The Most Random Thread EVER!

Lol yep! Still in bed, on my stomach, because my cat's asleep on my back and I don't want to move her :D
Fun fact: On average, it takes about 252 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop
Just got back from Ice Camp!!!!!

I learned how to ski, went in sled races, played a game the closest I've ever gotten to Capture the Flag, played a card game called Mafia (everyone always thought I was the mafia because I was being "too quiet"), played Murder Mystery (not our kind), sang, got a frog stuffed animal with a mini camp T-shirt on it from the Trading Post, had a latte, had multiple snowball fights, had a churro, was up until at least two every night, slipped on the icy sidewalk a lot, made a canon with some others out of a Pringles box, one of the boys put on girls boots, watched sports tournaments, cheered for our teams, wiped out on my sled as I got snowballed in the face, showed some pretty awesome game tactic skills that match Annabeth's from Percy Jackson, got a Reese thrown at me, cried a little bit with the other girls when we all prayed, had ketchup for the first time (EWWWWW), wiped out so bad yesterday skiing that my pants are still wet, almost ran into a tree, did a baseball-worthy dive for base in a game, sang with my youth group, had a pack of mini Reese's and Starbursts, and we had hour long church sessions, and the speaker spent half of it making fun of Taylor Swift and how she sounded like the Bible book Lamentations. Made my day. XD
Thanks I just love copy and paste

Gryffindor Seeker!In the Poseidon cabin!Leader of RiverClan.A Storm Hawk & a sky night of Terra Neverland!I am Spider-Man!True Believer & an Overload!An Ultra Link!I work for THI.Hunter of Artemis!Avenger, SHIELD agent, & member of Future Foundation.H2O mermaid!A water talent!In the EPF.I'm the Shane!The warrior mage!I'm the Avatar.Noelle is my BFF!
"A dream is a wish your heart makes." -Cinderella~"All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust." -Peter Pan 2
"Light, dark, there's a little bit in all of us. The trick is finding balance." "Master, please! You don't know Twist like I do!" "Never presume to know the heart of another! Focus on your own inner peace. Are you so sure you know the best path?" "I-I thought I did." -Master Shinai and Eli Shane
Don't let them in, don't let them see, be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal don't feel, don't let them know! Well now they know! Let it go, let it go! -Elsa
"She knows how tough life can be, and she still keeps going." -Ivypool on Hollyleaf~"Ashfur died because I was so angry I stopped caring about what was right!" "It wasn't your fault! Leafpool and Squirrelflight started it. You should blame them!" "No, they made a mistake. They were just trying to make it better. No one should have died because Leafpool's heart led her along the wrong path. Doesn't every cat do that sometime in their life?" -Hollyleaf and Lionblaze
"Not everyone is meant to make a difference. But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option." -Spider-Man
"You can act all tough and take over the world, but you can never hide who you really are- a lonely girl who desperately wants a friend." -Piper to Master Cyclonis
"Let's move out." "No." "Excuse me?" "I said no. No more. You will never hurt another innocent person and then just walk away." -Dr. Blakk & Eli Shane
"Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye!"-Bill Cypher~"What are you looking at?" "Your artwork. Is that a kitty? It's cute!"-Eli to Shorty "They feel sorry for me. No friends, no family. But I have the most amazing gift in the world. In the end, I feel sorry for them."
You can use the quote button now if you want lol

Sooo yeah XD

If you want to check it out, the thread you were watching me post on during science is the Camp of Disney RP

ok thanks;) completely off topic when do u think u can come over
Hi! I'm Noelle, Cindy's cousin. She told me you were gonna get on Dis, I hope you like it.
We went to go see Frozen again last night, and when Anna is sorta stuttering when she first meets Hans, my mom leaned over and said, "Wow, it's exactly like Christina talking to a boy!"

(My real name is Christina)
I'm baaaaaaaaack! Yeah, I took a break from this site because of school and I've been busy with other things to. To start off me coming back to the boards, is anyone going to Disney World sometime in March?


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