The NEW 'Lets Help Each Other Whilst On The Atkins Plan' Thread

Pixie Power!

DIS Veteran
Aug 4, 2001
I posted here alittle while ago about needing a buddy to help me loose weight on the Atkins Plan. Ive now got a great support network to help me and in one PM I recieved from lvs_eeyore she thought that it would be a great idea to start a thread so that we can help each other.

So here it is :)

Post your tips, menu plans and also your progress and together we will reach our goals.

Oh this is so neat! Thanks for starting it Emma!

Im starting on Atkins this morning! I am psyched and ready to lose! Even though it's Father's Day dh has sweetly said he will make his famous omlets today. I almost feel like Im cheating eating eggs with cheese.

I do have to admit my carbs are going to be hard to give up. I love pasta, bread, rice and potatos. I have found a few good looking recipes for Mock ups of some of these things though on LowCarb Friends.

Yesterday we baked two chickens so that we would have some already cooked and frozen for quick dinners. Dinner seems to be my main downfall because I need it to be quick with our hectic schedules.

Anyone have any ideas for quick Atkins meals for dinner??
I'm looking forward to the tips -- as I am also going to be starting low carb this week.

Pixie Power,
How about posting a link over on the CB to this thread hoping some more people over there (that don't normally visit WISH) might be able to give us some pointers!
Great idea Jody I will do that link now.

I re-start Atkins on Monday. I have a lot of weight to loose but the prospect of DISCON is a good incentive. I want to feel more comfortable with myself when meeting all these great people for the first time. My down falls are like lvs_eeyore's, I dont seem to stop all day and then getting home and trying to plan a quick low carb meal - arrhhh! I also live on things like bread and potato's but I know that they will have to go:D

Good luck everyone!!

Hmm... I have to drop a little tonnage so I don't look like a beached whale at Typhoon Lagoon in September. I may join in also. My mother-in-law had great success on the Atkins diet and lost 30 pounds on it and looks great. I'm restarting my gym membership and have considered Atkins. Have any of you had success with it before? What's the average people have lost in say 2 months time...?
O.K....I need support Emma.....I was so good for the first two weeks (lost about 5-7lbs) but this weekend LOST it!!

DH ordered chinese food Sat. night and we went to dinner (Italian restaurant) today for Fathers day! I totally carbed out!!

Back to Atkins least I have a tummy ache now to prove I feel better on Atkins...........
You can do it!!! You have the right attitude. Just get right back on tomorrow morning!!

I keep hearing people say they get stomach aches from Carbs. I keep wondering if that hasnt been part of my stomach problems all along. It will be interesting to see if it gets better!

dBugged I would venture to say the average weight loss would be between 16-20 pounds in two months. A lot of it depends on how strictly you follow it and how much weight you have to lose. A heavier person will lose more than say the person who only has 10-15 to lose.
lvs_eeyore, Thanks for the comments. I figured it was in the 15-20 range. I figure if I lose 20 pounds I'll feel a lot better and my darn acid reflux will ease up a tad (usually snug clothes and a little extra weight cause it to bug up every now and then). I've got the Atkins book and will have to give it a quick re-read tonight to get all of the dirt I need to fly on this diet.
I also have acid reflux. I have heard others on another board I am on say that theirs has gotten much better and/or has gone away after they lost some of the weight on this diet. Im hoping mine will too!
Originally posted by lvs_eeyore
I also have acid reflux. I have heard others on another board I am on say that theirs has gotten much better and/or has gone away after they lost some of the weight on this diet. Im hoping mine will too!

That's what my doctor keeps telling me also. And, since I've gained about 5-6 pounds over the past few months I've noticed that it is a little more noticable now than a few months ago. Hopefully the weight loss will do the trick.

I am starting back on Induction today, as I really need to jump start this diet! I had lost 19 lbs. in about a two month period and was doing great! I started adding the carbs back in and then totally blew it! I would go back and fourth...I have gained back only 3 lbs. which is good for how much I have been eating. I do have to say that even though I have been on a binge, I do try to keep what I eat somewhat healthy. Anyhow, I'm back on!

I think the key to making this diet sucessful is to be prepared! It is very easy to just grab a granola bar, sandwhich, etc. when eating carbs. There is a lot that is ready to eat. With protein only, this is not as easy. I will prepare egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, have string cheese, turkey sticks, etc. all ready to go. I think when you have to take the time to prepare everything you eat, it get too frustrating. I also keep a supply of protein bars (I like EAS the best) and Carb-o-Lite bars on hand. Once I get past induction, I always carry individual pkgs. of peanuts with me, and have a supply of Atkins muffins in the freezer (these things are awesome!). Being prepared, that is the key!
Hi everyone!!

Ive re-started my Atkins diet today as the world cup keeps on distracting me :D.

Todays menu was ...

bacon and egg for breakfast
chicken and a small salad for lunch
Chicken with a little gravy and mustard for dinner.

I agree with what everyone is saying here, its all about planning your meals and being prepared. Where I work i cant just go into the canteen and get low carb food, its all jacket potatos and sandwiches. Plan Ahead!!

I think we shoudl keep a running total of the weight we all loose as a team - what do you think? Im sure it will mount up very quickly.

Keep up the good work everyone & have a great week

I didn't prepare ahead of time and skipped breakfast. Had a large salad with greens, mild pepper rings, tomatoe, dill pickle and home made blue cheese dressing for lunch. Dinner will be broccoli cheese soup cooked chicken fillet with Broccoli and some home made cole slaw.

I know that I much eat much more starting tomorrow for this to be succesful!

Don't forget lots of veggies -- everyone! How about some veggie ideas.
I have been doing Atkins for about 6 weeks and have lost 26 lbs. But I fell of the wagon about a week ago and went a little crazy. I think I was drunk on Carbs, but I always felt slightly ill in the morning. So starting tommorow INDUCTION again. The key for me is to drink at least 100 oz of H2O a day, or I stall. I love diet soda, but when I drink it, I don't drink the water. Good luck everyone.
ps. i dislike intensely the Atkins pancake mix (talk about yuck!!)
kidzmom3 - LOL at about the pancake mix. Actually I don't find it too bad. I use a bit more water than they call for and add a small about of vanilla extract. This makes them thinner (not so rubbery) and flavorful.
I got back on the bandwagon today. I couldn't eat breakfast today as I still felt yecky from carbing out over the weekend! I had ham and cheese roll ups for lunch and tuna for dinner. I did drink alot of Caffeine Free Diet Coke today though.

I had a lo carb bar and it actually made me gag! I have eaten them before but now they are getting to me. I have to go shopping in the morning and plan to get chicken, romaine lettuce, Caesar dressing and make Chicken Caesar salad for a few days.

I just have to keep remembering how I felt go off the diet this weekend!! I got really bloated! Anyone else get bloated when they go off the diet?

I lost 25lbs last year just counting calories and doing my own thing, but I haven't been able to get it together to finish losing another 25lbs. I got the Atkins book yesterday and today is my first day of induction. It felt WONDERFUL to have deviled eggs for breakfast!

Just wondering what Atkins products you recommend. I was thinking of getting the bread mix and bake mix. Are they only available from the Atkins website, or are they sold in stores?

Thanks for the inspiration!
Some Questions....
Did anyone else get a headache their first day eating low carb?

What did YOU have for breakfast?;)

I really love the fact that so many of us have started this same type program this week! I'm looking forward to sharing our ups and downs (more ups ofcourse) and lots of hints and suggestions!

I can't weight to weigh in on monday and post back here!!

Just wondering what Atkins products you recommend. I was thinking of getting the bread mix and bake mix. Are they only available from the Atkins website, or are they sold in stores?

I would like to know this also. I know that a lot of things are not normally available here in the UK that are in America but at least it will give me an idea of what to look out for.

Did anyone else get a headache their first day eating low carb?

I didnt, but my sister did. I think its kinda expected if you drink alot of coffee as its the lack of caffine that gives you a headache. It lasted about a week for her, but after that she felt better then ever.

What did YOU have for breakfast?

Of a weekend I have a full fry up (well its grilled but you know what I mean;)) I have eggs, bacon and sausage with a couple of grilled tomato's. I also sometimes have egg white omlettes or if Im eating on the go hard boiled eggs.

Hope this helps.

Keep up the good work everyone!!

I only have a minute, but want to answer some of your questions!

I like the Atkins muffin mixes, the bread mix is gross. The bake mix is okay. To me, all other Atkins products, especially the Advantage bars are disgusting! I like EAS protein bars, and Carb-o-Lite bars. You can find the products at most grocery stores and at health food stores, but sometimes the web site is quite a bit cheaper.

Headaches, yes, big time! Usually black coffee will take care of that for me!:D

For breakfast, don't only think "breakfast" foods. I eat tuna salad, chicken, turkey sticks, turkey burgers, omlettes, turkey bacon/sausage (can you tell, I don't eat beef or pork?!).


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