TCD's Thanksgiving 2010 Trip Report

Here is a link to the tee-pee group's website for those who are interested:

Carry on. Exciting as always!

Thanks for posting that link. I've visited that site before, but it was good to take another look. These folks have been doing this for a long time!

Wow, a TCD trip report!:cool1: We were down at the Fort from 11/4 to 11/13, had our ears out but did not run into any other Dis'ers (but still had a fantastic time down there). After we got back we've had lots of things come up and I hadn't had much time on the boards, so coming on today and seeing a TCD trip report is a very welcome surprise. I love all the small details you always manage to report! Looking forward to more!popcorn::

Wow. You were at the Fort right between my last two visits. I hear it wasn't crowded then. And, the weather was great! I'm glad to hear you had a fantastic time.

There will be some more of those small details that you like coming right up!

From the tee pees, it was back down to the Settlement.

Things were quiet around the Fort on this Monday morning.

So, why not have a look around the River Country area?

In case any of you are hanging around for River Country photos, let me tell you right now that I have none other than from the areas open to the public.

There is an interesting hill right inside the old River Country entrance.

I have looked at it many times, and wondered why.

There are not little hills like this which occur naturally in Florida.

So, it was built there.

I have never been able to figure out why.

Here is the hill I'm talking about. This photo is taken from inside the area that used to be River Country, looking out toward the entrance. You can see the old ticket booth there in the background:


This hill is covered with ivy, and there is a good sized oak tree growing on it:


I have never climbed up that hill.

Well, now I have.

Here's what it looks like from the top . . .

In this photo, we are looking toward where Pop's Place restaurant used to be:


Now we are looking out toward the ticket booth:


And, now we are looking over the area where the water tower once stood:


There appears to be a path that goes up the side of the hill:


Here's a photo of a beautiful flowering bush. But, also notice that there are colored tapes blowing in the wind just over the fence:


Meanwhile, over in front of the Crockett's Tavern porch, there is some work going on:


And there is also something going on over by the Settlement Trading Post:


We will take a closer look at that work in just a few seconds.

But, first, here's the guy in front of the Crockett's Tavern porch:


What do you suppose he is up to?

This was Monday, November 22.

All throughout Walt Disney World, there are magnificent Christmas decorations.

But none at the Fort.

Except those provided by the guests.

Well, this is about to be remedied.

We'll come back later and see what this guy was doing.

Before we get to that, let's look at Pioneer Hall:


No garland.

No lights.

Not even a wreath.

Over at the entrance to the 100 loop, guests have provided decorations:




Note that these folks even put up decorations on the other side of the sidewalk adjacent to the back of their site.

They are serious about this.

If you want to see these particular decorations, there is no need to rush.

These folks will be here through Christmas.

I told you we would take a look at what was happening over at the Settlement Trading Post.

So here we are.

On the porch:



It's Roto-Rooter!

Stuff happens.

Even at the Fort.

Here we are around the corner of the porch looking toward Bay Lake:



There are some new utility markers scattered around here.

Plus, I saw some new wooden stakes over by the golf cart parking.

Let's go and check those out.

Here they are:




That's Trail's End that you see in the background of the last photo, above.

There's something written on one of the stakes:


It says: Possible Electric.

That's helpful.

Wouldn't you want to know more than if its just possibly electric?

I don't know what this is all about.

But, they don't mark where utilities are unless someone is going to be digging.

So, something apparently is going to be happening here.

Here we are looking from this area back toward the Trading Post. The Roto Rooter guys are still Roto-ing and Rooter-ing:


So we are going to head down to the marina, and see what we can see around there.

TCD sorry I missed you. I was told you left an hour before I got there. See you sometime in 2011
TCD sorry I missed you. I was told you left an hour before I got there. See you sometime in 2011

I wondered when you arrived. I forgot to mention that one time when I stopped for a minute to speak to Feisty, her phone rang, and it was you on the line! Hmmm. I don't have Feisty's phone number. You must be special.



TCD this is also happening all the time now Too

I meant to ask you, when were these photos taken? I guess some time Thanksgiving weekend? I was in favor of relaxing the one car per site rule, but now I see why the line must be drawn somewhere. Who wants to look at a parking lot when camping?

I hope to see you often in 2011!

What do you think is in that box?

Arrow heads?


War Paint?



It's a campfire.

In a box.

Just like the Native Americans used to use back in the day.

I thought this might have been a movie screen, so they could make shadow figures with their campfire in the box, but it was just a tarp in the process of being set up:



Faux native Americans ? ! Hippie Tee Pee's with Lord knows what burning inside... Incense? Hippie lettuce? You were wise to flee the scene.

I'm glad you hiked to the top of River Country Mountain. You were able to get some great "perspective" shots.

I thought the Disney Magic took care of the "stuff" that happens....

Oh well. Good to know that Roto Rooter was nearby to pick up where the magic left off...

Faux native Americans ? ! Hippie Tee Pee's with Lord knows what burning inside... Incense? Hippie lettuce? You were wise to flee the scene.

I'm glad you hiked to the top of River Country Mountain. You were able to get some great "perspective" shots.

I thought the Disney Magic took care of the "stuff" that happens....

Oh well. Good to know that Roto Rooter was nearby to pick up where the magic left off...

Yep. I am thinking it was definitely hippie lettuce. But, maybe I shouldn't have judged too quickly. I really think these tee pee people would be fun to hang with. They're not all hippies, after all.



I meant to ask you, when were these photos taken? I guess some time Thanksgiving weekend? I was in favor of relaxing the one car per site rule, but now I see why the line must be drawn somewhere. Who wants to look at a parking lot when camping?

I took them Friday afternoon Thanksgiving weekend
Is everyone still aboard?


Let's get this thing moving.

This was a five night visit, which means I have photos from Monday to Friday, and we are still on Monday morning's photos and we are already on page 4 of this report.

The last batch of photos was from around the Settlement Trading Post.

Now, we are heading down toward the beach.

Here we are looking at the marina from the overflow golf cart parking area. You can see both the MK and the Resort boats are docked:


Here's a closer look at the resort boat:


These photos are taken looking toward the East from the area near the marina:



There is a lot of unused space here. And, there has been a lot of surveying activity around here of late. Something is going to be happening here in the near future. I just am not sure what. On another morning later in the week, I found something new going on closer to the 100 loop in this area. I'll tell you about that in due time.

Here we are looking toward Discovery Island and the Contemporary Resort from this area:


And here we are looking back toward the golf cart parking area from this spot:


Here we are looking at the beach area. Note that a Father and Daughter are sharing a special moment there at water's edge. This is something that I love about Fort Wilderness. There is no other WDW resort where you can enjoy solitude and natural beauty like you can at Fort Wilderness:


Here is a look at the Marina building:


Do you see those tables and chairs?

I have never seen anyone use them.

I plan to one of these days.

I'll pack up a meal at my campsite, and bring it down there to eat. Or, if I am ever visiting the Fort for just an evening for a Giddyap and Go chicken dinner, and there are no picnic tables available on the Trail's End porch, we'll come on down here to enjoy waterfront dining.

That would be nice.

Especially on a nice sunny day this time of the year.

Now, we are looking down Clementine's Beach. The area of trees in the far background of this photo is where a new DVC resort is rumored to be on the drawing board. If this project is built, then this view is going to change. And, I don't think it will be an improvement:


Here we are right up by the sidewalk that takes guests to the dock. You can see a boat heading to the Magic Kingdom in the background. The area to the left of that boat in the photo is where the new construction is rumored to happen. There are a lot of cypress trees growing in the lake here. I hope that they get to stay:


That's enough beach photos for now.

Let's go take a look at another area of the Fort.

The campfire area.

I love to visit this area.

I don't know why.

But I do.

One reason for my visit to the campfire area is that the November movie schedule was messed up. It showed four nights with the same movie playing for two consecutive nights. I knew that couldn't be correct, but that was what was on the information provided to me when I checked in.

But, there's also a schedule posted on the little two-story building from which the movies are projected. Here it is:


I guess this is the first time that they will be showing Toy Story 3. They don't have a sign made up for it yet.

There is also a blackboard here with information about show times. I think this photo came out cool, because the campfire show area is reflected in the glass:


Does anyone notice something wrong here?

Disney has made a change on us.

And, I'll bet most folks didn't even notice.

Well, I'm here to tell you.

They have taken away the second feature on Friday and Saturday night!

Here's a photo of the sign from two years ago:


You see how there are extra spaces on the sign for the second movie?

Well, in November through March, when Daylight Savings Time was observed, we campers would get two movies on Friday and Saturday night.

Apparently this has gone the way of Musket Mickey.


Boo Disney!

I'll bet they thought no one would notice.

But I did.

Here are a few photos from around the campfire area . . .

Here we see the movie screen and seating. The little stage to your left is where the campfire singer performs:


Here we are looking back toward the seating area, and the projection building. This is the building where the schedules that we looked at above are mounted:


Have I ever mentioned that I have often wondered what exactly is inside that projection building? Well I have wondered about that. Many times. What does the projector look like? What is downstairs? What is upstairs? Do they use an actual movie projector? I am sure that they must have at one time. With real film on reels. What about now? Does anybody read what I'm writing here? Or do you just look at the pictures? Well, if you're reading, I will let you know that I am employing the literary device known as foreshadowing here. That means that maybe these questions will be answered later in this report. Let me remind you that I was paid a visit by my cousin Yuri. More on that later.

Here's a last look (for now, anyway ;) ) at the campfire area. You can see the chuckwagon in the background of this photo:


From the campfire area, I venture over the bridge behind the Meadow Trading Post, and pause for some photos on the back porch.

I love the back porch of the Meadow Trading Post.

I like how this photo came out. There is something a bit off about the do not feed the ducks sign (I have this vague recollection of a recent photo where the word "not" was scratched out on this sign), and also be sure to note that you can see the Bike Barn standing across the lake. And, if you really want to notice a detail, note that the leaves on the big sycamore tree that you see in this photo are starting to turn and fall. Autumn has finally arrived at the Fort. Before long, that tree will be one of the few at the Fort which will be bare until spring arrives:


Bear rock almost looks bear-like from here (also note how nice the footbridge looks in the background):


I told you that we would be heading to Epcot this morning. And, it's time for that now. So, I headed back to the TCD base camp on the 1700 loop.

Here's a look at our campsite from the four way stop:


And, here's a couple of shots from the road. You can see the set-up pretty well here, with the official TCD BSA dining fly, hammock, and pop-up:



I already shared that I had concerns about being so close to the road. But, it really wasn't an issue. I am sure that the buses used in Ft. Wilderness used to be a lot louder. They were in my memory, anyway. On this trip, despite our close proximity to the road, bus noise was not a problem. What was a slight problem was the occasional camper with a noisy diesel engine. And, the even more infrequent noisy gas golf cart. Otherwise, we weren't bothered by traffic noise, and it ended up being fun being able to sit out back on our site and watch all of the activity that a day at the Fort brings.

It ended up being a good thing that we got a free upgrade. I love the partial hook up sites, except for the sand. I really don't like the sand. On the full hook up sites, you get less sand. So that was much appreciated. Thanks, Disney!

From here, we loaded up and headed to Epcot.

Even though I normally prefer to drive to Epcot, since we weren't in a hurry, we decided to use Disney transportation. We had a great experience with that, which I will tell you about next.

Is everyone still aboard?

Does anyone notice something wrong here?

Disney has made a change on us.

And, I'll bet most folks didn't even notice.

Well, I'm here to tell you.

They have taken away the second feature on Friday and Saturday night!

Here's a photo of the sign from two years ago:


You see how there are extra spaces on the sign for the second movie?

Well, in November through March, when Daylight Savings Time was observed, we campers would get two movies on Friday and Saturday night.

Apparently this has gone the way of Musket Mickey.


Boo Disney!

I'll bet they thought no one would notice.

But I did.

Good catch TCD! I noticed that also but I couldn't remember which season they showed the double feature, when they didn't have it in November I figured it must be in the summer. I guess not...I know we were never able to see a movie because of it, we always got there to late.
Before we move on to the next part of our story, let me share a photo of something that I picked up at the Bike Barn on Monday morning:


It's the Thanksgiving Day activity schedule for Fort Wilderness.

This is the first time I have seen a Thanksgiving Day schedule in this format.

And, there are new activities being offered.

And one old favorite has disappeared.

Dodge Ball.

Too bad.

There's nothing like a good big game of Dodge Ball on Thanksgiving Day.

Instead we get Corn Hole.

I have shared before my dislike of that name.

And while I am voicing my complaints, I don't like the name Bean Bag Toss any better.

Unfortunately, there will not be a report from TCD on these activities, except one, as we missed all of the rest. We will get to that when we get to Thursday. It's still Monday. Late morning.

And, this is when we headed over to Epcot.

We were realistic with our expectations.

We knew it would be busy.

We planned to visit Innoventions for the Sum of All Thrills attraction, and then head to Mexico to try the renovated quick serve restaurant, and then check out Captain EO. That was all that was on the agenda. Simple. Easy. One of the huge benefits to being a passholder- we can visit the parks in small doses.

So, took the cart up to the Outpost.

The first challenge was finding a parking space.

The golf cart parking area was full.

Completely full.

I squeezed into an illegal space up front, and we got ready to wait.

When we take the bus, we make sure that we are not in a hurry.

You have to be ready to wait.

If the bus comes early, great.

If it doesn't, well that's what we expected.

Go with the flow.

So, while we waited for the Epcot bus, I decided this would be a good time to snoop around the barn area and see if anything new was happening.

According to the plans filed, this is approximately where the new Blacksmith shop is going to go. That's the old kennel building in the background:


Here is a look at the barn used in the area known as Trail Blaze Corral. Make sure you notice the weather vane. We will be looking at that again later in a very cool photo:


These are the fences that keep the horses corralled in at the coral:


The weather forecast for early Thanksgiving week called for no rain. Someone forgot to tell those clouds.

Here we are looking over to the old kennel area. Notice how much space there is around here. I think the new barn and Blacksmith shop will fit in here very nicely:


Here we are looking toward the loading area for the trail rides. Disney thinks of everything. You don't have to haul your butt up all the way from the ground to get on your horse for the trail ride. Just walk up the steps to the platform, and gracefully slide on to your saddle. I'm half surprised they didn't used escalators:


You can see the weather vane again in the photo above. More on that below.

I would say that it took me less than five minutes to snap these photos. I was getting ready to walk up to the old kennel building for some more photos, when the Epcot bus came pulling up.

A less than five minute wait for a bus.


Well, I told you this trip was all about pixie dust, right?

That wait was the longest we had on the entire trip.

It was hard to believe, but every time we approached a bus stop, our bus was either waiting for us, or pulled up as we walked up.

That has never happened before.

But it did on this trip.

I'm sure that it will never happen again.

But this was surely a magical trip.

And, the pixie dusting is far from over.

In fact, some was awaiting us at Epcot.

And, so, we were on our way.

Epcot was clearly very busy.

We went to Innoventions, and found a very short line for Sum of All Thrills.

We rode that.

I even did the jet.

With flips.

No bobsled for me.

No problem.

Sum of All Thrills is really pretty tame.

But, I like it.

And then we were off to Mexico.

Earlier this year, they did some big renovations to the quick serve area in Mexico across from the main building. They built and enclosed area which is used for seating for the quick serve place at lunch time, and then converted to a formal dining room for sit down service at night. Smart.

The menu is new too.

A bit pricey.

No big surprise at Disney World.

We ordered the tacos. Chicken for the girls, and beef for TCD.

They were great.

And we got some pixie dust.

When I brought the tray to the table, I noticed that they had given us an order of churros.

I checked my receipt.

I probably paid for them.

But, I didn't.

Free Chrurros!

That has never happened to me before!

Pixie Dust!

And they were good.

And, so were the tacos.

Here's a photo:


You see that cup with the salsa in it? That was good too!

From Mexico we headed over to see Captain EO.

I had never seen it before.

I went to Disney when I was a kid.

And, in my early teens.

But after that, nothing until the DD's came along.

I thought I was too grown up for it.

I was wrong.

But, as a result, there was a long period of time that I didn't visit.

And, Captain EO happened during that time.

I didn't know how lucky I was.

But now I do.

That is a pretty bad show.

The plot doesn't make much sense, and the 3D effects are awful by today's standards.

And Michael Jackson turned out to be such a creep.

No thanks.

I'm glad I saw it though.

It's fun to see how far we have come with technology in such a short time.

Do you remember those clouds we saw a few moments ago?

Well, I hope you do.

It was in this post.

Your memory isn't getting that bad, is it?

Well, when we came out of Captain EO it was raining.


I was traveling light.

I didn't bring ponchos.

And, I wasn't thrilled about buying more.

So, we ran over to the Imagination pavilion without getting very wet.

And we enjoyed that ride.

I mean we experienced that ride.

Enjoyed isn't really an accurate description.

I figured that we could spend some time playing with the computers in the room that the ride exits into. But, they were all closed. Did Kodak yank its sponsorship or something?

So, we headed out.

Luckily, it was just barely drizzling.

Epcot was still packed.

We had accomplished all of our objectives.

So we bailed.

There was even a line at Spaceship Earth.


Our bus was waiting to take us back.

It rained a bit more as we headed back to the Fort.

But the sun came out too.

So, we got a rainbow!

Pixie Dust!

You can see the rainbow behind the monorail in this photo, which would be a cool photo if I was a good photographer:


And, this would have been a really cool photo, because now its the Tron-o-rail!:


Instead, we have a mess. But, that photo is actually pretty cool if you study it- you can see the reflection of the MK entrance sign in the glass along with the Tron-o-rail and the rainbow.

For good measure, and quantity, here's a blurry photo of the sign pointing to Fort Wilderness with a monorail track and rainbow in the background:


Why were we going past the FW entrance?

You know.

The WL guests always get dropped off before the scummy campers.

But, that was OK, because when we finally got to the Fort, the rainbow was still out.

You can kind of see it here above the barn- look for the weather vane (remember?):


Guess what?

I found the end of the rainbow.



I thought that this was important enough to warrant a second photo, so I snapped one. But, my comedian daughter did this:


That's Duffy.

The Disney Bear.

Who the Fort is Duffy?

I don't know.

But, he's all over Epcot.

And the other resorts too.

Thank God my girls are old enough to not get sucked in by this scam.

Duffy has outfits to match every country in Epcot.

And Lord knows what else.

Those Disney marketing guys are geniuses.

So, the masks that the kids used to make at Epcot are now replaced by Duffy.

The Disney Bear.

Every kid needs one.

And a wardrobe for Duffy too.


As we head back to the cart, here's a look from the bus stop toward the old kennel:


Here's a feller from Louisiana who wanted to make darn sure that his cart would be there when he got back from wherever he went:



In an unrelated story, I will have a photo later of a golf cart dragging a wooden post behind it with a chain.

Just kidding.

That would be funny if I had that photo.

But I don't.

The rainbow was still out as we drove off on our cart:


And, it's not just a rainbow.

It's a double rainbow!

Do you ever watch You Tube videos?

Have you ever watched the Double Rainbow video?

If not you need to.

We reenacted it.

Right there in the parking lot.

We cracked ourselves up.

Good times.

Some more double rainbow photos.

Because double rainbows are cool:



All kidding aside, this was a sweet rainbow.

It arced across the whole sky:


I thought maybe it would end at our campsite.

But, when we got back to good old 1711 it was gone.

It was still cool, though.

Next up, back at the Fort for Monday afternoon.

And then off to Hollywood Studios!


That's Duffy.

The Disney Bear.

Who the Fort is Duffy?

I don't know.

But, he's all over Epcot.

And the other resorts too.

Now that's bizarre.

Disney has the most coveted, marketed, iconic, and trademarked cast of highly unique cartoon characters available to choose from -- Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Goofy, Chip, Dale, Buzz, Stitch, Woody, etc., etc. -- and they choose to use some generic-looking teddy bear in Epcot?

And they named it "Duffy"?!


That bear looks some weird, knock-off character out of a ripoff theme park in Russia or China, like this one:

That's Duffy.

The Disney Bear.

Who the Fort is Duffy?

Duffy is Mickey's Bear. If you look and read the tag comes with him, there is a story behind him. We got my Daughter one a few years back before they started a big deal about him.

All kidding aside, this was a sweet rainbow.

It arced across the whole sky:

So it was full on, then? :rotfl:

The weather vane pot of gold picture is awesome! :thumbsup2

If your DD's weren't too old (like me :rolleyes1) at least Duffy fits into the Build-A-Bear outfits, so they could share with their existing collection!
Duffy is Mickey's Bear. If you look and read the tag comes with him, there is a story behind him. We got my Daughter one a few years back before they started a big deal about him.


From what I understand Duffy is HUUUUUUUGGE at the Japanese Disney Parks.

As is my practice, before moving on, I must respond to some of your comments:

Very good practice.
You are such a good gentleman.
They are hard to find nowadays in this rush to please self world.[/QUOTE]

Have you ever seen the movie, The Waterboy? Adam Sandler plays a young man from Louisiana who goes off to college to be, you guessed it, a waterboy.
Anyway, when he visits his momma, she was always cooking up something scary. I remember in one scene that there was a small alligator cooked and sitting out on the table. That's how I picture Feisty. Lord knows what that woman is cooking up there behind her RV!

But I'll tell you what, if she offered me some hog head cheese, I'd eat it!

I BET HUNDRED DOLLARS Feisty's cooking smelled so good!!! I love the scent of home cooked Cajun meals!!!

No, I never seen that movie. I hope I can find the DVD. DH loves buying DVD at walmart.
His "film room" is taking over the house!:rotfl2:

Have you ever been to Cajun Country?
The Cajuns are friendly. You gotta love their humor and accent.. It's so unique!

The food is soooo GOOD!
I don't eat hog head cheese, though:lmao:
I love brown Jambalaya!!!

Well, I found out all the cabins are all booked during my schedule trip in a week. So sadly, I won't be camping at the fort like I wanted to do.
I will go on a bus tour to see the lights and eat at Trails End... If all goes as planned.
I hope to get a chance to ride a golf cart!
Maybe someone will be nice enough to offer us a quick tour ride on their golf cart. Hey, I can dream right?

I love it when Yuri visits... :thumbsup2

So you just Saw captain EO for the FIRST time??? I'm sorry that you had to wait that long just to be disappointed. It's better with the MJ dancing banannas...


You are right.

The dancing bananas help quite a bit.

Captain EO wasn't really that bad.

But, I don't know what they were thinking bringing it back.

It is really dated.

Actually, I do know what they were thinking.

They thought they could capitalize on MJ's death.

I guess in a way they have succeeded.

There were a lot of folks there on the day I visited, and this attraction has been open for months.

Now that's bizarre.

Disney has the most coveted, marketed, iconic, and trademarked cast of highly unique cartoon characters available to choose from -- Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Goofy, Chip, Dale, Buzz, Stitch, Woody, etc., etc. -- and they choose to use some generic-looking teddy bear in Epcot?

And they named it "Duffy"?!


That bear looks some weird, knock-off character out of a ripoff theme park in Russia or China, like this one:


I think they are thinking of a quick buck.

Something new.

Instead of Mickey et. al.

I don't think it's going to work.

But I have been wrong about this sort of thing before.

That's why I am not a Disney marketing genius and they are.

Duffy is Mickey's Bear. If you look and read the tag comes with him, there is a story behind him. We got my Daughter one a few years back before they started a big deal about him.


What a load.

I never saw Mickey with a Bear.

So it was full on, then? :rotfl:

The weather vane pot of gold picture is awesome! :thumbsup2

If your DD's weren't too old (like me :rolleyes1) at least Duffy fits into the Build-A-Bear outfits, so they could share with their existing collection!

Oh, Build-A-Bear. :scared1::scared1::scared1:

I bought a lot of Build-A-Bears.

And Build-A-Bear clothes.


The only thing that I'm thankful for is that the one in Countryside Mall didn't open until my girls were past that stage. At least before we had to go to Tampa for me to be separated from my money.

So, maybe that's what Disney is going after.

The Build-A-Bear market.

From what I understand Duffy is HUUUUUUUGGE at the Japanese Disney Parks.


I don't get it.

He's just a bear.

But, boy, are they trying to shove him down our throats at Epcot.

I BET HUNDRED DOLLARS Feisty's cooking smelled so good!!! I love the scent of home cooked Cajun meals!!!

No, I never seen that movie. I hope I can find the DVD. DH loves buying DVD at walmart.
His "film room" is taking over the house!:rotfl2:

Have you ever been to Cajun Country?
The Cajuns are friendly. You gotta love their humor and accent.. It's so unique!

The food is soooo GOOD!
I don't eat hog head cheese, though:lmao:
I love brown Jambalaya!!!

Well, I found out all the cabins are all booked during my schedule trip in a week. So sadly, I won't be camping at the fort like I wanted to do.
I will go on a bus tour to see the lights and eat at Trails End... If all goes as planned.
I hope to get a chance to ride a golf cart!
Maybe someone will be nice enough to offer us a quick tour ride on their golf cart. Hey, I can dream right?


Oh yes, I've been to Nawlins plenty.

I like it there.

But, I had never heard of Boudin before.

Let alone eaten it.

Feisty also promised me some Gumbo later in the week.

But, I wasn't around at the right time to collect.

Next time.

Also- about the golf cart ride- I am going to send you a private message about this. I think you will need to have ten posts to get it. Be sure to check on that.

loving the trip report TCD. So much so that I lost track of time and burnt a whole pan of cookies!:scared1:
Loving it... :thumbsup2 Need more. popcorn:: Very funny stuff.
Love storys, go figure.:cool1: I'm shadowing, I'm leading up to more praises on furture TR's from T C D..:lmao: :rotfl2:


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