"Spring is in the Air" March 2020 W.I.S.H. Challenge

I grew up in the 80's and 90's. I was never really concerned with my image when I was younger. I knew I had no fashion sense and cannot match anything ever. I was thin and did not need to even try. I was never able to gain weight until after I had kids and got a desk job. I don't remember ever really looking up to someone in a way of looks. I have always looked up to my mom but more so because of what she went though and over came with her family and my father. My dad was abusive and my mom being 9 months pregnant with me at 19 years old served my dad herself with the divorce papers. She is one strong cookie.
For me, family was everything. I didn’t read too many magazine (except for Highlights...loved the hidden pictures!) or watch much tv. I played...a lot! And I was an athlete. I started playing soccer at age seven, which eventually switched to field hockey. Then I also started basketball and softball in middle school. I had lots of cousins, so family get together on my dads side we’re filled with games of wiffleball. On my moms side, we were usually playing in my grandmas barn or climbing trees on the woods. Because I was so active, I could eat almost anything! And we were a meat & potatoes family. My grandmother cooked us a big family dinner after church on Sundays. Lots of life events would revolve around food. So it makes sense that I can do the workouts and exercise, but can’t get the eating under control. That wasn’t a problem for me as a child. I think the truth that I subconsciously believe is that I can outrun a bad diet. I know that’s not really true and I know it’s important to eat healthy and I try. I do pretty well...most of the time.
I just want to say I have really enjoyed the conversation today. So many thoughtful responses.

And welcome, @ski_mom! I like your accountants approach-I count points with WW and it’s similar to your thinking. When the points are gone, that’s it. Writing it down in a little notebook makes it hard for me to go over my allotment.
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I guess I'll jump in here - I'm Becky and I was part of this group a number of years ago. I feel the need again to hold myself accountable and this was a good place to do that last time!

I'm 49 and have 3 kids with my DH of 27 years. Weight wise I need to lose over 100 pounds probably, but for now my goal is around 70 pounds and we'll go from there.

I quoted @Summer2018 because I'm curious about Noom. I tried reading into it a bit last night, but it seems kind of secretive. I was just curious if there's a difference in it vs something like My Fitness Pal? I used that last time when I lost about 30 pounds and felt it worked pretty good for me. I am a calorie counter as I feel that works best for me. I'm an accountant, so I guess I love number and like to consider my food for the day / week similar to how I think about my budget. If it's there, I can use it, if not, don't (much easier said than done of course)!

Anyway, if you'd like to share your thoughts anymore about Noom, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!
I also did MyFitnessPal. I was good at logging my food & exercise, but I really just lost and gained the same 10 pounds over and over during a three year period.

Noom has a psychological component which is what I was missing. I have finally lost 20 pounds and fit in clothes that I have not worn in years. I still have a long way to go, but I finally trust myself enough to be successful.
Woohoo for the great conversations yesterday! Thank you to everyone for being so open and willing to share... love this group!

Woohoo, I'm out of the house and in the office today. There are so few people coming in now, and the risk is so small that I'm contemplating continuing to come in. I'm just not productive at home and I really miss my full sized double monitors. Plus it's tough to concentrate with this one watching your every move.


Woohoo, Monday the weather was so beautiful, bright and sunny most of the day. The one advantage of working at home is that as soon as I signed off I was able to get outside and finally mow the lawn. And the extra hour of sun light at the end of the day is divine.

And woohoo, about a month or so ago I signed up to be on the wait-list for a dyeing with mushrooms retreat in Port Townsend in the fall. I hadn't heard anything back and was beginning think I wasn't going to be able to do it, then over the weekend the organizers sent an update... they'd been spending the time adding accommodations, classes and foraging sessions. The retreat takes place at Fort Warden and the accommodations are right at the fort, so I'm really excited.
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Woohoo! The beautiful weather and extra hour of daylight are real mood lifters-

I finally feel like I have my eating under control. I’m writing things down, not going over my points. If I keep on track I should be at my goal by the end of April. That’s assuming I lose a lb a week.

I’m spending the night at my daughter’s tonight to help out with childcare-love spending one on one time with my grandson.

Have a great day, everyone!
I am woohooing that I am feeling better. I am really starting to feel like myself again. Now I need to get working out. I need to figure out a plan for that as I am not going back to the gym here at work since I think that is where I keep picking stuff up at. They just are not cleaning it great and the wipes to wipe things down has run out a few times now.

I am still on the steroid and they are making me crazy hungry. I have gone from eating 2 (on occasion 3) normal meals a day and maybe a snack at night to 3 meals and 3 snacks and still hungry. I am starving by the time I wake up which never happens. This is the meal that I skip most of the time because I am just not hungry until about 10:30 or 11. I am trying to eat 3 normal meals, 2 healthy snacks (fruit or veggies) and one not so healthy.

I am not leaving my office at all right now to get food since I work in a very public building. It is a mall, office space, condos, connected to the casino, connected to the sports area and the main stop for our train. It is just too many people. DH and I have also stopped going out to eat at home. DD was not pleased with this last night since she really wanted subway or McDonald's. This is something we have wanted to for awhile but just haven't. We will save money and will be healthier for us.

DD and I have a baby shower to go to for my DH's side of the family. I really do not want to go. She has already had the baby and the baby is in the hospital for a blood infection right now. She is only like 3 weeks old. They are in one of the big hospitals around here and I just feel like they might be "contaminated". They are a very huggy kind of family and I know if I same something about no hugs right now they will take it personally and get mad. I know I am over reacting a bit but the steroids lower your immune system and I really don't want to get sick again especially with COVID-19. I will go and take my hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes and hope for the best.

My son's 14th birthday is coming up and we are trying to decide what we want to do about his party with the family. My brother-in -Law is still traveling for work and the kids are still in school so this worries us. DH mom already has lung issues and his grandma is in her 80's and have underlying conditions as well. Not to mention that my mom goes to the nursing home to see her parents each week. She is a teacher as well so she would be exposed there possibly. So we just don't know what to do. Right now we have decided to hold off on a party until May. We have done this several times just to have nicer weather. We will make a decision later on what to do.

Sorry for such a long post. So much stuff going on right now.
I'm woohooing that I successfully completed a 24-hour fast yesterday, and I weighed in today at a 3lb loss, putting me down 17.6lbs since January 1! :cheer2: Inching closer and closer to Onederland, but also to that invisible wall I always hit around 200lbs that usually halts my momentum and knocks me completely off track. Not going to let that happen this time, though.
Today's WooHoo is that tomorrow I can book all our fastpasses!! (I'm excited and also hopeful) I had slipped back over the 200lb threshold over the weekend (not a surprise, and I'm taking it in stride) but I was back in One-derland this morning! Wooo! Time to keep the momentum going in the right direction.

I'm finding that even with strict adherence to a diet, I don't really drop any weight. (I avoid calorie counting because that led to some really unhealthy eating habits in college. Like, sub-1000 cals/day unhealthy. I lost a lot of weight but I was eating crap like melba toast with a slice of cheese for dinner, heavily processed protein bars for breakfast, and not getting enough unprocessed, natural sustenance) I only see the numbers on the scale move if I'm moving. So, I'm moving! We've got a rowing machine that I use, or once the weather is not rainy I'll be getting outside for walks to break in shoes and enjoy the fresh air. And I've got my weekly bellydance class tonight: the highlight of my week. Shimmy-therapy is what keeps me sane, sometimes, I swear.
Woo Hoo....I'm really struggling to find a woo hoo. Hmmm.

State of Connecticut just declared a state of emergency. :( Our neighborhood school was just closed because of a person with Coronavirus. My neighborhood. :eek: All of the universities have gone to online learning. All meetings over 100 people cancelled. CIAC Sports cancelled. In my school, all volunteers, tutors, mentors, substitutes, and Foster Grandparents were escorted out of the building before school started. They are not allowed for two weeks. Parents are being given limited access. No more coming into classrooms at all. Field trips cancelled. There is a strong possibility that we will shut down for two weeks then have to make it up at the end which will affect my trip to WDW.

DD is going to a concert Friday night and modelling in a fashion show for Lord & Taylor on Saturday. We have spa appointments after that. She was planning on going to an Irish pub with friends on Saturday night to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. As of right now, parades are being cancelled. I told her to prepare herself to be disappointed, and that things may be cancelled.

I'm trying so hard not to overreact and be chill while still being aware and cautious. I'm cleaning my classroom like a madwoman. I'm reteaching handwashing for the kids who aren't thorough enough. The skin on my hands is red as could be. I did get Aveeno for extra dry skin to apply every time I wash my hands.

Supplies are scarce. Store shelves are bare.

Okay...I got it. I figured out my Woo Hoo!

Two colleagues donated Lysol wipes to my classroom!!!! In the midst of chaos, selfishness, and panic, two fellow teachers SHARED wipes with me. That's my Woo Hoo!
Schools, creches and universities in Ireland are closed for at least two weeks. This is not going to be fun

Can someone take over week 3 instead o fme please, I am just not in the right frame of mind with everything that is going on
Schools, creches and universities in Ireland are closed for at least two weeks. This is not going to be fun

Can someone take over week 3 instead o fme please, I am just not in the right frame of mind with everything that is going on
I can do it.
Hoping you and your family stay healthy. :hug: I’m hoping these closings will slow things down. We’re seeing universities switch to online classes and sporting events and festivals being cancelled.


Take a Gratitude Walk
Go for a walk and make a special effort to appreciate your surroundings. Focus on each of your senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) to find new things you may not have noticed before and that you are thankful for.

I found this exercise and thought it might be fun to do virtually... if you could take a walk anywhere you'd like right now where would it be? What would you see and hear around you and what in your surroundings are you grateful for? And how does this walk help you on your healthful journey? And post a picture of your
walk if you have one handy.
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Schools, creches and universities in Ireland are closed for at least two weeks. This is not going to be fun

Can someone take over week 3 instead of me please, I am just not in the right frame of mind with everything that is going on
We're in the same situation here, the city has essentially shut down and schools are out for at least 2 weeks. Yesterday our governor put out a ban on gatherings greater than 250 people, including church gatherings, sporting events, special events. Restaurants are shutting down because business is so down they can't afford to stay open. I can only hope all of this helps to keep people alive.

This one’s easy-a walk on the beach (preferably offseason)!
I am so grateful to live just a couple hours away from the coast. I listen to the waves hitting the shore and the sound of the seagulls. I love the feel of the warm sand on my bare feet. I don’t mind walking alone because I can “think my thoughts” as my daughter used to say when she was little.
Getting out first thing in the morning before all the crowds appear is a good start to my day- getting those steps in helps me stay motivated to make better decisions the rest of my day.

I'm at Long Beach, walking the boardwalk that winds thru the dunes. It is bright and sunny and warm and there's a soft breeze that I can feel on my face and that is tossing my hair around a bit. I can hear seagulls chattering as they fly over head and the faint sounds of people laughing. But most of all is the sound of the ocean waves, breaking and pushing water up on to the beach, over and over again. I am grateful to be able to feel my surroundings, the breeze, the sun and the power of the waves. Having this time to get out of the city and out of my normal routine is food for my soul.
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This one’s easy-a walk on the beach (preferably offseason)!
I am so grateful to live just a couple hours away from the coast. I listen to the waves hitting the shore and the sound of the seagulls. I love the feel of the warm sand on my bare feet. I don’t mind walking alone because I can “think my thoughts” as my daughter used to say when she was little.
Getting out first thing in the morning before all the crowds appear is a good start to my day- getting those steps in helps me stay motivated to make better decisions the rest of my day.
JINX! When I took my picture, if I had turned to the left, the beach would look almost exactly the same as your beach!

I found this exercise and thought it might be fun to do virtually... if you could take a walk anywhere you'd like right now where would it be? What would you see and hear around you and what in your surroundings are you grateful for? And how does this walk help you on your healthful journey? And post a picture of your
walk if you have one handy.

How about a video?

EPCOT Entrance Park Bench - 5 Minutes

I'd walk right through the front gates of EPCOT to hear my favorite area music, and then I'd walk around the World Showcase. It would help me on my journey mentally immensely - I never feel more carefree than when I'm at Disney. It might not help my diet very much (hello yummy park foods :rotfl: ) but sometimes that's okay!


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