"Spring is in the Air" March 2020 W.I.S.H. Challenge


This poem was posted in an exhibit at my Niece's museum and it really spoke to me, so I'd like to share it as a little start to the week.

i am not done yet

as possible as yeast
as imminent as bread
a collection of safe habits
a collection of cares
less certain than i seem
more certain than i was
a changed changer
i continue to continue
where i have been
most of my lives is
where i'm going

Lucille Clifton
i am not done yet

I love this! It goes with my belief that change is always possible.

Feeling motivated as the new week begins-down 2lbs. That makes a total of almost 5lbs in two weeks. My clothes feel a little looser.

Sitting on the deck listening to the birds this morning. It’s going to be a beautiful day-Happy Monday, everyone!
I am not too motivated but i really need to be. Being on the stariod has made me very hungry. Like starving all the time. It is going to be a long 2 weeks on this. We don't have much going on this week nice basketball just ended and soccer has't started yet. DH and I are planing on walking in the afternoons since we will be be in the 50's and 60's the next few days.
So, coronavirus... I flip flop back and forth between feeling like I'm happy to do anything that will help disrupt the progression pattern of the virus, to being really pissed off about the fear-mongering media coverage and the economic damage being done by useless panic. And for the life of me I can't figure out the toilet paper hording thing... a gal in front of me at the grocery store line yesterday actually had a cart full of the XL sized packages.

We are having to work from home for the next couple weeks, which I don't like but at the same time I am grateful to have the option, as those working on the sales floor in the stores don't have that choice. I'm still planning on going to WDW end of the month, partly in defiance. The only reason I would change plans is if WDW were to close.

On to this week... my motivation is to make sure I don't go stir crazy being sequestered at home. I'll go out for a walk at lunch time just to make sure I'm moving and will go out to eat or shop each evening, which kind of undoes the working from home part, but mental health is also important.
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I worry about the economic damage, I fear that global recessions is inevitable at this stage. We could work from home but I am sending my son to school with public transport every day, I feel I need to lead by example and turn up in the office few times weekly

I didn;t really have weight loss week to be honest, but over all 30 days of consistent tracking and 5.9kg down - I am really happy with that.

Eating healthy, moving more, trying to maintain healthy weight does not guarantee anyone you won't get virus or other illness. But it gives you better fighting back chances and I can honestly say I felt so unwell end of last year if I was to get a bad bug than, I wouldn't have had as good fight back chance as I do now. I feel so much better

That's my motivation, I want to do what I an to remain healthy as long as I can. I can't control the virus but I can get out for walk daily and mind how much I eat
It’s a beautiful day! And I’m using that for my motivation. I was so tired getting up this morning with the time change. And my Monday workouts have been full cardio craziness. So that was challenging. But I did it. And now the sun is shining. I’m still tired, but the sun is making me happy. I’m currently listening to the children playing Outside my window during recess. It’s nice to hear the sounds of squeaking swings, balls bouncing and children laughing. But now I have to go prep a science lesson ;)

Happy Monday everyone!
I’m currently listening to the children playing Outside my window during recess. It’s nice to hear the sounds of squeaking swings, balls bouncing and children laughing.
It's naptime in Pre-K. I have the same sounds outside my window. I love it.

I just sent home a boy with diarrhea up his shirt and down his pants. I sent home another boy vomiting in my bathroom.🤢

Over the weekend, I went shopping for cleaning supplies for my classroom. I got the last Clorox wipes on the shelf. I bought a scrub cleanser with bleach for my tables, and bathroom cleaner with bleach. I got one of the last bottles of rubbing alcohol. I grabbed a bleach for the house, and a lady had 7 in her cart. I gave her a dirty look for hoarding and she put two back lol. This panic and paranoia is driving me crazy. Stop being so selfish! Save something for the next person! We have zero cases in Connecticut...just a couple of doctors who live in NY. I know it is coming, but if we all act reasonably, take the proper precautions, and be kind to strangers, this doesn't have to be the end of the world.

I did a deep clean in my classroom today. I don't trust my new custodian. My old one was so thorough. This one stinks. Great timing, huh? :rolleyes2

I'm concerned with school closing and having to make up days at the end. It stinks. I really hate the "not knowing" what will happen. I'm also feeling quite defiant, and as of right now plan on going to WDW in June unless they close.

The time change is welcome. I'm LOVING more daylight🌞. That in and of itself gives me so much hope. I will admit to being tired, but I know that I will adjust.

More good news: Today is my 100th day on noom!!! 100 days and 20 pounds!!!🥂

Hang in there my friends...


Last week there was conversation about our self images when we were young, so let's explore that a bit more.

* What/who were your influences growing up?
* Who helped (or harmed) you develop your sense of self?
* Are there "truths" you learned during girlhood that you still believe, that are adversely
impacting your adult life/choices?

* If you could talk with your younger self about weight, health, her body, what who you tell her?
I’ll point out that my teenage years were during the late 60s and early 70s (!)
I was probably influenced by the teen magazines that were so popular at the time. Seventeen, Tiger Beat. I was tall and slender, but nothing like those girls in the magazines. They instilled a love of clothes and fashion, but I was never going to be as skinny as Twiggy or as put together as those models.
I had some wonderful women teachers during those years, so they influenced me in a positive way. Women could work at a job they loved and have a husband and family.

I can’t think of any truths that were a negative influence then and now.

I think I would tell my younger self to focus on a healthy lifestyle and not obsess on a number on the scale.
It's naptime in Pre-K. I have the same sounds outside my window. I love it.

I just sent home a boy with diarrhea up his shirt and down his pants. I sent home another boy vomiting in my bathroom.🤢

Over the weekend, I went shopping for cleaning supplies for my classroom. I got the last Clorox wipes on the shelf. I bought a scrub cleanser with bleach for my tables, and bathroom cleaner with bleach. I got one of the last bottles of rubbing alcohol. I grabbed a bleach for the house, and a lady had 7 in her cart. I gave her a dirty look for hoarding and she put two back lol. This panic and paranoia is driving me crazy. Stop being so selfish! Save something for the next person! We have zero cases in Connecticut...just a couple of doctors who live in NY. I know it is coming, but if we all act reasonably, take the proper precautions, and be kind to strangers, this doesn't have to be the end of the world.

I did a deep clean in my classroom today. I don't trust my new custodian. My old one was so thorough. This one stinks. Great timing, huh? :rolleyes2

I'm concerned with school closing and having to make up days at the end. It stinks. I really hate the "not knowing" what will happen. I'm also feeling quite defiant, and as of right now plan on going to WDW in June unless they close.

The time change is welcome. I'm LOVING more daylight🌞. That in and of itself gives me so much hope. I will admit to being tired, but I know that I will adjust.

More good news: Today is my 100th day on noom!!! 100 days and 20 pounds!!!🥂

Hang in there my friends...

I guess I'll jump in here - I'm Becky and I was part of this group a number of years ago. I feel the need again to hold myself accountable and this was a good place to do that last time!

I'm 49 and have 3 kids with my DH of 27 years. Weight wise I need to lose over 100 pounds probably, but for now my goal is around 70 pounds and we'll go from there.

I quoted @Summer2018 because I'm curious about Noom. I tried reading into it a bit last night, but it seems kind of secretive. I was just curious if there's a difference in it vs something like My Fitness Pal? I used that last time when I lost about 30 pounds and felt it worked pretty good for me. I am a calorie counter as I feel that works best for me. I'm an accountant, so I guess I love number and like to consider my food for the day / week similar to how I think about my budget. If it's there, I can use it, if not, don't (much easier said than done of course)!

Anyway, if you'd like to share your thoughts anymore about Noom, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!
I'm also a 60's/70's kid, so "media" exposure was definitely different back then, and like @sjrec it was Seventeen magazine for me, and my Mom often bought Cosmopolitan which I also read... not really a pre-teen focused publication. And my Dad always had Playboy magazine laying around... argghhhh, that's probably where most of the unrealistic images/expectations came from.

I remember having some odd thoughts about my body, like I was convinced I was going to have three sets of teeth and thought the rolls of fat on my upper belly were going to grow into extra breasts. And I don't recall talking to my Mom about any of this sort of stuff.

In the upper elementary and junior high school years I was definitely "thick" and my Mom did put me on a diet for a while. In high school I really wasn't heavy, but the self image of "chubby" prevailed.

In the EFT sessions we've gone back and given my young self some tools to work with, and had comforting conversations with "her". This has really been impactful in helping me heal and re-program.
I guess I'll jump in here - I'm Becky and I was part of this group a number of years ago. I feel the need again to hold myself accountable and this was a good place to do that last time!

I'm 49 and have 3 kids with my DH of 27 years. Weight wise I need to lose over 100 pounds probably, but for now my goal is around 70 pounds and we'll go from there.

I quoted @Summer2018 because I'm curious about Noom. I tried reading into it a bit last night, but it seems kind of secretive. I was just curious if there's a difference in it vs something like My Fitness Pal? I used that last time when I lost about 30 pounds and felt it worked pretty good for me. I am a calorie counter as I feel that works best for me. I'm an accountant, so I guess I love number and like to consider my food for the day / week similar to how I think about my budget. If it's there, I can use it, if not, don't (much easier said than done of course)!

Anyway, if you'd like to share your thoughts anymore about Noom, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!

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Last week there was conversation about our self images when we were young, so let's explore that a bit more.

* What/who were your influences growing up?
* Who helped (or harmed) you develop your sense of self?
* Are there "truths" you learned during girlhood that you still believe, that are adversely
impacting your adult life/choices?

* If you could talk with your younger self about weight, health, her body, what who you tell her?

I'll start with the last question and work from there - I would definitely tell my younger self that you are not overweight just because you are not a little size 2. My bones are about a size 10 and I couldn't accept / didn't understand that when I was younger. Sometimes I feel like my weight is one of those self fulfilling prophecies - you think you are fat, so you become fat. Probably not that simplistic, but I did always think I was fat even when I clearly wasn't.

Mostly my influences growing up were my family and my parent's group of friends and their families. They had a large circle of friends and got together regularly. Most of them had kids around my age so we also spent a lot of time together. Overall, they were all very positive people and I feel they were all good influences about life in general.

I really don't know what negative truths that I learned - I definitely don't have a story of abuse or anything as a reason to my weight gain - mine is on me for unhealthy choices over my life. I guess the only thing I could use is that I"m married to someone who is tall and thin. He seems to be able to eat anything and not gain weight. I have learned over the years though that when you break down our eating patterns and movement patterns, there is a reason (in addition to good genetics) that he is the way he is and I am the way I am.

I will say though, that I've never felt pressure from DH to lose weight and for that I'm eternally grateful. It would make it just that much harder to lose weight if I felt my partner was judging me the way that I judge myself.
I grew up with Seventeen and later Cosmo, and always felt like I was too thick-waisted and flat-chested to be really 'attractive' but I was okay with my legs. I'm still fighting the mindset that a flat stomach is attainable, and am learning to love and embrace my curves.

If I could, I'd tell my younger self to eat healthfully because it makes you feel better and sets good habits for life, not to diet to lose weight. I'd tell her that regular exercise might be a pain in the moment but the benefits reverberate all day and beyond. I'd also tell her that I'm proud of her for not giving in to other things-Not giving in to 'fast fashion' and standing up for her own bodily autonomy.

Okay, well, I was born in 1964, so I'm a child of the 60's and 70's.

I'm a child of an alcoholic gambler father. He went to rehab and got sober when I was 15. I have no doubt that his addictions affected me using food like a drug to escape, comfort myself, and even celebrate. I drink occasionally, but I don't have an attachment to it like he did. (My sister is currently an alcoholic who has almost died multiple times because of it. I have detached from her.)

My mother took diet pills (speed) to stay thin. She was very into looking fabulous, and she did. We shopped and lunched every weekend spending much more money than we had. She grew up affluent and married a regular guy. We shopped at high-end luxury stores and bought "only the best." I was tall and thin, but if I looked at all chubby, she put me on Weight Watchers. I lost that 5-10 pounds quickly, and that was that. Appearances were important.

My friends were skinny. A few were anorexic and bulimic. They made me feel fat even though I wasn't. Basically all my friends and acquaintances were obsessed with being thin.

My body image has always been warped. I'm beginning to look in the mirror and actually see what is in front of me.


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