The Dis Dad's Club III

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I've had a couple of weather-related scares. The first was when I was only four years old - it's my earliest vivid memory. After my fourth birthday party, my friend (with whom I am still, to this day, friends) stayed after everyone else had left. We were playing out the front yard with my new toys. The wind picked up. We looked up and saw a fully-formed funnel cloud, coming our direction. We ran inside and hid under the bed. The funnel cloud turned away from us, and did some pretty serious damage not far away. FWIW, that house is the last place I ever lived that didn't have a basement.

The second was when we had some particularly nasty flooding around here about 5 1/2 years ago. I had bought myself a Saab convertible as a law school graduation gift three years earlier - it's still my favorite car I've ever owned. But I got caught between two flash floods in September, 2004. I tried to turn into a driveway that sloped up to get away from the flooding, but the car swamped at the foot of that driveway. I had water in the car up to my thigh by the time I managed to get out. I still don't like to drive in heavy rain anymore.
No T-shirt feedback so far. Should I come up with a different non-Disney image or just scrap the T-shirt idea altogether??

Here is the newest design. Feedback, please!!!


Christian... I think making a page on the GKTW site is a great idea! I'm going to direct Maroo (Mary) over here to answer any questions about GKTW, what they do, and another other questions anyone might have. She works with many WISH families and runs the MAW thread here on the DIS.

I think it is hard to work with MAW as a whole. From what I understand, each state has their own rules and it might be more of a hassle unless we choose a specific chapter. See my post above about getting Mary over here.

That would be great! Any input from Maroo would be greatly appreciated!:thumbsup2

If any of you have any questions or concerns about GKTW or donating through this site you can contact Brittany Williamson at GKTW her email address is, Brittany Williamson [].

Great initiative chillcoupons and thanks. I am a fundraiser for non-profits and this is a great way to engage a lot of people. We would need someone to set up the page and we can collectively send it to friends and co-workers. It can be imbedded in all of your signatures including the Dis Boards, email messages etc. Something like, you tell two friends, who tell two friends, who tell two friends…

I am a technophobe so you don’t want me to set up the site. If someone can do the tech part, I can draft language for the message. The page itself probably can’t be modified for individuals in the group but when we each send it out, say in an email, you can use the email to personalize it. We should also pick an initial goal. Looking at the number of us, I suggest $2,000. Should be reachable considering the number of Dis Dads. I know some us who would like to give can’t because of the current economic situation, others can and will.

There is also a challenge here. The Dis moms and their ice cream for breakfast fundraiser (one of GKTW motto’s is if a child wants ice cream for breakfast, no problem) could be used to spur both groups on. Maybe some taunting. Could be fun.

If we want to do this and someone can set up the site, I will be the first with a $50 gift. So I skip an ADR and eat cheap during my June trip. What do you say? Man Law?


I set up the site and used the canned write up they had for GKTW. If you could come up with a more personalized Dis Dad's approach that would be great. The site is very easy to edit so any ideas you or any of the dad's have can be easily implemented. I also like the idea of the competition with the dis moms. :thumbsup2
No T-shirt feedback so far. Should I come up with a different non-Disney image or just scrap the T-shirt idea altogether??

Here is the newest design. Feedback, please!!!

I ordered the shirt with the Goofy design that I customized. It is on its way.:woohoo:
I am going to wear it in May when we go to WDW, I hope they don't sue me for copyright infringement. :eek:
ALERT!!! BARRYS WIFE SAID HE WAS RIGHT!!!! dude ive been married 25 years, 1 month , 2weeks and 3days and never once did dw say, much less in writing, that i was right!!! your the man!!!!:worship::worship:

Must be nice! I just accept the fact that I am wrong and go with her idea. However, the key is subtly guiding her in the direction I want and making her think it was all her idea...wait, that doesn't work on her either, only employees and upper management.

It doesn't happen often, boys, but when it does I tend to milk it for all it's worth. For example, last night. The lightswitch in our bedroom is on my side of the bed. DW and I both crawl into bed and she asks if I plan on shutting the light off. I said I don't have to tonight, because "I'm right."
This is probably one of the reasons I'm not right very often.

I was told that I only have 2 possible states of being, wrong or silent. Right has never been an option for me.
Sometimes, when I feel like sleeping on the couch, I tell DW how something is going to be (for example - me not turning off the light). Then I tell her there are two things she can do about it. "Like it" or "nothing". :rotfl2:

We had our first tornado warning of the season this evening here in Indy. I was in Costco waiting while DW's van's tires were being rotated and heard the sirens go off. Turns out the storm was tracking quite a bit south of where I was, but that particular county was under watch. They stopped shortly before I left, so I flipped on the radio and heard which counties were in the path of the storm. Drove on to my next errands and continued home. By the time I got home after getting the oil changed, getting a hair cut and placing the order for balloons for my DD's b-day party tomorrow - the rain had stopped and a beautiful rainbow was filling the sky.
I remember the time I lived through an Indiana tornado. My brother and I were camping at an 4x4 off-road park near Attica, IN. We had staked the tent down in the afternoon, but it was quite breezy that evening, so we tied a line between the tent and his Jeep for a little extra stability. The storm was intense (and we were "in tents" :rotfl:) We woke up the next morning and were talking to some other campers who said the entire county was under a tornado warning much of night. We didn't have a radio on, so we had no idea. :confused3

Did the Easter Parade in Seaside, entered DS in Best Dressed Boy 3-5, he came in 2nd:woohoo:
Congrats! :thumbsup2

No T-shirt feedback so far. Should I come up with a different non-Disney image or just scrap the T-shirt idea altogether??
It just doesn't have the same zing as the Goofy ones. I'd like to see how Chill's t-shirt comes out and why he was able to order a customized shirt :confused3
No T-shirt feedback so far. Should I come up with a different non-Disney image or just scrap the T-shirt idea altogether??
I like it... but I like the Goofy one better. I wonder why Christian was able to order the goofy one? :confused3

That would be great! Any input from Maroo would be greatly appreciated!:thumbsup2

I sent her a PM last night. Hopefully it was written better than my post to you! LOL :lmao:

I ordered the shirt with the Goofy design that I customized. It is on its way.:woohoo:
I am going to wear it in May when we go to WDW, I hope they don't sue me for copyright infringement. :eek:
OK SO how were you able to do it?

It just doesn't have the same zing as the Goofy ones. I'd like to see how Chill's t-shirt comes out and why he was able to order a customized shirt :confused3
I'd like to see too. :confused3
Feedback, please!!!

It just doesn't have the same zing as the Goofy ones.

I agree with Barry. I guess if we can't have Goofy, I'd rather have just words... but I'd like to see Christian's first.

I ordered the shirt with the Goofy design that I customized. It is on its way.:woohoo:

Cool. Can't wait to see it. Perhaps you'll have it when I'm up your way in a couple of weeks and you can show it off.

We had staked the tent down in the afternoon, but it was quite breezy that evening, so we tied a line between the tent and his Jeep for a little extra stability.


I've been in the path of a tornado twice in my life. The first, as I mentioned in a previous post, was when lived in MI. Thankfully that one turned due north (instead of the northeast path it had been following and went least from where we were. Sad for the folks that it did visit due north, as numerous homes & business were leveled as a result of its fury.

The second was in our 2nd summer living here in Indiana, about 4 years after my MI experience, and pretty much the first since we'd moved east again. I wasn't home but rather on a work trip visiting multiple different customer sites in MO, KS, OK & finally TX. I was somewhere in the middle of Kansas, driving southwest on the 35 watching the skies. It was just beautiful. I was amazed at the colors, not even really paying attention. Not having a lot of experience with tornado activity it wasn't even dawning on me that the darker the sky was getting to the west, the more atmospheric activity was brewing. Dumb, I know. I remember thinking it was kind of strange to not see any cars on the highway as the rain started to come down, soon followed by some hail, but I pretty much just thought "cool - no traffic!" I continued driving watching the western sky pretty much go very dark grey with lightning fingers lighting up here and there. The wind seemed to be picking up too. As I passed under a bridge, there were 2 or 3 cars parked underneath. Didn't think anything of it. I kept going. Soon the western sky started to get kind of greyish green, but I didn't even think about that either as I remember just thinking it was going to be a bad thunderstorm. I kept going until I realized, oh - I need to pee, NOW, so I pulled off at a McDonalds that was right there in sight. That was just on the outskirts of Emporia. Inside people were just doing their thing but instead of muzak the radio was on, coming through the restaurant. As I did my business I heard over the radio that 3 different funnel clouds had just touched down 2 miles from Emporia - one just a couple of miles northeast, crossing the 35. I then hung out at McDonalds for a while... looking back I laugh and cringe at how ignorant I'd been.

Here in Indy we've had multiple watches and at least 2 or 3 warnings single every year we've lived here. I live northeast of the city of Indianapolis. A few tornados have touched down in Indy proper, one a couple of years back taking the roof completely off of a nursing home. A couple have touched down in and around the county I live in, but most of the activity we've watched has occurred south or east of us. I don't particularly like living in Tornado Country, but I do like to eat and go to WDW and DL... so I stay where my job has me.
Ok Dads I just went ahead and made the page. We are raising money for "Give Kids The World".

Any one who wants to help out is welcome but there is absolutely no obligation. I set a fundraising goal of $2,000.00. The link is below please add it to your signature, and send it to as many people as possible.

Let's help some kids!!!!:)

:woohoo: I've added the link on the first page :thumbsup2

Did the Easter Parade in Seaside, entered DS in Best Dressed Boy 3-5, he came in 2nd:woohoo:

While we were waiting for the judging to start he busted out with some Karate moves, the newspaper snapped some pics, asked his name and to my surprise, a nice color photo was in the paper today. Talk about being the proud Dad at work:yay: That's My Boy!:goodvibes

That's awesome! So how many copies of the paper did you buy?? ;)
We had our first tornado warning of the season this evening here in Indy. I was in Costco waiting while DW's van's tires were being rotated and heard the sirens go off. Turns out the storm was tracking quite a bit south of where I was, but that particular county was under watch. They stopped shortly before I left, so I flipped on the radio and heard which counties were in the path of the storm. Drove on to my next errands and continued home. By the time I got home after getting the oil changed, getting a hair cut and placing the order for balloons for my DD's b-day party tomorrow - the rain had stopped and a beautiful rainbow was filling the sky.

You're going to keep it in the van for 3 seasons? :confused3 Dude, do you always store your Disney stuff in the van between trips? Do you not drive it anywhere but Disney? Or do you just like to haul the Disney stuff around with you whereever you go for the "pre-vacation smell"? :confused3
:lmao: we bought the van march of 06, its been to wdw 6 times and a round trip is about 2300 miles. it just barely has 16000 miles on it.:lmao: dw calls it the disney van. not for the disney stuff on it but thats the only time we use it.:lmao:
I too have had some close calls with the tornadoes. It is that time of the year where we have to watch out for them. I recall the first when I was around 3ish in Mt Prospect, IL (just North of O'Hare Airport) and the sirens going off and one touched down a bit to the north. I just recall my mom holding me, we were in the hallway, and the sirens going off.

The next two were when growing up in South Dakota on the farm. Both cases everyone woke up at the same time, and for some reason we all knew to run for the basement. The wind was mad and there was this loud howl/hum sound. Next morning, there was damage at our neighbors but not for us. They came with in 1/4 mile to a mile from us.

The next was in January 07 when driving to Chicago and the weather got really really bad. I could see it to the East as I'm driving South on I-90, then hit the curve to go east and went right through it. Wind, down pour, hail, cars on the side of the road. When I pop'd out on the other side, I snap'd a few pictures with my cell phone. I get to Grandmas house and watching the news, and they said a Tornado came through there at like 5 something PM...the time I was driving through there. So i download the pic off my phone...and sure enough:


The last was 2 years ago, two weekends in a row we got nailed. Many times seeing rotations in the clouds. The clouds were screaming south, we got nailed with pin-pong sized hail. The next day on the news, the town 4 miles south of us got nailed. The house we looked at buying was gone!

Usually the storms come over and drop the tornadoes in Wisconsin.
:lmao: we bought the van march of 06, its been to wdw 6 times and a round trip is about 2300 miles. it just barely has 16000 miles on it.:lmao: dw calls it the disney van. not for the disney stuff on it but thats the only time we use it.:lmao:

Alrighty then! Very snazzy - didn't realize you had your own "Magical Express" going for you. :thumbsup2
Alrighty then! Very snazzy - didn't realize you had your own "Magical Express" going for you. :thumbsup2

awww perfect name for it. thanks for the idea!!!:thumbsup2 when dd was born we would rent a mini van for $500.00 for two weeks unlimited mileage. as time went on, it got up to $1000.00. back in 2005 we paid 1200.00 to rent a van with no end in sight. so, i told dw we are buying our own!! we did. at this rate it should last us about 20 years!!!!:lmao:
Usually the storms come over and drop the tornadoes in Wisconsin.

Yeah, and thanks for that by the way. :mad: :rotfl:

After one particular bad storm growing up we found a mailbox laying next to the barn. There was still mail in it, addressed to a place about 4 miles down the road.
Yeah, and thanks for that by the way. :mad: :rotfl:

After one particular bad storm growing up we found a mailbox laying next to the barn. There was still mail in it, addressed to a place about 4 miles down the road.

:lmao: oh, you are far enough East...those aren't from get the Iowegian ones.
I ordered the shirt with the Goofy design that I customized. It is on its way.:woohoo:
I am going to wear it in May when we go to WDW, I hope they don't sue me for copyright infringement. :eek:

It just doesn't have the same zing as the Goofy ones. I'd like to see how Chill's t-shirt comes out and why he was able to order a customized shirt :confused3

I like it... but I like the Goofy one better. I wonder why Christian was able to order the goofy one? :confused3

I don't know how he did it but I can tell you what happened with me. I ordered it on a Friday or Saturday and I got the cancellation notice on Sunday. I can't figure out why I never got the notice when I saved the design. I guess someone has to look at the order to realize it has infringed on a copyright. Maybe Christian will still get zinged before it's shipped. I no longer have the design available, although it could be redone. I just don't think we can get away with it. I guess I'll scrap the image on the new one. Thanks for the feedback; I feel the same way.
I don't know how he did it but I can tell you what happened with me. I ordered it on a Friday or Saturday and I got the cancellation notice on Sunday. I can't figure out why I never got the notice when I saved the design. I guess someone has to look at the order to realize it has infringed on a copyright. Maybe Christian will still get zinged before it's shipped. I no longer have the design available, although it could be redone. I just don't think we can get away with it. I guess I'll scrap the image on the new one. Thanks for the feedback; I feel the same way.

Can you put goofy on the front and the words on the back? Or does that get the axe too?
Here are Zazzle's Disney Customization Guidelines...I mad a few BOLD which could be the reason MiJo got the decline.
Disney Customization Guidelines

Welcome to the power of online customization by Disney and Zazzle! Using Zazzle technology, you can personalize products with all of your favorite Disney characters! Here you will find the guidelines of what is prohibited for printing with Mickey and his friends.

Note: any orders placed with customized text or images may be cancelled at the sole discretion of Disney or Zazzle. Please follow the guidelines below:

-No text or images that may be considered offensive or be controversial to others in any manner
-No sexual connotations
-No images or references of illegal drugs
-No names of politicians or political statements
-No business advertising
-No church names, company names, school names, abbreviations of school names, or sports teams, trademarks, slogans or tag lines
-No events other than those with a family name incorporated ("Johnson Family Reunion")
-No use of Disney Parks and Resorts, including but not limited to Disneyland, Disney World, Epcot Center, etc.
-The use of "Disney" alone
-No text that may violate the integrity and reputation of Disney, any of its subsidiaries or

I think having "" may have been an issue.
Also he mentioned the slogan "Off Topic since 2007"...may have also been an issue.

Not sure if the "the DIS Dad's Club" would be of any issue??? :confused3

Just for the Heck of it I submited an order with the Following"

"the DIS Dad's Club"
The Happy looking Goofy Picture
Member #104
Nate (aka CornFuzz)

Used the FONT called BIG LIMBO in Lime Green.
had the small Pocket Logo on Front
Large on the Back.

We'll see.
I think having "" may have been an issue.
Also he mentioned the slogan "Off Topic since 2007"...may have also been an issue.

I'll bet these were the two "offending" items as well.

I just ordered one as well, using the same kind of thing Nate did and have my confirmation email. The tracking link says the orders take 3-5 days to go from order to processing to production to quality assurance to shipping - so it could very well be that mine will get rejected during the processing stage as well like MiJo's did. We'll see.

Chill... you should check your tracking link to see where your order is at in the sequence.
Christian... I think making a page on the GKTW site is a great idea! I'm going to direct Maroo (Mary) over here to answer any questions about GKTW, what they do, and another other questions anyone might have. She works with many WISH families and runs the MAW thread here on the DIS.

I think it is hard to work with MAW as a whole. From what I understand, each state has their own rules and it might be more of a hassle unless we choose a specific chapter. See my post above about getting Mary over here.

Hello everyone! I am Maroo! :)

I am neither a Mom or a Dad, but I have close ties to several of our Wish Trip families and was able to go on a wish trip with the girl that I take care of. :)

I am not sure what all you guys have decided - but I am going to just throw this out there...

Make a Wish and GKTW are both WONDERFUL organizations that can both use funds to help grant the wishes of children.

However, I honestly think GKTW makes more sense as the organization of choice for us die hard Disney fans because that is the main organization that really grants the Disney wishes. Each local MAW chapter sends some money to GKTW to help support their particular wish family that is going to be at GKTW for the week - but for the most part, GKTW is responsible for getting the tickets, providing lodging and maintaining the awesome grounds and programs for the wish families.

Staying at GKTW is truly a magical experience and what it gives to the families in the way of hope is something that simply can't be explained in words here.

If you are interested in reading more about DIS kids going on Wish Trips, check out the Wish Trippers thread - we have a lot of trip reports that are completed that have info about GKTW. :)

And one day soon Tim's family (that's nice) will be staying at GKTW, which is going to be awesome!
I don't know how he did it but I can tell you what happened with me. I ordered it on a Friday or Saturday and I got the cancellation notice on Sunday. I can't figure out why I never got the notice when I saved the design. I guess someone has to look at the order to realize it has infringed on a copyright. Maybe Christian will still get zinged before it's shipped. I no longer have the design available, although it could be redone. I just don't think we can get away with it. I guess I'll scrap the image on the new one. Thanks for the feedback; I feel the same way.

I'll bet these were the two "offending" items as well.

I just ordered one as well, using the same kind of thing Nate did and have my confirmation email. The tracking link says the orders take 3-5 days to go from order to processing to production to quality assurance to shipping - so it could very well be that mine will get rejected during the processing stage as well like MiJo's did. We'll see.

Chill... you should check your tracking link to see where your order is at in the sequence.

I just checked it was shipped 4/2/2010 and it is in transit on time coming to Michigan from San Jose Ca. It must have slipped through the cracks.:rolleyes1
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