Something About Nothing............ #14

Yep, Charade, I’d get a lawyer involved and get that POA changed solved then later, and make the aunt turn over all mom’s money, and any checks she received for mom’s Medicare account. Sad aunt is not doing the right thing for your mom. Hope your mom is okay, and is released tomorrow.

Sunday evening soon. Kids asked what’s for dinner. Yeah, it’s a eat out of the refrigerator, as between leftovers from yesterday‘a dinner, and the shopping we did today, the refrigerator is packed. I know I’m going to make a turkey bowl, with mashed taters and stuffing, under some turkey.
I made a dinner yesterday of prime rib
Just enough for Mr Mac and I was left over for it to be dinner for us tonight

Now tomorrow will need to shop
Might try for chicken…as we have had enough of red meat the past few days
Ah, did sleep well. Thanks for porch light. Clear enough to have snowy conditions right now. I see flurries our the windows. Just a degree above freezing, so what a change. Then rain, snowy mix, and snow today. Kinda fitting for that back to routine for many of us. And then there’s little one, still on break, and still not to bed yet. To be young, or old enough, to fall asleep in the evening, and be awake in the early hours. But as known to be that early bird, I was asleep not much after my normal earlier bedtime, to be up early, with at least a decent hours of sleep.

Routine I am, tea it is. And a hello to little one. Sigh. But at least it’s a very short week of routine week days.

And so,
9C7FB44F-3224-4463-860C-767D92877D46.gif Haha!

Make it a Marvelous Monday homies. And wow, the last Monday of 2021. Time does really go by fast. And what a year. Though ending right for many, as a Friday is NYE. If ever a reason to party on a Friday night. ::yes:::charac4:party:
Morning all, may need to look into building an ark here. Amazing Christmas :)my boys were full of brotherly love (those who have multiple spawn will feel me here lol). all gifts were well-received. Jr presented me with a beautiful necklace, mother & child sort of gift I never expected to receive, happy tears did flow.
So it seems that our flooring people had to disassemble our bed when they laid the flooring in the bedroom.
Yikes, that was quite inconvenient For you. However, i had no idea flooring installers moved furniture. Everytime we had carpet laid, had to move it around ourselves. Usually outside, praying it didn’t rain that day lol
What my friends don’t know is that I just bought one for myself a couple of weeks ago. Oh well, it never hurts to have an extra.
haha 2 pi(s), so now you are a Tauist?
Been watching football today and just about football out now
(Well, after the present game is over I’ll be watching the next game)
Blasphemy :p, there is no such thing as too much football

did u see the new cast for Law & Order? Squeeeeeeee. Sam waterson & Anthony Anderson :worship:
although I imagine it's not as bad as it used to be before online sales changed the game.
could be but, people still do return B&M stores. I’m thinking many here are hunkering down due to covid infection rates.

needed to run out & pick up a delayed xbox @ Best Buy & return pair of nike kicks ordered online that came with the security tag still attached. football game was on late, decided to wait until 1 pm. literally didn’t see a soul in Kohls & no more than 6 people ahead of me in line at BB.
Who has left over pie?
pumpkin & Swiss cake roll here that I was informed I was ‘gutting’. Guilty i guess, only like the filling & the Ganache. Next time may just make a bowl of each & hand out spoons as we aren’t real big on that dark chocolate sort of cake
Then on to Oklahoma to visit my dad and drop off our son.
you going to go back & get him lol. JK. quite the road tripping for you.
We had our country Christmas breakfast for dinner. My sister brought two beautiful fruit trays with dips. I baked two hams, hash brown casserole, scrambled eggs and cheese, biscuits and sausage gravy and cinnamon rolls. Our granddaughter brought some monkey bread (cinnamon pull-apart bread). Everyone enjoyed the meal.
yuuuuuuuuuum. A good sausage gravy is hard to find. Most I’ve eaten are so thick u could stick a spoon upright in them & taste so flour-y (is that a word?).
I needed to stay home to cook and make sure no cat fights happened on my watch
the sentinel :)
My aunt is claiming that she is not sure where she put the money (CD, money market, etc.) and they she didn't receive any paperwork and she is not getting statements from the bank. I call BS. I told my sister to tell her if she didn't get us this information then I would get the police involved. My aunt responded by sending me a text stating that she is in charge of my mom's money and medical care and she will be keeping Mom's money to pay her expenses. This is all a big mess since my aunt still legally has POA. I am just so frustrated with everything.
on so many different levels the alarm bells are pealing.

Suggestion for you to now place a call to the hospital, requesting that social services at the hospital intervene/assess the situation as there are concerns for your mom’s safety via returning home under these circumstances.

In our state it’s my understanding that most hospitals have notaries on call to help facilitate revocation of POAs

good luck
Heck, I’ll trade ya the snow flurries, Keisha. Aww, sweet gift from DS. Glad to hear all good, even if soaking outside with all the rain. Yeah, wet weather day for us too, and colder.

I think little one went to bed after I said hello. Just got a hello from older one. I guess he’s awake now. I think he works from just after lunch until late night closing. Guess he’ll eat some early lunch before he leaves. Definitely a trash day, as heard a couple of trash trucks already. Yeah, feels like a Monday. Ordered on Target, so will drive up when I’m done for the day. Should be ready by then.

Quiet enough, so happily enjoying more tea.

Hope this Monday feeling Monday is going great for you, and will send an ark to Keisha. May have some icy parts on it. It’s now 36 degrees, and drizzling. Yuck! Or 🦆. Quack! Haha.
No politics in play here, let’s deem it pure frustration on my part…

My mom is under another yet another 15 day covid quarantine. She’s Double vaxx’d, they didn’t do boosters at her nursing home, yet. They are so fragile, it’s a given that the elderly & those with underlying conditions are ripe pickins’ for breakthrough cases.

upon my persistent questioning, it was admitted that the nurses aide who tested positive today is unvaxxed. It’s really difficult to be understanding upon hearing this has happened, yet again at the home. We are talking at least five instances of this there since the end of November in my Mom’s large community. It’s said to be ‘the best’ in western PA.

God help those at the other facilities we visited when placing her. it’s basically the same sad story at them all. Told there are just not enough essential workers in the potential pool of new hires from which employers can pick & choose, wisely.

I’m sure this wasn’t this specific employee’s intent:confused3, likely the result of ignorance & lack of state mandates (due to how they report their employee counts). however; it does strike me that there’s nothing quite like gifting‘ your co-workers & an entire hall of helpless dementia/Alzheimer’s patients under your care, the joy of getting at least 4 rapid tests over the next two weeks, at the bare minimum.

Our greatest generation has already been through so much hardship & sacrifice in their lives.:sad1: They’ve just got to come up with a better system to protect them & the dedicated essential workers (thank you for your service!) who are caring for them at the end of their journey.
Morning all! I guess today is the start of the great store return...although I imagine it's not as bad as it used to be before online sales changed the game. I remember LONG lines in stores of people who were returning or exchanging something they received...the stores were also crazy with the "After Christmas" sales starting and people looking for deals. Different time period I guess.

Have a good day!

Hey buddy......hope you had a lovely Christmas and a relaxing time........I detest sales and they are my worst nightmare being stuck in among folks fighting over stuff.....but, I do have friends who love them.......

I have leftover pumpkin and apple pie plus some leftover chocolate eclair cake.

My day just got interesting. My sister called to tell me that Mom is in the hospital. She was complaining about chest pains, slumped over, fell out of her chair, and hit her head. My sister said she was conscious when they went to the hospital. I'm now waiting for updates. I'm not sure if I need to go to Atlanta right no or not.

Hope she`s doing better Charade.......but, what an incredibly stressful time for you with all the hassle. Definitely need some good advice there, and fast.

@Charade67 I hope your mom is OK.

On the road to North Texas to visit my husband’s parents and sibling. Then on to Oklahoma to visit my dad and drop off our son.

Hope you`re having a lovely visit......

Good Sunday morning Sans family. Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.

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Happy belated birthday to Charade’s hubby
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Glad to hear the pumpkin pie turned out well. What a sweet memory for you and B. I bet there are very few people who can say they were the baby in the manger at Christmas.

Sending prayers for your mom.

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Lynne I hope you are enjoying a nice hot cup of tea this morning and you and your family had a wonderful Christmas.

Realfoodfans congratulations on finally getting your caravan.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Mac enjoy your ball games. I hope you and your hubby had a nice Christmas celebration with your sons.

Wishing Schumi and family a lovely visit with family in Scotland.

Keisha I hope you are healing after your dental issues. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Soniam safe travels to you and your family as you travel to celebrate Christmas.

Pumpkin I hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas.

Metro hope you had a lovely Christmas. Yes, people will be out today for post Christmas sales.

Have been busy with Dental and Doctor appointments and general things leading up to Christmas.

We had our big Christmas Eve celebration Friday evening. Family started showing up by 1:30 pm then by 3:30 pm everyone was here. The house was full. Lots of laughter and the true joy of getting our family together.

We had our country Christmas breakfast for dinner. My sister brought two beautiful fruit trays with dips. I baked two hams, hash brown casserole, scrambled eggs and cheese, biscuits and sausage gravy and cinnamon rolls. Our granddaughter brought some monkey bread (cinnamon pull-apart bread). Everyone enjoyed the meal.

Gifts were exchanged and then everyone enjoyed catching up and visiting.

The house was empty by 8:30 pm. Granddaughter, Son, Grandson, Daughter-in-law and Sister stayed back and helped with cleanup. It is so nice to have the help getting things back in order have a big family party.

Yesterday was restful. Just me and hubby. I made a small prime rib mashed potatoes, gravy, Yorkshire pudding and sautéed corn for our Christmas meal. Will have left overs for another meal.

I went to the gym this morning. There were a couple people there. I like to go in the early morning as there is hardly anyone there. I haven’t been for a couple weeks so it’s time to get back in the groove.

It was 72 degrees here yesterday. The warmest Christmas I can remember. Very unusual weather here to say the least.

Have a wonderful relaxing Sunday everyone.

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Sounds like the perfect Christmas Robbie......glad you had such a lovely time, and thank you, we had a lovely visit with all my family and saw some old friends too over the festive season.

And we did watch the rocket launch live......30 years of work and it all went smoothly, very nerve wracking to watch though, and very emotional.

Robbie sounds like you had a great Christmas with the family!
So nice many were able to be with you!

one son and his wife visited with us and Mr Mac took them out twice for long walks in our area
Great weather in the low 70’s

I needed to stay home to cook and make sure no cat fights happened on my watch

Their cat is 19 years old and a prima donna
Hissing and growling was not allowed for Christmas
Well, I tried my best with that issue

(I did not win that battle)

No leftovers in the fridge so it will be grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch

I’m only good for cooking two big meals for two days and then it’s time to order food out for tonight

Loved hearing about your Christmas over the last few did have a lovely time with family, can`t be beaten really. Although the cats sounded

Morning all, may need to look into building an ark here. Amazing Christmas :)my boys were full of brotherly love (those who have multiple spawn will feel me here lol). all gifts were well-received. Jr presented me with a beautiful necklace, mother & child sort of gift I never expected to receive, happy tears did flow.
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Yikes, that was quite inconvenient For you. However, i had no idea flooring installers moved furniture. Everytime we had carpet laid, had to move it around ourselves. Usually outside, praying it didn’t rain that day lol

haha 2 pi(s), so now you are a Tauist?

Blasphemy :p, there is no such thing as too much football

did u see the new cast for Law & Order? Squeeeeeeee. Sam waterson & Anthony Anderson :worship:

could be but, people still do return B&M stores. I’m thinking many here are hunkering down due to covid infection rates.

needed to run out & pick up a delayed xbox @ Best Buy & return pair of nike kicks ordered online that came with the security tag still attached. football game was on late, decided to wait until 1 pm. literally didn’t see a soul in Kohls & no more than 6 people ahead of me in line at BB.

pumpkin & Swiss cake roll here that I was informed I was ‘gutting’. Guilty i guess, only like the filling & the Ganache. Next time may just make a bowl of each & hand out spoons as we aren’t real big on that dark chocolate sort of cake

you going to go back & get him lol. JK. quite the road tripping for you.

yuuuuuuuuuum. A good sausage gravy is hard to find. Most I’ve eaten are so thick u could stick a spoon upright in them & taste so flour-y (is that a word?).

the sentinel :)

on so many different levels the alarm bells are pealing.

Suggestion for you to now place a call to the hospital, requesting that social services at the hospital intervene/assess the situation as there are concerns for your mom’s safety via returning home under these circumstances.

In our state it’s my understanding that most hospitals have notaries on call to help facilitate revocation of POAs

good luck

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Beautiful gift and glad you too had a wonderful do have wonderful sons.

I have watched Law and Order since it first started
Some sets of actors I like better that others
But I watch the show no matter who stars in it

Haven`t watched it in a while, but did love Jerry Orbach.......

No politics in play here, let’s deem it pure frustration on my part…

My mom is under another yet another 15 day covid quarantine. She’s Double vaxx’d, they didn’t do boosters at her nursing home, yet. They are so fragile, it’s a given that the elderly & those with underlying conditions are ripe pickins’ for breakthrough cases.

upon my persistent questioning, it was admitted that the nurses aide who tested positive today is unvaxxed. It’s really difficult to be understanding upon hearing this has happened, yet again at the home. We are talking at least five instances of this there since the end of November in my Mom’s large community. It’s said to be ‘the best’ in western PA.

God help those at the other facilities we visited when placing her. it’s basically the same sad story at them all. Told there are just not enough essential workers in the potential pool of new hires from which employers can pick & choose, wisely.

I’m sure this wasn’t this specific employee’s intent:confused3, likely the result of ignorance & lack of state mandates (due to how they report their employee counts). however; it does strike me that there’s nothing quite like gifting‘ your co-workers & an entire hall of helpless dementia/Alzheimer’s patients under your care, the joy of getting at least 4 rapid tests over the next two weeks, at the bare minimum.

Our greatest generation has already been through so much hardship & sacrifice in their lives.:sad1: They’ve just got to come up with a better system to protect them & the dedicated essential workers (thank you for your service!) who are caring for them at the end of their journey.

Truly shocking. How this can still happen I`ll never know.......I think I told you before, they shouldn`t be allowed to get away with it, but of course......well, you know. Hope your mum is doing ok through all this again.

Finally home after a very long drive of over 7 hours......take away food tonight for sure.......enjoyed some hot and spicy pizza.

Had the best time with all my family and Christmas day was perfect. And we had a white Christmas too which was unexpected and absolutely baltic.....glad I brought a winter hat and coat.......

Sipping a glass of prosecco and although laundry is more or less done, now we need to sort out the plethora of gifts we brought back.....we did well!! But, it was just a lovely trip all round.

I did take some pictures, but we never took the camera up, so they are all from my phone and I don`t like phone pictures as much as real camera ones, they`re never as good regardless of the so called quality of phone. But, good memories all the same. Might post some on the TR.

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas........ 🎅
Keisha, that is totally unacceptable. All workers should have been required to be vaccinated. I hope your mom does not test positive. Hugs. Here, so far all three of our work places require to be vaccinated, and had to upload proof. Heck, even little one’s university required that too.

Welcome home Schumi. That is a long drive. And happy such a nice time with family, Don’t blame you for ordering takeout dinner after that long day of being on the road. I like a sweet wine, so oddly, picked up a wine made with cotton candy grapes. Was inexpensive, so I thought why not? Put in refrigerator, as want it very cold.

Well, a gray day for us. And cool feeling too. Good thing older one has a nice raincoat to wear. Saying rain is a Cinderella kind. Should be outta here by around midnight. That’s right, a rainy and snowy evening too. Thinking pasta tonight, or soup. That kinda thought for such a ugly weather Monday.

Carry on homies, there’s a taco or two to be had tomorrow. Yay!
@keishashadow I am so sorry your mom has to keep experiencing this. I wish people would be considerate of those who are vulnerable. I hope this doesn’t happen again.

We ended up wearing masks at the in-laws, just my family. Glad we did. Turns out that DH, myself, and the niece who is attending graduate school at NYU are the only ones who have gotten boosters. One of the brothers left his wife and a son at home because the son is sick and has a fever. No COVID test though:sad2: My MIL was passive aggressive about the masks, saying she couldn’t hear us and didn’t want to look at them. We just kept wearing them. It annoyed me though, because she’s not in good health either. She finally gave up, and we had a great evening. No one else said anything about the masks. My dad is looking really good too and is being cautious. So, a good trip generally. On the way home with a big, heavy air compressor in the back of the truck. Now onto a new year.
:wave2: finally getting to make a quick stop in.

Busy days filled with lots of visiting family, food, games and laughs. It was great to reconnect with dh's family. Especially with covid and distance, we don't get to see eachother nearly enough.

DD and sil left earlier today. We have gd
here, and will join the kids for New Years.

The weather is disgustingly gross. It was -58F here with ice fog this morning. The ice fog has somewhat lightened. At least we can see across the street now :rolleyes2 and then people wonder why I have such hate for winter.

Well, granddaughter needs snack. Good thing Grammie has chocolate milk and her favorite crackers for snack. There might even be a cookie as well :rolleyes1:laughing:

Hope to check in later. I attached a screen shot of our weather this morning. Enjoy the fact the you were not in the second coldest place on earth today. We won that title today, but I would gladly let you have that ribbon :rotfl:
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Um, you are more than welcome to have that coldest title, Pumpkin. That’s cold. We’re having a bit above normal temps, with mostly seeing a cool feeling rainy day. Our NYE is expected to see a high of 53 degrees. Nice, in my books. Glad you enjoyed all the family visits, and cute to be with granddaughter, and enjoying chocolate milk, crackers, and should have that cookie treat too.

Son, what a family get together. But always nice to show up for a family visit, Safe travels home, and yep, new year coming.

With our crappy wet weather, had bought fresh ground beef, so burgers on the grill, with mashed taters, and sautéed yellow peppers and tomatoes in the grill. Yum! Made some coffee. Then decided it needed to have ice in it. So an iced coffee after dinner drink. Did save some for the men, as both coming back home later tonight. If they are hungry, ready for them.

And yeah, after getting up that hours before sunrise, yep:
451D3FFD-3CBE-4BE4-AE58-1A43AE2D354A.jpeg ::yes::

Light on, as already very dark out, with rain still falling. Hence all, a castle lights for you:

No stubbed toes, though a midnight snack most certainly allowed. And a good night’s sleep for all as well.
I like a sweet wine, so oddly, picked up a wine made with cotton candy grapes. Was inexpensive, so I thought why not? Put in refrigerator, as want it very cold.

Both things wouldn`t be found in our home......sweet wine 🤢or inexpensive wine......I`m sure you`ll enjoy it though. Each to their own.

:wave2: finally getting to make a quick stop in.

Busy days filled with lots of visiting family, food, games and laughs. It was great to reconnect with dh's family. Especially with covid and distance, we don't get to see eachother nearly enough.

DD and sil left earlier today. We have gd
here, and will join the kids for New Years.

The weather is disgustingly gross. It was -58F here with ice fog this morning. The ice fog has somewhat lightened. At least we can see across the street now :rolleyes2 and then people wonder why I have such hate for winter.

Well, granddaughter needs snack. Good thing Grammie has chocolate milk and her favorite crackers for snack. There might even be a cookie as well :rolleyes1:laughing:

Hope to check in later. I attached a screen shot of our weather this morning. Enjoy the fact the you were not in the second coldest place on earth today. We won that title today, but I would gladly let you have that ribbon :rotfl:
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Glad you had a lovely christmas pumpkin with the little one......and yes, you win that award for cold!

We did have a White Christmas in Scotland and it was beautiful, but baltic, for us in the UK comparisons in temps for us with other continents....thank goodness!!

It`s lovely to be away, but your own bed is always a treat. Although the hotel bed was one of the comfiest we`ve slept on in that hotel.

Back to normality today.......Kyle is still off, he has a 5 day weekend with getting Christmas Eve off and not back till Wednesday, then is back for two days before a 4 day weekend coming up for him.

Back to shopping this morning and a much healthier food programme again than we have been doing, but it`s been so lovely. Steak for dinner tonight with some veg roasted in herbs and a beautiful seasoning I bought in Mount Dora.......lush!

Cold and misty this morning, think the fog followed us home........



Happy Holiday Tuesday 🥂

Yeah, Schumi, it’s because I’m not a wine drinker most of the time, and if I don’t like it, at least did not pay as much as I usually do for a sweet wine. Did pick up another bottle of gray goose, as was on sale, and as I finally finished the one I had. I like that too, very cold. State store was busy, as I think many like to celebrate with alcohol on NYE.

But ah yes, a Tuesday is here. Last one this year. And so, that reminder:


Yay, the day of the week, Mac may be doing a Taco Bell dinner. Still in the car, I guess. Here, some of the fast food places allow indoor dining, but most still don’t.

A hazy 35 degrees is our morning weather. With the humidity 95 percent, yeah, it might as well be raining. But up that ever early hours before our sunrise, and quiet so far, and tea being enjoyed for almost the same amount of time I’ve been up. Ahh.

And so, a good morning to all, including Schumi, who’s morning is almost done. And a terrific Taco Tuesday homies. Have a taco or two today. Yum.
Yeah, Schumi, it’s because I’m not a wine drinker most of the time, and if I don’t like it, at least did not pay as much as I usually do for a sweet wine. Did pick up another bottle of gray goose, as was on sale, and as I finally finished the one I had. I like that too, very cold.

Oh I get it why you buy inexpensive sweet wine, I was just commenting as part of a conversation……not for me.

Grey Goose tastes a little rough since we switched to Belvedere, Beluga or other stuff not store bought.

Fog has finally cleared and rain stopped, just in time for it to get dark. So weather wise it’s been a pretty miserable day, but had a lovely day anyway surprisingly. But, a couple of friends appeared for lunch and they’ve not long gone, nice to see them though.

Our guests that were staying while we were in Scotland have gone too, they left after breakfast after handing us a little gift for letting them stay again, worked out for us too.

More baking in oven now, time for a cup of tea………..
Ah, I bet kitchen smelling good, Schumi. Enjoying my tea too, and asking what kids want for lunch, though still an hour from now, is my lunchtime. Will do a lunchtime walk though, before eating whatever kids are in the mood for. And yeah, our sunset is around 4:30pm. Shorter days are still here.

Quiet here. Hope all the homies are doing well, happy and looking forward to the new year ending this last week of 2021.
Can not believe it has taken me all day to get back to the sans!!

You would not believe how tied up I have been all day
Long story for another time
(Heck we haven’t even started dinner yet…lol)
So sounds like a run for the border

but on the bright side, weather is great at 71 today..
So that is a good thing !

Will be back later
Been keeping up with jeopardy tv show and it’s on now


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