Team Focker Watch, Part 12. Have we jumped the shark yet?

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Janet: shovel??



You guys know it's snowing here, right? It's been snowing all day! :yay: I picked the kids up about 9:30 because there was no way I was going to let the kids miss this! :cloud9:


Time for me to brag!

We wrote our Anatomy midterm this morning and I got 100%! :banana: I couldn't believe it! I have come so close to the elusive perfect mark in Biology all year and now I have finally got it. :cool1: I have had 98, 96, 98, 98 and now finally 100%! :woohoo:

Go Lessa:woohoo:




They are talking feet in their predictions now.


:faint: In this map I am in the mixed range, however the radio is reporting we are going to get 6 -12.:headache: Apparently this is taking on the form of a hurricane:mad:

Janet something similar happened about 6 years ago with my oldest niece. I was stuck in bed at my parents as I had smashed my right foot and had surgery (think humpty dumpty). My mom was the emergency contact if my SIL could not be reached. The school called and couldn't find SIL and wanted to know where my niece was. We all go into panic mode. I called the school back to try and get more info as Murph was out of her mind with worry. As I am on the phone they tell me oh false alarm. Well in that case go get her and put her on the phone so I can hear for myself she is there. They went and got her and all was ok, still never understood why they thought she wasn't there in the first place:confused3

I would have been furious.:mad:

I think Mother Nature took all of CEs snow and sent it to Philly! Lol!
Poor Janet! And Mo!

It's snowing here still too but what else is new? :confused3


Thanks for reminder Mel:rolleyes:


So we are on Snowwatch again. Calling for 6 -12 inches, but the worst of it coming tomorrow afternoon, which means they will probably send the kids to school and let them out early:headache: I'm moving to Bali!:sad2:
I've been a Texan my whole life and have never seen so much snow here. I think it's only snowed here 2 or 3 times in my whole life! We're having fun.
Enjoy :goodvibes

Time for me to brag!

We wrote our Anatomy midterm this morning and I got 100%! :banana: I couldn't believe it! I have come so close to the elusive perfect mark in Biology all year and now I have finally got it. :cool1: I have had 98, 96, 98, 98 and now finally 100%! :woohoo:
That is fantastic Lessa, well done :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

I've spent all morning planning a kind of friends WDW trip, she is so anxious I keep telling her this is meant to be fun :rotfl2:

We have Ellie's parent consultation this afternoon so Dave has just got back from work to go, we may go and a do a little shopping beforehand!
Oy vey! My godmother's father has Hospice in and they thought it would be a couple of months, but now they are saying weeks. :sad2: My mother went to the hospital yesterday with terrible abdominal and back pain. She had a cat scan which showed nothing and today she's scheduled for a visual scope.

Stay warm in the snow. We actually sat in the sun yesterday, but now it's back to being cold.
So we are on Snowwatch again. Calling for 6 -12 inches, but the worst of it coming tomorrow afternoon, which means they will probably send the kids to school and let them out early:headache: I'm moving to Bali!:sad2:

I heard that and 12+ along the city border into Bucks County. That means I'm on the 12+ side. I am 1/2 mile from the city border. I don't know about Bali but I am tired of snow and winter. Of course we will be complaining of the heat in a few months. :lmao:


I have an easy day today, just have to take my granddaughter to dance. She has missed 3 weeks because of the weather and my foot last week. I'm more worried about the snow. My husband is on an overnight trip and will have to come home in all of this tomorrow. I worry about him on the road in bad weather because of the other drivers. He has had 1 accident in 30 years and that was a teenager who slammed her breaks on in bad weather and slid right into him. Oh well time to hit the books for a little. I have an exam next week on the first 4 chapters and have to start my research paper. Good day all.
Time for me to brag!

We wrote our Anatomy midterm this morning and I got 100%! :banana: I couldn't believe it! I have come so close to the elusive perfect mark in Biology all year and now I have finally got it. :cool1: I have had 98, 96, 98, 98 and now finally 100%! :woohoo:

:yay::yay:Go Lessa!




They are talking feet in their predictions now.



How are my favorite imaginary friends doing.


:headache: Well, at least I'm in the lower end of snow predictions---we still have mounds of snow everywhere---the Walmart parking lot has snow mountains that the kids are climbing!


Official mom brag moment--

BA has placed in the county's Daughters of the American Revolution Essay contest! She has an awards program today at 1 and we'll find out her place (they said top 3). Every kid from 5-8 in the state has to write an essay for this as a SOL requirement so it's a lot of competition. She wrote a really good essay from the point of view of a Cheyenne Indian watching the railroad destroy his hunting lands....
So mom and I are going to celebrate with her at 1!

Oh--and Ab got 4th in the districts Forensics comp last week--she was a little disappointed cause the top 3 went to regionals but she got a good score.

CE--she started tennis on Monday! They are running a lot right now and she is learning rules and such (inside cause it's cold!). She may get to play on a doubles team if all goes well. She says the court is huge and wonders how you would cover the whole thing.......and the coach says if the other team hits you, you get a point....right??
Jo---I read this in the paper yesterday and wanted to confirm with you!

It said that Europeans are used to paying for grocery bags so some American stores are starting to charge 5 cents a bag....true???
Oy vey! My godmother's father has Hospice in and they thought it would be a couple of months, but now they are saying weeks. :sad2: My mother went to the hospital yesterday with terrible abdominal and back pain. She had a cat scan which showed nothing and today she's scheduled for a visual scope.

Stay warm in the snow. We actually sat in the sun yesterday, but now it's back to being cold.

Hope your mother is okay !!!:hug:Sad news about your Godmother's father:hug::hug:

Jo---I read this in the paper yesterday and wanted to confirm with you!

It said that Europeans are used to paying for grocery bags so some American stores are starting to charge 5 cents a bag....true???

Some grocery stores here do already!! Like Aldis and SaveALot !!!

On the doctor visit ... I have to go have the Biopsy done as an Out Patient I am sucjh a WIMP !! He wouldn't even try it !!!:scared1: I continually have bad Paps and they want to get to the bottom of it !! No Pun intended :rotfl2:He said the Biopsy was step one and then said they woukld decide what to do after that !! He said it is definately treatable and not to WORRY :scared1: Yea Right !!!!
TE - Congrats to BA and Ab!

They have been charging for grocery bags up here for about a year now. It is to encourage people to use reusable bags, eco-friendly, and well cost friendly for the company too.
Oy vey! My godmother's father has Hospice in and they thought it would be a couple of months, but now they are saying weeks. :sad2: My mother went to the hospital yesterday with terrible abdominal and back pain. She had a cat scan which showed nothing and today she's scheduled for a visual scope.

Official mom brag moment--
Fantastic :yay: and I don't think it's true about the tennis thing :confused3

Jo---I read this in the paper yesterday and wanted to confirm with you!

It said that Europeans are used to paying for grocery bags so some American stores are starting to charge 5 cents a bag....true???
They started charging a few years ago but only 1 shop has continued it. Instead most places give you reward points for reusing bags :thumbsup2 Oh and here we have ALL plastic never paper, well except a few posh clothing shops!

On the doctor visit ... I have to go have the Biopsy done as an Out Patient I am sucjh a WIMP !! He wouldn't even try it !!!:scared1: I continually have bad Paps and they want to get to the bottom of it !! No Pun intended :rotfl2:He said the Biopsy was step one and then said they woukld decide what to do after that !! He said it is definately treatable and not to WORRY :scared1: Yea Right !!!!
Hope it's OK Rosie :hug:

Ellie's parents evening went very very well, she's doing very well and is on target for all A's in her GCSE's which she takes at 16. A lot can change in 4 years but it sounds good so far :thumbsup2 Oh and I'm retaking History and David is retaking Geography, nothing to do with the teachers that teach those subjects of course :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:
TE - Congrats to BA and Ab!

They have been charging for grocery bags up here for about a year now. It is to encourage people to use reusable bags, eco-friendly, and well cost friendly for the company too.

How much do they charge??


Fantastic :yay: and I don't think it's true about the tennis thing :confused3

They started charging a few years ago but only 1 shop has continued it. Instead most places give you reward points for reusing bags :thumbsup2 Oh and here we have ALL plastic never paper, well except a few posh clothing shops!

Hope it's OK Rosie :hug:

Ellie's parents evening went very very well, she's doing very well and is on target for all A's in her GCSE's which she takes at 16. A lot can change in 4 years but it sounds good so far :thumbsup2 Oh and I'm retaking History and David is retaking Geography, nothing to do with the teachers that teach those subjects of course :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

I can see the reward points working--I'd bring mine back more often for that. But the truth is, I use my bags---constantly sticking stuff in them.
We use plastic too---last week, Food Lion ran out of plastic and had to use all paper--it was hard to carry.

Congrats Miss Ellie!

I am working hard with Ab on AP US History too cause they've missed too much school to be able to keep up with the AP exams.
She wanted me to ask you and Lessa if you have to study Canadian or English history to graduate. She loves world history (may major in it) but she does not like US history too much--she says it's just all too recent!


Official brag moment again!!

Back from the awards ceremony--
BA won........drum roll.........1st place in the county and........1st place in the district!! Her essay is now competing at the state level!!! :yay:
She got $50 cash too and pic in newspaper! Mom went too--it was a good mom/grandma moment!:goodvibes she wants to know what the Daughters of the American Revolution actually DO......:confused3

It was a very patriotic ceremony---pledge, prayer, Star Spangled banner (1st verse only), and recitation of the US creed (didn't know we had one!) :idea:
1.. If you like art the MFA is nice. There is also some geeky stuff at the Science museum. You might want to check out the "Freedom trail"-walking, but you can see Paul Revere's house, the site of the Boston Massacre, historic stuff like that. Alternately, if you take a duck tour, you can see a lot of the historic city and the Charles river.
2. Finale's probably my favorite restaurant in Boston. Henrietta's table in Cambridge is nice as well.

I am going to look up those restaurants, thanks soooo much!

Kat: I'm from MA, though not Boston. I think a visit to Cheers
is mandatory. It's called the Bullfinch, technically. We love to visit
the aquarium and the freedom trail is great! Lots of walking over cobblestones
and up and down smallish hills. ( thought I'd better warn you w your
back problems)
Quincy Market and Fanuel Hall are must sees. Great shopping!
If you're up for an adventure, the train will take you out to Gloucester
and Rockport. (filming location of The Perfect Storm) be warned though, it aint
like NYC. You will get off the train in the middle of nowhere! And no cabs!

Personally, if it were me, I'd make it a point to do the freedom
trail, Quincy Mkt and maybe Cheers!
Have fun and say hi to "home" for me.

Well, it's still snowing! Kids are hoping for another snow
day. Me, not so much....

My research has done me well then, those are all spots I think we will be hitting. The only thing is we have only one daytime and the rest are evenings because we are going for a convention that is all day for the weekend. I plan to fit in some stuff tho!

We are at a hotel right near a ton of walking stuff (I checked maps yesterday) so I am prepared and will bring the comphy shoes!

Is yours Comcast too.? It really is amazing the money you can save when start cutting out little things! ::yes::

Time Warner. They charge so much it's crazy! it's over $100 a month for internet and tv and we dont have movie channels!

Time for me to brag!
We wrote our Anatomy midterm this morning and I got 100%! :banana: I couldn't believe it! I have come so close to the elusive perfect mark in Biology all year and now I have finally got it. :cool1: I have had 98, 96, 98, 98 and now finally 100%! :woohoo:



So tired today. Yesterday was gloomy out but I went anyway.

I went to a Barnes & Nobles in the city and when I went to pay for my books with my gift card it said it didn't work! The sales girl ended up calling the online # because it was their mistake for not crediting me the amount of things I cancelled from an online order. I had so much trouble with their customer service I cancelled and went to the store myself. The girl and the manager spent over 1/2 hour on the phone just to find out it was an oversight that I wasn't credited. In the end the manager told the phone person he would take care of me and to make sure the credit went through.

So he realizes what book I was buying and says "Hang on a sec". He comes back with the exact book and tells me that it's his copy and he read it already and if I don't mind the store stamp in it I can have it! Of course I said yes! Then he did something else for the paperback I had and put it in the bag and said "You are all set". So I ended up getting $30 worth of books for free because of his generosity and helpfulness! So I'll still have $49 on my gift card when it goes through!:woohoo:

Then KC & I went to a lantern making workshop. He made a little lampy thing from wood and fabric and stringing LED lights together and powering them from a 9volt battery. It was neat. He was so in his element it was fun just to watch him.

I was up late reading (Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison) and this morning at 630 KC's work buddy called a to make sure he was up and on the way to the office....but he didn't know he had to go in. He will be a bundle of fun tonight.

I plan on relaxing and reading and making some easy hamburger helper for dinner. I walked a lot yesterday and I'm feeling it.
I've spent all morning planning a kind of friends WDW trip, she is so anxious I keep telling her this is meant to be fun :rotfl2:

Oh we were all the same way when we planned our first trips:rolleyes1

Oy vey! My godmother's father has Hospice in and they thought it would be a couple of months, but now they are saying weeks. :sad2: My mother went to the hospital yesterday with terrible abdominal and back pain. She had a cat scan which showed nothing and today she's scheduled for a visual scope.

Yikes, hope everything is okay with your mom. :hug:

Stay warm in the snow. We actually sat in the sun yesterday, but now it's back to being cold.

Dad keeps saying he is going t o pick up a shift at work and then saying nahhh, its too cold:lmao:

I heard that and 12+ along the city border into Bucks County. That means I'm on the 12+ side. I am 1/2 mile from the city border. I don't know about Bali but I am tired of snow and winter. Of course we will be complaining of the heat in a few months.

I just heard we are all getting a foot and a half:sad2: I will never complain about the heat again:flower3:

It said that Europeans are used to paying for grocery bags so some American stores are starting to charge 5 cents a bag....true???

Stores here aren't charging, but they do give you credit (i thinksink 10 cents per bag) if you reuse plastic or use the reusable bags.

Ellie's parents evening went very very well, she's doing very well and is on target for all A's in her GCSE's which she takes at 16. A lot can change in 4 years but it sounds good so far :thumbsup2 Oh and I'm retaking History and David is retaking Geography, nothing to do with the teachers that teach those subjects of course :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

WTG Ellie:woohoo:

Back from the awards ceremony--
BA won........drum roll.........1st place in the county and........1st place in the district!! Her essay is now competing at the state level!!! :yay:
She got $50 cash too and pic in newspaper! Mom went too--it was a good mom/grandma moment!:goodvibes

WTG BA:woohoo:

. she wants to know what the Daughters of the American Revolution actually DO......:confused3


It was a very patriotic ceremony---pledge, prayer, Star Spangled banner (1st verse only), and recitation of the US creed (didn't know we had one!) :idea:

The American's Creed
by William Tyler Page

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

–Written 1917, accepted by the United States House of Representatives on April 3, 1918.​

I went to a Barnes & Nobles in the city and when I went to pay for my books with my gift card it said it didn't work! The sales girl ended up calling the online # because it was their mistake for not crediting me the amount of things I cancelled from an online order. I had so much trouble with their customer service I cancelled and went to the store myself. The girl and the manager spent over 1/2 hour on the phone just to find out it was an oversight that I wasn't credited. In the end the manager told the phone person he would take care of me and to make sure the credit went through.

So he realizes what book I was buying and says "Hang on a sec". He comes back with the exact book and tells me that it's his copy and he read it already and if I don't mind the store stamp in it I can have it! Of course I said yes! Then he did something else for the paperback I had and put it in the bag and said "You are all set". So I ended up getting $30 worth of books for free because of his generosity and helpfulness! So I'll still have $49 on my gift card when it goes through!:woohoo:

Nice customer service:thumbsup2


We are on Snow watch :mad:. They are saying it is going to start at midnight, but that in the morning the roads will still be wet. Here is what Jim and i think is going to happen. They are going to make the kids go in the morning, send them home early (get credit for the day) and then do a 90 minute delay on Friday. I just hope they don't cancel Scouts on Friday, Jimmy will be so disappointed.

The camp open house we were supposed to go to on Saturday (to sign Jimmy up for camp) was already cancelled, but that was before this. They are waiting to see wha tthe schools are gonna do about making up days, etc before they plan anything.
They cancelled school tomorrow and there isn't even a freaking flake falling yet:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Can you tell I'm a bit upset:rolleyes1
Oh we were all the same way when we planned our first trips:rolleyes1

Yikes, hope everything is okay with your mom. :hug:

Dad keeps saying he is going t o pick up a shift at work and then saying nahhh, its too cold:lmao:

I just heard we are all getting a foot and a half:sad2: I will never complain about the heat again

Stores here aren't charging, but they do give you credit (i thinksink 10 cents per bag) if you reuse plastic or use the reusable bags.

WTG Ellie:woohoo:

WTG BA:woohoo:



The American's Creed
by William Tyler Page

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

–Written 1917, accepted by the United States House of Representatives on April 3, 1918.​

Nice customer service:thumbsup2


We are on Snow watch :mad:. They are saying it is going to start at midnight, but that in the morning the roads will still be wet. Here is what Jim and i think is going to happen. They are going to make the kids go in the morning, send them home early (get credit for the day) and then do a 90 minute delay on Friday. I just hope they don't cancel Scouts on Friday, Jimmy will be so disappointed.

The camp open house we were supposed to go to on Saturday (to sign Jimmy up for camp) was already cancelled, but that was before this. They are waiting to see wha tthe schools are gonna do about making up days, etc before they plan anything.

Wow---did you know the Creed?? Now I feel bad that I never learned it!

They cancelled school tomorrow and there isn't even a freaking flake falling yet:mad::mad::mad::mad::
Can you tell I'm a bit upset:rolleyes1

tell us how you really feel...don't hold back! ;):lmao:

we've got about 2 inches--I'm predicting a 2 hour delay but nothing so far.

We just watched "over her dead body"--it was hysterical--anyone seen it?
Jo---I read this in the paper yesterday and wanted to confirm with you!

It said that Europeans are used to paying for grocery bags so some American stores are starting to charge 5 cents a bag....true???

i heard that some of the local walmarts were going to start charging for bags. Mainly because it was going to be more cost efficient for them. It seemed a little wierd because they were the only stores in the area that were going to start that. If they all did it together it would have seemed less...greedy?

BTW I cant believe you guys already filled up another thread!
BTW heres the bag i picked with a little of your help. ;) I ordered it from zappos a few days ago and they randomly upgraded my to overnight shipping.:cool1: So i got some locking pin backs and put some of my favorite pins on there. I just hate to spend money on pins that i think are cool, when most of the time they sit around.

BTW heres the bag i picked with a little of your help. ;) I ordered it from zappos a few days ago and they randomly upgraded my to overnight shipping.:cool1: So i got some locking pin backs and put some of my favorite pins on there. I just hate to spend money on pins that i think are cool, when most of the time they sit around.


That's awesome!
Good Morning All !!

Celtic Belle I love the Bag
Jo ..GCE's .. what memories !!!;) History and English Lit were my Favs !!!Yes we studied a period of British History !!As I recallit included the Clive in India and the South Sea Bubble !!:scared1:

Nothing much going on !!! Have to work soon and get ready for all the end of the month stuff !!! Had a Staff Meeting last night ! Went very well , the new LPN attended and was cracking up.. my staff are a riot !! I told her "I really have to get them to open up and say what's on their mind " She was rolling as this bunch tells it like it is !!!My Boss was there rolling along with the rest of us !!!

How much do they charge??

5 cents a bag so it is not much but we still use our cloth bags (the few times we actually remember to bring them with us :laughing:).

Official brag moment again!!

Back from the awards ceremony--
BA won........drum roll.........1st place in the county and........1st place in the district!! Her essay is now competing at the state level!!! :yay:
She got $50 cash too and pic in newspaper! Mom went too--it was a good mom/grandma moment!:goodvibes she wants to know what the Daughters of the American Revolution actually DO......:confused3

It was a very patriotic ceremony---pledge, prayer, Star Spangled banner (1st verse only), and recitation of the US creed (didn't know we had one!) :idea:


BTW heres the bag i picked with a little of your help. ;) I ordered it from zappos a few days ago and they randomly upgraded my to overnight shipping.:cool1: So i got some locking pin backs and put some of my favorite pins on there. I just hate to spend money on pins that i think are cool, when most of the time they sit around.


I LOVE what you did with the bag, very cute. :thumbsup2
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