The GH Official Thread Part 3

I've been googling soap recaps for GH right now so I can keep up without having to watch it!!
Sounds like this Shiloh storyline could be a "ripped from the headlines" one. A little while back I remember some sex slave cult that celebrity women were involved with. It was a self-help/personal growth type place that apparently brainwashed the women. I googled and it's called NXIVM.
Sounds like this Shiloh storyline could be a "ripped from the headlines" one. A little while back I remember some sex slave cult that celebrity women were involved with. It was a self-help/personal growth type place that apparently brainwashed the women. I googled and it's called NXIVM.
Parts of it remind me of Scientology after watching Remini’s show.
I know Michelle Stafford is heavily into Scientology. I don’t know if any other cast mates are.
I watched Leah Remini's show a little at the beginning. I remember they had to buy a lot of books and study Scientology? And do some kind of truth thing? I don't know a lot about it.
I guess they made Christina do the truth thing. It could be a compilation of different "cults". Or is Scientology a religion?

Wow, didn't know that about Michelle Stafford...
Scientology is recognized as a religion, so their church does not pay taxes. A lot of people say it's a cult and not a religion. Basically that is exactly what Leah Remini is trying to prove with her show, how much of a cult it is, plus how much Scientology makes its members pay in fees and she also said they do not do the charity work they claim they do. I find her show fascinating. Apparently she lost a lot of friends because she left and has other people on who also left and have lost all their friends and family to Scientology.
I know Michelle Stafford is heavily into Scientology. I don’t know if any other cast mates are.
Ugh - that's unfortunate.

Though recognized by the IRS as a tax exempt religious organization, it should not be. It is clearly organized as fee-for-service, and is amassing wealth out of proportion with its membership. They can call themselves a religion if they want to, but by any plain reading of the statutes should NOT be a tax exempt organization (there are also what seem like legitimate fraud claims to be made -- some are pursuing that in court, as well as various illegal acts alleged -- either of these would also lose them exempt status if proven). If we are to believe the MANY stories from former members regarding how they pull people in and how they are treated once in, we'd certainly conclude that they function as a cult. It's a long sordid story that is obviously OT for this thread, but I had to at least put that much out there.
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So will Kevin be able to be cured from his blindness? Will he ever be saved????

Wonder if Sam will actually get caught up in believing in Shiloh in her attempt to rescue Christina?
Why did Ava have to tell Ryan she's shocked Laura would agree to a pre-nup. Now Ryan knows he was tricked. I just hope Kevin can convince them they do in fact have a pre-nup, because it looks like Laura finally knows something is up. I think she thinks that "Kevin" had a nervous breakdown and not that that is actually Ryan.
It looks like Laura is going to follow Ryan to Fern Cliff. It also looks like Jordan is going to get Franco to play along and stay in jail until the real killer gets too comfortable and makes a mistake. We've got to be getting close to wrapping this thing up!

Meanwhile, duh Carly! You think you're too old to get pregnant easily? It sounds like you still have regular periods because you knew it was late. I'm having a hard time believing this one. And Sonny acted like a creep. Really? Another baby? Gee, I don't know if I'm into that idea. But let's not mention that he made a baby with Ava just about 3 or 4 years ago and said, "Here you go Carly. Here's a baby to raise while I do mobster stuff." But he gets weird when she's going to have one of her own.
Laura Wright is 48 y.o. IRL. Carly must be around the same. I am around this age as well and agree with her. The optimal word here is "easily". She can also be getting false positives on her pg tests. I guess we'll see.
I do agree that Sonny acted kinda like a jerk at first, but I can understand his concern since Carly was given a 50-50 chance of having a stroke while pregnant with Josslyn and now she's 15 years older.
I agree, Sonny isn't acting great, but I get his concern. He should have went about his concern a little differently though. Carly is interpreting it as him not wanting a kid at all, not that he is concerned about her life.
Finally Laura find Kevin, but of course Ryan is right there to take her out, ugh!

Do we think the father of Willow's baby is someone we know or a character to be introduced?
I'm assuming the Carly thing is a false positive, which can happen with repeated tests in the case of certain cancers. I'm expecting that sort of storyline.
Why oh why can't Franco tell Elizabeth if he agrees to confess to crimes he didn't commit? I mean come on. Also, Jordan is willing to let the killer strike again? How does she know they can catch him when they have no idea who he is?

I agree I think Carly will have cancer, unfortunately.
Why oh why can't Franco tell Elizabeth if he agrees to confess to crimes he didn't commit? I mean come on. Also, Jordan is willing to let the killer strike again? How does she know they can catch him when they have no idea who he is?

I agree I think Carly will have cancer, unfortunately.

The Franco thing is completely ridiculous! I can go along with some outlandish story lines because they're entertaining. This one just makes me mad. They've spent so much time repairing Franco's reputation and now they're just throwing it away. Jordan told him to his face that she doesn't believe he's guilty. Franco needs to call Scott and tell him exactly what Jordan said and what she wants him to do. She's willing to waste the court's time and the taxpayer's money to convict an innocent man. Scott will go directly to a judge and have the charges against Franco tossed out. Or if Franco does want to go along with her plan, he needs to tell Jordan he'll call Scott unless she agrees to let him tell Elizabeth and the boys first.


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