Stroller advice for 2yr old and 6 mo old


You can't always get what you want, but if you try
Mar 14, 2002
Hi guys-
This board is always full of such stroller experts, so I thought I'd get your advice. We are going down in October with our 2 DDs who will be 2 (27 mos) and 6 months. We own 3 strollers and I want your advice on if we can make do with these or if you have advice for a new purchase. This is our first trip with 2 in tow, so I'm not sure what's best.

1- Combi Convenience Stroller- We used this stroller for DD1 in past trips when she was 9 mos and 16 mos. Its lightweight, has a sunshade and a nice basket. I think it would work well for the baby.

2- Kolkraft Umbrella- This is just a cheap umbrella we use for our older DD now. It has a sunshade, but no baskets. Our biggest complaint is that DH and I are both tall and the handles are not tall enough so we have to slump over. I'm worried about our backs after a week at WDW.

3- Graco Side-by-Side- I bought this recently at a tag sale for $10, but we haven't tried it out with the new baby yet. It has full reclining seats and sun-shades and folds pretty easily. My big concern is how wide it is, both when folded and when in use.

I think we prefer to have two separate strollers while in the parks, but I dread dealing with the two kids and two strollers on the buses (we're staying at CR, so it won't be as bad as it could.) We only use a stroller a couple of times a month, so I hate to invest alot of money in something new, but I'm not sure if I can get by with what we've got. I'd love your advice.

We have used the Graco duo-glider (which we rented), it is a not a side by side, but the tandem style. We liked it, but it was very heavy getting on and off the buses. Lots of storage room, but only one of the seats reclined (great for the 6 mos old). Our ds's were 25 mos old and 9 mos old at the time and they both napped great in it (even without the dual recline in the front).

This year, we purchased a double umbrella stroller, side by side, which it a lot lighter, but the storage underneath is hindered by some cross bars (not a big deal, since most of our stuff will be in the backpack. If you'd like more info, I will find the post on the stroller itself. This trip the boys will be 4 & 2, so really needed a double stroller.

Since I am doing some solo time as well on this trip, two separate strollers just was not a option (or if you plan on doing child swaps, one stroller would work better than two separate)

With the age of your children, I'd recommend buying a good double stroller, since you're going to need it from the long haul. The double I'd recommend is the Combi Twin Savvy. It's GREAT, VERY light it weights only 18 lbs, and folds up compactly. It's fully reclines and is side by side. I had NO problem fitting it through doors, since it's only 31 inches wide and most doors are 36 inches wide. It is very easy to push even with larger children, since it can hold up to 45 lbs in each seat. It is MUCH easier to deal with one stroller than two. Each parent can take a break pushing, and only one stroller to worry about.
On our last trip, my kids were 6 months and 2 1/2. We brought our own stroller (single) for the 6 month old and rented one for the 2 1/2 year old. This worked for us. It actually gave us more freedom to do things with our 2 1/2 DD. If our 6 month old DS was napping or taking a bottle and needed to be in the shade, the other parent would take DD to a ride or show. We did this quite a lot. It also saved us from having 2 strollers on the buses. We ended up letting DD (2 1/2) ride in the stroller some from the bus stop to the room at night and carried DS. This worked for us. The strollers in the parks are sturdy and easy to push, and DD took a nap in it every day.
Good luck!
we are also bringing two young children to disney next time. 27 months and 12 months and what we are planning on doing is getting another stroller that is similar to our single so that we can use those attachment thigns so we can have a double stroller when needed. but single if we want to take one one place and another another.


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