The October 2015 Live Trip Reports!

Saturday Afternoon Football:
1) In deference to tiggerdad and bama_ed, I really did try to watch the Texas Game.
. . . you know, Texas A&M
. . . otherwise known as ("Texas") ("A") Alabama ("&") ("M") Massacre
2) But, as tiggerdad already observed, my TV sets default to Big Ten football.
3) And, my-oh-my, what an end to the Michigan / Michigan State contest !!!!!
. . . Michigan had the game sewn-up
. . . the lead with a punt and seconds on the clock
. . . then, a bad snap and a terrible choice of the punter gave Michigan-State the win (instead of taking a knee, he tried to salvage something)
. . . something the Michigan-State defensive end will remember his entire life
. . . and, the Michigan punter will have to live-down his entire live

Yes, heartbreak for all of us Wolverine fans. But we can still take home the little brown jug, and most of all beat OSU.
Oh, I almost forgot. Last week, the water parade celebrated 44 years. The longest running show at Disney World.
Tigger dad. Y'all please be safe on your travels home. We are ready for Nov 5th. I will keep the squirrels fed and happy for you.

17 days 6 hours 15 minutes and counting.
Just a quick update. We left out of the Fort at and went to put the rest of our gear in storage yesterday morning. Left Cocoa Beach at 12:30 PM and pulled into the driveway in VT at 3:30 PM. 87 and sunny in FL., and 38 with snow flurries. The mountains in NY looked gorgeous with a dusting of snow on the pine trees. Going to get some sleep and will post more later.
Glad to hear you made it home safely, Vince. You had a long way to go to get home. Thanks for letting us go along with you on your trip!

Bama Ed
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Stayed last night so the kids could see one last showing of wishes from Main Street after spending 10 hours in the park. IT WAS PACKED! The crowd prediction calendars have been way off. October to us this trip was about like our June 2012 trip as far as crowds. Still had a great time. You guys remind me next trip to make all my weekend days a Fort day and avoid the parks.

Left out from the Fort around 0445 Florida time. Pulled in the driveway at 1425, 10 hours, that's a record for us and I didn't get over 72mph. Not having to stop for fuel so often has sure made a difference.

Mississippi weather snow (thank the Lord), about 10 degrees cooler.

Like Vince, I'm surviving on 4 hours sleep and a 6-pack of Mountain Dew. Hitting the hay. Will post later as well.

The next shift has reported for duty at the Fort. We arrived at 1:30, 4 hours after we planned to get here, but it well worth taking the drive at a leisure pace. They put us at 1509. It's a great site and the neighbors seem nice.

We finished setting up the site around 4:30 and decided to do the boat, monorail, and bus tour. Now my little guy is passed out cold. I guess I have a quiet and relaxing night ahead of me.
Thank you for these monthly live reports! Love reading them. My first Fort trip won't be for another 2 1/2-3 years and the trip reports and pictures are so helpful. Hopefully these live reports will still be going on :D

Tiggerdad...... glad you made it home safe. Thanks for all the "not so often seen" side of the Fort pics. The DW.....uhhhhh........I mean the Boss...... are talking about taking a day to do some exploring during our November trip.
Thanks to everyone for posting their trips! If I can't be there, the next best thing is to see others having a great time at the Fort!
Glad everyone has made it home safe after having a wonderful time. It makes me long for my trip which we shifted to February this year instead of our normal Saturday after new years departure. Though celebrating my 1 year anniversary of hitting my 4th decade on the planet while I am on my Disney Vacation should be a blast. Last year we ended up with about 400 pictures, this year I hope to better that between the AP now with photo pass access and my own cameras. Keep posting up the reports and stories, I am loving this!
The last couple days at the Fort has been a real blast. We went over to Tiggerdad's sight again and had burgers and conversation while the girls played. Thanks again for the a/c, it was great that time of year. We did get to met up with Sirenia88 before we left out. We ended up taking the other Interstates home, that was much better than running through, DC and such, also the same distance, thanks again for that advice.

Went exploring the campground before leaving and ended up with more pics.

This next one is of the cell towers, nicely decorated to match the scenery.
I also got some pics from the RR.



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This set of pics is from the wagon ride at the Settlement area. Not sure how long ago they stopped using.

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And another from the Fort Wilderness RR

There is a lot more exploring to do, Bama Ed, still looking for your initials. DW has finely decided to do more Fort days on our next trip. We have our reservations for Oct. again and are trying to decide on another trip before that, just have to work out what month, nothing in the summer time.


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