Something About Nothing............ #14

Not many more days until Santa brings you presents

Let’s see who gets the bag of coal this year, just kidding

Love a real coal fire.....very cosy and long as someone else cleans it in the

I can think of a few I`d give coal as a gift :rolleyes1


Parcels handed out, had a plethora delivered by other friends, so sitting down to an afternoon cocktail as this is a little like our Christmas Eve as we`re off tomorrow....all lights and trees on, cosy lighting as it`s dark and grey today and will be dark soon anyway.

Nothing else to do except wait.......and relax.
It’s great to have a day you can sleep in a bit!

bet you will enjoy your high temps today
For my area one station says it will be 70 for Christmas and another channel claims it will be 72
Either temp is fine for us

this week we have been off and on at 67-69
No, just rub it in, Mac, one of those Southern ladies now. LoL

But at least will be 50 degrees with some rain, is our forecast. Not too shabby, I’d say.

I hear you Lynne
50 is a good temp where you live
Almost at a heat wave level

when I was in Chicago, we accepted 35 as a delightful break from the usually cold weather around Christmas
Just bobbing in to wish everyone a peaceful, healthy and happy Christmas.

I have had my best friend (who lost her husband recently) staying for a few days. We went to see the Christmas displays at Chatsworth which were beautiful. Also went to our candlelight service at church so very Christmassy.

Our mobile home arrived last week and is now safely parked up in the garden. Towing it home was exciting and we are looking forward to lots of trips away. I have booked six already. Promised L we will sleep over in it next week.

Sadly my brother has tested positive today so they won’t be joining us on Christmas Day. I may be delivering some food over to them if needed but feel for them.

Up and out early this morning to collect our order from the butcher in a nearby village. Lovely to see so many people shopping locally.

From their into town to join another queue at the fishmonger.

Final collection was the cheese/deli store and that was us finished.

Take care of yourselves everyone x
Good morning. Today is the first day this week I didn’t have to get up with the rooster. It’s going to be a day of cleaning and getting the house in order.
We are showing a high of 69 on Christmas Day. I’ll be happy with a warm Christmas.

Getting up with the rooster is vastly overrated.......nothing like a morning snuggle with my husband, beats getting up anyday!

Not bad weather Charade.......and I quite enjoy getting the house all ready for Christmas......hope you`re happy with the flooring.

It’s great to have a day you can sleep in a bit!

bet you will enjoy your high temps today
For my area one station says it will be 70 for Christmas and another channel claims it will be 72
Either temp is fine for us

this week we have been off and on at 67-69

I think we`re getting low 40`s in Scotland for Christmas, don`t mind that as Christmas should be chilly and snowy.....doubt we`ll get the snow though......thankfully, roads up there can be treacherous if it snows. You have the best weather, even in winter....... ::yes::

I can finally say we are done.......had some presents delivered and offered friends some cocktails and snacks as they dropped in, even made mulled wine for those that like it (not for me) and dropped off the last of our gifts to friends earlier.......I hope they laugh when they see one of their joke gifts is a Tide Pen they all love so much!

Watched our favourite version of A Christmas Carol, now watching the Classic White Christmas, yes, with white christmassy cocktail.....not quite sure what`s in it as one of my friends husbands made it before he left.....his last words were......enjoy! It is lovely, I do know there`s rum and coconut in there and I`m not sure what else......but it`s nice.

Packed up and ready to go in the morning......hope to hit the border in time for lunch, then visit mum before heading to the hotel and dinner is booked for us there.

Love Christmas Eve.....Eve.........:santa:
Hello all! The week from hell is finally over and I can enjoy some peace and quiet over this long weekend!

Actually today wasn't bad...I think because a lot of people were off which made for a rather relaxing day.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
Safe travels for Schumi tomorrow morning, and a quiet and relaxing weekend for Metro. Nice, Julie, getting all local food items, and delivery of mobile home. Sorry to hear brother’s positive. Hope he has no symptoms.

Screen viewing and not finding anything of interest. Yeah that kind of night. I do want to go out early to get some steak for dinner. Have a return I can do in that store, so will take it with me to do that first. Then since kids went to produce place today, have fresh potatoes, so will make mashed to go with the steak for tomorrow’s dinner. Tonight’s dinner was eggs with peppers and cheese. Little one had her peppers not cooked, and had rice with some chicken, as she’s not a scrambled egg fan, But the rest of us enjoyed those eggs. Ice cream for dessert, as was feeling like some.

85FC6A7C-B315-4458-82BD-1B5E7AA1592E.jpeg Yep, all the homies, have a good night and a very good sleep. And hope you are sound asleep like me, when I hear little one go to bed around 4 am like she did this morning. Yeah, college break. Uh huh. Older one will be in bed closer to me, as he’s got an earlier work start time. Guess because his work, like other places, are closing earlier than normal for a Friday. He’d be lazy tomorrow too, so it’s better that he gets some pay for the holiday hours he is working.
Anyone watch The Ricardo’s yet? On prime now. Haven’t had a chance.
Our meal will be simple this Christmas.
Meat, a vegetable, mashed potatoes and a store bought turtle pie.
sounds simply delicious to me! I’m still confused as to thot of turtle pie…a caramel/pecan type or cheesecake something or other?

I try to be sensitive to this since I have a December birthday too
did i miss it?

Last minute spreadsheets of information and all that jazz.
I’m down for any excuse for

So far, they are predicting 82F for us on xmas day.
you win the Xmas day temperature lottery! Last year we had a white Xmas, this year at least 50 degrees too. Yesterday & today, it struggled to break freezing temps
that it starts Friday for everyone indoors.
yep, I don’t remember them enforcing masking when entering ride queues last ‘go-round.
Also, who has ever heard of winter allergies
me :) not plant related after a hard frost here but plenty of other stuff Including pet dander (my oldest DS’s family just back from their Orlando trip-their sweet cuddle puppy Chihuahua had me snorfling for over a week. The mr scrubbed the carpets this afternoon, seemed to help.).
Let’s see who gets the bag of coal this year, just kidding
i have a tin of coal that has been making the rounds of my kid’s stockings since they were kids lol. I try to get them all that ‘coal’ candy each year too as a gag. Gift. This year, found sour patch variety. Sounds suitably disgusting :)
Is it wrong for me to say weather will be 70 on Christmas for us?🤷‍♀️
heck, no! Enjoy
Our mobile home arrived last week
i had to read that twice. here, they are residences; I’m guessing it’s more of what I think of as a RV (recreational vehicle)?
Sadly my brother has tested positive today so they won’t be joining us on Christmas Day. I may be delivering some food over to them if needed but feel for them.
hope he has a light case and is better soon.
I can finally say we are done...
good for you! I’m still trucking lol.
Good evening everyone. Just a quick stop in. Today we cleaned house and paid off the balance of the floor. Tomorrow I will take some final pictures.

It’s great to have a day you can sleep in a bit!
I enjoyed it. I can sleep in tomorrow too.

Just bobbing in to wish everyone a peaceful, healthy and happy Christmas.
Merry Christmas! Sorry that your brother won't be able to join you.

Not bad weather Charade.......and I quite enjoy getting the house all ready for Christmas......hope you`re happy with the flooring.
It looks great. So much nicer than the nasty carpet we had.

now watching the Classic White Christmas,
One of my favorites.

Hello all! The week from hell is finally over and I can enjoy some peace and quiet over this long weekend!
Enjoy your long weekend.

Alarm turned off. Yay! Yes, house is ready, gifts are too, but my kids are at the age, neither will be up when I am. Don’t expect the paper to be ripped until around lunchtime.
Usually B is a sleep till noon person when she is home, but she will be forced to get up earlier on Christmas day.

did i miss it?
December 16. I posted TSO concert pictures.

I finally got the family together for a movie night. I am introducing them to Home Alone tonight. I can understand how B has never seen it since it predates her, but I was really surprised to find out dh hasn't seen it.
:wave2: Finally getting to make a stop in.

Finished up work today. I am done until Jan 4 (I think). I will enjoy every minute.

Kids arrived safe and sound with frazzled nerves - but they made it.

Finished picking up the last minute groceries and alcohol. Hit the alcohol store today as tomorrow it will be a freaking nightmare. I did forget the bacon :eek: :sad2:. I forgot my list at home. Good thing I don't need until Saturday and youngest works at the produce section for the early early shift. I told him to check his phone before heading home if we need any last minute item.

it wrong for me to say weather will be 70 on Christmas for us?🤷‍♀️
Can I come join you? We will be hovering at a balmy -35F. Only 55 days until Florida!!! Enjoy those temps! I know I certainly would!
We are showing a high of 69 on Christmas Day. I’ll be happy with a warm Christmas
Enjoy those warm temps! Hope you get a few more days of sleeping in as well.
Sadly my brother has tested positive today so they won’t be joining us on Christmas Day. I may be delivering some food over to them if needed but feel for them.
I hope he has a mild case. It sure does put a damper on festivities. Sil's brother just tested positive as well. They are a young family, so that really sucks for them. His wife LOVES Christmas and everything about it. So far, they are not too sick with it.
Packed up and ready to go in the morning......hope to hit the border in time for lunch, then visit mum before heading to the hotel and dinner is booked
Yay!!! Enjoy your time there!

Well, I should go check on GD. Kids are out visiting with friends tonight before they are locked into spending time with only family. Some restricted have happened, so no late nights out socializing anyways. They shouldn't be too much longer.

Have a great Christmas Eve everyone. Enjoy the holiday no matter how you celebrate!!!`ll get there!!! You`ve been so busy, it`ll all be worth it though.......have a blast with your lovely family!!

Charade........hope you all enjoyed Home Alone......Home Alone 2 is just as good, if not better than the first which is unusual........and glad you love the flooring.

Pumpkin......forgot the bacon :scared1: lol......have the best time!!

Up very early again as we set off soon, pitch black but looks like it`ll be misty for most of the journey which means won`t be breaking any records for travel time. Once breakfast is out of the way, a very early breakfast for me which means I`ll be starving by 10am........we`ll set off. So excited to see everyone over the next few days.

We have housesitters while we`re away, they won`t be here till lunchtime, so we`ll miss them, but they know the house as they`ve stayed before......always happy to help them out as their home is still not fully finished! They were supposed to move in 3 weeks ago, but delays with building materials and workforce issues are just causing such a backlog. I think they`ll be in for February now.

Hopefully not too many trucks or slow moving caravans on the road at this time of the year, they`re a nightmare on roads where there`s nowhere to pass them as they drawl along.

I love Christmas Eve, one of my favourite days of the year.........:santa:





Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with family, friends and good times all around you 🎅
Yay Schumi should be almost there now.

Yeah, so much for me sleeping in late. But tea is ready, and wash in, so that is humming along. And gee, little one, still not to bed yet. Gas place we use opens at 6, so I told her an all night we means she could pump gas for me. Deer in headlights look. Well, if Starbucks is open soon after that, she’s probably change her mind.

But yay today,

And yes,

Woot! A most Christmassy, Fabulous Friday homies. Get those binoculars out. Santa sightings in the wee hours. NORAD radar usually shows, so google and take a peak where that radar shows the sleigh.

Abd so, we have milk and bread. We are going for some steaks, and gas for the car. I’d much rather be early for both errands.

Yay, Pumpkin will have a more full house. Charade will be enjoying those new floors this Christmas, and Keisha gets to enjoy that 50’s temps, with us, that temp includes rain chances. Hehe, my mom had that lump of coal candy ready for stockings for years. If sour patch ones, little one will be happy to eat those. She had some the other day, as I had bought a small bag of them. Promptly eaten entirely by her.

Beep, means wash needs to be tossed in dryer. And tea refill too. What? You’re going to bed now? Guess solo out and about.
May the Xmas force be with us all!

sounds as tho all Are on track for a wonderful holiday!

charade I missed that post! Will go back when I have a sec to enjoy the pics. We’ve seen them every years for ages until recently. They started to roll thru town after Xmas ??? Just not the same vibe for me then. Had tix in my cart tho this year but, something told me not to buy them. Just as well as my mr has a procedure scheduled that day

have a good day all!


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