Something About Nothing............ #14


Always a bottle ::yes::



And a good Saturday morning from wet and windy UK.

Storm hasn`t quite arrived, but near where my mum lives on the West Coast has a camera in the harbour I can watch, and it is wild over there.....ferry has been cancelled most of the I guess we`ll get it later today into tonight.

Or it could be a big damp squib.

Spent all morning baking and have quite a collection. Just had a mid morning cup of tea with a cherry scone....we stopped at one each! But, they are lovely......will hand some in to the farm close to us, the farmer`s wife is getting a little old to bake as much as she used to. Now, she was a magnificent baker!

Rest of the day will be spent just mooching the office right now looking out at trees billowing, but not as bad as forecast so far. May watch a movie this afternoon.

Dinner is the same as last night.....we still have plenty of continental meats, shrimp and all other little bits and pieces......Kyle is out again for dinner so just us. Will just eat in the kitchen tonight rather than set dining room table....

Anyhoo.......have a wonderful Saturday whatever you`re doing and safe travels to our Keisha and Mr Keisha.......:wave2:

Ah, never a day to sleep in late. Oh well. And yep, DH left for work, came back in for more clothes to put on. Yep, we are in the hurts my face club weather today, too. I said, you do know it is 12 degrees out. Sigh, and sunrise was a few minutes ago, no sun streaming into window yet. They did say sunny start on the news this morning.

Pretty flowers Schumi, and yum, I will be over for tea and scones. Tea for me, as it is cool, and well, I drink tea in the morning (and can most of the day).

Sounded like a fun day, yesterday, Dix. Hope you get some park time in, this weekend.

Yum meal Keisha posted. Happy you are enjoying your anniversary in style.

And a hehe,


Yo homies, super Saturday!

And hope Charade is having a better day, well wishes of mummy dust sent.
It’s the weekend!

I don’t know why that makes me happy ..
All my days are weekends

I thought weekends meant bacon
Schumi has spoiled us
I’m used to her big breakfast

Disxuni, I’m sure you will find another job soon!
So enjoy the few weeks you will have before you add back in the work force again

Keisha will soon be enjoying sunshine
It’s a whole lot better weather in Orlando for her than back north

A:wave: to all the homies today
May your weekend be great
It’s the weekend!

I don’t know why that makes me happy ..
All my days are weekends

I thought weekends meant bacon
Schumi has spoiled us
I’m used to her big breakfast

Disxuni, I’m sure you will find another job soon!
So enjoy the few weeks you will have before you add back in the work force again

Keisha will soon be enjoying sunshine
It’s a whole lot better weather in Orlando for her than back north

A:wave: to all the homies today
May your weekend be great

Us too mac.......everyday is the weekend for us........:cheer2:

You’ll still smell the aroma of bacon as we had it for lunch today......Tom had bacon and sunny side up eggs......I had bacon brie and cranberry grilled sandwich........lush!!!!

Washing it down with a big mug of for mac and Scones with tea for Lynne.......:thumbsup2

Sun is shining a hoolie though......heavy rain predicted later this afternoon........
Morning everyone!
Schumi... you've been busy! I'm just drinking my second cup of coffee and have not managed much yet this morning.

Lynne, it is COLD today! Thankfully the wind is calm and my face didn't freeze when I took the dogs out.

Hope everyone is well today and Charade is getting better.

I wound up having a really nice time last night! I am not a bar person and this place was was more a restaurant and smoke free, which was good. The band played a lot of "oldies" (Stones, Doors, Starship AC/DC) so my daughter's boyfriend's mom and I sang along to a lot of the songs. It was fun and I'm glad my kids are adults and past the "moms soooo embarrassing" stage! LOL!

Off to start laundry.....
Morning everyone!
Schumi... you've been busy! I'm just drinking my second cup of coffee and have not managed much yet this morning.

Lynne, it is COLD today! Thankfully the wind is calm and my face didn't freeze when I took the dogs out.

Hope everyone is well today and Charade is getting better.

I wound up having a really nice time last night! I am not a bar person and this place was was more a restaurant and smoke free, which was good. The band played a lot of "oldies" (Stones, Doors, Starship AC/DC) so my daughter's boyfriend's mom and I sang along to a lot of the songs. It was fun and I'm glad my kids are adults and past the "moms soooo embarrassing" stage! LOL!

Off to start laundry.....

Glad you had a nice night last night.......I love a good night out with good music! And I still love when Kyle gets a “little” embarrassed lol.....he’s so used to me singing along though to music......

And yes a non smoking environment is thing that happened over here was when pubs, bars and restaurants all went smoke free.......thankfully not one of our friends smoke.....they‘d be banished as far away from the house as possible if they hate cigarette smoke with a passion.

Have a great day mrose.......
@Charade67 Hope you feel better soon! Also, I won’t tease you for The Monkees. If anything my mom would. She goes, “Really you like this?” When I listen to them, or just Dave Jones. I guess, because maybe it’s more “cheesier” than other things. Also, I think it’s genuine surprise as well. A different band/singer, but I also like to randomly sing “I Think I Love You” to my parents and they’re like, “Oh, God.” But I also had it stuck in my head I think that tim
I have loved the Monkees since I was a little girl. One of our local TV stations had their show in syndication. I used to come home from school every day and watch the Monkees. I occasionally get teased about it. A lot of people don't realize that they had some of the best song writers in the business. (Neil Diamond, Carol King, Boyce & Hart just to name a few.) I finally got to see them in concert (well, 3 of them) back in 2011. I still regret not paying extra for the meet and greet. Davy died the following year.

And hope Charade is having a better day, well wishes of mummy dust sent.
Hope everyone is well today and Charade is getting better.

Thanks y'all. I finally got a somewhat decent night's sleep last night. I am going to have another lazy day today and probably tomorrow. If I could just get rid of this annoying cough.

..I hate cigarette smoke with a passion.
Same here. I have this weird thing with my nose where if I am around certain smells for too long I will continue to smell them even long after I have left that environment. Cigarette smoke is the worst offender.
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And yes a non smoking environment is thing that happened over here was when pubs, bars and restaurants all went smoke free.......thankfully not one of our friends smoke.....they‘d be banished as far away from the house as possible if they hate cigarette smoke with a passion.
Our bars and restaurants are also smoke free, however a lot of bars around here allow smoking... go figure! I won't usually go anywhere near smoke if I can help it.

There's a cigar bar near us that is highly rated for food and the vibe is very much like Wine Bar George in Disney Springs. I haven't been there yet because of smoke, but they are supposed to start a new weekend brunch with no cigar smoking (yay!) and a Build-Your-Own-Bloody-Mary bar. I may try it soon. I LLLOOVVVEEE a good Bloody Mary!

Charade, I'm glad you're getting some rest!
Good morning. A cold, 39 and rain. Yuck. The rain makes it feel colder I feel.
Fortunately I slept last night. I hate those nights where I wake up at 2 or 3:00 and can’t get back to sleep. But those nights are less since I retired. I guess because I’m not thinking ugh, have to get more sleep, have to get up at 6:00 for work.

Yesterdays lunch get together was lovely as usual. I think we’ve been friends for 38 yrs now. Even though we’re spread out living in different communities we find middle ground locations and make it work.

Oh the horror :scared: we woke up this morning and realized we’re out of bacon.

House cleaning today for me. Then my Mr’s birthday dinner with friends and family. Cooking steaks on the bbq, we use ours year round. Hope it stops raining by tonight but the bbq is under cover. I think I’ve succeeded on surprise birthday dinner. He doesn’t suspect anything yet, maybe because birthday isn’t till Friday and its not unusual for us to have people over for Saturday dinner.

Happy Anniversary, @keishashadow! Also, happy late VDay all! Yesterday decided to hang with one of my good friends all day.

Thanks @Sue M for the well wishes!

@Charade67 Hope you feel better soon! Also, I won’t tease you for The Monkees. If anything my mom would. She goes, “Really you like this?” When I listen to them, or just Dave Jones. I guess, because maybe it’s more “cheesier” than other things. Also, I think it’s genuine surprise as well. A different band/singer, but I also like to randomly sing “I Think I Love You” to my parents and they’re like, “Oh, God.” But I also had it stuck in my head I think that time. :laughing:

Also, those are some sweet roses and good looking eats!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
I‘m hearing Last Train to Clarksville in my head now lol!

It’s the weekend!

I don’t know why that makes me happy ..
All my days are weekends

I thought weekends meant bacon
Schumi has spoiled us
I’m used to her big breakfast

Disxuni, I’m sure you will find another job soon!
So enjoy the few weeks you will have before you add back in the work force again

Keisha will soon be enjoying sunshine
It’s a whole lot better weather in Orlando for her than back north

A:wave: to all the homies today
May your weekend be great
Hi Mac! I think it’s a holdover for sure from our working days! I still think, yay it’s the weekend too, lol.

Us too mac.......everyday is the weekend for us........:cheer2:

You’ll still smell the aroma of bacon as we had it for lunch today......Tom had bacon and sunny side up eggs......I had bacon brie and cranberry grilled sandwich........lush!!!!

Washing it down with a big mug of for mac and Scones with tea for Lynne.......:thumbsup2

Sun is shining a hoolie though......heavy rain predicted later this afternoon........
Sign me up for bacon breakfast! Can’t believe we ran out!

I have loved the Monkees since I was a little girl. One of our local TV stations had their show in syndication. I used to come home from school every day and watch the Monkees. I occasionally get teased about it. A lot of people don't realize that they had some of the best song writers in the business. (Neil Diamond, Carol King, Boyce & Hart just to name a few.) I finally got to see them in concert (well, 3 of them) back in 2011. I still retreat not paying extra for the meet and greet. Davy died the following year.

Thanks y'all. I finally got a somewhat decent night's sleep last night. I am going to have another lazy day today and probably tomorrow. If I could just get rid of this annoying cough.

Same here. I have this weird thing with my nose where if I am around certain smells for too long I will continue to smell them even long after I have left that environment. Cigarette smoke is the worst offender.
I used to watch the Monkees too! Loved them. A school friend looked so much like Peter Tork! Back in the day lol.
Hope you get rid of the cough. Don’t know if steam would help but worth a try?

I can’t stand cigarette smoke either. And it wrecks havoc in my sinuses. So glad it’s been banned here in public facilities.
Thanks for the kind words, @macraven! I know it will work out.

@Charade67 At least you got to see them before he passed. I’m sure he sounded good. I remember in the parody Brady Bunch movie he made an appearance and sounded good. That was the mid 90’s.

@Sue M One time I had Daydream Believer stuck in my head for a week. 😆
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Charade, glad you had a good nights makes such a difference to getting better if you can sleep. Yes, smoking is disgusting and I hate even being close to a smoker......can they not smell it??

mrose, we’re the same.....avoid smokers and smoke at all costs. Everywhere food/drink wise here is non smoking.....but they allow smoking outside in small beer during the summer we can’t sit outside as all the puffers are out there.......but, least inside it’s better. I had to leave a ride line once as the folks in front of us all reeked of smoke.......gross.

So, storm did hit us for a couple of hours was quite spectacular.......highest winds for a long time.....rain/hail/snow all at the one time swirling around our house......and some spectacular thunder and lightning.......almost Florida like......

We have a huge bay window in our bedroom, so we all pulled up a chair there and watched it till it passed out to sea. All seems calm now, but tomorrow has to be wilder again. Won’t matter to us as we’ll be home and no need to be going out.

Watching John Wick movies tonight......first two of them.......can’t blame the guy, they killed his dog!!! Good movies even though I’m not a Keanu Reeves fan usually.

Once the 2nd movie is done.......bed.........
Well, house cleaned, floors mopped, table set! I think people should be arriving in 30 min. I’m a bit nervous, hope the birthday surprise goes well.

Schumi love storm watching! On the west coast of Vancouver Isl it’s big tourism in the winter months. In fact my youngest and her fiancé are heading there next week.

Disney Life :wave2:
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Oh, glad the storm is over for you, Schumi. Hope you have a good night’s sleep.

Well, we did have quite the sunny day, with clouds coming in later in the day. Cool out, and some grocery shopping done, so steak on the grill with lots of green vegetables, broccoli, green peppers, and green beans. Mashed some sad looking taters too, as only 2 small ones left, so cooked them, mashed them. Was a good way to finish off the bit of milk too.
Now just relaxing, no need to move from out of the blanket.:-)

And a very happy birthday to Sue’s DH. Lucky guy to have dinner with family and friends to celebrate. I’ll keep the surprise.

@Lynne G thanks for the birthday wishes for the Mr! Looks like you had similar dinner to us. But only 4:40ish here. So dinner will be awhile. Bbq steak with mushrooms & minced bacon. Yes, a bacon run was made to the store! Lol. Roasted little Potatoes, and a big salad. Chocolate cake with icecream for desert.
Hi everyone...It has been a busy and up and down week. The weather got cold today here, but was manageable.

We went to a 99 restaurant tonight for my birthday since , I really didn't want to cook. Normally Brian would cook me dinner but we got the plummer to come over and one thing led to another and Brian had to unexpectedly work on the bathroom project. The teens went with us and it was nice. They got me a book and a gift card, Brian and I don't exchange. However, for Valentine's Day he bought me a balloon with a great card so that made my night.

Thank you everyone for the kitty well wishes. It has been a busy week bringing him back and forth to the vet. He does have lymphoma it is kind of like a stage 2, so becaue he is on the younger side we are going to go with some treatments and see how it works. He goes Wedeneday for his first treatment, Brian and I will go with him. He is staying in my room right now, I usually don't let the cats in because they disturb me, but he needs to be watched for awhile. He is probably one of the better ones.

Realator came today and went through the house with us. He gave us some great tips to help sell it faster. We are going to be able to list it for what we want which is in the Market Value so it should sell faster. He said we will have no problem selling it. We were happy about that.

MRose it is nice to meet you. I am so glad you moved in with us. This is a great second home and welcome! I liked your pic of the doggy with the vest.LOL

Charade hope your feeling better. I loved the monkees also. I use to watch their television show when I was younger. Oh and I loved your Welcome Back Kotter reference it was perfect!!

Schumi Sounds like you were busy with baking yummy stuff. I am a good cook but can't bake to save my life. Your flowers were beautiful, and I loved the beach pic. Glad your storm is over! Brian likes the John Wick movies.

Sue Happy Birthday to your DH, I hope the dinner was awesome! Your monthly massage sounds nice so glad you found something to help. I may start doing that soon.

Monykalyn Glad to see you. How awesome all those traveling plans will be. It's awesome you were able to give your DD a great grad gift. I am glad that we didn't have to look at too many colleges. I hear your on the half century I am there plus 2 years!

Dis I am sorry to hear about your job. I hope that you find something that you are happy with soon. I am glad that you felt appreciated by someone it really makes a difference.

Keisha nice pic! I hope you have a great trip and make many happy memories!

Lynne Loved the Ice age meme! He is one of my favorites. It sounds like you had a nice dinner, love it on the grill. I hope you stay warm, I use to love blankets until hot flashes found me!!!

Mac I hope you are having a great weekend! I hope your kitties are doing good! I know what you mean now when you say your kitties wake you up LOL . Thanks for asking about mine!

Pumpkin that sounds great that they are going to stay a week with you. A week worth of cuddles is awesome!

:wave:to all the rest of the SANS family have a great night!!
Yay for Sue's dh bday surprise! Hope it was a good one.
Day started at 5 am when DH got up to let crying dog out. Back into kennel, quiet until 5:30 so i got up with him-lil dude was hungry. Coffee for me and another quick out for him then we both crawled into spare bedroom bed and fell back asleep until boy child got up and made noise 3 hours later. Puppy just needs snuggles I guess-tossed an old blanket on top of the quilt and he slept tucked against my legs.
Did get to some house cleaning too-bathrooms mostly, will do rest tomorrow. DH got the dryer line/vent cleaned out-a multi hour job, with trip to hardware store. whoooboy did a lot of clotted dust junk come out!! Maybe the dryer will work now as it was taking hours upon hours to dry a single load.

Was quite a bit warmer but still breezy today. Nice to be able to let chickens out, and not have to bundle up so much to go out.

Otherwise a noneventful day. Saving up for next weekend when it is Chili cookoff, have lots of family and friends coming into town.

Charade hope that cough goes away soon!! have dealt with that nagging cough off/on for 5 months now.

Everyones dinners sound yummy-leftover night around here as fridge is full again.

Got the latest J Kellerman book (Alex Delaware series) on the kindle calling my name-along with bed and a cup of tea I think...


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