The Hangout Thread: The Teen Board's Hottest Club

So half of my senior class isn't going to prom because the theme sucks and no one likes the people in charge omg
So I either want a white kitten and put a pink ribbon around it's neck and name it Marie or get a Scottish terrier and name it Jacque from lady and the tramp
I didn't even know there was such a thing as prescription toothpaste until I was told I needed to use it.
if artistic people are forced to take years of math and science then why don’t sciencey people have to take art and music classes
we can buy electronic signs and bronze statues and iPads for every student but yet NC's teachers are the lowest paid in the country
if i can do 2 grades in the next year and a bit then i can get ucas points WOO
i just really want to go en pointe
One of my "assignments" for my online class was to friend my professor on Facebook. This was "due" last Wednesday, and she still hasn't friended me back.
mostly just excited to see my friends more and have ballet shoes again. they so damn comfortable
I don't even know if I'm proming it or not this year yet. I just don't know
I just love watching ice skating in the Olympics because I wish I could ice skate so bad. And half that reason is because of their outfits. They are so sparkly and pretty ugh
I love going back to my high school to see the plays, and it bothers me that really no other alumni goes. I mean, it meant so much to us when alumni came back.
Oh, and apparently before this drama director got there they had a tradition that the drama club president would climb the scene shop shelves and sign the ceiling beams at the end of the year. Well, since this director got here she didn't know about this tradition, but she found out and so today I got to climb up there and sign it. I felt so special.
Getting all dressed and ready for church then looking out the window to see that it's snowing hard and I can't even see the road :(
Hannah you have to go to prom! I'll be your date!!
Lololol i mean if you insist haha

I can get a date (I think) but it is just gonna suck because the theme and everything. Like I want elegance and crap and it sucks because it is like club and black lights and crap and I'm just like eew eew


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