Stacey and Ryan SOG 8/1/09 Updated 3/27 Hawaii Day 2


DIS Veteran
Apr 13, 2006
Hello Everyone! I have been a lurker on the Wedding board for a long time now. I love reading everyones PJ's and TR's. I've always wanted to be able to write my own, but never thought I would be able to because 1. I needed someone to propose and 2. A Disney Wedding always seemed impossible. Well the first one finally happened (more about that in a moment) and while I'm not having a "real" Disney Wedding, I am getting married at Shades of Green on August 1! So, I finally get to start the PJ that I have always wanted to do!! It will probably be a little scattered because to be honest with you I have no idea what to do when it comes to planning a wedding. For now, let me tell you a little bit about us!

Ryan and I met while working at Disney in May of 2004. I was working at the unload area of Buzz Lightyear and he came to bump the person I was working with. I instantly felt attracted to him. We ended up working on the parade route together for Spectro Magic and had a pretty good chance to talk. It felt so natural talking to him and our relationship took off from there (mostly because of me, he is very laid back and shy). I would defintely say it was love at first sight!:love:

This is a picture of us on our college graduation cruise! It was taken in May 2006


Fast forward to today. I'm a third grade teacher and Ryan is in his third year of medical school. We have a beautiful 18 month old daughter named Addison! She is my pride and joy! Here is a picture of her!


The Proposal: Ryan and I went ring shopping over Thanksgiving and purchased a nice ring that needed to be sent off to be sized. I knew he had it back before Christmas and I was expecting him to propose then, but nope, Christmas passed, and no ring! :confused3

He told me he was waiting for a quiet moment, which is understandable, and trust me, quiet moments were hard to come by over Christmas. I had family in town from England and we were busy all the time! The proposal ended up being very simple. On December 29, we were just sitting on the couch talking and he pulled out the ring. That was it, it was over before I knew it began. It wasn't exactly the proposal I had dreamed of while growing up, but it was perfect for us!:love:

Well, that is our story and I will post more details about the wedding later. I am meeting with the coordinator at Shades of Green tomorrow to discuss details and finalize times etc. I'm excited about sharing the experience with all of you. You all seem like a great group of people, and I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of help! Our wedding is going to be a mix of English, American, and Fillipino traditions, and I don't even know where to begin! Thanks for reading! I hope you stay in touch!!!
How adorable is Addison!! :cutie: What a cutie!!

Congrats on the engagement! :goodvibes
just wanted to say congrats and welcome! looking forward to hearing your plans. have fun planning!:goodvibes

Thank you! I can't wait to start planning all the details!

How adorable is Addison!! :cutie: What a cutie!!

Congrats on the engagement! :goodvibes

Congratulations! You look so happy together, and your little one is adorable!:goodvibes

Congrats! Addison is so adorable!

Thank you! I think she is quite cute myself, although I'm a little biased. She is growing up too fast though!
On Thursday I went to the Shades of Green to check out the ballroom and sign the contract! The coordinator is very nice and she made me feel at ease about the whole thing. She knows what she is doing!

We have our ceremony scheduled for August 1, 2009. The ceremony will start at 5:00 at the gazebo (I'm going to take some pictures today, we are taking DF's parents to look at the location) The rain location is right next to the ballroom and is nice so I won't be dissapointed if it gets moved due to the weather (which is a huge possibility in August!)

5:30 is our scheduled start time for our cocktail hour. It will be in the pre reception area right outside the ballroom.

Our reception is scheduled to start at 6:15 and as of now will end at 11:00.

We plan on having a buffet instead of a plated dinner. I know there has been a couple brides on here that were at SOG, can anyone tell me how the food is!?

Well, that is our tentative schedule for our wedding day. We are going to stay at SOG Thursday July 30-Sunday August 2nd. Luckily, we have a lot of military in our family so we were able to block a lot of rooms for anyone who wants to stay.

Next up: The Wedding Party (well maybe, if DF cooperates and picks a best man)

Oh, and I need your opinion. We are thinking about going to Disneyland for our honeymoon. My mom and dad have offered to have Addison so we can go away for a week. The few people we have told about Disneyland have laughed at us. We aren't big beach people so we don't want to do the beach thing. What do you guys think? We have always wanted to go to Disneyland and have talked about it since we started dating! Should we go for our honeymoon or just wait until Addison is older and go with her (or both!)
On Thursday I went to the Shades of Green to check out the ballroom and sign the contract! The coordinator is very nice and she made me feel at ease about the whole thing. She knows what she is doing!

We have our ceremony scheduled for August 1, 2009. The ceremony will start at 5:00 at the gazebo (I'm going to take some pictures today, we are taking DF's parents to look at the location) The rain location is right next to the ballroom and is nice so I won't be dissapointed if it gets moved due to the weather (which is a huge possibility in August!)

5:30 is our scheduled start time for our cocktail hour. It will be in the pre reception area right outside the ballroom.

Our reception is scheduled to start at 6:15 and as of now will end at 11:00.

We plan on having a buffet instead of a plated dinner. I know there has been a couple brides on here that were at SOG, can anyone tell me how the food is!?

Well, that is our tentative schedule for our wedding day. We are going to stay at SOG Thursday July 30-Sunday August 2nd. Luckily, we have a lot of military in our family so we were able to block a lot of rooms for anyone who wants to stay.

Next up: The Wedding Party (well maybe, if DF cooperates and picks a best man)

Oh, and I need your opinion. We are thinking about going to Disneyland for our honeymoon. My mom and dad have offered to have Addison so we can go away for a week. The few people we have told about Disneyland have laughed at us. We aren't big beach people so we don't want to do the beach thing. What do you guys think? We have always wanted to go to Disneyland and have talked about it since we started dating! Should we go for our honeymoon or just wait until Addison is older and go with her (or both!)

I say both for Disneyland. People that don't get Disney are gonna laugh but who cares? Do what you will enjoy.
Another vote for Disneyland - it's awesome! And it's YOUR honeymoon. People who are not paying nor coming with you have no say. ;)
I say both for Disneyland. People that don't get Disney are gonna laugh but who cares? Do what you will enjoy.

Another vote for Disneyland - it's awesome! And it's YOUR honeymoon. People who are not paying nor coming with you have no say. ;)

You're right about people who don't get Disney! I just don't get how they don't get Disney! We are leaning towards Disneyland, but also exploring other options. So, Disneyland is our first choice, and maybe in a few years when Addison is tall enough to ride everything, we can go back again!
Okay, wedding update, a small one anyway!!

I got my dress on Thursday! It is a perfect fit and as of now, I don't need any alterations. I'm planning on losing some weight (I think almost every bride says that!) so maybe down the road I will need alterations, but I'm thinking even if I lose weight, the dress will still fit fine! I would post a pic of it, but knowing my DF he would find out I have this PJ and the surprise would be ruined.

Rev. Tim Herring is available and I spoke with him on the phone the other day. He seems very nice, I just have to speak with DF and see if that is okay with him. I know a few brides on here have had Tim Herring, has anyone had a bad experience with him? I read one TR and the bride mentioned he didn't do anything they wanted him to do. Has anyone else had this experience?

I'm starting to make short to-do lists every week. I plan on making my Save the dates this weekend for people on DF's side. Nothing special, just printing them out. Some of you on here are so creative, I'm not! I plan on working on my creativity during this wedding though, maybe it will improve! Also on my to-do list for this week is to find a DJ. Anyone have any suggestions!?

So, this entry ended up me asking you guys a lot of questions, and that is because I'm so scattered right now and have NO clue what I'm supposed to be doing. I can't believe I used to want to be a wedding planner haha!
I just remembered I took some pictures when we went to show DF's mom and dad SOG. The first one is the ceremony location. The second one is the view from the deck of the gazebo. The last one is Addison with my dad and Ryan's dad feeding the fish.



your family is too cute for words! I love your pics! I agree and say DL is a great honeymoon spot, its your trip, and maybe when Addison is older she can go with you both and it would mean even more because thats where you honeymooned :) I have never seen SOG but the pics look gorgeous! Congrats, I'm hooked!
your family is too cute for words! I love your pics! I agree and say DL is a great honeymoon spot, its your trip, and maybe when Addison is older she can go with you both and it would mean even more because thats where you honeymooned :) I have never seen SOG but the pics look gorgeous! Congrats, I'm hooked!

Thank you! I'm glad some people are reading. I have a fear no one will want to read my PJ due to my unorganized planning! =)
princess22: Thank you! I'm glad some people are reading. I have a fear no one will want to read my PJ due to my unorganized planning! =)

haha we must be very similar b/c I am the queen of unorganized!:rotfl2: . Cant wait to read more entries :)

I think that if you both want to go to DL for your Honeymoon, then you should go there because its about you and not other people. Who cares what they think, its not thier honeymoon!

You baby girl Addison is very cute!! She looks like a little doll! So perfect!

You dont seem unorganised, you have some stuff done already!! Its a shame you cant post pics of your dress, i love looking at other brides to be dresses!

Anyways, i will be ready your PJ whenever you update it, im very interested to see how everything goes!! Remember- try to make your planning for this wedding fun!! Dont get yourself too stressed out!

Congrats and welcome!I can't wait to
Your daughter is so beautiful!!!!!

I think that if you both want to go to DL for your Honeymoon, then you should go there because its about you and not other people. Who cares what they think, its not thier honeymoon!

You baby girl Addison is very cute!! She looks like a little doll! So perfect!

You dont seem unorganised, you have some stuff done already!! Its a shame you cant post pics of your dress, i love looking at other brides to be dresses!

Anyways, i will be ready your PJ whenever you update it, im very interested to see how everything goes!! Remember- try to make your planning for this wedding fun!! Dont get yourself too stressed out!


Thank your for the kind words and advice! I actually read your PJ this morning and will be following along with yours! I will send you a PM with a link to a picture of my dress!

Congrats and welcome!I can't wait to
Your daughter is so beautiful!!!!!

Thank you!
I have been torn over the colors of my wedding. I originally wanted sage (or peridot from David's Bridal). But then I couldn't decide, I was debating between a few colors. My mom finally told me I should go with the sage as it was the first color I was drawn to. Here are pics of the dresses I am probably getting for my side of the bridal party. DF still hasn't decided on his part!

Maid of Honor: BF Kim. We have been friends since we were in 6th grade.
Bridesmaid: Melanie, Ryan's sister

This is their dress


Junior bridesmaids:

Jordan: my 6 year old cousin
Jayde: my 8 year old cousin (Jordan's sister)
Kimmie: Ryan's cousin

this is their dress, minus the flower head piece (not sure what that is called) I'm probably going to get them a tiara instead.


Addison is going to be my flower girl. I can't figure out how to get a picture of her dress in here. I will tell you that it is style FG9010 at David's Bridal.

Addison just woke up from her nap. I will add more later!
great dresses! I like the style of your BM dresses, I love flowey dresses too, very grecian feel to them. So pretty


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