~The BOT Battalion~ BOTS On The Run

Here's a few pics from the Christmas festivities in Philly...

MACYS Light Show - Frosty the Snowman

Comcast Show - Santa flying across the sky in high definition.

The pics didn't come out as nice as I would have liked but you get the idea.

Howard - 12/28 is a possibility. I'll check with the boss on my social schedule and get back to you.

Lou~ Great, just let me know. No pressure at all. Keeping peace at home with the lovely and talented Nicole is more important than running in December with me. Thank you for posting the pics, Cam and I went to Wanamakers years ago and saw everything. I'd bet we haven't been up there to see the lights for almost 20 years.

Mike~ I know what you want, I think only Kathy can give it to you though. ;) :thumbsup2 I'm not sure if she'll require you to move a treadmill first though. :laughing: :rolleyes1

I donated blood (double platelets and plasma) on Friday, then went with Cam to a holiday dinner for the Directors of my company. It was very nice and held at a place called "The Rail" a restaurant in the Delaware Park compound. I didn't run on Saturday, but I managed to get out this morning for a bit of a run.

Miles: 13.1
Time: 2:00:40
Pace: 9:13

I think I'll take that one given my recent lack of running and consistency. My PF felt okay until about 4.5 miles, then started acting up a bit. I ran through it mostly and it loosened up a bit with some stretching. I am feeling the effects of pushing it a bit right now. I just took some Extra Strength Tylenol, I hope it helps.

:wave2: Chester, Jodi, Sara, Kathy, "The Cloud", Jen, Cindy, Matt (are you home yet?), Judy, and Dave.

Have a super week! We can't wait until Disney! :banana: :cool1: :yay: :woohoo:


Howard - A bit of running? 13.1 so soon after donating a double seems pretty impressive to me. I hope the foot likes it too.

Jodi - I'm not surprised someone invited you to a Christmas party. Just surprised that you said yes and actually went.

Lou - I'm putting money on the bride in that fight.

It also frosts my cupcakes to see that Comcast spends a billion bucks on a fancy TV set and yet it takes them 3 weeks, 2 missed appointments and 7 phone calls to get someone to service our internet!:furious: Bastages!

Jen - I hope you had fun at your parties. Get any good cookies? Wait. That implies that there's such a thing as bad cookies. Silly question.

Nothing to report for me today. I try to get a few miles in tomorrow.

See ya'll.
Lou - I'm putting money on the bride in that fight.

It also frosts my cupcakes to see that Comcast spends a billion bucks on a fancy TV set and yet it takes them 3 weeks, 2 missed appointments and 7 phone calls to get someone to service our internet!:furious: Bastages!

Yeah, I hear you about Comcast. I think I saw your service order hanging on their gigantic Christmas tree.
Just figured I'd drop in this a.m. and tell everyone that I officially hate the holidays! :love:
Just figured I'd drop in this a.m. and tell everyone that I officially hate the holidays! :love:
What's wrong Dodo? Trouble at the Holiday party??

My guess is a few of the cul-de-sac bimbos must have got a good look at The Cloud's thundering quads and you had to put some wup-a$$ on them with a yule log.

Am I close?
What's wrong Dodo? Trouble at the Holiday party??

My guess is a few of the cul-de-sac bimbos must have got a good look at The Cloud's thundering quads and you had to put some wup-a$$ on them with a yule log.

Am I close?

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2: Thanks for making me laugh you TOOL!

The party was actually fun. We reminisced with old EMS buddies & laughed about all the stupid crap we used to do while sitting on post. I'm lucky I never got arrested while working that job :rolleyes1 .

Just frustrated with the gift-giving thing. Wondering what in the heck to get my mom this year. And as Spencer has grown, so has the price tag on the things he "wants" for Christmas.
Good news is, is that I was able to get him Flash cs4 on one of those academic software sites for real cheap. Now my little baby can make violent (think Barney getting run over by a car driven by South Park-like cartoons of he & his friends) stick-figure cartoons for posting on Youtube 'til his heart's content :love: :rolleyes: .
Hey Everyone: I'm back from my quickie weekend trip to Disneyworld with my girls (DD7 pooh: and DD10 princess:). We had some great Daddy/Daughter time, and I had my first official duties as DIS Unplugged Podcast roving reporter. We had a lot of fun, and stayed up until midnight on Saturday riding Toy Story Mania. The girls rode it at least 10 times, and all of our arms hurt from pulling that little stringy on the cannon. I think I got a repetitive motion injury ;).

OK, gotta get caught up on some stuff now.
Hey Everyone: I'm back from my quickie weekend trip to Disneyworld with my girls (DD7 pooh: and DD10 princess:). We had some great Daddy/Daughter time, and I had my first official duties as DIS Unplugged Podcast roving reporter. We had a lot of fun, and stayed up until midnight on Saturday riding Toy Story Mania. The girls rode it at least 10 times, and all of our arms hurt from pulling that little stringy on the cannon. I think I got a repetitive motion injury ;).

OK, gotta get caught up on some stuff now.

LUCK DUCK! Glad you had fun, Dave. I'll be waiting for your report...

Howard - Since when is 13 miles a "bit of a run"?

Lou - Loved the photos! Ever been to NYC during the holidays?
I ran the 7th annual Holiday Halfathon Naked yesterday!!!.

Let me explain.....
Got up at 4:30am to head to Madiera Beach for the 7:30am start. Parking is hard to come by and I had an hour and a half drive so I wanted to get an early start.

I got a good parking space and checked in, then went back to the truck to wait for the start. At 6:45 I started gearing up and discovered that my Garmin was showing a "low battery" warning. Great. So I'll just use my watch and not worry about heart rate and distance. Opps, Miranda still had my watch because she borrowed it Saturday to keep time at some soccer games that she was Reffing. Alright, How am I going to work this? I know, my cell phone has a stopwatch function and lap counter. Well, that would have worked if I could see the tiny numbers on the screen while running.

So that was when I decided to run "naked", ie: without any instruments. This was really hard for me because when I run, I am constantly checking information on the Garmin. It's how I get my entertainment during a run. Some people have I-pods and listen to tunes - I monitor bodily functions and time and distances.

I fell in behind a couple of guys after the start and maintained pace with them. At 1 mile, the race clock showed 10:30, but since the first mile was really crowded, I didn't worry about it. At the second mile there was no clock, but I overheard the guys in front saying that that split was 9 minutes.

One of the guys (tights guy) split off at 5 miles to hit a port-o-let and I continued following the other guy (black shirt and shorts guy). At the halfway mark the time was 01:02:00. Great, if I can just keep this up I will finally break 2 hours.

Black shirt and shorts guy pulled away from me at 10 miles and headed for the horizon. I continued on alone from this point by picking out a runner ahead and trying to overtake them.

The final mile runs 3/4 of the way around a lake and ends in a county park. I kept pace with the people around me and tried to keep from getting passed. I had no idea what the elapsed time was until I passed the 13 mile mark and made the final turn to the finish line.

I finished with a clock time of 02:05:10. Not under 2 hours, but it was still a PR by about 10 minutes. I don't have the chip time yet but it should be about 30 seconds less. It ended up being a good training run for me and I think I'll do it again next year.

Merry Christmas training to all.

W.I.S.H. Half-Fast Naked Marathon Team
Chester -- AWESOME!!!

Jodi -- How about a digital frame, loaded with all sorts of fun family pix, pix of the grandchildren, etc.

Colleen -- How was the swim meet?

Sara -- How is Maggie?

Cindy -- is Matt back yet? Were you missing him too much to run? I know I'd sit at home and wallow in loneliness and bonbons if Howard were away in London. :hug:

Dave -- your trip sounds great!

Lou - Thanks for posting the pix. I hope you and Howard can get out for a run on 12/28 (hopefully he'll be home before our houseguests arrive ;) ) -- I know he enjoys running with friends. :cool1:

Hi to everyone else! We had a really productive weekend with Howard's company directors' party, decorating the house and the tree, Christmas shopping, and lots and lots of wedding and Christmas planning and projects. Still managed to get in 10 miles at the state park on Saturday in the 20-something degree weather (plus winds). Yesterday was a rest day, except for the cross-training at the mall. LOL! This morning was only 45 mnutes on the TM and 15 on the bike. Tomorrow, my personal trainer, Jeff will torture me in an upper body and ab/core workout. Thank God Wednesday is a rest day! :cloud9:

I can't believe that 4 weeks from now the Disney races will be behind us for another year!
Dave: Glad you had a great trip. I love Toy Story Mania and am happy you and your girls had a good time on it and in Disney.

Howard: I think you are just showing off with you "little run" but congrats on getting it done despite the PF

Chester: Awesome on the PR-- if you can do that "naked" imaging how fast you could go with clothes... ;)

Jodi: I'm with you on the gift issues. I got the digital frame for my in-laws last year not I'm really stuck. I'm thinking Netflix gift cards as a last desperate act of Christmas. :happytv:

Running totally didn't happen last night but we did eat several of the yummy cookies (although the brownies were my favorite). Tonight will be a 5 miler then I'll do 20 mi tomorrow. Enough procrastinating, must run.
Howard: I think you are just showing off with you "little run" but congrats on getting it done despite the PF

No showing off here... solid running under duress like everyone else! ;) :lmao:

No running for me today. One good thing to note, other than the PF killing me the morning after, no muscle soreness at all from the 13.1 on Sunday! :confused3

I took the dead (RIP) computer back to Best Buy to get a new HD installed earlier this evening. It'll take a few days max to get it back with nothing but the OS on it. Ugh. :sad2:

Dave~ Welcome home.. I hope you saved some Disney fun for Cam and me for this weekend when we are down there for our anniversary! I have never been on the Toy Story Mania ride. I can't wait! :woohoo: :cool1:

Chester~ Great job and effort on the Half. Naked is the only way I run! NOT! There would be a mass exodus of the female persuasion in the opposite direction, they'd probably all get PR's sprinting away in horror.

Jodi~ I am not sure why, maybe you all can talk some sense into me. For some reason, I am now believing that 26.2 miles isn't so far. :confused3 Someone shoot me and put me out of my misery. I think it has something to do with running so many big races so close together. Maybe I need my head examined. :rolleyes1

:wave2: Cindy, Matt (who is home Yeah!), The Cloud, Colleen, Kathy, Mike, Lou, Nicole, Judy, and Sara. :hug:

Enjoy your Tuesday!


Dave - Sounds like you had a great time. I'll have to check out the podcast. I remember my arm killing me after riding Toy Story twice at DL.

Lou - Loved the photos! Ever been to NYC during the holidays?

Jodi - I was there last year for the Christmas Show at Radio City. We went too close to Christmas and the crowds were insane. We love NYC at Christmas. Nicole and I will probably do a weekend in NYC in January. Also, I hear you on the price tags going up with age. Those little toys are much cheaper then the electronics. Maybe your son can Flash up my Bot pics.

Chester - Nice job on the half! I love the fact that you ran the race without the gear. It's like when Luke Skywalker turned off his computer before blowing up the Death Star. You just used the force to figure out your pace.

Cam - It's a good chance that we'll get out. The only option for me is to go out REAL early since I know we'll have something on tap that day. The funny thing is that I have never run with anyone. I'm not sure I'll know what to do. If we go it will be fun.

Jen - Are you running the 20 outside or on the TM?

Howard - That stinks about the hard drive. I had one die on the home PC last month. Thank God I don't store anything I wouldn't miss on that PC. Hopefully you got your files back.

Colleen - I love your take on Jodi's holiday blues.

Hey Mike, Sara, Steve!

I'll head outside to run this AM.

Hey, my Eagles have snuck up and won 3 games in a row. Would be a nice Christmas present if they sneak into the playoffs.

Hello From BotLand

Howard - Clearly you're delirious from over-exertion. Please, grab a remote & sit on the couch already!! I fully expect you to watch the entire Twilight Zone marathon on New Year's Eve without missing an episode!

Lou - My son has indicated that he will surely be using your Bot in some of his upcoming videos...something about people running & the Bot "totally destroying them".:confused3 Such a unique child...and a bit disturbing.:confused: Where does he get it from???:rolleyes1 When you & Howard run together just stare @ the ground & let him talk :laughing: Yeah, last time I was in NYC for the holidays it was actually a bit scary! WAAAAY too crowded around Rockefeller Center. BTW, if going in Jan., Disney is offering a buy one get one free (for a kid) ticket for their plays!

Jen - 20 MILES??? RU NUTS? :rotfl: For me, that'd be like, um, "Gone With The Wind", or something, on the movie theater!

Chester - CONGRATS!:yay: Running in the buff can be ever-so rewarding, NO? Nice job, dude!:hippie:

Cam - SWEET job on that 10 miles! YIPES! It was freezing on Sat! I stayed holed up in the casa! Can't wait to see you in Disney :hug: . And thanks for the suggestion for my DMom, but one of those siblings beat me to it! She's actually run/walking the half this year @ Disney (she did it in '06) - maybe I should get her a Garmin????? She's a beast! Up every morning @ the butt-crack of dawn walking stuuupid amounts of time!

Mike - Ready for the GOOFY? or what? Is Kathy running the 1/2?

Steve - Where ARE you?

OK, I'm actually getting worried about Colleen, Cindy & Sara! Where are you wenches???

Here's the deal - ran 3 yesterday & 4.5 on Sunday (think I already mentioned that). Foot's a little wiggy on the side so I re-scheduled the MRI for Friday afternoon. Just wanna know if it's something I shouldn't be running on (like I need an excuse :rolleyes: ).

Signed us up for the RTB. Our Team Name Is BOTS TO THE BEACH. Details to follow....Or, you could get off your butts, go on the website & figure it out for yourself! Don't make the Cloud & I run this by ourselves :rotfl2: .
Lou - BTW, if going in Jan., Disney is offering a buy one get one free (for a kid) ticket for their plays!

Signed us up for the RTB. Our Team Name Is BOTS TO THE BEACH. Details to follow....Or, you could get off your butts, go on the website & figure it out for yourself! Don't make the Cloud & I run this by ourselves :rotfl2: .

Jodi - Thanks for the Broadway tip!!! Can't beat 2 for 1! We saw Lion King two years ago and Nicole saw Little Mermaid last year with her mom. I'm not a huge Mary Poppins fan but you can't beat the price.

No problem on RTB. Fill me in on what and when I owe you.

I'm here:rolleyes1 The only running I'm managing is with my puppy these days:love: . Luckily, she can keep a better pace than I can:laughing:

Jodi - If I told you my kids still sleep with me would you be shocked if I told you I'm cheek-to-cheek with Maggie in bed nightlypopcorn::

Lou - We got in on the 2 for 1 Mary Poppins show for Saturday, 2/29:thumbsup2

Howard - Perspective is a funny thing, isn't it:confused: ? I'm thinking 26.2 miles is going to seem A LOT farther than I ever remembered it to be:rotfl: Nice job on maintaining the miles and hoping the PF stays at bay:hug:

Cam - Congrats on the awesome run:worship: Enjoy your rest day today:cloud9:

Chester - Nice job on the streaking:banana: . Sounds like a real nice training run for you:yay:

Jen - 20 miles:scared: I hope it went real well:cheer2:

Dave - You coming to playpopcorn::

Mike - Thanks for coming through with the much appreciated laugh:lmao:

Colleen, Cindy, Steve - :wave2:

My Mom's taking DD11 & her best friend down on the train to NYC to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular today. DH and I are taking DD7 to Disney on Ice tonight so no running time today:mad: . I forgot what it was like to have a newborn:rolleyes1 Definitely worth it:lovestruc yet it's consuming tons of my time right now:hippie:

Have a great day guys:grouphug:


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