their system.

decision was made it was just too overwhelming for the staff to handle as to the hoops! Wow is all I can say there. :eek: He’s not able to see patients until February unless cash patients as a result.

good luck getting your office into the fold. Sounds like a nightmare of red tape. You deserve a bonus!

While we were talking to the man a skunk wandered across our lawn. I have only seen a live skunk twice before in my life and both times they were someone’s pet.
Supposedly, having skunks lurking is a good thing, as they get rid of other pests. I’d dub that a name your poison sort of thing. I’ve never seen one here, other than roadside. Maybe that’s why it’s like living in the wild kingdom here lol
I blinked...and it was Monday!

Busy weekend working at homecare - so no downtime for me this weekend.

Winter has finally arrived. It was about -13F or -25C this am :cold: And the great news is it will hit -40F / -40C for my birthday :rolleyes2 EVERY FREAKKING birthday is always super cold. One year I will be sitting on a beach chair with a drink in my hand soaking up all the warmth that day bring. Instead this year, I'll be bracing myself for every time I need to leave a warm building then spend the next 2 hrs shivering and tense from trying to warm up. And then people wonder why I HATE winter so much.

I will say that we have had an extremely mild winter until now. I haven't even really had to put my mitts on until this weekend. We could go out in light fall/spring jackets - some days just a sweatshirt or one of those fake flannel coats from Costco everyone is wearing :laughing: But the cold weather makes me extremely grumpy. Even as a little kid - I HATED having to go outside at recess and lunch breaks.

We have booked our warm family winter holiday. We are heading to Cancun - Maya Riviera for 8 days!!!!! I'm sooo freaking happy. WE have the Blake Shelton concert the night before - then fly out the next morning for Cancun. There is a little of something for everyone to do - including the gd.

I spent the rest of the day doing mor stitching. I’m making several small pictures that I am going to leave in random places for others to find. Here are my first 4:
What a wonderful idea!!! Those are cute little stiches.
And my laptop thinks it’s a Monday too
My computer too!!!!
First day since NYE I’ve felt like moving
I am glad you are on the med. I know before and during Xmas the number people calling in sick was crazy! And they were not sick for just a couple days - it took 2-3 weeks for some to be able to come back.

Well, I should go hunt down some papers to shuffle.

Have a great day everyone!
Hello sunshines! First day since NYE I’ve felt like moving. Family demanded I go to the medical practice’s mini ER a week ago as breathing and coughing really amped up. Turned out whatever gunk I’ve had off & on since 12/1, morphed into bronchitus that lead to bronchospasms. never heard of that, quite scary. Antibiotics & steroids helped immeasurably with the breathing. Still unproductive hacking, told it could take another month to fully resolve.
That sounds absolutely miserable. I am glad you are feeling better now and hope it doesn’t linger too long.

at the risk of leaning heavy on the sports cliches…

The fans, being rather new to ’the dance’, may just not have been up to speed on suitably greeting the returning warriors. defeated or not, they still made it to the game & should be acknowledged for their efforts and dedication IMO
The disappointing part was that someone posted to our local university parents facebook page and gave the flight information in case anyone wanted to welcome the team home. I really hope that some more people met the buses when they arrived back at the university from the airport.

only way many of us on Medicare sort of plans know our plans change is if we receive official notice. Especially, the specific/restrictive advantage ones that are tied to retirement benefits & only available to those few.

you have until a certain date to change plans under Medicare each year. Most insurers don’t send out change notices, it’s up to the consumer to educate themselves.
We aren’t even dealing with Medicare yet. I’m talking about the plans people get through their employer. Like if they used to have Cigna but are now with Aetna. I’ve lost count at the number of times I’ve had this conversation or something similar.
Me: Has anything about your insurance changed?
Client: Yes, I have a new insurance company.
Me: Who are you with now?
Client:Uh……I don’t know.
Me: Do you have a new card?
Client: I think so.
(Client then pulls 5 insurance cards out of their wallet, hands them all to me and asks which one it is.)
Thankfully the majority of the clients aren’t like this.

Medicare is uncharted waters for us. The therapists are currently completing their applications and keep coming to me with questions. I am just as clueless as they are. I am compiling a list of questions to ask once I find the right person to ask.
We have booked our warm family winter holiday. We are heading to Cancun - Maya Riviera for 8 days!!!!! I'm sooo freaking happy.
Great idea. I’m ready to go somewhere warm and it hasn’t really gotten cold here yet. I hope you have great weather while you are there.
We have booked our warm family winter holiday. We are heading to Cancun - Maya Riviera for 8 days!!!!! I'm sooo freaking happy. WE have the Blake Shelton concert the night before - then fly out the next morning for Cancun. There is a little of something for everyone to do - including the gd.
Oooh so much fun! We enjoyed the Valentin imperial (no kids lol) so relaxing. First time we had ever done one.

So, when’s the birthday?😉

DH says he know I’m going to survive as I’m starting to whine :p
Pumpkin, have a great time at the concert and lots of sunshine and warm for you in Cancun.

Oh Keisha. What you had to endure with your lungs. Glad you are feeling better. In my area, we have been asked to mask up, given the three viruses in play, Flu, RSV, and the latest version of COVID. Plus, those general cold ones also around. Sigh. I am starting to wear a mask when around people. But I’m sure I’ll still be in the minority.

This afternoon is crawling by, but at least so sunny out. Not warm, but 44 is the high temp though. And my first day back into office this week, is to be a totally rainy day. Joy.
Ah nothing like a degree above freezing and window scrapping to start this morning. While I don’t usually see much traffic, more were on the roads this early morning, as think many want to leave earlier, with the storm coming.

But only saw two others, as I got out of my car, as they were going into the building I do. Most of the time, it’s just me. Most that come in early with me, go to other buildings.

But as going to see 50 degrees by late this afternoon, so all the storm is giving us is rain. And rain it will be. Saying 2 inches of rain to fall today, with the rain not ending until Wednesday morning. Heavy rain at times. Sigh. I may ask to leave early and telework the rest of the day. Where I drive, gets flooded easily. No fun to do that hmm, is it worth it to go across that large amount of flooding on the road.

And yep, back to that week day routine for another year. Sigh. Three days in office. Never thought I’d say, ugh to that. City travel. Did not miss it when I didn’t commute.

And today, it’s the day we say, hey have that taco or two. Well, for me, bought a double pack of tortillas soup, so I’m doing my part. Close enough. Hehe.

So all, have that most happy Taco Tuesday. Yes, the day is here, the day to say hurray, tacos are on the menu today. Woot!

Good morning homies. Ah, tea from okay tasting bottled water.
Still morning, a good one to all here today:flower:

We’ve slush. Lots of slush, that I hope manages to drip off the power lines before it Re freezes

No FIOS offered here, only the new developments have underground utilities.
So what internet provider do you have, Keisha? Took us many, many years to get that fiber optic wiring, but once they did bring it into my neighborhood, both Verizon and Comcast came a knocking.

Lunch was soup, and I’m full. Knew did not want to take a walk in that rain, so walked around building instead. It’s been raining since around 10 this morning, but so far, just a darker green color on my weather radar app. Very gray and rainy looking outside. And Charade, yeah rainy enough we have flood watch issued too.
Xfinity, dba as comcast. Verizon doesn’t service home internet here either. Satellite type is crazy expensive

We have highest tier xfinity offers in our area, bestest router/modem we can buy that works with their system (better than ones they offer to rent) & replace it every two years or so. Running 5gz on everything I can. Do have something things on dual band tho & only direct guests to use that one. They seem to think it’s fast

thinking multi gamers/streamers/security system makes things lag at times for us with peak usage but the tests show it’s running great. :confused3

xfinity only has FIOS emanating out from the city for 10 miles or so, depending on the various topography here (so many mountainous & rural treed areas). Excuse they are giving for none planned in our area: population not dense enough to make it cost effective they don’t want to dig in difficult terrain.
It's Taco Tuesday!!!

We finally got a Taco Bell! It opened last Thursday. We decided to give it a couple of weeks to work all the kinks out and slow down a bit before trying it out. I have NEVER been to taco bell :o There is one in the city where dd lives - but we always go elsewhere when we are visiting there. So I'll have to research what I think I would like to try! I do like mexican - so I'm sure I'll find many items I like.

Quiet night last night. Stayed tight in the house last night. No running to the gym. It's just too cold. So a quick video chat with dd and gd last night. That kid just cracks me up! We were planning on going to the city to visit them this weekend, as it's her birthday next week - but with the temps dropping I don't think we are going :sad1: WE will celebrate it with her when we visit next time.

It has warmed up a teeny tiny bit - and is currently snowing. So it was a slippery drive to work this morning. Drove past one accident on my short commute. Thankfully, it looked minor and everyone appeared to be walking and talking to RCMP who were onsite already. Tomorrow it is supposed to tank to -40 :cold:

Ah nothing like a degree above freezing and window scrapping to start this morning.
Yup...that is always fun - NOT!!!!! Dh always brushes everyone's vehicles off in the morning - usually I only have to do a quick brush - but this morning....quite a bit of snow feel from the time he left than when I left.
We’ve slush. Lots of slush, that I hope manages to drip off the power lines before it Re freezes
Yikes :scared1: Hopefully!!!!
We have rain. Lots and lots of rain. We are under a flood watch until 1:00 a.m.
:eek: I hope it starts to slow down for you!

Well, It's almost time to head out for lunch.

Have a great day everyone!
Ah that mid week feeling day, and another early morning commute I did. I do think many more are back to work now. More traffic seen, even in this early hour now. But still quick enough compared to the afternoon one. And last night’s one, was just plain aweful. Lots of flooded roads, and nasty traffic. Even with an umbrella, I was soaked. Later in the evening, that rain whipped across our home. Loud, heavy downpours a few times. But as the rain is mostly gone, until more on Friday and Saturday.

My school district having a 2 hour delay for the kids. My office? Not a care. At least with still puddles shown, and a broken up road part, that was under construction, that made the car have a most noisy and bumpy ride. But then still wet roads, with some flooding here and there, but not raining, and still very dark out with the heavy cloud cover. Though saying may see some sunshine later today. So, maybe that lunchtime walk.

As today, who do we see?
Ah yes, those camels are sharing the umbrella, given even before that sunshine being seen, rain showers still may be seen this morning. But camels are here to say, yay, on a Wednesday today, the hump of a day feeling, given then that ooh, a fabulous Friday then a day away. You know, that lazy Friday, as perfect 4 day weekend feeling for me this week. Woot!

So hope all have a most Wonderful Wednesday, and hope Keisha is feeling better today.
It's hump day 🐫 woot woot!!!

It finally stopped snowing here. But then again - we had zero snow before this - so I should be grateful for the amazing mile winter we have had. It didn't seem too cold out yet this morning - when I was running from the warm house to the car. Temps are supposed to drop this afternoon into overnight. Gotta love when Santa Land becomes -40 F/-40 C :cold: You can bet I'm only going from a building to a vehicle to a warm building again. Nothing more!!!!

Quiet night again last night. Dh goes to bed early - so it was just me and the remote control. I had a bath to warm up as I just couldn't get warm. Then called to talk to my parents. They sound much better. They contracted covid and were pretty sick. Dad still has a pesky cough that is still hanging on and they are getting their strength back.

Well, I should go find some papers to shuffle around again.

Have a great day everyone!
Ooh what a windy walk it was. Made you chilled just having that wind blowing through ya. 37 mph gusts. Still some roads closed and the bigger river between my state and the next to it, says going to be at the closest to the high level it reached when we had our last huge Nor’Eastern storm, named Sandy.
The rain is gone but is supposed to return on Friday. I am looking ahead to next week. We may get a little snow on Tuesday.

Work has been stressful, trying to navigate the Medicare application process. I will be so glad when the therapists get the applications submitted.

Today I went to Kroger and saw a woman wearing the exact same jacket that I purchased in Alaska (had Alaska stitched on the front) back in 2016.

B has started getting text messages from State Farm about a claim for someone named William. Kind of funny since I have an open claim with them. I called the number I have for my claim and explained the error. I’m guessing that William’s phone number is similar to B’s and someone entered it into the system incorrectly.

That’s all the excitement for my day. Hope everyone else is doing well.
Always fun when you see someone with clothes you recognize, Charade. I guess all with new insurance this year, issues are plenty. Hope office gets less stressful today.

Ah the rain has returned, to make tomorrow’s night a washout. That river crested at high tide higher than when Sandy dumped lots of rain on us. And with more rain to come, I’m sure those flooding from our last rain, will not have a lot of time to dry out before our next round tomorrow’s nighttime.

But as last day of commuting for the week, it was a bit less traffic than yesterday, but almost clear skies, though some foggy clouds seen.

And quiet for the next hour, as most are not early birds.

This, with all the rain, seems fitting today is a Thirsty Thursday. Hope all enjoy a drink here and there, and raise a glass to salute to the fact tomorrow is Friday. Woot!

Good Morning from a diving homie having her car saying icy conditions when car started up. Thankfully, the roads were mostly dry. Hope Pumpkin gets warmer weather, and Keisha feeling much better today.
Just a quick drive thru to wave to all the homies!

Will be happy when weather starts to warm back up again.

I prefer wearing shorts and sandals

Today is coats, hat and gloves weather.


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