Survivor: China (WILL HAVE SPOILERS)

Ok, how many of you saw Jeff Probst in front of the temple at the opening credits and thought:

:banana: He's at Epcot! :banana:

- crickets -

Only me? :confused3 Heh. I really thought it looked like the temple shown in World Showcase. :laughing: At any rate, I had some thoughts that mirrored some of the other peeps.

But mainly, haven't they watched this show? They should have known to be sure to wear the most functional clothing on their backs, as Survivor has cast players adrift with only the clothes on their backs before. And the Tribal Council losers acted way too excited when they heard they were getting fire. I guess they don't know that the losers of the first challenge get it too. :rolleyes:

I thought Ashley was a goner. Don't they know you need to keep the worker bees for at least a few TCs? If anything, I would have thought Chicken would make a good lackey for an extra vote at Council and would have kept him around for that.

Leslie and Courtney were so disrespectful during the welcome ceremony. They need to leave my TV. And James? He's a smokin' hottie. :thumbsup2

heh, I was wondering what they were doing with all that luggage! LOL

oh but remember last year, they didnt get fire when losing btw. Usually they do tho :)

I miss when they used to do the 2 hour starting episode, to get to know them all better right away. I cant wait to see who ends up leader in the loser group LOL.
Alright.... I liked Chicken. Sort of reminded me of Big Tom (Africa? Australia?). Oh well. Bye Chicken.

The waitress just bugs me! Did she really think everyone was going to be sweet and kind? It's Survivor!

And Ezra, er, I mean James will go far IF he can stay low on the radar. Otherwise, he's a threat and will be gone in a flash.

And on a semi-serious note, I thought the "ceremony" at the beginning was interesting. I was particularly fascinated with how the different players took it in, or not. Interesting to see how some saw it as a culturally enriching experience while others found in religiously offensive. I think it would have been enriching.
I agreed with chickens logic, they shouldnt have gotten rid of the guy who didnt fit in. He was the only chance they had of getting shelter LOL

Yeah, but he screwed himself over by stopping giving his opinion when he was asked. He was being sort of babyish just because they didn't listen to his first couple bits of advice. I liked Chicken, but I could see them getting rid of him well before tribal council.
And on a semi-serious note, I thought the "ceremony" at the beginning was interesting. I was particularly fascinated with how the different players took it in, or not. Interesting to see how some saw it as a culturally enriching experience while others found in religiously offensive. I think it would have been enriching.

Without getting into to much religious debate, I could definitely see why someone who is very strong in faith could have interpreted that and reacted in the manner in which she did. I, personally, wouldn't have found it offensive. I guess I am saying, I wouldnt have rolled my eyes at her like many did.

Yeah, but he screwed himself over by stopping giving his opinion when he was asked. He was being sort of babyish just because they didn't listen to his first couple bits of advice. I liked Chicken, but I could see them getting rid of him well before tribal council.

Yeah he did, I still really thought he would survive round 1 tho. It just, to me, didnt make sense.

No, I probably would've made some statement about me being the Superior Suvivor Fan.

and you would have been incorrect ;)

3 hour rule in effect ;)
Wow... I just saw this post and was so surprised to see so many of you watch Survivor!! I love that show... its one of favorites! I too have watched from day one! and your right... I hope they never get ride of Jeff Post as the host! It would be the same!

I think James the grave digger is aswesome! Diffinitly will be a threat...I also agree if he can lay low he might be able to stay. I do think he needs to make afew friends and partner with them.

I was so shocked when they got rid of Chicken going first! Although I agree I thought that was miskate not to help when they asked him again! I did just think he would be around for a while.

Yea.. that waitress ..she really really bugs me too... Hope she is the fist to go on that team. She don't like anything or an one....I kept saying..then why did you sign up girl... ??? lol

I love the begining one at the temple... that was so different... and I thought it was so cool. But I did notice on the bus going there...whey do they have luggage?

Survivor... is just awesome.. I love it.
James the gravedigger is my pick. He reminds me of like a "gentle giant" type of guy. I don't know everyone's names yet but I was surprised that the "church lady" gave up her immunity idol clue to the other guy. I would have kept that info to myself for a bit.
So I sure hope the clues to the immunity idol get a LOT less vague soon since if it's right there in front of them and there's a million things in front of them, how are they supposed to know which item it is?
James the gravedigger is my pick. He reminds me of like a "gentle giant" type of guy. I don't know everyone's names yet but I was surprised that the "church lady" gave up her immunity idol clue to the other guy. I would have kept that info to myself for a bit.

I totally agree with you.. I think James is like the "gentle giant"...and is cool. I also think he is pretty sly... Yea me too I wouldn't give my immunity either!!
heh, cant believe she shared that clue and to think of all people to tell ROFL. I cant believe he is under the radar at this point still... I know we hear extra but he seems so obvious to me LOL. Also the poker player's strat is pretty interesting. I wonder if it will get him anywhere.

Sending home the wrestler was a mistake, He proved pretty weak in the challenge and he is the one who starts all the drama.

Did anyone else think if they talked like that at camp maybe they wouldnt be such losers? ROFL.
Well I'm glad to see that at least one of the people I wanted to go, is now gone! Bye Ashley :)
James the gravedigger totally rocked that challenge, with the wooden ball in the mudd. Wow! Don't get in his way people!
I think the male flight attendant's strategy is interesting. We'll see how far that gets him. He seems pretty smart about how he wants to play the game.
And Yes, the religious radio show host, should have never shared that clue on the hidden immunity idol. I wouldn't have shared that so soon.
Anyone else catch that the immunity idol might be that wooden trivet looking thing hanging up high on something that was made? I can't remember if that was part of their shelter or what? But anyway after the clue was read the camera panned over to that, making us think maybe that's the idol. It's not hidden at all. Just need more clues, or someone really thinking about it, to find it. ;)
ooo good points, (and your right the post didnt bump?? maybe this will fix it LOL)

something else I forgot, the poker player really helped out in that challenge. I know the grave digger got the point. but the poker player got everyone off of him. He might have a strategy yet like he thinks ROFL.
It's almost time for this week's episode! Anyone else going to be watching?
Ok I have to ask. Aengus, since you are such a big fan, have you ever sent in an audition tape?

And for the rest of you, what did you all think of Dave's strategy of attacking the opponent in his birthday suit? LOL gross!

And is it just me or are we not hearing much from Denise? They hardly ever interview her at all. I wonder if that means she will go far in the game. Usually those who don't get much exposure in the beginning episodes last a while longer than those who do. Any opinions?
hah I considered it. I am not sure how many realize it, but I used to do real survivor trips. I have never sent in a tape, and I guess probably never will ROFL. Not really sure why.


the naked trick? well not sure why ROFL. Seemed quite pointless to me.

I will have to watch Denise, your right, I dont have much opinion on her.

The biggest thing to me was during the last episode, is James personality is not who I thought he was. I really thought he was a shy person, and he obviously isn't. Not quite the strong quiet gentle type and I think that his threat level is going to get the best of him. When your nice and winning its one thing, when your not so nice and winning, its another ;)

The poker player is history soon huh ROFL
If that challenge was men vs. women (which I'm glad it wasn't because that would've been awkward) I would say the naked strategy was a good idea, but guys vs. guys, it was kind of stupid and didn't make a difference.


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