Strange Facts

AbsoluteAwesome said:
-During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of about 6 elephants!
- Nothing rhymes with month @_@ Lunth, dunth, cunth...
- Someone had the hiccups for 69 years. Let's just be glad that person wasn't me, because my hiccups are loud and obnoxious!
-It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times!
-No piece of square dry paper can be folded more than 7 times in half! Try it, it really can't.
-A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second!
-The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable"!
-In Miami, it is forbidden to imitate an animal.
-In Kentucky, it's the law that a person must take a bath once a year.
-In Tennessee, a law exists which prohibits the sale of bologna (sandwich meat) on Sunday.
-In Singapore, it is illegal to chew gum.
-In Massachusetts, it is against the law to put tomatos in clam chowder.
-In Missouri, a man must have a permit to shave.

Heehee, that was fun.
A hundreth of a second is not a "jiffy." I'll edit this post in a second when I remember what it is.
EDIT: Whoah. It is. I guess that's a U.S. customary thing or something? We usually use metric EVERYTHING in my school. I forget if there is a U.S. thing for time... xD
- Did you know Europeans are hotter?
- Did you know Canadians rock?
Couple of quickies about a little thing called Thermite.

-Thermite is made by oxidizing Black our Blue Iron Oxide in a high-oxygen environment under extreme heat.

-Thermite gernades are used by the military to destroy items and equipment if there is a high chance of them being captured.

-Thermite is also use to permanently destroy artillery placements without the use of explosives.

-Thermite reactions can also be used to weld railroad parts together.

-Also, Thermite can be used to purify ores used in certain metals.

-Thermite was invented in 1893 by German chemist Dr. Hans Goldschmidt, and was first used commercialy to weld tram tracks in Essen, Germany.

-Thermite is hilarious to watch (not really a fact, just what I think).

In another news, chocolate covered maggots are suprisingly delicious, along with chocolate crickets. mmmm....

Also, another fact:

-The longest commenly used word (as in, non-scientific term) in the first edition Oxford dictionary is floccinaucinihilipilification, which means to describe something as worthless (i.e. if I were to say that Pie is worthless (WHICH IT MOST DEFINITLY IS NOT!!!) then I would be floccinaucinihilipilification-ing.)

A man in Atlanta was decapitated by a metal fence while attempting to avoid the cops.

An interesting seige happened in ancient Egypt happened when the Persians tried to conguer it. The walls were too large to climb, so they could not get in. Instead, they came up with another means with which to win. The Egyptians revered cats as gods, while Persians thought that they were just cats. So, they rounded up all the cats they could find and began launching them over the walls. The Egyptians, seeing their precious animals used as projectiles, immediatly surrendered.

Got another:

The easiest way to tell a gender of a mosquito is to let it bite you. If it does, it's female. Male mosquitos live off of pollen.
milkabum said:
I know so many dog facts from a speech I had to do in grade 4.

- Dalmation puppies do not have any spots on them when they are born. They actually develop them as they get older.
- The name of the Taco Bell dog is Gidget.
- There is a dog art museum in St. Louis, Missouri.
- About 30% of Americans admit to talking to their dogs or leaving messages on their answering machines for their dogs while they are away.
- An average city dog lives approximately three years longer than an average country dog.
- Border collies are the most intelligent breed of dog. These are followed by poodles despite their puffiness.
- The reason dogs cannot eat chocolate is because chocolate contains a chemical theobromine, which is poisonous to dogs.
- Pixie, a Siberian Husky, gave birth to 7 puppies, one of which was bright green.
- The Basenji dog is the only dog that is not able to bark.
- The dog with the largest ears in the world is a Basset Hound named Mr. Jeffries. The dog's ears are 11.5 inches longs, and are insured for $47,800.
- The dumbest.. err.. least smart dogs in the world are Afgan Hounds.
- The largest dog in the world is the Irish Wolfhound.
- There is a doggy disco held in Italy every year where owners can dance with their dogs.

Ah a mutant dog! Or did Pixie just eat too many pixie sticks. . :lmao:
Cats.. oh sorry I was just being random and floccinaucinihilipilificationing.
There are over 6 million spots in the 101 Dalmations section of the All Star Movies.

Disney's Magic Kingdom produces about 115 pounds of lint daily.
Another interesting fact; there are more than a million millionaires in the world today. :)
Today, October 17, the United States population hit 300,000,000. :)
and about the cats dying theory.. never to fear shadow! i found out that if you cut off acats whiskers, it will not die. this is just a myth. but a cats whiskers have an important job, they help the cat sense objects. so the kitty might be a little lost for a while, but he wont die :)
Here's some more :)
- there are 293 ways to make change for a dollar
- forgetting the word you want to use is called lethologica
- a rafflesia flower smells like rotten meat
- after a nights rest people are slightly taller
- dirty snow melts faster than clean snow
- the abilty to write with both hands equally well is called ambidexterity
- in 1997 mexica had a storm where frogs fell from the sky
- napoleon was terrified of cats
- apple seeds are poisonous
- a turkeys neck turns bright red if the bird is stressed
- the mona lisa has no eyebrows
- it would take glass 1 million years to decompose
- cooties are real! they are a type of body lice
- black rainbows at night are called moonbows caused by moonlight and most air
- "J" does not appear in the periodic table
- some frogs can survive being frozen
- due to gravity you weigh less when the moon is over head
- march 14 is save a spider day
- supposedly by raising your legs and lying on your back you do not sink in quicksand
- having 6 fingers/toes on 1 foot/hand is called hexadectylism
- a newborn kangaroo is about one inch in length
- hippotomons-trosesquippedaliophobia the fear of log words
- a blue moon is a second full moon in a month
- rhinocerous beetle: strongest land creature. it can lift 80x its own weight
well, i have 8 more but my hands are starting to hurt ;)
When it rains and frogs fall out of the sky it's called frog rain.. lol it's not a strange fact it happens a lot in europe
hmm now lets see where to start... i no! ill get out my Ripleys Believe It Or Not! book!!!!!
~ 3000 years ago, most Egyptians were considered old and died by the age of 30.
~ In 1962, the schools in Tanganyika had to be closed because of an outbreak of contagious laughter that lasted for six months!
~ In the 1800s, if you attempted suicide and failed, you would have to face the death penalty.
~On the Jurrasic Park Ride at Universal Studios, Hollywood, there is a boat that the dinos have already attacked, and floating next to it is a pair of Mickey Mouse ears!
Some more from me, yay!

- Horses would rather bite you rather than bucking or kicking.

- in Colonial America, the English king at the time, I'd say George, passed a decree saying that the colonist could not move over the Appalachian Mountains. What's strange is that he taxed the colonists for the French and Indian war because he won the territory for the colonists. Long story short: He was a hypocrit. (spelled very wrong, lol)
Loves Disney said:
Disney's Magic Kingdom produces about 115 pounds of lint daily.

Wow and none of it has been sold on ebay yet . There is an untapped marketing potential :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Grumpy_Disney_Dad said:
Wow and none of it has been sold on ebay yet . There is an untapped marketing potential :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Actually, the only reason I know that is because I just bought 115 lbs on eBay. :rolleyes: ;) teehee.
I always knew that Front/Cat would be strange enough to buy this kind of stuff on E-Bay... ;)


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