Something About Nothing............ #14

My countdown is 2 weeks! Started sorting thru clothes to decide what I’m taking. Pre-ordered my meal on flight. Going to make my pre trip mani-pedi! Lynne looking forward to meeting up with you! We should start thinking of lunch plans?
:cheer2: :cool1: That's awesome!!! I'm green with envy - as I'm craving a holiday away from the everyday to-do's that we do. I can't wait to hear more!
How many fry pans do you have?
I’m good having a small and large one.
:o I have 4 that I use regularly. They are all different sizes and depth - for if I'm making one of those one pot meals. With feeding 3 men - 2 young growing hard working boys - they eat ALOT!!!!! :rotfl: Their portion sizes when they sit down to eat dinner after working and running around job sites all day are kind of big. They wear it off while they are working for sure!

We have a small home with a small kitchen. Given the current status of home buying - we have zero desire to upgrade - but we have been talking about doing some major renovations to it.
Yay for Sue’s 2 week countdown. We are 3 weeks out now. But yay, little one decided to come with me in late September. While airfare has gone up, did use her voucher, and if I add to my snagged lowest I’ve ever seen fare I got, total for the two of us is pretty good. And another yay, seems rental car for September is dropping nicely, but a boo, as getting higher than I think I’m ever going to pay for my August time that I have so far. But both I will continue to stalk. Finally. seems hotel AP rate for August has been no lower, but have never seen as low rate as i scored over a year ago, for September, and not so far, finding any AP rates for my time in September. And yep, like Sue, butt crack time at 5 am our flight out. I’ll take any early time just to be on a direct flight. Next one was early evening that day. Um, wasting a whole day then. I don’t mind getting up early. I do it every day, though will be out the door a couple of hours earlier. DH rarely sleeps overnight now. So we are having him drive us. Plus, that middle of night drive should see little traffic. And can always sleep on the flight. Many moons ago, I took a red eye from the West Coast to East Coast. There wasn’t a lot of passengers, so I asked if I could lay across the seats. They said sure. And so, they woke me up when we landed. I can sleep almost anywhere. Guess I’m lucky.

Ooh Friday eve. Yay. Earliest week day routine time for me. And weather, while can be rainy later in the day for our Friday, the humidity spiked up today, and will be even thicker tomorrow. Might as well rain, as hope that will put the humidity down again. Last couple of days were like the end of September, 82, breezy, and low humidity, and sunny all day. AC needed today.

Hehe, grocery store I go in the city, had Jersey tomatoes. Happy little one, as good price, and they looked perfect. She wants to do a trip next Friday. Yep, tomatoes and candy items are on the menu as why we are going to the shore then. Sounds good to me. Nothing like getting tomatoes just picked from the farm behind the stand, just made caramel corn, fresh made coconut macaroons, and taffy made right in the store. Oh, and we like getting our feet wet in the sea.
:cheer2: :cool1: That's awesome!!! I'm green with envy - as I'm craving a holiday away from the everyday to-do's that we do. I can't wait to hear more!

:o I have 4 that I use regularly. They are all different sizes and depth - for if I'm making one of those one pot meals. With feeding 3 men - 2 young growing hard working boys - they eat ALOT!!!!! :rotfl: Their portion sizes when they sit down to eat dinner after working and running around job sites all day are kind of big. They wear it off while they are working for sure!

We have a small home with a small kitchen. Given the current status of home buying - we have zero desire to upgrade - but we have been talking about doing some major renovations to it.

Renovations are sometimes a better way to go than moving. We moved into this house knowing it needed upgrading, it was worth it, trebled the kitchen size so I have a traditional side and the modern side, perfect for us. But agree, it`s sometimes a better way to go, especially if you`re happy where you live.

yep, plenty of pan choices here too, my favourites are Le Creuset, never fail me.

Funny I was talking about sleeping well and getting up early!

Had a lovely visit from a very good old friend tonight, haven`t seen him in a long time as he stayed in the UAE, but he`s taken early retirement and wanted to come visit us before he goes to live in Turkey with his wife.....not somewhere I`d ever go but they love it. Really nice man though, his wife is already out there getting their home ready for their final move. He gave Tom a lovely bottle of champagne for being such a good boss over the years before he retired early. We`ll enjoy that!!!

So, enjoyed a glass of some lovely wine with him tonight, I doubt we`ll meet up again as they have no plans to return to the UK after this visit, but we wish them well.

Meeting the friend who txt earlier for a special farmers market in a town a little way from us tomorrow, said we`ll pick her up and drive her there as she fancied going. Will try not to buy too much!!! So many lovely stalls to wander through.

So a rather lovely evening and a nice morning ahead......won`t be long till bedtime for is very mild here for now, not so sure about the weekend!!!
@Lynne G yay for finding cheap flight! I haven’t looked at car rentals for Aug. I never have a car there. Between rental cost and parking resort fee, the few times I want to do something off site it’s cheaper to Uber.

@schumigirl i wouldn’t want to live in Turkey as a women. Just wouldn’t feel safe. My brother in law and wife went there for holiday and said it was beautiful and the people lovely. But they were walking along a beach one evening and the army was there telling them to get offf beach, not safe.

Lunch this afternoon was very nice. Now getting ready for Barbie!

@macraven ive just been hearing about the dust up at Dis. Do you think it’s a possibility the boards will shut down?
Nice Pot & pans here are like shoes…hard to resist

The dentist couldn’t work him in until this morning, so he canceled his trip.
Aw that’s a shame. Mine were at the point popping out so often, dentist told me to use poligrip. Surprimgky, it’s saved the day when away traveling. Pretty much would hold it in all day
Think talking up HHN all these years has come back to bite us old timers in the keister.
You may be on to something there

I still think they may have reduced both day tours & public RIPs. Intent to steer people to buy the private tours.

Of course I’m big on conspiracy theories lol
We needed to move our pantry cabinet over. The opening was 1/4 inch too small to fit the fridge - so now to pick up an oak spacer - and then stain it blah blah blah. I also need to re-organize my cupboards as the new stove doesn't have the storage drawer underneath - where I had all my frying pans. I am thinking I will need to make a purchase from ikea for some extra storage thingy :rolleyes2 The joys of a small kitchen.
I feel you
should brag Tom put up a new shelf in the utilty room today and hung a picture up in a corner of the room that looked empty!!! Yes, I know it`s not the
Work is work. Picture hanging can be quite tricky
My countdown is 2 weeks! Started sorting thru clothes to decide what I’m taking. Pre-ordered my meal on flight
But yay, little one decided to come with me in late September. While airfare has gone up, did use her voucher, and if I add to my snagged lowest I’ve ever seen fare I got, total for the two of us is pretty good. And another yay, seems rental car for September is dropping nicely,
And another woohoo ur DD is joining you.

I haven’t had a chance to look at last year’s fall rental rate, yet

I need 11 days for first trip. Have been sitting on one with Avis just shy of $500. Have never paid that much SMH

Grabbed a special thru thrifty for $170 less. Not a fan of dealing with them, even at the lower rate

I am not about to jump on the electric deals. Too much like work to figure that out for me. Rates have been significantly lower

Hoping hertz comes thru yet again this year but, it’s getting close lol

Used my reward hertz days for October trip, just have a one night rate due then at least.
Reading and trying to catch up here.
I walk away from the boards to make dinner and come back to see lot more chatter.

Have been tied up with handling my brother’s estate.
I complete paperwork and send documents in and one thing leads to another.

Went through this years back when parental units passed 18 months apart.

I am out of relatives now so it should be smooth sailing in the future.

Sue to answer your question, I have been told there should not be any issues and I tend to believe that.

The dis will continue.
I will be the first to post if the sky will be falling in.
@Lynne G yay for finding cheap flight! I haven’t looked at car rentals for Aug. I never have a car there. Between rental cost and parking resort fee, the few times I want to do something off site it’s cheaper to Uber.

@schumigirl i wouldn’t want to live in Turkey as a women. Just wouldn’t feel safe. My brother in law and wife went there for holiday and said it was beautiful and the people lovely. But they were walking along a beach one evening and the army was there telling them to get offf beach, not safe.

Lunch this afternoon was very nice. Now getting ready for Barbie!

@macraven ive just been hearing about the dust up at Dis. Do you think it’s a possibility the boards will shut down?

Yes those type of countries we won`t visit. My brother and his wife were hassled in Greece one night, she had a vest top on with a blouse over the top and some local men intimated she wasn`t decent!! Crazy, that type of attitude towards women is completely wrong. Especially when they have beaches where folks barely wear anything!

Yes, the last week or so has been a horrible read with everything that has been enderlying for a long time. I think the boards will be fine.

Nice Pot & pans here are like shoes…hard to resist

Aw that’s a shame. Mine were at the point popping out so often, dentist told me to use poligrip. Surprimgky, it’s saved the day when away traveling. Pretty much would hold it in all day

You may be on to something there

I still think they may have reduced both day tours & public RIPs. Intent to steer people to buy the private tours.

Of course I’m big on conspiracy theories lol

I feel you

Work is work. Picture hanging can be quite tricky


And another woohoo ur DD is joining you.

I haven’t had a chance to look at last year’s fall rental rate, yet

I need 11 days for first trip. Have been sitting on one with Avis just shy of $500. Have never paid that much SMH

Grabbed a special thru thrifty for $170 less. Not a fan of dealing with them, even at the lower rate

I am not about to jump on the electric deals. Too much like work to figure that out for me. Rates have been significantly lower

Hoping hertz comes thru yet again this year but, it’s getting close lol

Used my reward hertz days for October trip, just have a one night rate due then at least.

As I can`t wear really nice high heels anymore, kitchen equipment and accessories are my splurge!!! Love a good rumble round stores like Williams & Sonoma, Tom is very grateful we`re limited with weight in our luggage. 50lbs for each suitcase x4 sounds a lot, but sadly it`s not enough for some of those

Our "good" deal for Nov/Dec car rental is $850 (I think) cheapest we`ve paid for years, that`s for 16 nights.

Reading and trying to catch up here.
I walk away from the boards to make dinner and come back to see lot more chatter.

Have been tied up with handling my brother’s estate.
I complete paperwork and send documents in and one thing leads to another.

Went through this years back when parental units passed 18 months apart.

I am out of relatives now so it should be smooth sailing in the future.

Sue to answer your question, I have been told there should not be any issues and I tend to believe that.

The dis will continue.
I will be the first to post if the sky will be falling in.

It`s a lot of work dealing with probabtes and things like family estates mac, you`ve both done brilliantly so far in what you`ve done. And it will be sorted soon......

I agree, the Dis board will survive this horrible story.

Tom said I scared the living daylights out of him last night, around 2.30am I sat upright in bed and looked towards the bedroom door which we can`t see from the bed as it`s round a corner for want of a better description and said no, you can`t come in here stay in the dining room!!!

Weirdly, one of my friends dogs won`t go in our dining room if she`s ever here and if we sit outside that room, she sits and looks in the window not very knows! I have no memory of doing that, he said I just sat for a second then lay back down completely sound asleep. Apart from that, I slept wonderfully.

Bright but ominous looking this morning, so we should get to the Farmers market without getting soaked, hope so. Will take my brolly. Hoping to get some crab from the fish place as we fancy crab cakes for lunch tomorrow.

They also have a lovely book store there so we`ll have a wander in there too, you can spend hours just searching around there.

Then another afternoon and weekend of not doing too much. Kyle is running a 10k this weekend so we`re going to drive up there and meet him, watch the start line and finish as we did last year, although last year the weather was glorious, this weekend heavy rain is forecast, so if it`s like that we`ll pass on watching it.

Toast with preserves this morning, lunch is wraps with something spicy and dinner I`m grinding down some steak to make burgers tonight, making spicy chunky fries and coleslaw again......mac, will keep you some ☺️ and some salad. My burgers are delicious, even if I say so myself for something so simple.

Second cup of tea before I wake up my sleeping husband, get showered and dressed.




Have a wonderful Friday and weekend :thumbsup2
Just home from Barbie movie. The daughters and I enjoyed it. Tomorrow the husband wants me to show him the parking for our bank. 2 branches merged to a new location. Our branch was so convenient and could park right in front. The new place is further down the road in the ground floor of a new high rise development. Blech. And have to deal with underground parking. Not a fan. But I went to new place because I had to order cheques with new branch numbers. Teller asked how I liked the new branch. Maybe I was too blunt I said I hated it lol. The teller said no one from my branch likes it! Just not the easy access we were used to. And no one likes underground. We’re just not used to it. But sadly the area is changing with more densification.

Charade sorry your husband had to cancel trio. I’m going to remember what Keisha said about Polident. Good idea.

Glad to
Ah that early up in a dark sky with even the moon not giving any light in the overnight. And while the sun came up about not quite an hour ago, it’s still not very bright out. But there should see some sun later in the afternoon, and a single hour chance of rain in the early evening. Phone says 20 percent chance. Hmm, sounds like I’ll take those odds and bet may not see rain. But even though overcast, being in August means we have that humidity today, so is icky, sticky, feeling we have. And still in the low 80’s.

Sue, I actually like a covered underground or above ground parking. Bad weather or too hot, car stays dry and not as hot. One reason I like PB at Universal. Not many of Universal hotels have covered guest parking. Was not fun dashing in a huge down pour to retrieve car in a far parking spot at HR. I tend to use a rental and pay for parking, as we like to eat, shop and sight see outside universal. And go to other parks.

Mac, sending hugs. I’m sure you are doing a fantastic job settling your brother’s estate.

Disturbing the stuff heard on the boards. I too think it will be survival of the business.

Ack, Charade. Oh well, maybe DH can reschedule. Hope B is enjoying her new job.

Yay for Sue enjoying the movie.

Was so sound asleep, heard the alarm go off, then went back to sleep. But then got up about 10 minutes later. DH was also actually sleeping too. Usually he’s up before me. Not a good sleeper he mostly is. But now alarm is shut off. Woot! Weekend loaded and very much looking forward to tomorrow. Full day of wall to wall sunny day. Then we go back to overcast skies days after that.

And so. Yay, a Friday it is today. And glad it should be a quiet day. And since almost cool in house, that hot tea for me. Ready for round three.

Hope all have a fabulous Friday and a most wonderful weekend.
Ended up not going to the market after all, weather was foul, then my friend called and asked if we could take care of her little granddaughter for a few hours, absolutely as she is such a delight.

We made some cheesecakes which she loves so that passed some time and then she spotted a huge box where we keep our "real" pictures. She had a blast going through some of them and loved the pictures of me with my "eighties" hair......she asked what happened to my hair!!!

Came across some of when Kyle was born and she said the first few where Tom was holding him when he was a few minutes old was "precious" I swear she is 45!!! It is a lovely set of pictures though, proud dad and his new baby, nothing like it 🥰

Grandma came to pick her up an hour ago, gave her some cheesecake away with her which I hope she`ll share with grandma and her dad!

So lunch for us was cheesecake.....and of course more many cups is that today, I think I lost count!!!!!!

Meme of the day for sure.......

Of course he is as blind as a bat without his glasses

done with the mini brunch for two of my DS, nice to send them on their way with full bellies.

need to go grab a sams order of water & soda, then quick run thru the grocery

So stuffed I don’t want to think of food, much later, snow crab & large shrimp for dinner. Marinating some garden cukes & red onion slivers, i use rice wine vinegar + seasonings. Sort of a quick pickle.
Sue to answer your question, I have been told there should not be any issues and I tend to believe that.
Since the one individual is no longer is involved in any of the associated businesses, it’s basically up to their customers to determine if they are going to continue to support all the enterprises.

messy stuff, sadly it happens; at least it’s been addressed going forward. Up to the principals to continue to sort out whatever hot mess they have on their hands.
Tom said I scared the living daylights out of him last night, around 2.30am I sat upright in bed and looked towards the bedroom door which we can`t see from the bed as it`s round a corner for want of a better description and said no, you can`t come in here stay in the dining room!!!
Oh, that’s a good one, eek. Tom, the rest of the night =


I’m going to remember what Keisha said about Polident. Good idea
Yes, I don’t leave home without it. When one comes lose, i use a scant amount and press the tooth onto the stump & hold a bit. Try not to eat on it, seems to hold thru hot & cold drinks well enough.

I do remove it at night…just a little wiggle back & forth while a good brushing. My mr has swallowed one in the past

Dentist always said the idea is to protect whatever is underneath it
Disturbing the stuff heard on the boards. I too think it will be survival of the business.
Yes, they will survive, lots of goodwill and fans.

It’s good to get it all out in the open, as with most things of this sort. New management will need to steer diligently to reassure their customers, seem to be on the right track With the recent announcement.

Not to discount things, however, There’s always a contingent of people who want to see a brand crash & burn. I wish them well going forward.

Assume they are going to take a long hard look at all the employees, from top to bottom, and make sure they are a good fit going forward.
View attachment 782892
Of course he is as blind as a bat without his glasses

done with the mini brunch for two of my DS, nice to send them on their way with full bellies.

need to go grab a sams order of water & soda, then quick run thru the grocery

So stuffed I don’t want to think of food, much later, snow crab & large shrimp for dinner. Marinating some garden cukes & red onion slivers, i use rice wine vinegar + seasonings. Sort of a quick pickle.

Since the one individual is no longer is involved in any of the associated businesses, it’s basically up to their customers to determine if they are going to continue to support all the enterprises.

messy stuff, sadly it happens; at least it’s been addressed going forward. Up to the principals to continue to sort out whatever hot mess they have on their hands.

Oh, that’s a good one, eek. Tom, the rest of the night =

View attachment 782893

Yes, I don’t leave home without it. When one comes lose, i use a scant amount and press the tooth onto the stump & hold a bit. Try not to eat on it, seems to hold thru hot & cold drinks well enough.

I do remove it at night…just a little wiggle back & forth while a good brushing. My mr has swallowed one in the past

Dentist always said the idea is to protect whatever is underneath it

Yes, they will survive, lots of goodwill and fans.

It’s good to get it all out in the open, as with most things of this sort. New management will need to steer diligently to reassure their customers, seem to be on the right track With the recent announcement.

Not to discount things, however, There’s always a contingent of people who want to see a brand crash & burn. I wish them well going forward.

Assume they are going to take a long hard look at all the employees, from top to bottom, and make sure they are a good fit going forward.

lol....I laughed so hard at that meme!!! How true I think last night!!!

Aww that is cute with the mister....isn`t it lovely having a romantic husband!!! I`ve seen how your husband looks at you, I`ve told you before, it is so lovely to see.

We didn`t get crab today, i wanted to make crab cakes, but they were sold out! But I did get a huge whole salmon, got them to head and tail it and side fillet it, all you`re left with is the side slabs, then I portion it up....we like a large portion of fish!! Your meal sounds lovely though......and glad the kids had a nice meal too!

So yes, salmon for dinner tonight, cooked it earlier and let it go ice cold, just about to have it with some salad, spicy cous cous and a little coleslaw, then some cheesecake later for dessert.

Turned out a lovely some washing out on the line and dried in no time, forgot to call the salon to make a hair appointment for next week sometime, just fancy a pampering session, cut and blow dry and a nice chat with my stylist. It`s only around 45 minutes of an appointment, so maybe not a pampering, but nice enough.

Tonight, nice bottle of malbec has been opened, so will enjoy that later with maybe a movie, we need to decide what we want to watch now.

Time for dinner.......doubt that will be copied in many places!!
Aww that is cute with the mister....isn`t it lovely having a romantic husband!!! I`ve seen how your husband looks at you, I`ve told you before, it is so lovely to see.
Lol i don’t know what I did right to eventually end up with him but, holding on oh-so tightly.

my stomach took a bit of turn when out. If it doesn’t settle down, may be sending them for takeout & I’ll just drink tea.

think it was combo of sun, humidity and fact I piloted the truck home, rarely get behind it’s wheel…it often tends to make me a bit car-sick when I’m driving it for some reason.:confused3

Lol i don’t know what I did right to eventually end up with him but, holding on oh-so tightly.

my stomach took a bit of turn when out. If it doesn’t settle down, may be sending them for takeout & I’ll just drink tea.

think it was combo of sun, humidity and fact I piloted the truck home, rarely get behind it’s wheel…it often tends to make me a bit car-sick when I’m driving it for some reason.:confused3

View attachment 782927

Oh Mr keisha is going nowhere, yes, you both landed lucky and still going strong!!

Hope you feel better tonight, that doesn`t sound fun at all.....does the truck have very soft suspension? Our first Merceded way back had very soft suspension and Tom wasn`t fond of it as it was too....almost bouncy, I loved it! But, try some ginger tea if you can get it, well anything ginger will help.

Have a good evening......and feel better!!

@macraven .......we kept you some coleslaw!!! ☺️

Our salmon was lovely. I roast it so it`s just cooked and no more, some folks cook salmon till it`s like shoe leather akin to a well done steak. But, lovely. And my goodness, the cheesecake......usually I only eat a little, but it was very light and almost fluffy, not dense at all. I made strawberry and white chocolate and a passion fruit one, nice. Along with our usual pot of tea, perfect meal for a Friday evening.

Malbec was lovely too.......I can see from my posts why I`ll never be slim!!

Lamps are on here around 8.45 now, certainly getting darker as the nights go on, but it still feels so early for that!

Watching something on Netflix now......
Woot! love your coleslaw

It`s not good for the diet......but........yum!!!

Just saw our first Christmas ad on tv and stores have the tins of Christmas chocolates in now!! Even for me, it`s far too early!!! And I adore Christmas.

I think bedtime is getting closer for us.......Tom is yawning and it`s catching! Rain forecast during the night, definitely will be raining in the morning, so I`m thinking bacon with something for breakfast, might make pancakes as I haven`t made them in a while. I don`t have maple syrup but I do have golden syrup which I actually prefer. Very sweet but perfect with pancakes and`s terrible I`m thinking about breakfast at 10.30pm the night before!!

It's that Friday dance feeling :cool1: and a holiday weekend to boot!!!!!

I am not sure what is in the plans for the weekend - but - the weather looks to be perfect! Our week was taken up with the arrival of appliances - so we didn't plan anything for the weekend. Maybe some fishing will happen - I would be ok with that. Along with maybe take in a movie and stay close to the home quarters.

We will probably stick close to home. Word between siblings is the dh's dad ( FIL ) purchased a new RV and they have found out it that there was some damage done while transporting it here - and that wasn't disclosed upon purchasing. So dh will help out his dad if he gets the phone call from his dad - to help sort out what needs to be done. There is a reason why I DISPISE salesmen. There is a special place in hell for all of them. Rant over!

While airfare has gone up, did use her voucher, and if I add to my snagged lowest I’ve ever seen fare I got, total for the two of us is pretty good. And another yay, seems rental car for September is dropping nicely, but a boo, as getting higher than I think I’m ever going to pay for my August time that I have so far.
It's great your youngest is joining you. Hopefully you find a price drop.
Our "good" deal for Nov/Dec car rental is $850 (I think) cheapest we`ve paid for years, that`s for 16 nights.
That's not a bad price!!!! I remember our trip in 21 - our rental for 10 days cost more than our hotel bill for 10 days :rolleyes2
So stuffed I don’t want to think of food, much later, snow crab & large shrimp for dinner. Marinating some garden cukes & red onion slivers, i use rice wine vinegar + seasonings. Sort of a quick pickle.
That sounds delicious! I love cucumbers!!!!

Well, I should go find some papers to shred. Not much else to do today.

Haahahahaha I thought I had posted this...but I didn't so I'm adding
Lamps are on here around 8.45 now, certainly getting darker as the nights go on, but it still feels so early for that!
It is always sad. We are still light out at 9:00 the time I go to bed at 10:30 it's darker again. And for reference we are around the 55th parallel. My brother-in-law lives above the 60th parallel. Now there the sun barely dips below the horizon and is back up again. When we would go to the bar in summer and come out at closing - it was daylight. It's a very weird things to experience.

Alright...almost time to go home - have a great evening everyone!!!!


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