~The NeverEnding Story:TR-Turned-Baby-Turned-Pre-TR~LINK TO NEW PRE-TR...p189

I spy MeMom's magical bubbling spring! :laughing:

We will make a trip over there in December to make some baby wishes.
Jill will kill me if I wish for babies for her right now, so I'll make some wishes for others. :)

By the way, I would like it to be noted by the court reporter that I almost beat CP to a report! :laughing:
wow...i feel so loved!!! :grouphug:

i'm in juvenile court today doing an adoption hearing and i'm mooching off the court's wifi. :ssst:

I have actually peeked at it a few times and told my husband just yesterday that we needed to sit down and read through your updates... Tonight we are suppose to be talking about where we want to stay so I can get something booked, but he is being a computer nerd... :laughing:

so exciting to be planning a trip! let me know if i can help in any way.

I followed you over from Jordan's PTR too. I'm taking my kids December 2010 and it's waaaay too early for my PTR so I'm gonna follow yours! :lmao:

wow...i'm getting lots of hits from jordan's TR. i may have to pay him commission! :rotfl: thanks for reading!

You know you are my hero, right??? I can't even keep up one tiny little eenie weenie PTR and here you are starting "the neverending story".

Can I pay you to finish my PTR & do a TR for me :rotfl:....I'll just text you a thought every few minutes on our trip and you can make it into a wonderfully witty and enjoyable TR:thumbsup2

P.S. - It took us 5 years to have Luke and now we have 3 adorable hoodlums. Good things come to those who wait. ;) I know it is stressful, exciting, depressing, fun, etc....but in the end, the blessings are endless :hug:

i think your pre-TR is great! we are all our own critics. sure....i will write it for you....can i tag along with you, too??? :laughing: thanks for your sentiments....i truly appreciate hearing those things. :goodvibes

Hey Dawn!

Welcome to the "let's get our PTRs going at an insanely early, still a whole year away club"! Honestly, it's been more than fun than I can imagine, and I"ve been incredibly blessed with the friendships I"ve made over on mine.

I think this year will go by very quickly with this PTR to help pass the time. I know with me, having one makes each week fly by; before I know it, it's time for a "big" weekly update or something!

Looking forward to all the fun!


thanks for the welcome! :rotfl: i will have to go over and check out your pre-TR. i'm sure it's lots of fun!

Hurray! You started your PTR! I am here for all the fun and chatter!!! :banana:

thanks for reading, jackie! glad you came over. :)

We'll try to help your long wait be a little easier.

You are doing better than I would be. I'm already breaking out in hives every time I think about having a week at spring break with no trip. I've got a little Disney devil on one shoulder and Dave Ramsey on the other, and they are both doing their best to get me to think their way.

Just think, if all goes well, this time next year you'll be planning for a rockin' awesome time hanging out at this incredibly beautiful resort.

Cozying up here will be one of the nicest parts of the trip. :)

thanks, memom. glad you're here! i probably missed this on your TR but what's the deal with spring break? are you just truing to save money? good luck with your devil/ramsey battle....i've been there!

thank you so much for posting all the beautiful pictures of WL!!! i can't wait! :yay:

I spy MeMom's magical bubbling spring! :laughing:

yep....i've heard that thing is pretty reliable! i will take the baby wishes for sure!!! :upsidedow

We will make a trip over there in December to make some baby wishes.
Jill will kill me if I wish for babies for her right now, so I'll make some wishes for others. :)

By the way, I would like it to be noted by the court reporter that I almost beat CP to a report! :laughing:

duly noted.

i will take one of those wishes if you have any to spare!

I'm here!!!

And yes, yes I will!!!!!!!!!

:lmao: apparently memom and that fountain together are pretty powerful! thanks for joining in, jill. :)

Oh yeah...I will take some cake! ;) :rotfl:

cake is always a good thing, even if it's just imaginery....no calories!:laughing:
Hey Dawn! I am along for the ride. I ca't promise how active I will be, because school is kicking my butt! :sick: I am hoping that Ryan and I will get to go 2010. I am having major Disney withdrawls since our July trip.
so since you started a pretr i should start one since my trip is coming up in under 7 months now:banana:
Hey Dawn! I am along for the ride. I ca't promise how active I will be, because school is kicking my butt! :sick: I am hoping that Ryan and I will get to go 2010. I am having major Disney withdrawls since our July trip.

hey, there! thanks for reading. and no worries...work sometimes does the same thing to me!

so since you started a pretr i should start one since my trip is coming up in under 7 months now:banana:

definitely! let me know if you start one. :thumbsup2
Another Jordan follower! (I mean I followed you here from Jordan's PTR - not that I am a "Jordan follower" like I'm in some weird cult or something.)

Anyway, we're staying at WL this February and I can't wait! Looking forward to updates (which reminds me I need to update my own!)
Hi Dawn! I followed you over from Jenny's PTR. I'm sure you and Ray will have a little one to talk about soon.:goodvibes
This is wat I miss when I log off at 10 pm last night

I am along for the ride. I love reading all about your adventures, Disney or not.

:wizard:Here is some pixie dust for you-know-what.
definitely! let me know if you start one. :thumbsup2
i will prob wait till a little bit longer, but not much, after the holidays i am going to get reallypumped, that is the next big thing after christmas, well after parkers birthday that is.
Joining in from MeMom and Jill's TR!

My DH and I are on a Disney hiatus as well. We're expecting in March, and I have no idea when we'll get back. So I need lots of PTRs and TRs to get me through!

Good luck to you on the baby-making! I was getting a little impatient myself and then it happened at truly the perfect time for us.
Another Jordan follower! (I mean I followed you here from Jordan's PTR - not that I am a "Jordan follower" like I'm in some weird cult or something.)

Anyway, we're staying at WL this February and I can't wait! Looking forward to updates (which reminds me I need to update my own!)

jordan has a cult??? :lmao: just kidding. welcome! glad to have you.

Hi Dawn! I followed you over from Jenny's PTR. I'm sure you and Ray will have a little one to talk about soon.:goodvibes

thanks for joining in! any friend of jenny's is a friend of mine.

I'm here Dawn! :dance3:

yay!!! :cool1: thanks for coming over.

This is wat I miss when I log off at 10 pm last night

I am along for the ride. I love reading all about your adventures, Disney or not.

:wizard:Here is some pixie dust for you-know-what.

glad you made it over! thanks for the pixie dust. ;)

:cool1: Now that's what I am talking about. Okay, going back to catch up. :hug:

woohooo :woohoo:...jenny's here......


you are my true inspiration for starting this thing so dang early. so thank you!!!

i will prob wait till a little bit longer, but not much, after the holidays i am going to get reallypumped, that is the next big thing after christmas, well after parkers birthday that is.

you have more patience than me. but of course you have the baby fauntleroy thread to keep your busy. i didn't have one of those. of coures, i could've started on called, "how to make a baby," or something like that. :rotfl2:

:snooty: Less than 400 days away? Amateur. :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

i know, i know. i should be ashamed. :sad2: i'm SUCH a slacker. :lmao:

Joining in from MeMom and Jill's TR!

My DH and I are on a Disney hiatus as well. We're expecting in March, and I have no idea when we'll get back. So I need lots of PTRs and TRs to get me through!

Good luck to you on the baby-making! I was getting a little impatient myself and then it happened at truly the perfect time for us.

thanks for coming over! i have actually read a TR you did awhile back...the halloween party one. so it's nice to "see" you! oh, and CONGRATS on the baby!!!! do you know what it is yet? i have a friend that's also due in march. what a great time to have a baby! not too hot yet. if i were to get pregnant right now i would have a july baby. ugh...but i'll take it! i hate how everyone keeps telling me, "when you stop trying, it will happen," like there's some kind of switch i can turn off and on and stop myself from wanting to try. too bad we can't just have them when we want. it's all up to the powers that be and i know there's a plan for me....i just hate waiting to see what it is! :laughing:
thanks for coming over! i have actually read a TR you did awhile back...the halloween party one. so it's nice to "see" you! oh, and CONGRATS on the baby!!!! do you know what it is yet? i have a friend that's also due in march. what a great time to have a baby! not too hot yet. if i were to get pregnant right now i would have a july baby. ugh...but i'll take it! i hate how everyone keeps telling me, "when you stop trying, it will happen," like there's some kind of switch i can turn off and on and stop myself from wanting to try. too bad we can't just have them when we want. it's all up to the powers that be and i know there's a plan for me....i just hate waiting to see what it is! :laughing:

Oh, we were DEFINITELY trying the whole time! None of that "stop trying" business for us.

My advice is to just try to be confident in the fact that it WILL happen and then do what you can to make it happen!

We do know what we're having. We had an ultrasound last week and it's a girl! I would have been happy either way, but a girl will be tons of fun to shop for.
so i figured i should tell you how this trip came to be and the details of the same.

well, first we have to flash back to the last day of our december 2008 trip. ray and i were at AK and as we were walking from the safari to meet my friend anna and her family to get a spot for the jingle jungle parade....well, read for yourself.....

>>insert the wayne's world dream sequence loop here<<<

on the way to meet them ray and i had a little discussion about the rest of our evening. our plan after the parade was to leave AK, go to the WL to see the christmas decorations and change clothes, then head to MK for MVMCP. well, ray was REALLY needing a break. he just needed about an hour to CHILL OUT. like i said before, i think i just run on pure joy and adrenaline at disney world but i know not everyone is like that. my only hangup with changing our plans was that i wouldn't get to see the WL and that's the one i REALLY wanted to see at christmas! ray looked at me dead in the eyes and said, "what if i told you that i promise you we will stay there when we come back in 2010?"




i couldn't turn that offer down! a PROMISE to stay there???? sure!!!!!

so our plan is to buy DVC points from tara (thanks, tara!) when we return in december 2010 and stay at VWL. right now we're planning on december 5th through december 11th. actually, we'll probably leave on friday december 3rd, stay off property that night, go to sea world on december 4th, stay off site again and then check in at disney sunday morning on the 5th. i can't wait!!!!! the only thing that would change our plans is if i'm 6+ months pregnant or if we have a tiny baby at the time, like less than 5 months old. only time will tell!!!! popcorn::

>>come with me back to present time<<

so that's how this trip came about. well, first of all, let me just say that ray and i had already agreed when we planned the december 2008 trip that we'd take a break in 2009. i had been twice in 2007 and three times in 2008 and we both felt (yes, me included) that it was time for a break. i was fine for about 8 months but about a month ago i started getting disney withdrawals....they are not pretty.

anyway, we knew we wanted to come back for the holidays. we had fun in 2008, but we want to come back by ourselves (or with our child) instead of going with someone. i love chris, anna and luke but it's just different when you're with your husband/wife and you don't feel so stressed to get everything done.

and staying at VWL during the holidays.....:love: i can't wait!!!

the plan has changed somewhat since i wrote that installment of my december 2008 TR. right now i'm thinking we will drive down friday, december 10th, stay at a hotel near sea world, check out saturday morning, go to sea world for the day (i haven't been since i was 15 and i really wanna go!), then check into disney that late afternoon/early evening at VWL, which would be december 11th. i thought it would be nice to not have any plans that evening other than to have a nice meal at cali grill right around the time of the fireworks at MK. then we will stay for a full week and leave the next saturday, december 18th.

now, all that being said, there is one teeny, tiny, life-changing variable. A BABY!!! being that you can't exactly plan these things exactly how you want them to pan out, we have no clue if we will have a baby before or after this trip, or even if i'm pregnant right now! so we do have some alternate plans in case a future baby decides to make his or her appearance at a time that doesn't coincide with our plans.

here's a timeline to better explain things:

~if i should get pregnant by the end of the year, we will keep our plans the same. i think i can handle taking a baby that's 4 months old (at the youngest) to disney world. i was doubtful but after seeing brooklynn's mommy with little bella in july, i'm convinced i can do it. it would be different if this was a once-every-10-years kinda thing for us. but because we go pretty often, it's not like we have to do commando touring.

~if i should get pregnant in january, february or march, then we will cancel our december plans and reschedule for either april or may of 2011. i would like to go earlier than that but i really need next year to save money and so the trip will have to be postponed rather than moved up. which is fine by me! i really want to save VWL for the holidays, though, so if that happens, we may change resorts. i'm thinking either AKV or BLT.

~if i should get pregnant in april, may or june, then we will cancel our december plans and move the trip up to early october 2010. ray has never been for the halloween party AND that's during the food and wine festival. this means that i will be 4-6 months pregnant and i will be in FOOD HEAVEN!!!! :woohoo: of course no wine for me but that's okay. if this should happen, i'm pretty sure we will change resorts to the BWV because i'd love to be so close to epcot for the festival!

~of course, if i should get pregnant at any time after june of next year, then the december 2010 trip should still be good to go!

i have to get tara half my money in january so that she's able to book the trip for december. but she says we can change the plans with no problem if we need to.

so now that you know our vacation plans AND our reproductive plans, i'm sure you feel thoroughly enlightened!!! :lmao:


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