Survivor: China (WILL HAVE SPOILERS)

hah I considered it. I am not sure how many realize it, but I used to do real survivor trips. I have never sent in a tape, and I guess probably never will ROFL. Not really sure why.


the naked trick? well not sure why ROFL. Seemed quite pointless to me.

I will have to watch Denise, your right, I dont have much opinion on her.

The biggest thing to me was during the last episode, is James personality is not who I thought he was. I really thought he was a shy person, and he obviously isn't. Not quite the strong quiet gentle type and I think that his threat level is going to get the best of him. When your nice and winning its one thing, when your not so nice and winning, its another ;)

The poker player is history soon huh ROFL

Hey its worth a shot right? I think you should send it in. You obviously love the show and know about strategy. You are probably like me though and your family comes first. So that would be the difficult part, leaving them for over a month.

I agree about James totally. I couldn't believe some of the things he said this episode! Whoa! Like you, I thought he would be the shy-I-need-help-socially-but-in-a-good-way kind of guy. And yes, he is so strong that when it comes down to it, no one will want to challenge him after the merge and individual immunity.

If that challenge was men vs. women (which I'm glad it wasn't because that would've been awkward) I would say the naked strategy was a good idea, but guys vs. guys, it was kind of stupid and didn't make a difference.

LOL I agree with you too Mint. I would still knock his butt off the dock, sans clothes or not, but I think he just wanted to try and go down in Survivor history like Richard Hatch for going in the buff. But somehow he just didn't quite carry it off. :sad2:

And one more question. How did you all feel about Courtney, the girl that couldn't cut the ropes? Did you feel bad for her or were you yelling at her like me to not give up? I know they go with out food, and water and are tired but wow, that was frustrating to watch.
I was totally yelling at Courtney... ""Oh come on girl."".she wasn't even trying! And Yet...what?? they didn't vote her off ?? I kept thinking ""girl you are gone""..she made them lose...and to my surprise they didn't vote her off?
So i didn't understand that...she is too wek and she don't you might as well say that they are miunse one less person !!

As for James... I agree I was so surprised all this time I thought he was this totally big shy person..and boy guess we were all fool on that! He better watch himself cause he is so big and strong that they will vote him off casue of it!

OMG..couldn't believe that he was naked..(in his Birthday suit) I thougth it was gross...and didn't see the point in it either?? But my first thought was of Richard from the first season...and didn't see thie point with him either??

I hadn't thought of Denise...til you mentioned it.... hum and your right you do have a point there...I will need to watch for her more too.

And I say...I think you should go for it..sounds like you really are a big fan of the show! I am too...but I know I could never handle all those bugs and snakes and things...:eek:
Well this needs a bump soon anyway, since only a few more days until show nite ~ Woot!
Ok, so Leslie is gone. Not really upset about that. She went and whispered all over about her tribe - Not Good Leslie, not good at all girl! And now the most important part, she is gone and doesn't have any more clues to the hidden immunity idol. She had two clues already since Jaime shared one with her, and now no more. Bummer.
Courtney I guess will have to miss another day to go and eat a cheeseburger for petes sake! Girl, you need to eat. You should have ate like you never ate before ... and THEN went on Survivor. I just can here her bones crack away now. Wow she is fragile. I do feel bad that she was terrible in that challenge, it beat her up bad. What did she think she was getting herself into? This wasn't a spa vacation hun?! But, I think she's the one that is a model, and just totally gave models a bad rap as not even trying for anything physical like that challenge. :sad2:
Yea, naked guy ... If I was Jeff Probst I would have been like uh dude put some clothes on jeepers! Gross!
Still say Todd the male flight attendant could go far, flying kinda under the radar ...
Guess what today is ;)

3 hour rule in effect woot woot!
Wow another odd move. I can understand Dave was annoying but shereas only come back was how good she is at challenges? HELLO they have only won 1/3 of the challenges. Sorry the camp guy stays bye bye Sherea ROFL

Todd and Jean-Robert are turning into the 2 guys to watch I think. Interesting since they are both on the same team. Jean-Robert really does have something up his sleeve after all haha. The guy just starts talking mandarin? I mean come on ROFL.

Maybe a team shakeup or something next week huh? woot!
These people this season are so annoying. There are usually several likeable people in the game. This season, there aren't so many. The most likeable person was the one who got voted out last week, but I knew she wouldn't make it far because she didn't know how to play the game.

I can say I won't miss Dave, but I agree that at this point in the game, his tribe needs him more than Sherea.
Jean-Robert really does have something up his sleeve after all haha. The guy just starts talking mandarin? I mean come on ROFL.

I agree, Jean-Robert just starts talking mandarin out of nowhere?! It was kinda cool actually, that he was the only one that could really communicate with the fishing family.
What was even cooler, was the way the fishing family had those birds! Tying their necks somehow, so the birds didn't swallow the fish, how bizarre was that?! I have never seen anything like that. And those birds were just catching fish left and right. I honestly thought when the family first showed up, and those birds were tied to the boat, they were going to have them for dinner as well.
I'm not surprised that Dave got voted off. I think a not smart move on the tribes part. Everyone saw what happened when Dave was kidnapped and sent to the other tribe. His original tribe was dying without him there. They could barely get a fire started. He was a workhorse around camp for sure. Sherea did nothing around camp. She wasn't THAT great at challenges, she should have been voted off.
Todd still is doing very well in the game.
Next week's previews look interesting, but somehow they always make it seem like something is going on and nothing really is at all. We'll have to see.
The most likeable person was the one who got voted out last week, but I knew she wouldn't make it far because she didn't know how to play the game.

I can say I won't miss Dave, but I agree that at this point in the game, his tribe needs him more than Sherea.

She was likeable and that was her downfall. Unfortunately in this game you can't be that nice. You can be nice, but still have a degree of backbone and fight in you. I think the nicest person I ever saw win this game was Ethan from Survivor Africa.

I know there will be other opinions on that and I welcome any reminders of other nice winners you can remember.

As far as the Dave or Sherea situation, I say that Sherea should have gone. Of course we are at the mercy of the editors and what they allow us to see. But when she made that comment to Peih Gee about "I am all about the challenges and you are all about the camp life", I think I rolled my eyes more than the rest of the players.

If Sherea was all about the challenges then why do they keep losing. Apparently being lazy and "saving yourself" for challenges isn't working for the tribe. Oh and then when she said "I won't work until I have to", I thought to myself, uh wake up! Work is what it is all about in this stage of survivor. But each one has their own strategy.

And Jean-Robert with the Mandarin?, very very cool.

And one more point. When they showed Erik on this last episode I asked my family, "where did he come from?" Again, I think the players that make it the farthest in the show are rarely seen in the first episodes. So I say watch out for Erik and Denise. Those are my two predictions.
I agree mint, I think we need a merge before we can start liking any of the personalities this year ROFL.

astro, your so right, thats why i thought for sure Dave was safe. annoying yes, but who were they kidding that everything was ok without him LOL

Ant so right also about them always fooling us with previews ROFL
I was sure that that they would vote off Shere after how she said she did all the work.. ( I kept saying work all you do is lay around) and was good and the challenges.. omg couldn't believe she was saying that. So again I thougth she would be voted off. But I was wrong again just like they should have voted Cortney off last week!! Dave diffinitly was annoyining...but still they wouldn't like what Sheere said.

I too was shocked when Jean-Robert all of a sudden could speak Mardarin
was pretty cool that he could..and its true that if you can learn enough of a lanaguge ..once put in the situation of having to speak it...can bring it all back. (Did with my hubby....he took german in high school and wsa able to pick it back up again in Germany)

I agree Denise is one to watch...but so is Jean-Robert. and maybe Eric.

Yes since day one they have always had a way of making those previews always llok better than they were the following week. It does seem this season though they don't seem to care if you make them lose challenages...or don't work they won't vote you off as they have in the pass. As I said...I still in shock from last wek that they didn't vote Cortney off...well guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Wow... without giving anything away, all I can say is that sure was a surprise filled episode!
yup! 3 hour rule in effect ROFL

great episode!
I just have to say I really would like to strangle a few scrawny necks!!
She was likeable and that was her downfall. Unfortunately in this game you can't be that nice. You can be nice, but still have a degree of backbone and fight in you. I think the nicest person I ever saw win this game was Ethan from Survivor Africa.

I know there will be other opinions on that and I welcome any reminders of other nice winners you can remember.

As far as the Dave or Sherea situation, I say that Sherea should have gone. Of course we are at the mercy of the editors and what they allow us to see. But when she made that comment to Peih Gee about "I am all about the challenges and you are all about the camp life", I think I rolled my eyes more than the rest of the players.

If Sherea was all about the challenges then why do they keep losing. Apparently being lazy and "saving yourself" for challenges isn't working for the tribe. Oh and then when she said "I won't work until I have to", I thought to myself, uh wake up! Work is what it is all about in this stage of survivor. But each one has their own strategy.

And Jean-Robert with the Mandarin?, very very cool.

And one more point. When they showed Erik on this last episode I asked my family, "where did he come from?" Again, I think the players that make it the farthest in the show are rarely seen in the first episodes. So I say watch out for Erik and Denise. Those are my two predictions.

The last season of Survivor I watched was "Survivor: All Stars." I thought Amber was nice.
The last season of Survivor I watched was "Survivor: All Stars." I thought Amber was HOT.

Edited for truth.


wow! I know alot of people are going to freak but that was the smartest play they had, for once they seem like they saw this game before ROFL.

I mean come on for a team who didnt think the other team was going to take their members away too? How stupid of them to think they were only gaining 2 members not losing them. After that who would have thought they could come up with such a devious plan.

I bet it pays off no matter what, jean-robert will either be voted off or flip leaving them with more members in the end.
I mean come on for a team who didnt think the other team was going to take their members away too? How stupid of them to think they were only gaining 2 members not losing them.

Thank goodness I wasn't the only one who thought like they looked like a bunch of idiots. I wanted to smack my TV when I saw that. The other team knew right off the bat that pretty much they would be losing 2 members, and they even knew which two would be taken.

What do you think about their decision to keep a stronger person, but yet one that doesn't want to be there over one that does and will be more willing to help out?
Thank goodness I wasn't the only one who thought like they looked like a bunch of idiots. I wanted to smack my TV when I saw that. The other team knew right off the bat that pretty much they would be losing 2 members, and they even knew which two would be taken.

What do you think about their decision to keep a stronger person, but yet one that doesn't want to be there over one that does and will be more willing to help out?

heh, it was one of those moments when I actually talked to the television. "you cant be that stupid" I said.

as far as keeping james, they seemed leary of aaron. Not sure I would have done it that way, either. I thought about it a bit, (i know sad, I do that ROFL) and you know, if they go to the next challenge and their old team mates act weird or stuck up, they can use james to win?!?! the choice could still haunt them tho obviously.

wont it be interesting if the next challenge the other team figures out what happened and both teams try to lose ROFL
Can you say "longest immunity competition ever?

Although i think the next one will be easy to throw since they teased it to be a "gross eating" competition
wow! I know alot of people are going to freak but that was the smartest play they had, for once they seem like they saw this game before ROFL.

Yes, it was a smart move. It just bugs me to see people "throwing" a competition. They can only hope that their former team mates don't make good friends with the other side.
Can you say "longest immunity competition ever?

Although i think the next one will be easy to throw since they teased it to be a "gross eating" competition

haha, the one thing I have trouble even watching cant imagine doing ROFL.

Yes, it was a smart move. It just bugs me to see people "throwing" a competition. They can only hope that their former team mates don't make good friends with the other side.

We will have to see, it could still burn them like you said.

All I know was the season started a little slow, that episode got things going!! Now really psyched to see the conclusion of this weeks to see what the immunity challenge is like.


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