Teresa for the News

I have to say, when John is hosting he should ALWAYS have Teresa on, they have a fun banter, you see it often on Twitter, like when he told Pete his idea was possible and Pete asked how much and John said something like, "well we won't pay Teresa for a year.."
The joke was only cute with Teresa.
Last year Teresa and Kathy hosted an ice cream social on the Boardwalk that was great (except for a five minute rain shower).
No, that simply won't due. I want them both stumbling around EPCOT singing
"It's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow". Or maybe we the fans can write lyrics to the "Reflection of Earth" sound track and sing it obnoxiously as if everyone inherently knew the words? Am I the only DISer that thinks this way. Starting to think I might be the black sheep of the community.
I agree whats with the "stern boss ruffled the room" edge that Pete has. The last show he was on he said "Tick me off and I will fire you!" I just thought it was in poor taste after Oliver had recently "left"?

Why did you put left in speech marks? People leave their jobs for other jobs all the time. That is exactly what happened here and speculating otherwise is kind of pointless. It's common knowledge/ well documented what happened; no need to imply anyone was actually fired.
I agree whats with the "stern boss ruffled the room" edge that Pete has. The last show he was on he said "Tick me off and I will fire you!" I just thought it was in poor taste after Oliver had recently "left"?

Pete doesn't come off as a stern boss who fires people at will in the least. In fact he seems like an awesome dude to work for. Great attitude and personality.
Pete doesn't come off as a stern boss who fires people at will in the least. In fact he seems like an awesome dude to work for. Great attitude and personality.
He also has a wonderful sense of humor, which I'm 99.99 % was clearly being used in this case!
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I think my quote has been misunderstood and want to clarify. I said
John hosts at a different tempo, he shares his humor, hams up the role of stern boss ruffled the room is a bit out of hand and shares a sincere and relatable viewpoint without the rant, a la B&B. I thought the list of gay Disney characters was adorable and so cute that he took time to prep that. #everyoneonWinnieThePooh

Talking about the stern boss it's just a role he (John) is being a ham about when he hosts and it's all in humor, like pretending to be annoyed at Teresa. It had nothing to do with Pete and certainly not Oliver.

In the show after Bob died John spoke about how Bob used to ham up the role that everyone was "picking on him," but off air Bob was quite able to stand his ground and full of rebuttals. I think John wanted everyone to know that Bob was just being a ham for the fun of the show and he was genuinely liked.
It's the same thing, John is a GREAT host because he tries to make it fun. Just like when Craig uses his anchorman voice to do the weather. Please don't take what I said so seriously.
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I think my quote has been misunderstood and want to clarify. I said

Talking about the stern boss it's just a role he (John) is being a ham about when he hosts and it's all in humor, like pretending to be annoyed at Teresa. It had nothing to do with Pete and certainly not Oliver.

In the show after Bob died John spoke about how Bob used to ham up the role that everyone was "picking on him," but off air Bob was quite able to stand his ground and full of rebuttals. I think John wanted everyone to know that Bob was just being a ham for the fun of the show and he was genuinely liked.
It's the same thing, John is a GREAT host because he tries to make it fun. Just like when Craig uses his anchorman voice to do the weather. Please don't take what I said so seriously.
No worries here. My remark about Pete's awesome sense of humor very evidently eing used was at the "Tick me off and I'll fire you" conversation.
I totally disagree. I love when Theresa is on the show. But not when she does the news. Plus I totally disagree with those who stated they wished people other than Pete could host the show more often. No way. Pete absolutely shines as the host. No one else keeps the show focused and moving forward as well as Pete IMO
I just listened as I was walking around the neighborhood. I couldn't stop laughing. I hope the old man I passed didn't think I was laughing at him. I love Theresa!
sorry, but huge ugh on Theresa doing the news. Like her in other roles just fine but not when she's complaining about having to actually read the story when that's the role she is being tapped for. Frankly was annoying as all get out - I was right with ya Craig! I groaned through the episode when she was flubbing through it.... until Julie, Kevin and John's hilarious comments, "crazy aunt" and the gay character list. Was this also the Steel Magnolias Day at Sea episode - if so, amazing! Our Ability to accessorize, indeed!


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