Speeding ticket, should I go to traffic court or just pay it?


DIS Veteran
May 19, 2005
I got pulled over for speeding 2 weeks ago. The first time ever being pulled over, let alone getting a ticket. I was pretty much just going to pay it, but then many people are telling me I should go to traffic court and see if they will lessen it, since I have a good record. (I'm 51 years old, so I've been driving a while).

Anyone ever done this and have it work?

I am definitely guilty of speeding, I was being stupid! But, I do in some ways have a reason. The road I was on has passing lanes every 10 miles or so. There were 2 semis in front of me, I got past one, but was in the left lane (the passing lane) and it was ending soon, so I stepped on it to get past the 2nd semi. But, it was way too fast I know. 19 over the speed limit. I got a $200 ticket and 4 points off my license.

The traffic court is about an hour away from home (we were coming back from vacation at the time). Is it worth it to go and tell them I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I don't usually drive like that, etc.? I'm not even sure how traffic court works. It is a state patrol that pulled me over (a few people have mentioned that they rarely lower your ticket.)

Thanks for any advice!
I got pulled over for speeding 2 weeks ago. The first time ever being pulled over, let alone getting a ticket. I was pretty much just going to pay it, but then many people are telling me I should go to traffic court and see if they will lessen it, since I have a good record. (I'm 51 years old, so I've been driving a while).
I think you'll get many different answers here. Honestly, I find it easier to just pay.
Yeah, where I'm from, you don't get very far with state patrol. I would just pay the ticket - as long as you don't get any more, it shouldn't have much effect on your insurance or driving record.
The upcharge in my insurance made it worth my time to go to traffic court. I was also speeding - not aware that I was speeding. Also with clean driving record. I was honest, explained that I was not paying attention and they waived the ticket.
Go to court, ask them to produce the calibration records for the radar gun that supposedly caught you.
Go to court. You will probably get a choice to go to driving school to reduce the points. When the same thing happened to me (also about 45 minutes from my house), I went to court in the county where I got the ticket, but went to driver's school in my county. No points on the license.
Fight it. Tell them you were going with the flow of traffic to get by semi.
She wasn't, though. With the passing lane ending shortly, the proper move would be to pull back into the travelling lane between the two semis.

Disclaimer: not an opinion of the OP, the speed, or whether or not to fight the ticket.
When our son was 17, he got a traffic ticket for a fender bender. We hired an attorney who worked out a deal with the prosecutor. We paid the fine, but the ticket was not put on his record and no points on his record. The attorney cost us an extra $750, but with a young driver, the insurance increase could have been very costly.

When the same son was 19, he got a speeding ticket at college. He went to the local courthouse and they told him to go to court on his court date and talk with the judge. He did, and the judge reduced the fine and the points on his record.

It does pay to be proactive. And, knock on wood, DS is now almost 22 and those are his only 2 tickets :)
You would be better off speaking with people in the area you got the ticket.

My friend and I got a ticket out of state years back and the attendant at the gas station we stopped at afterward said it would be a good idea to go to traffic court. Traffic court was a 2 hour drive each way but due to her having a clean record prior to this ticket it was dropped from $300 to $90 and no points. However there are other areas around us it would make no difference and it would be better to pay than drive all that way.
Many years ago, my husband was in grad school and I was the only one with a (very low paying) job. He had an internship and got a $500 speeding ticket on his way home one night...I was so upset because we were pretty much living on pb&j sandwiches at that point and could NOT afford to pay a ticket! I "strongly encouraged" him to go to traffic court. They ended up reducing the fine to $200 (which was still really rough on us) and he was able to do community service at the local library to make up the rest.

Obviously, that's not so much an option for many working adults. But I mention it as an example of how they will sometimes be willing to work with you if you are polite and respectful when you explain the situation.

Also...he's never gotten another ticket and is much more careful so I like to think his time served was a good lesson, haha!
Thanks everyone for the responses! I forgot to mention that is was air patrol that caught me, so no radar gun. Also they had about 8 of us pulled over. It was crazy! I don't know anyone in the area to talk to, but do know that this area is known as a speed trap.
She wasn't, though. With the passing lane ending shortly, the proper move would be to pull back into the travelling lane between the two semis.
I know this is what I keep saying that I should have done!!!
Still not sure what I'm going to do. I have til Oct 12 to decide. There is something on the bottom of my ticket saying I could possibly attend Traffic Safety School and reduce the points.
In California, if you go to court and it is your first violation in many years, you can often go to traffic school, and upon completion, it never goes on your record. And no insurance increase.
Many of the traffic schools are online and inexpensive (like $12). But you have to go to court to get traffic school.
Go to court, ask them to produce the calibration records for the radar gun that supposedly caught you.

This is valid. In PA, you have two scenarios depending on who pulled you over. If it was State Police, they are the only law enforcement agency allowed to use radar so then you'll ask for the machine that calibrates the radar gun, then ask for calibration dates of the machine that calibrate the radar gun. It has to be done within a year so if one of the two is not done in a year you won your fight.

If it was local municipal police (township/borough), they cannot use radar but have other timing devices. They use VASCAR OR ENRADD and lines to calculate the distance vs time traveled. If this is the case, same thing goes. Ask for the calibration dates of the machines, then the calibrations dates of the machine that calibrated ENRADD or VASCAR. Again, normally both need to be calibrated within the year. Good luck!
Do they have prayer for judgement in your area (I know NC and SC do)? With a clean record go to court, get prayer for judgement, no points, no fine, BUT the ticket comes back if you get another ticket in certain time, like 2.5 years.
Our insurance agent says to always call a lawyer and they will take care of it for you. Cheaper than the insurance increase.
We really can't give you an answer as every court is different. In my county there are a dozen or more jurisdictions and each handles traffic differently. There's no universal answer except that it can't get worse if you go to court. If they don't offer you something lesser, you can just pay off the ticket.


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