Team Focker Watch, Part 12. Have we jumped the shark yet?

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How much do they charge??
5p so about 7 cents

She wanted me to ask you and Lessa if you have to study Canadian or English history to graduate. She loves world history (may major in it) but she does not like US history too much--she says it's just all too recent!
We can leave school at 16 with no qualifications if we want :rotfl2: Jess could have dropped History in September but chose to keep learning, she dropped geography though. We actually have a meeting in the next week or 2 to discuss her options, she will get to choose between 9 and about 12 subjects to study for her GCSE's which she takes at 16, she can drop history if she likes. They put the subjects into groups and you need to choose a certain amount out of each group to do. Does that make sense? :rotfl2:

Official brag moment again!!
Wooohoooo fantastic :thumbsup2

So he realizes what book I was buying and says "Hang on a sec". He comes back with the exact book and tells me that it's his copy and he read it already and if I don't mind the store stamp in it I can have it! Of course I said yes! Then he did something else for the paperback I had and put it in the bag and said "You are all set". So I ended up getting $30 worth of books for free because of his generosity and helpfulness! So I'll still have $49 on my gift card when it goes through!:woohoo:
Wow great :thumbsup2

They cancelled school tomorrow and there isn't even a freaking flake falling yet:mad::mad:
Can you tell I'm a bit upset:rolleyes1

BTW heres the bag i picked with a little of your help. ;) I ordered it from zappos a few days ago and they randomly upgraded my to overnight shipping.:cool1: So i got some locking pin backs and put some of my favorite pins on there. I just hate to spend money on pins that i think are cool, when most of the time they sit around.
Very cute, I like what you did with the pins :goodvibes

Jo ..GCE's .. what memories !!!;) History and English Lit were my Favs !!!Yes we studied a period of British History !!As I recallit included the Clive in India and the South Sea Bubble !!:scared1:
Rosie there's an S in their now GCSE's :rotfl2:

I had a very naughty kitten this morning. On my dining room window sill I have or should I say had a glass vase filled with little pebbles with soil and a plant on top. Well the last day or 2 I've noticed she's been pulling the decorative stuff off the top and today I caught her doing it so I told her no. She looked at me and stopped, she then started again so again I said no and she looked at me stopped put her paw on the top pulled it towards her and smashed the whole thing. I'm sure she did it on purpose :rotfl2: :rotfl2: She's worse than a child :rotfl:

I played golf today, I know you're shocked :rotfl2: we managed 18 holes in the dry and within 15 minutes of finishing it started pouring and hasn't stopped so we did well :thumbsup2
They cancelled school tomorrow and there isn't even a freaking flake falling yet:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Can you tell I'm a bit upset:rolleyes1

I'm just as upset as it is now 1:30 in the afternoon and there isn't any accumulation. My granddaughter is off and driving me crazy because she is bored.

BTW heres the bag i picked with a little of your help. ;) I ordered it from zappos a few days ago and they randomly upgraded my to overnight shipping.:cool1: So i got some locking pin backs and put some of my favorite pins on there. I just hate to spend money on pins that i think are cool, when most of the time they sit around.


That is such a cute bag.
I had a very naughty kitten this morning. On my dining room window sill I have or should I say had a glass vase filled with little pebbles with soil and a plant on top. Well the last day or 2 I've noticed she's been pulling the decorative stuff off the top and today I caught her doing it so I told her no. She looked at me and stopped, she then started again so again I said no and she looked at me stopped put her paw on the top pulled it towards her and smashed the whole thing. I'm sure she did it on purpose :rotfl2: :rotfl2: She's worse than a child :rotfl:

I have a cat like that. He actually comes to me when I call him. I have been trying to get a baby spider plant to root and he haws eaten half of the leaves. I swear he smiles at me when I tell him to stop. :lmao:

It has been a lousy day here. The kids have off from school for the snow that still hasn't really arrived. It's supposed to start heavy tonight which means they will have off tomorrow too. I have spent the morning planning our trip for next year. We are going to Disney, of course. The good part is that 2 of my kids and 5 of the grandkids are going. I am hoping that my youngest and her boyfriend will finally have jobs so that they can come with the last grandchild. My daughter has been semi laid off for over a year. She gets 1 day a week if shes lucky and her boyfriend is a cement contractor so they have been really slow with the economy. The only thing good about all of the snow is that he made enough money to pay the rent for 2 months and get both of their cars repaired. I think the trip next year is going to have me sitting on a lot of benches with the baby. She is going to be too small for almost everything. We have 18 months so maybe she'll grow a lot. I have been planning this trip for 5 years since my granddaughter was born. I can't wait. Have a good afternoon all.
BTW heres the bag i picked with a little of your help. ;) I ordered it from zappos a few days ago and they randomly upgraded my to overnight shipping.:cool1: So i got some locking pin backs and put some of my favorite pins on there. I just hate to spend money on pins that i think are cool, when most of the time they sit around.

Soo cute!!! :goodvibes
I'm still :mad::mad::mad::mad: about them cancelling school for no reason at all. The roads are fine, the bad stuff isnt' supposed to hit until tonight. Which means the kids will probably lose another day tomorrow:headache:

It's starting to snow a bit harde, but it is not accumulating...the more in snows the more my blood pressure goes up.

On the plus side they are letting us go at 3:00, but again I think it's a waste (I can't believe I just said that:lmao:)


Jo - :rotfl2: at the Kat

Sam - Love the bag:thumbsup2

TE - I never even heard of it...I googled:lmao:

Dawn - :goodvibes

Lorrie - You are in the same igloo I am:headache:

Hi Kat, Heather,Lessa, Rosie :wave:
Thanks for the compliments everyone!

i read real quick, but i have to get jetting to class, so Ill "see" you all later!
I had a very naughty kitten this morning. On my dining room window sill I have or should I say had a glass vase filled with little pebbles with soil and a plant on top. Well the last day or 2 I've noticed she's been pulling the decorative stuff off the top and today I caught her doing it so I told her no. She looked at me and stopped, she then started again so again I said no and she looked at me stopped put her paw on the top pulled it towards her and smashed the whole thing. I'm sure she did it on purpose :rotfl2: :rotfl2: She's worse than a child :rotfl:
Sounds so cute - but only in your home. :rolleyes: :lmao:

I'm still :mad::mad::mad::mad: about them cancelling school for no reason at all. The roads are fine, the bad stuff isnt' supposed to hit until tonight. Which means the kids will probably lose another day tomorrow:headache:

It's starting to snow a bit harde, but it is not accumulating...the more in snows the more my blood pressure goes up.

On the plus side they are letting us go at 3:00, but again I think it's a waste (I can't believe I just said that:lmao:)
Same here Janet. :mad: It is accummulating but the roads are fine, according to Rob. Whatevah.
Hi Fockers,

Apparently I'm in the bullseye for this storm, around to 2 feet by the time it ends Friday/Sat. WHile most areas don't have it sticking to the roads, it was cold enough here to be sticking since this morning, go a few miles away and it's only sticking to grass. I got over half a foot already on the road outside my house. UGH!!!!!!

V, Angela, either want a new neighbor???

Well, I'm working from home, so back I go...
Hi Everyone!

Working for a living sucks!

MO caught up on TRs. She was hoping that the weather man was wrong.I’m figuring he wasn’t wrong.
We didn’t get as much as predicted but it is really blowing tody.

JO’s hearing is fine. She just ignores certain people. She had some good golf in not so good weather. She is finding that cats don’t listen to humans.
Now pay attention- don’t ignore me, OK? Congrats on the little golf prizes. You know we a far inferior creatures in the eyes of felines.

MEL is ready for Disney. She actually posted 1st a couple of times.
I am ready too. Just a few more months. LOL

FLO says things are back to normal this week. I think she is enjoying life again.

JANET has been counting candy sale money. She lost Jimmy at school temporarily. She has been doing research on Williamsburg. She thinks the school system is a bunch of pansy- A** nuts.
Did that about sum it up for you?

Rosie’s ‘Vacation Hostess” interview went splendid. She will start with short trips but WDW is in the works for this fall. She had to have a biopsy in the nether regions. Her other job is going well also.
I know you will do an awesome job as a vacation escort. It is right up your ally. I hope the biopsy shows no problems for you.

KAT was stuck to the computer the other day playing catch-up. They sold a laptop that they had. She and KC are going to Boston for a convention. She has been buying more reading materials. Barnes and Noble took great care of her. She was having issues with her gift card. The manager gave her $30 of stuff for free plus fixed the card.
That manager deserves a few gold stars. When are you going to Boston? I missed that.

CEL BEL is working on a 10 page term paper. Her new bag is posted at #3761.
I hope you do well on the term paper. That bag is very cute!

TAZ is very frustrated with the grandkid’s doctor and nurses. She is planning a big trip for next year with family members.
Don’t get me started on doctors. I think our local area gets all the rejects. I prefer Indianapolis. Get this - When Doug had his seizures at the beginning of the month, I called both the neurologists. He has a local one and the one at IU Med. Guess who just got back to us last week. He’d be dead if I left it up to the local quacks. I told Doug that we are no longer going to pay that man another dime. We’ll just keep the neurologist at IU until he gets through this mess. Then we’ll have a chat about what to do on the local level.

ANGELA says they had a sunny day and then it was back to chilly. Her mom was having some pains in her back and abdomen.
It is definitely time for some sunny days now! I hope your mom is OK.

TE’s daughters have been doing well. BA placed first in the county DAR contest. Ab came in 4th in forensics.
AWESOME! I was invited to enter DAR while in high school. I didn’t win the contest but it was very interesting.

I’m tired and hungry.
We got the grocery shopping done. My house is a wreck. That will have to wait until tomorrow. Plus I’ll be a cooking machine all day tomorrow also. I got a great recipe book from a friend. It’s called “Irish Pub Cooking”. I am cooking Potato-Leek-Chicken pie and a side of parsnips. Plus I’m going to get a roast in the crock-pot for eating this week.

Doug is able to drive now. He is still getting a little bit back each day. We haven’t seen a bill or insurance on the infusions yet. He has already met his deductible and out-of-pocket on the insurance for the year. That means everything else gets paid at100% of the approved amount that they allow. Usually the doctors and hospitals take the approved amount as paid-in-full. We’ll see.

I’m going to go grab a bite to eat and relax for a bit.

I hope you all have a good night!:grouphug:
Hi Everyone!

TAZ is very frustrated with the grandkid’s doctor and nurses. She is planning a big trip for next year with family members.
Don’t get me started on doctors. I think our local area gets all the rejects. I prefer Indianapolis. Get this - When Doug had his seizures at the beginning of the month, I called both the neurologists. He has a local one and the one at IU Med. Guess who just got back to us last week. He’d be dead if I left it up to the local quacks. I told Doug that we are no longer going to pay that man another dime. We’ll just keep the neurologist at IU until he gets through this mess. Then we’ll have a chat about what to do on the local level.

I’m tired and hungry.
We got the grocery shopping done. My house is a wreck. That will have to wait until tomorrow. Plus I’ll be a cooking machine all day tomorrow also. I got a great recipe book from a friend. It’s called “Irish Pub Cooking”. I am cooking Potato-Leek-Chicken pie and a side of parsnips. Plus I’m going to get a roast in the crock-pot for eating this week.

Doug is able to drive now. He is still getting a little bit back each day. We haven’t seen a bill or insurance on the infusions yet. He has already met his deductible and out-of-pocket on the insurance for the year. That means everything else gets paid at100% of the approved amount that they allow. Usually the doctors and hospitals take the approved amount as paid-in-full. We’ll see.

I’m going to go grab a bite to eat and relax for a bit.

I hope you all have a good night!:grouphug:

I know what you mean with the drs. My daughter still hasn't heard back from the peds about the referral. I am calling the ins. co. and making a complaint.

Glad to hear Doug is doing better. Praying for continued improvement. Hopefully you won't have to pay anything.

I love roasts in the crock pot, they come out so tender. Now I want that for dinner.
Kristel- We are going to Boston for a Gaming Convention the end of March, just for Thurs-Sun. I'm just excited tog et out of town for a bit.


Today just stinks. The weather is bad, i barely slept and my body is achy beyond belief. We are instituting a new rule that when KC has a day of and they need to ask him any questions they have to text, not cal, because it woke me up TWICE today. I was cranky all day.

I have been moping around all day just watching tv. Kc is working on his resume because he may have a new job lined up, with more money, less hours and full benefits ! We shall see if it pans out.

Otherwise I am trying to finish my book, which is GREAT btw, and we need to do some serious menu planning and grocery shopping.

Hope everyone isn't too snowed in!
Good morning, friends! :wave:
It's snowing again here too but it's only supposed to add up to 2 inches or so.
I'm so tired of winter though! Last night Gus went to take his "brown patch" lesson in snowboarding. That's the 2nd level, I guess. The resort uses mostly younger, college age kids as instructors. Personally, I think that if they're going to put them in charge of children, they should be older. :confused3 Anyway, he went off to his lesson at 5 and didn't come back till 6:30. I didn't think too much about it since I just figured he found a friend after the 30 min lesson. He finally came back into the lodge and as he was walking towards me I noticed he was very upset. He said that he was 30 mins into the hr long lesson (didn't know it was an hr....) and he fell. He got the wind knocked out of him and just laid there for a few secs to catch his breath. The instructor never came to see if he was ok, and WORSE he took the rest of the lesson down the hill and left my son on a trail ALONE! Poor Gus was scared!
He said he wasn't sure how to get back down to me or which paths were safe for a novice so he walked!
Man, I was furious!!!!!!! I demanded our $ back for the lesson!
Wth was that guy thinking!?! He could have been hurt! As you can imagine, that pretty much did him in for the night. Poor guy.

Hopefully today the water will be installed. Our current one is leaking and I feel like I'm in a race against time before it bursts and floods the house!
That snowstorm that's hitting Mo and Janet looks feirce! Like the storms we had when I was a kid!


Angela: how is your mom?
Jo: that's what kitties do! :)
Dawn: have fun!!!!
Kristel: man, you are a busy girl!!!
Everyone I'm neglecting, hi :wave:

I'm going back to bed. Brrrrrrrrrr!

MEL is ready for Disney. She actually posted 1st a couple of times.
I am ready too. Just a few more months. LOL
:cool1: Surely it will be warm by then. :rolleyes:

Rosie’s ‘Vacation Hostess” interview went splendid. She will start with short trips but WDW is in the works for this fall.

Awesome Rosie! :banana:

Doug is able to drive now. He is still getting a little bit back each day.
Great news! :cheer2:

Mel, I can't believe he left Gus! :hug: Crazy. I absolutely loved snowboarding on the Olympics! :thumbsup2 This week has been so boring compared to last week. Although the ice skating last night was beautiful. Those two American girls definitely had the Olympic spirit with a beautiful smile on their faces no matter where they placed. :goodvibes

My mother is home, there were 18 people waiting for a room, so she stayed in the ER for 2 days. :eek: It looks like diverticulitis and a hernia. As I'm telling her she needs to be sure to rest, I can hear her saying yes but thinking no. :sad2: We also told my dad that my grandmother needs home health. He wasn't quite sure why. :rolleyes: Because my grandmother is 97, living alone, and my mother needs to rest!
Good morning, friends! :wave:
It's snowing again here too but it's only supposed to add up to 2 inches or so.
I'm so tired of winter though! Last night Gus went to take his "brown patch" lesson in snowboarding. That's the 2nd level, I guess. The resort uses mostly younger, college age kids as instructors. Personally, I think that if they're going to put them in charge of children, they should be older. :confused3 Anyway, he went off to his lesson at 5 and didn't come back till 6:30. I didn't think too much about it since I just figured he found a friend after the 30 min lesson. He finally came back into the lodge and as he was walking towards me I noticed he was very upset. He said that he was 30 mins into the hr long lesson (didn't know it was an hr....) and he fell. He got the wind knocked out of him and just laid there for a few secs to catch his breath. The instructor never came to see if he was ok, and WORSE he took the rest of the lesson down the hill and left my son on a trail ALONE! Poor Gus was scared!
He said he wasn't sure how to get back down to me or which paths were safe for a novice so he walked!
Man, I was furious!!!!!!! I demanded our $ back for the lesson!
Wth was that guy thinking!?! He could have been hurt! As you can imagine, that pretty much did him in for the night. Poor guy.

Hopefully today the water will be installed. Our current one is leaking and I feel like I'm in a race against time before it bursts and floods the house!
That snowstorm that's hitting Mo and Janet looks feirce! Like the storms we had when I was a kid!

I'm going back to bed. Brrrrrrrrrr!

:mad: Bah! Bad instructor! Poor Gus. :guilty: That makes me so mad for you!

My mother is home, there were 18 people waiting for a room, so she stayed in the ER for 2 days. :eek: It looks like diverticulitis and a hernia. As I'm telling her she needs to be sure to rest, I can hear her saying yes but thinking no. :sad2: We also told my dad that my grandmother needs home health. He wasn't quite sure why. :rolleyes: Because my grandmother is 97, living alone, and my mother needs to rest!
I hope she's well behaved and gets some rest. :hug:
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