Thanksgiving Plans?

4 of us only. My middle daughter will not be coming home from school. But the 1st week of December we rented a cabin in Gatlinburg, just the 5 of us.. Do some hiking and spend some nice quality family time. Stay safe everyone!!
Since moving to Florida, we traditionally spend the day at Disney. We haven't done Thanksgiving with our family in years so this is something to look forward to.

DH has extra days off work so we are actually staying in a hotel this time for a few nights! This year, Thanksgiving lunch is at Whispering Canyon.
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12-18 people the plan to be eating in our screened Arizonia room 75 % chance of that happening. If not, I have to go elsewhere while the others measure their compromised health. We have no one under the age of 64 joining us, no one has traveled outside of Yuma and pretty much a red-neck view of Covid " The hell with it...we are having thanksgiving. "
Sounds like a decent mix. I definitely hope my mom makes it down because it will be the first holiday since my sister and I lost our dad. (They we’re divorced). If all else fails it’ll just be the sister and I (I’ve cooked up an entire ham
And a few sides for Easter before)
It will be the 5 of us plus 1 for dinner on Thanksgiving.
We have plans to get together with family over the weekend.
I talked to my mother (75) this week, and she and my dad (79) are comfortable with my family and my sister's family getting together with them and eating outside. We live in GA, so barring heavy rain, that should work fairly well.
WDW, Hollywood Studios, hopefully helping the Resistance, if we can get a boarding group with the new system. This is a make up trip for the cancelled summer trip, and should be the last one we take with these APs, and the last family trip for a long while, maybe 2-3 years. I don't like being at home on Thanksgiving. We're often traveling .It's the sad holiday for me since my parents and only sibling passed away several years ago. My son can hopefully join us at Christmas, and we can have a big dinner then.
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Cancelled our large gathering I host. It will be the three of us living in our home and my dad will come. DS and his girlfriend are not traveling home. I am fine with it. Still cooking only a smaller amount. I may actually have leftovers for once!
Immediate family only - we will not get together with anyone else this year. Watching what's happening in Canada now (two weeks after their Thanksgiving) and fearing the American Thanksgiving will be much, much worse based on some what I'm seeing in this thread. :(
I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner, but I usually do that anyway. My MIL will probably stay with us for a couple of days over Thanksgiving. Other friends & relatives have other plans and won't be coming because they have COVID-19 concerns. We respect where their points of view, so it's not a big deal. We'll see them again in the future.
Normally we spend Thanksgiving with my Mother in Law. Before my FiL died we traveled to their place in Ocean City MD for the long weekend, since he is gone it has been to HHI to her Sr Living Apartment and dinner at my SiL's house. This year we will be home. We pick our daughter up Wed afternoon from College and the original plan was to have Thanksgiving on Friday when we could get there (10+ hour drive) but since they are still not permitted visitors where my MiL lives, it isn't happening. I haven't made a Thanksgiving Dinner since 1997 so it is going to be interesting cooking for 3 instead of the 20 I had for dinner that year.
We are driving to Death Valley Sunday-Wednesday, and then having a traditional dinner on Thursday with my son and my mother.
I love Death Valley. We have been twice, once in the summer and once in the fall. Both times were different and interesting experiences.
Just us and our kids here. I though about doing dinner in the driveway with our friends...still not sure about it. Their kids are in school physically so we don't get to see them now.
My parents and my sister's family all live in the same city as I do. I don't see a get-together happening, but I'll see what the folks are planning. I predict they may do a backyard dinner.
I’m hoping for a beautiful day so that we can have a socially distant patio meal for 6. If weather
Is bad, it’ll just be those who live here. I’m in Texas so beautiful weather is likely and we have patio heaters if necessary.
I’m hoping for a beautiful day so that we can have a socially distant patio meal for 6. If weather
Is bad, it’ll just be those who live here. I’m in Texas so beautiful weather is likely and we have patio heaters if necessary.
One of the benefits of being in Texas this year. I usually complain that it's too hot at Thanksgiving, but not this year. We will do our meal at home just the 3 of us, then head to my in-laws to spend a little time with them on their patio with masks.
Normally we travel 3 hours to my hometown on Thanksgiving morning, have mid afternoon big meal with my parents, sister and family and us (9 total). Then Black Friday, my mom, sister and I would go shopping and finish our respective family's Christmas shopping from my parents. Saturday would be a big meal of 30+ people with my dads side of the family. And its truly my favorite event of the year.

This year, DH goes on call for work on Friday of Thanksgiving week. Being he is the manager and in control of the schedule, he would normally rearrange this, but we opted to leave it alone as I am not comfortable with big gatherings at all. So the current plan is my immediate family (back to the 9 of us total) will come to our house for Thanksgiving dinner. My mom and sister still wanted to shop on Friday, but I bailed - over the years I have become less and less of a shopper anyway, and last year truly spent more time sitting on the bench waiting for them than I did browsing. Covid just sealed the deal and I try to avoid shopping pretty much all together, or at least very limited. The extended family still says Thanksgiving dinner is "as normal" t his year which I strongly disagree with, but nonetheless we will just not attend.
There will be 10 of us at my daughters. My daughter, her boyfriend, my ds1, his wife and kids, ds2 and dd2. We see each other all the time anyway. We decided earlier this year how holidays would work when I moved into this current house. My ds1/dil were hosting everything since they had the bigger house until my dd2 bought one and we bought this one in March Thanksgiving is at dd2 as she has a large kitchen with double ovens, Christmas at ds/dil so kids don't have to shuttle around and Easter at my house as I have a large yard. We all have large back patios to spread out and eat.
Cancelled our original precovid (last years plans) to have a big bday 50th party for my dh which lands on thanksgiving day. we were so excited to have both sides of the family together to celebrate. so that's not happening and dh has covid so we are quarantined thru mid november and then ds comes home thru feb. that wknd anyway from college. so core five (as frankie from the middle always says) will be celebrating our health and dh 50th and thanksgiving. if anyone has any 'special' ideas would love the feedback. obviously cake and i'll cook but that's nothing new i guess. our thanksgiving tradition used to be core five seeing a disney movie in the theaters that wknd too which won't happen either obviously.
i have my minnie and mickey pilgrim plushes already to be displayed though.....!
I'm not sure yet. We usually go to my in-laws' and there are 10-12 of us. We have visited with them throughout this but always outdoors which likely won't be possible for Thanksgiving (Ohio weather). At first, MIL still wanted to host and -- I don't know -- I'd feel terrible if we ended up giving them something (they're in their 70s). We've been pretty locked down: Kids are going to school, but both DH and I are working from home and we don't go a lot of places anyway. However, my SIL's family is "living their life."

However, this weekend, MIL is reconsidering hosting since cases are going up so much. Now she says she will make the meal and deliver it to us and we can all eat together on Zoom. I think this sound terrible. I'd rather each do our own meal and then just get together on Zoom for a visit, or maybe dessert or something.

I have never cooked a turkey dinner and even if we do end up on our own, I doubt I'll cook one. My family has already said they'd prefer a non-traditional dinner, like steak or something. I feel a little bad for the turkey farmers. I suspect there aren't going to be nearly as many people looking for turkeys this year, especially not the huge birds!


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