spring 2009

Thank you for this information. I have one more question, is this something he should do asap, or is it something he can wait to do next year? He really is just going into the second semester of this major, because he changed after the first semester in his first year. I'm wondering if I'm rushing him to look at this.....

I know plenty of people who did their CP later in college, even waiting until they had graduted to do the CP. As for me, I did my first CP after 1 semester in school, and I am so happy I didn't wait.
I had my interview a couple of hours ago and I think it went pretty well... i know a lot of us were wondering about questions asked... so i'll just copy and paste what i posted in my live journal here!


my interview is over. It lasted roughly 20-25 minutes. Ronda was a VERY VERY VERY nice lady and made me feel totally comfortable!

the interview started with her just confirming some of my application material, like the correct spelling of my name, my address, current place of employment (which she asked some questions about) and my school/major.

Then she asked me what it was that made me want to do the Disney college program as opposed to all of the other internships out there. My answer was somewhere along the lines of : "because traveling to Disney as a kid, I never fully realized that people WORKED there. Everyone seems to just genuinely be happy to be there. With my goals of eventually having a career with Disney, I believe that the college program is a fantastic first step. I love meeting people and am really excited about the opportunity to take classes and network with Disney professionals..." it was something like that. i was so nervous I can't remember exactly lol.

She then asked me to tell her my roles in preference order. So I told her Character Attendant, Attractions, Hospitality, Merchandise and Vacation Planner.

first she asked me since i have food and bev experience if i would be open to doing quick/full service F&B. I responded something like:
"... honestly, I believe my abilities would best suit Disney if i were placed in one of the roles I am applying for, however, if it was the only role available to me I would take it because I am incredibly serious about working my way up through the company" So... she marked on her sheet that i prefer one of the roles on my checklist but would be open to the possibility of food and bev if it was the only thing available... which, since today was the 1st day of interviews... isn't the only thing avaialable. lol

then she went into the roles she went in order of preference:

CA- How would you handle a situation where a guest was being rough with one of the characters? (TOTALLY NOT EXPECTING THIS QUESTION). My answer summarized: I would use the childs name if i knew it (and i used tigger as the character being attacked, lol) and i explained that tigger is so excited that "sally" came to visit him and that sally shouldn't pull on tiggers tail because tigger wants everyone to be safe, because when we are being safe, we get to have a lot of fun... or something like that. I also explained that if it was a teenager or an adult, I would say something along those lines but modified for the appropriate age (ie: not so corny) and with body language send them the signal that it's definetly NOT allowed. then I quickly mentioned that im sure this scenerio happens frequently and I would expect that Disney would fully properly train me on that before sending me out on my own. She said it was a good answer , but i just didn't feel very confident about it.

Attractions- Have you ever had experience speaking infront of a large auidence? My answer: No, but i explained that I had played in a high school band and had experience PERFORMING infront of a large auidence, just not SPEAKING.
Would you be willing to memorize and deliver a lengthy script using a microphone to a large auidence? My answer... absolutley givin' the opportunity and the appropriate amount of time to get it memorized. *Note: she never asked me any 'how would you handle situation X" questions about rides or anything which could mean that A. she know's how i would respond, B. was thinking more of SHOWS than rides... or C. decided not to put me in attractions, lol

Hospitality- With working with Hyatt, why is hospitlaity #3 on your list (laughing)? My answer summarized: (laughing) That's not the 1st time i've been asked this. *insert her laughing some more*, but my theory is that this is such a new experience for me. If given the opportunity to work resorts there's no chance that i would pass it up. I would take it in a heart beat. I'm just more inclined to have a completly different expereience and being allowed the opportunity to do character attendant, or attractions would give me that chance:)
How would you create a welcoming environment for the guests? I explained that my family owns a DVC membership and that everytime we enter they say "welcome home!" with a big smile. I explained that just hearing that makes me feel welcomed and I would use the guests anme at every opportunity to make it personal and ask them about their experience on the property and jsut remember to smile a lot and genuinely care. I said something about just being approachable and genuine to someone makes them feel welcomed.

Then she basically just asked me if i had any questions about anything whatsoever and i said no and thanked her for her time and that was about that.

After almost everything i said she replied "oh WONDERFUL!" and said how she thought I had such a great personality, so i'm taking that as a good sign:) She also asked me somewhere in there to pick my favorite thing from my jobs that i've either currently held, or prievously held... i told her that each job has had the favorite things about them and rattled off a couple of my favorites. She said how she thought i would say something like that because I seem like the person that just has a lot of good things to say about stuff:)

SWEEEEEEETTTT! she said i should hear something between 2-3 weeks.

that will be the LONGEST 14-21 days of my entire life:)
I had my interview a couple of hours ago and I think it went pretty well... i know a lot of us were wondering about questions asked... so i'll just copy and paste what i posted in my live journal here!


my interview is over. It lasted roughly 20-25 minutes. Ronda was a VERY VERY VERY nice lady and made me feel totally comfortable!

the interview started with her just confirming some of my application material, like the correct spelling of my name, my address, current place of employment (which she asked some questions about) and my school/major.

Then she asked me what it was that made me want to do the Disney college program as opposed to all of the other internships out there. My answer was somewhere along the lines of : "because traveling to Disney as a kid, I never fully realized that people WORKED there. Everyone seems to just genuinely be happy to be there. With my goals of eventually having a career with Disney, I believe that the college program is a fantastic first step. I love meeting people and am really excited about the opportunity to take classes and network with Disney professionals..." it was something like that. i was so nervous I can't remember exactly lol.

She then asked me to tell her my roles in preference order. So I told her Character Attendant, Attractions, Hospitality, Merchandise and Vacation Planner.

first she asked me since i have food and bev experience if i would be open to doing quick/full service F&B. I responded something like:
"... honestly, I believe my abilities would best suit Disney if i were placed in one of the roles I am applying for, however, if it was the only role available to me I would take it because I am incredibly serious about working my way up through the company" So... she marked on her sheet that i prefer one of the roles on my checklist but would be open to the possibility of food and bev if it was the only thing available... which, since today was the 1st day of interviews... isn't the only thing avaialable. lol

then she went into the roles she went in order of preference:

CA- How would you handle a situation where a guest was being rough with one of the characters? (TOTALLY NOT EXPECTING THIS QUESTION). My answer summarized: I would use the childs name if i knew it (and i used tigger as the character being attacked, lol) and i explained that tigger is so excited that "sally" came to visit him and that sally shouldn't pull on tiggers tail because tigger wants everyone to be safe, because when we are being safe, we get to have a lot of fun... or something like that. I also explained that if it was a teenager or an adult, I would say something along those lines but modified for the appropriate age (ie: not so corny) and with body language send them the signal that it's definetly NOT allowed. then I quickly mentioned that im sure this scenerio happens frequently and I would expect that Disney would fully properly train me on that before sending me out on my own. She said it was a good answer , but i just didn't feel very confident about it.

Attractions- Have you ever had experience speaking infront of a large auidence? My answer: No, but i explained that I had played in a high school band and had experience PERFORMING infront of a large auidence, just not SPEAKING.
Would you be willing to memorize and deliver a lengthy script using a microphone to a large auidence? My answer... absolutley givin' the opportunity and the appropriate amount of time to get it memorized. *Note: she never asked me any 'how would you handle situation X" questions about rides or anything which could mean that A. she know's how i would respond, B. was thinking more of SHOWS than rides... or C. decided not to put me in attractions, lol

Hospitality- With working with Hyatt, why is hospitlaity #3 on your list (laughing)? My answer summarized: (laughing) That's not the 1st time i've been asked this. *insert her laughing some more*, but my theory is that this is such a new experience for me. If given the opportunity to work resorts there's no chance that i would pass it up. I would take it in a heart beat. I'm just more inclined to have a completly different expereience and being allowed the opportunity to do character attendant, or attractions would give me that chance:)
How would you create a welcoming environment for the guests? I explained that my family owns a DVC membership and that everytime we enter they say "welcome home!" with a big smile. I explained that just hearing that makes me feel welcomed and I would use the guests anme at every opportunity to make it personal and ask them about their experience on the property and jsut remember to smile a lot and genuinely care. I said something about just being approachable and genuine to someone makes them feel welcomed.

Then she basically just asked me if i had any questions about anything whatsoever and i said no and thanked her for her time and that was about that.

After almost everything i said she replied "oh WONDERFUL!" and said how she thought I had such a great personality, so i'm taking that as a good sign:) She also asked me somewhere in there to pick my favorite thing from my jobs that i've either currently held, or prievously held... i told her that each job has had the favorite things about them and rattled off a couple of my favorites. She said how she thought i would say something like that because I seem like the person that just has a lot of good things to say about stuff:)

SWEEEEEEETTTT! she said i should hear something between 2-3 weeks.

that will be the LONGEST 14-21 days of my entire life:)

I'm happy to hear your interview went so well, mine's in an hour I don't think I've been so nervous in my life. Hopefully all goes well, alot of our roles match up so I'm preparing around the questions she posed to you, hopefully I don't tank!!!
I'm happy to hear your interview went so well, mine's in an hour I don't think I've been so nervous in my life. Hopefully all goes well, alot of our roles match up so I'm preparing around the questions she posed to you, hopefully I don't tank!!!

Good luck!!:thumbsup2
I just got back from faxing my application and role checklist. I had my interview with Ronda who was beyond nice. While I was still nervous she definitely calmed me down a bit. I think the interview went well, I told her a lot about my last trip to Disney World and how much fun I had, she then asked me questions about my current job in retail and how much I liked it. From there she asked questions from my role check list, with attractions I received the famous "Space Mountain Question" I felt my answer was a kind of a generic answer but she seemed pleased with it. She then asked about the character attendant role, she asked if I had an issues with having to be assertive in that role, I said didn't have any. She then asked a few more questions about attractions (would you have any issues with memorizing a script) to which I replied: "No I wouldn't, I already have most of the Great Movie Ride memorized because I've been on it so many times" She laughed. Merchandise was kind of funny, she felt I had enough experience so I didn't get asked anything about it haha. With full service food and beverage she only really asked why I had chosen it, I explained that it was something different that I would love to do and felt it would be a new challenge, she seemed pleased with that one as well. The final role question was the infamous quick service question, I said if it were the only way in I'd take it but it wouldn't be anything I'd do otherwise. So all and all I felt it went well, interesting side note apparently they aren't requiring us to mail our applications this year, just fax. So I ran right out after the interview and faxed my checklist and app. It's supposed to be 2-3 weeks for a reply. Hopefully I get accepted!!!!!
Sounds like the interviews are going well! I don't think you guys have a thing to worry about... except starting to decide what to leave behind when you move to FL ;-)

Good luck!
i hope my interview goes as well as everyone elses is going. i originally scheduled my interview for 130 on wednesday but i felt it was cutting too close with my last class of the day so i rescheduled it for tomorrow at 2:15 pm. im so nervous! and whats worse, my home phone is on the fritz and not working! in fact im on the school computer now cuz i have dial up so cant even gert on the internet at home right now. if i cant get it fixed tonight i was thinking about calling them in the morning and changing the phone number for them to call. do u think that would be ok? and when i called they told me my interviewers name is molly. has anyone else had her?
Sounds like the interviews are going well! I don't think you guys have a thing to worry about... except starting to decide what to leave behind when you move to FL ;-)

Good luck!

I was just nervous cause I went to the printing place right after my interview ended to go fax the application, and the woman kept messing it up so she ended up sending it like 3 times, I'm gonna call Disney in a few days though just to make sure they have it. Good luck to all of those interviewing in the coming days!!!! :thumbsup2
Sounds like the interviews are going well! I don't think you guys have a thing to worry about... except starting to decide what to leave behind when you move to FL ;-)

Good luck!

Heh, I know I will have that problem come May (since I will be staying on in FL once my CP ends).
I feel like i'm going to love my experience so much that i'm going to end up staying there forever XD
Just finished faxing my checklist and application and I'm so excited! As already stated, Rhonda was amazingly nice, and the interview went really well. I thought it was going nicely, and got confirmation at the end: "I had a really great time talking to you, and I've got to say with your attitude and your diverse experience I think you're going to be a real asset to the program. You'll hear back from us very soon!"

I just about died, I was so happy. :woohoo:
Just finished faxing my checklist and application and I'm so excited! As already stated, Rhonda was amazingly nice, and the interview went really well. I thought it was going nicely, and got confirmation at the end: "I had a really great time talking to you, and I've got to say with your attitude and your diverse experience I think you're going to be a real asset to the program. You'll hear back from us very soon!"

I just about died, I was so happy. :woohoo:

Congratulations! It sounds like you really impressed them
another question from this college kids mom :)

My son is not so sure this is something he wants to do this year (he's not much of an advance planner). I want him to look at the application. If he does the online presentation and fills out the application, and does the interview and if he gets accepted can he decline? If he does decline for this year, can he do it all over again for next year? Will he still be considered or is it a mark against him that he declined originally?

Also, is there anyone out there that's done the CP that can explain what it's like, what to expect? I think he's thinking there's more to it than the work and classes. I think he's hesitating because he doesn't know what to expect. I don't want to push him, but he's the kind of kid that needs an initial push, and I don't want him to pass up a great opportunity.

Thanks for any info you guys can offer, good luck to all of you - I hope all your dreams really do come true!
another question from this college kids mom :)

My son is not so sure this is something he wants to do this year (he's not much of an advance planner). I want him to look at the application. If he does the online presentation and fills out the application, and does the interview and if he gets accepted can he decline? If he does decline for this year, can he do it all over again for next year? Will he still be considered or is it a mark against him that he declined originally?

Also, is there anyone out there that's done the CP that can explain what it's like, what to expect? I think he's thinking there's more to it than the work and classes. I think he's hesitating because he doesn't know what to expect. I don't want to push him, but he's the kind of kid that needs an initial push, and I don't want him to pass up a great opportunity.

Thanks for any info you guys can offer, good luck to all of you - I hope all your dreams really do come true!

Yes, he can decline and be able to apply again at a later date. It may be easier to attend a presentation and find out the info.

I have done the CP 4 times now. The CP is an internship, so there is work involved. But you don't have to take classes if you don't want to (unless you are taking them for school credit). It really isn't that bad. I feel the CP is such a great experience.
I feel like i'm going to love my experience so much that i'm going to end up staying there forever XD

You would be surprised how many people do just that! I would have been one of them, but my friends down in FL all told me I had to finish up school and graduate.
Yes, he can decline and be able to apply again at a later date. It may be easier to attend a presentation and find out the info.

I have done the CP 4 times now. The CP is an internship, so there is work involved. But you don't have to take classes if you don't want to (unless you are taking them for school credit). It really isn't that bad. I feel the CP is such a great experience.

Thank you Joanna. One more question :confused3 (so sorry), I see on the website that now they are accepting Spring 09 - I knew this, but they also mention a Fall program, doing interviews in Spring Semester. This means that they will announce when they are taking apps for the Fall semester?? When is this usually announced? This is another option I can discuss with my son.

Again, thanks
You would be surprised how many people do just that! I would have been one of them, but my friends down in FL all told me I had to finish up school and graduate.

I'll just have to remember that XD Although if I really like it all that much I could also continue my classes down in Orlando at community college or something along those lines.
Hey guys my interview was today too with Caylene I think that was her name but I hope I did good. I told her I wanted full-service food and beverage, recreation and hospitality. Since I was interested in recreation she also asked me if I was open to lifeguarding. I have never been a lifeguard before and she said if I pass my physical testing Im in. But if I dont pass the physical test will they still accept me to the program?


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