Something About Nothing............ #14

It's Friday :cheer2: Man this week has been a heavy, slow week! I am very glad it's Friday!

Forecast is for another hot day today - last of the really hot days. The weather for this long weekend is perfectly warm with some showers. Hopefully we can get out and do some fishing. Especially since we are not out camping like I had wanted to do :( And yes I'm still pouting a bit lol. It's not often I voice what I would like to do, and make sure I voice i well in advance so we can plan and get everything ready, but dh has been swamped at work and too tuckered out when he gets home to prepare for a weekend of camping. We were trying to plan a camping weekend with some of his family, but they can't seem to get their po-op in a group :rolleyes2 and decide when they want to do it. Oh well...such is life. Hopefully we can get some fishing in and Momma can catch a few fish again!

I did head out last night for a small walk. It was still 95F or 35C at 8:00 pm. So I just did half my regular route, and took my time. No need to rush when it's that hot out. If I'm going to be outside walking around like that, I would rather be on a beach with beverage in my hand, or walking around a park!
Opps...forgot my quotes :rolleyes2 My brain must think it's 4:30 Friday already :laughing:

Hello all. Not a good day here today. My sister texted me and said that Mom is being discharged from rehab on Sunday, but hasn't made any significant progress. We are trying to decided what to do next. My brother thinks that Mom has gotten to the point where she needs full time care. My sister is still trying to avoid sending her to a nursing home. I told them that I would back whatever they decide. There's just no good way to handle this,
That is not an easy decision - ever. I hope you and your siblings are able to come to a decision easily and find some peace with your decision.
Met some friends out this morning and as it was near enough lunchtime, we agreed to meet at a restaurant nearby where we were. Haven`t seen them since January so it was nice catching up and again, don`t need to cook tonight as lunch was very filling. Will keep the chicken I was marinading till tomorrow or freeze it depending on what we`re doing tomorrow night.
I love when that happens! Also it's a bonus you found a new restaurant to visit for a date or Friday night! Your chicken meal sounds delicious! But then again, I could eat chicken for 6 out of 7 meals.
Woot! Once SW just announced no expiration of credits, what did I do? Check my flights, yay! Enough credit for at least a ticket, maybe part of another too some time in the future. At least now won’t have to track when first bought, as that was the start of when credit would expire a year later. Oddly, both rental prices are higher than I booked, and had previously changed once to a better price.
NICE!!!!! You gotta love when that happens! I hope your able to find another deal on hotels for the time you are planning on being there!

I hope Keisha is having a ball in the parks!!!!

Well, I should find some papers to shuffle. The phone is very quiet already this morning - signs that everyone is already gone for a summer long weekend ;) If the phones are too quiet, I might sneak out early too. We will see how the day goes!

Have a great day everyone
Opps...forgot my quotes :rolleyes2 My brain must think it's 4:30 Friday already :laughing:

I love when that happens! Also it's a bonus you found a new restaurant to visit for a date or Friday night! Your chicken meal sounds delicious! But then again, I could eat chicken for 6 out of 7 meals.
Hope you do get your fishing time in. And maybe some camping too at some point.......and wow that is hot for that time of the evening!

i`ve had that before where the brain has gone forward lol.......

It was strange as we had just mentioned them about half an hour before we met them, and we turned a corner and there they were. We`ll definitely go back there for a cosy meal for two in the future. Yes I love chicken in many dishes, it`s nice to be creative and not just slop things together.......that curry is time consuming to put together as everything is fresh but it`s so worth it.

Have a lovely evening and weekend Pumpkin.......

Been a lovely day all in today. Lunch with friends, then another friend came round for afternoon tea and showed me a dress she planned to wear to a wedding next month.....told her a firm no. It`s too fluffy and not the right colour for her, she is extremely slim and she needs a sleek dress, this dress did nothing for her as it washed her out colour wise too. So, she`s taking it back.

She knew I`d be honest.

Tonight, opened our June bottle from the Gin Club.....very nice with lemonade or mixed with prosecco. Watching the Gray Man on Netflix.......NashvilleTrio was spot on....too long on the fight scenes....gets repetitive. Not a bad movie, wouldn`t watch it again, it`s a mix of Bourne/ Mission Impossible/any of the same. It has some funny moments though.

Lazy Saturday planned tomorrow.....bacon up early mac........🥓🥓
saturday bacon !
set a place at the table for me….

You`re on!!!

We almost opened some of the packs tonight to grill and nibble on.....we last ate at lunch, but we resisted!

Made some muffins tonight and we have croissants and fruit, or pancakes are on the menu too.....

Well finished The Gray Man......not the best movie.

Think there`s something bigger than foxes coming out of the trees at the back, all of our security lights came on about 5 minutes ago, but nothing there. We still had the bifold doors open in the kitchen, although they`re close now!! Might be a deer. I hope.
Good thing it must be clear skies where you are Schumi, as maybe M Myers was around waiting for you. LoL

As wooded behind you, could have very well been a deer.

Sunset just a few minutes ago, so still not that dark out yet.

Burgers on grill, as DH home, and he likes grilling. Little one had air fried fries, then added melted cheese and crumbles of the bacon I had left from this morning, that she found in the refrigerator. I air fried some onion rings. Salad, and easy late dinner. Some leftover for older one, as he should be coming home soon. He does not mind a leftover dinner.
Which HP backpack did you get. They had two different Styles of Hogwarts backpacks. Both of them were very nice.
I got the Hogwarts castle one. I liked it much better than the Diagon Alley one. I only have a few Loungefly's, but I do like them. This one really tempted me so I got it.
Waiting to see if we're going to plan a trip in the fall. I'm really tempted to stay at the Margaritaville resort, but I'm not sure yet. All the medication for my RA has caused cataracts that I need to get fixed. First one is scheduled and I'm hoping to be done with both by the end of September.
We are over covid, thankfully. It was just a weird illness and I'm glad its over. We definitely got during our stay. All in all, I would say it lasted 12 about 12 days.
Hey MRose😍!
Great to see you here

I’ve missed you.

Cataracts suck big time
I am told it’s an okay surgery and not painful and results are worth it

I am going to take notes on how you do with that surgery as it’s on my list to take care of

Covid is not any fun
I had it and MrMac still has it
5 weeks and still counting for him
I got the Hogwarts castle one. I liked it much better than the Diagon Alley one. I only have a few Loungefly's, but I do like them. This one really tempted me so I got it.
Waiting to see if we're going to plan a trip in the fall. I'm really tempted to stay at the Margaritaville resort, but I'm not sure yet. All the medication for my RA has caused cataracts that I need to get fixed. First one is scheduled and I'm hoping to be done with both by the end of September.
We are over covid, thankfully. It was just a weird illness and I'm glad its over. We definitely got during our stay. All in all, I would say it lasted 12 about 12 days.

Hey MRose........good to see you post again!!

Hope you`re doing ok.......have heard good things about that Margaritaville Resort and good luck on the procedures, all good wishes for those to go well for you.....

Hey MRose😍!
Great to see you here

I’ve missed you.

Cataracts suck big time
I am told it’s an okay surgery and not painful and results are worth it

I am going to take notes on how you do with that surgery as it’s on my list to take care of

Covid is not any fun
I had it and MrMac still has it
5 weeks and still counting for him

Nope it is not fun........hopefully mr mac will be on the mend soon.......:hug:

We have rain this morning. It`s been cloudy last few days which means it`s been so warm at night too. It`s not too hot so it`s been very pleasant with the windows open.

And as we had the freshest eggs ever from the farm delivered last night, I made Eggs Benedict again this morning and even I had an egg as well as bacon. They have the most amazing colour of yolk, nothing like you get from grocery store eggs. We usually never use them all as we`re not big egg eaters, so I have to bake with the`s a trial for sure.......:rotfl:

Planned to walk down to the fruit trees this morning as the pears are starting to bloom, won`t be ready till late September but nice to see them starting to show. Apples and plums are blooming too, think this is going to be a an abundant year for fruit. But, until the rain stops we won`t bother.

Having a day in today. Plan to get some of the September birthday and anniversary gifts wrapped so I don`t leave it to the last moment. I`m more than half way through everyone.

Spicy Thai Chicken curry tonight and maybe watch The Hitman`s Wife`s Bodyguard. Watched it several times on the plane, so it`ll be nice to see it on the huge screen for a change.

Rain is off now......sun is coming too, looking good.......:sunny:




Have a wonderful Saturday and weekend......🍹
Nice backpack Mrose. Glad to see you post, and happy that you have recovered from the virus. That resort looks beautiful, and if you got a good deal there, would be a nice place to stay. Hope you do get back in September. Good luck with that eye surgery. I know my aunt had it many years ago, and I think it helped save her sight.

Ah, Schumi enjoying farm fresh eggs. The main difference I saw with the eggs my neighbor used to give us, was the yoke was much darker in color, richer, but the general taste was the same, but was a bit more fresh tasting then the eggs we get from the grocery store. Yep, we certainly used them more quickly. So nice to be baking and using them in other items, when having farm fresh eggs.

Bacon? Yum. DH asked me to turn the alarm on, last night, as he wanted to get moving earlier this morning. Yeah, we were both up 1/2 hour before the alarm went off this morning. And so, with house nice and quiet and almost cool, made some soufflés, bacon and broccoli ones. Thus, DH took one with him, and we ate most of the other one I made. Was tasty. Maybe not the prettiest ones you have seen, but tasty.

And, oddly, it’s a older one day off today. Said would be nice for us to do something together. He said, yes. And so, while I’m sure he also won’t be up for hours from now, he certainly will be able to be moving earlier then littke one’s getting up time. Yesterday, a get up request at 11 am, resulted in us not get moving until 1 pm. Hence, why she was shocked it was already dinner time, when we got back from the huge mall she wanted to go to. And good thing, I went to the post office, yesterday morning, and coming back, just to hear older one starting the shower.

And so, my agenda today? Who knows. If ever a kid that would like a breakfast out, at a diner or other, it would be older one. Hence, I have no trouble eating two breakfasts, if he wants to enjoy a diner breakfast.

And so, the weekend lazy day is to be happy it’s just Saturday. Weekends go by so fast. But yay, a very sunny Saturday for us. That high weather system has cleared the skies, and the heat returns. Still not starting that heat wave yet, as 88 the high today. Even better? That oh so muggy yesterday, with thunderstorms warnings, was icky, sticky, with no rain to quench the green, is in now the past. Lower humidity, sunny skies all day today, and so a glorious Summer Saturday it is. Kinda fitting for this ending of July weekend.

Hope all have that super long, happy Saturday. And hope Keisha is enjoying that glorious sunny weather today, and having a fabulous time in the parks.

There`s always something to celebrate somewhere......🥂

Watching qualifying for the Hungarian Grand Prix tomorrow right now, but seeing the sun start to come out here a little more now, it`s getting brighter by the minute.

Walked down to see the fruit trees earlier and they are thriving! We mainly have apple trees, but we do have a few with pears and one with plums now, but it`s huge and the yield is fabulous.

The leaves coming from the right of the first pear tree are from our Bay Tree, so we do have a tree that gives us as many Bay Leaves as we can use, although it was a good friend who told us what it was first time he visited after we moved in here, we had no clue. That does get visits from friends who use a lot of them......::yes::



Warm again today. Might get to sit out with a glass of wine each after the qualifying, Tom just poured me a nice glass of Chardonnay.....not bad!!!
looks like our Saturday is a sleep in day

I was up after midnight and finally awoke not long ago

Mr Mac is now going back to bed

Cat always follow anyone that goes to bed.
It signals to them must be nap time

since not many are in the sans now, assume you might have a cat

So now i have the house to myself..

back later to get this party started after naps are over
looks like our Saturday is a sleep in day

I was up after midnight and finally awoke not long ago

Mr Mac is now going back to bed

Cat always follow anyone that goes to bed.
It signals to them must be nap time

since not many are in the sans now, assume you might have a cat

So now i have the house to myself..

back later to get this party started after naps are over

No cats here mac.....but if Tom goes for a snooze, I usually not!

If there`s a know I`m there....... :cheer2:

Had a lovely night of not doing very much, but we sat on the sofa together, watched a movie and had some nice wine. Perfect Saturday night for us.

Thai curry was spicy and then some...used the Carolina Reaper!!! Hot.

Still plan to watch another movie even though it`s just after 10, no need to get up early tomorrow, lazy day but meeting some friends for lunch in our local, then we`ll watch the GP.

mac......more bacon up tomorrow..........::yes::
So sad, while some of our streets were flooded the other night, to see that flooding in Kentucky is heartbreaking. I hope all effected in that area are safe, and sending my sympathy to those 25 lost souls’ family and friends.

Chinese dinner. Yum!
will there be pepsi with the bacon for me?

Of course!!!! We don`t drink fizzy drinks generally, but we do have pepsi/diet pepsi, I`ll make sure it`s cold!

I`m lying actually, we seem to have fizzy lemonade, ginger beer and for some unknown reason a bottle of full fat coke that neither of us drink. But, the lemonade and ginger beer are both for cocktails, so that`s ok.......:)

We slept late this morning as we had a late night.....well, late for us. My sister laughs at how early we usually go to bed, I think 11pm is fairly late, but she thinks as we`re both retired we have nothing to get up for, but we`ve always been early risers.

But, looked out the windows around 6am and it was raining heavy, so getting back into bed and snuggling in was an easy choice.

Meeting friends for lunch today, so had a very light breakfast of a croissant with lots of tea to go along with it. We like this restaurant a lot and their Sunday lunches are always busy, if you don`t get booked, you don`t eat there. There are 10 of us altogether so booking was essential and we could only get midday as every other time was booked. Meeting earlier to chat too.

Then I think we might be back in time for the Grand Prix......maybe.

Last day of July!!!!





Have a lovely Sunday 😊
Ah, hope your friends lunch is tasty, and lots of enjoyment, Schumi. Sunday lunch, brunch eating out is popular here.

And so, though not quite having that no longer having week day routine, I’m up early no matter the day. Just can’t sleep late, though once in a while, on a longer vacation, I do have a much later get up time, if been out very late. But almost always, I’m just that early riser, no matter the earlier bedtime or not.

Overcast enough start, it’s not that bright, as sunrise is now. Still not starting that heat wave, with 89 the high. And maybe some random rain chances this evening. A perfect Sunday, as almost a cooler 66 out. Nice to not hear the AC much in the overnight, as was in the 60’s. But don’t let that cooler night fool into thinking those hot, hazy, humid days are done. Steamy, 95, 93, and 97 are the high temp forecasts this week. Which is why, this less humid, mostly cloudy and warm day, is a most pleasant weather way to end July.

And if anything, August tends to be our warmest month, and even the ocean is warm enough to swim in, by the end of August. Shore towns report the water temps in the mid to high 70’s. Perfect water temp to enjoy. Though my kids prefer water that is blue, and can see in. Our shore ocean color is green, and nope, you can’t see what you stepped on, or ack, even if some fish or other bump into you. But the sand is white, and the salt tasting air just lets you know you’re at the shore. That, and where I went as a kid, still has the smell of caramel corn, salt water taffies, and pizza wafting from the boardwalk that goes along at the top of the beach. Which is why, little one and I may try to get a day at the shore, before the end of next month. That, and August is when the tomatoes are ripe and for sale from local farms on the way to the shore time of year.

Ah yes, sunrise past, as I’m a very slow typing, and a distracted one too this morning, but a quiet house. DH readying to go out the door. So nice to spend time with him in these early hours. I think when we both retire, we still will be early birds anyway.

This our most normal Sunday. Older one works, and little one? We saw her go to bed at 5:30 this morning. Sigh. Youth. Guess I won’t see her until a late lunchtime. But then trash to the curb and alarm already set. Is the rest of our agenda today.

Have wash on, so a most wonderful hot shower, with warm towels from the dryer, will be my get ready in an another hour or so. Teapot was filled to the brim. Most for my tea, but some of that hot water went into DH’s mug. Yeah, to make his cup hot coffee. No milk or cream here. Both of us drink the tea and hot coffee without any additions. With tea, I do sometimes add a lemon slice, but no needed sugar in our drinks either. Have to say though, I do like diet pepsi. Much more than any coke products.

That is both a loud plane and a loud bird. Nothing like an early Sunday. Much more quiet in the early morning hours. And yep, the day I like to do errands when the stores open. Most, but not all, change to a later, one hour later start on a Sunday. Though almost all have an earlier closing time on Sunday evenings.

Thus, a wish that this last day of July, starting a new week, and being a Sunday, hopes today finds you enjoying a lazy and relaxing this Sunday. If ever a day, to be that time to just relax, it’s today. Good morning. And hope this finds some not feeling that well, feeling better today. Sending mummy dust well wishes, and good thoughts. Going to the Mac and Sue homes.

Though Sue should be enjoying that Florida sunshine today. Hope your flight goes well, and have a most fabulous time there these next 2 weeks. Just maybe we can say a quick hi as we pass each other in the airport, as you leaving, us coming in on that oh so early, 5:10am flight. Would be nice to have that quick chance to see ya.


note to self, bring my own pepsi….when i go to schumi house

No mac we have pepsi.........loads of`re fine there....... 😁

Wow....quiet on here tonight.....

Had a gorgeous afternoon and Sunday lunch. That hotel is beautiful and their restaurant is one where you do dress up and enjoy the experience. Very turn of the century style in the decor and the food is perfect. Most of us had the Roast Beef which was rare as we all like it, some had turkey and some of us had a little of both.

All us ladies wore fascinators today which was lovely, it`s such an elegant restaurant many women do the same and it`s nice to dress up for lunch too. We enjoyed some tea and coffee in the lounge afterwards and passed an afternoon chatting and laughing.

Cool, dull and grey though for most of today.....this is our usual summer is always going to win that one, and mac too of course! Sun did come out earlier though.

Making up the base sauce for a vegetarian lasagne for a lunch tomorrow, one of my Goddaughters is in this area so she`s dropping in for some lunch. She`s a real vegetarian, not one of these ones who are distracted by bacon, and she loves my lasagne, so will have it ready for her with some rosemary bread I`ll bake in the morning, side salad too and should be a nice lunch. do you ignore someone on the Dis???? Never done it before, at least I don`t think I have.....


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