The October 2015 Live Trip Reports!

There is a lot more exploring to do, Bama Ed, still looking for your initials.

Just to be fair, snowmedic, I have to tell you that tiggerdad begged me for a hint as to where the initials are near the end of his stay and I told him a little white lie just to keep him hopping. But my initials really are there somewhere.

Bama Ed

PS - great pix of the fireworks.
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This set of pics is from the wagon ride at the Settlement area. Not sure how long ago they stopped using.

snowmedic, I'm not sure that platform was used for the wagon ride. IIRC there was a trailer that some vendor had rolled in there (maybe in the 80s or 90s) for people to stand on the platform and look through the windows. One of your pictures shows a power pedestal with the flap open and a second picture shows the two concrete tire pavers parallel to the platform on the ground for the long term setup (and rollin/rollout). Like River Country, Disney thinks they can just ignore it but it's there.

That platform could be put to better use. People who own the remnants of the FWRR (coach cars, locos) are still favorable toward the Fort and one had offered to put a restored coach car on display at the Fort under some sort of arrangement with Disney. That platform would make a perfect location. Don't know why but the offer never came to fruition.

Thanks for posting those pix. People should know why that stuff is there.

Bama Ed
IIRC there was a trailer that some vendor had rolled in there (maybe in the 80s or 90s) for people to stand on the platform and look through the windows.
I remember the same thing Ed. There were a couple of (2?) campers setup there. I couldn't tell of they were for rent, sale or just display. IIRC, it was just display. Not sure why they would have needed a power connection, but I remember see that too. They seemed odd sitting there.

My first Fort trip wasn't until 2002, so it's been since then.

I remember the same thing Ed. There were a couple of (2?) campers setup there. I couldn't tell of they were for rent, sale or just display. IIRC, it was just display. Not sure why they would have needed a power connection, but I remember see that too. They seemed odd sitting there.

My first Fort trip wasn't until 2002, so it's been since then.


Could be, jim. It might have been that long ago and not what I referenced.

They say "Memory is the 2nd thing to go". I remember seeing a trailer at that platform but can't recall when it was.

So you could very well be right and I'm wrong (which is likely).

Bama Ed
You are more than welcome for the use of the a/c. I actually placed it in the camper when we got home since it also doubles as a dehumidifier. This helps with campers in the winter since they are prone to condensation here in the south with cold nights and warm days. I would offer the a/c to you again next year but I don't see any way that we will be able to match your visit dates with my daughters' school schedule. Not sure when our next visit will be. We'll just have to see how the year plays out.

For the record, I did not beg for hints. In fact, the text message specifically stated "no hints please". In truth, I have been looking for those initials since 2012. Speaking of initials, I did find these initials left by a Fort Wilderness local. Looks like Ed isn't the only one leaving his "mark"

For those of you who are wondering what is included in the Modem package you get at the Meadows here is a picture for you.
You get two long cables, one short (about 4 foot), a splitter, power supply, modem, bag, instructions and some velcro to put it all together. Free to get, but failure to return any of the items is a $125 payment on your part.

If you are wondering about the prices on certain activities down at the beach...

OK, I know you guys were wondering about the squirrels and how it all went. Well, I showed you some of the encounters already. Just for the record, I took two gallon containers of corn with me. I fed one full container and about a 1/4 of another one. I did have one picture showing something I had never seen before. Out on one of my tables I had put a stack of paper towels that I had gotten at one of the QS meals. I had noticed a pair of squirrels eating from the "trough" and after a minute I looked up and saw one running off with one of the napkins...and then he appeared to be cleaning his face. Don't believe me? Well...

Our second to the last day did include a carriage ride. We had not done this before. It leaves from in front of Trails End, goes through the 400, 200, and 700 loops and then returns. Took about 30 minutes and cost $45. The girls really enjoyed it so it made it worth it for us.



On our last night at the Fort I took these pictures outside the 900 loop comfort station looking back toward the Meadows. The still shot does not do it justice. The temperature was just right, it was late and very quiet, also the breeze was just enough to keep the spanish moss gently blowing in the trees. One of my things I really enjoy about the Fort.
IMG_0139 (2).JPG

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For the record, I did not beg for hints. In fact, the text message specifically stated "no hints please". In truth, I have been looking for those initials since 2012.

You are correct. That was a slight exaggeration on my part for dramatic effect...

I'm just sitting here trying to balance the checkbook and peeking in on the DIS.

Bama Ed

PS - plus helping DD with high school Physics homework. At least that's something I understand. Carry on with the trip report please.
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Good Morning everyone,
The porch / loading platform across from Pioneer Hall was used to show RV's back in the early 2000's. I tried to look back over the years to see if I had gotten a pic of it as we walked up the paths. Seems like it was a sponsored Local RV dealer. It hasn't been used for years.
Time is getting short. Two more weekends to get ready. Starting to get excited....

15 days 3 hours and 38 minutes and counting...........................................................................................................
Tiggerdad thanks so much for that picture of the internet hookup cables! I forwarded it to my IT department (aka dh) and hopefully we'll be able to get this hooked up to the little travel wifi router I bought.

Snowmedic- loved the pics of the fireworks, thanks!
When I went in and picked up my internet connection the CM said, " there are 8 pcs. total, and the instruction sheet counts as one pc. If all 8 pcs. are not returned then you will be charged 125".

On to the pool hrs. Last year when we where there, a storm was moving in and my family and the lifeguards where under the breeze way thing there at the meadows, up by the snack bar. They brought out some games for the girls to play, and I was talking to them about the pool hrs. They said that the lifeguards leave at 8, then its swim at own risk till midnight. Well, this trip the lifeguards stayed until 10 and then the pool "closed". I was wondering about the change and asked on of them, why the change from last year. I was hoping to get her to say something like rowdy pool goers or something along that line, but she didn't. She said it is just the pool hrs. She told me that the pool is open till 10 until winter then it will close at 8, and in the summer months it stays open till 11.
Just something I thought I would throw out there.

Just talked with my parents, and they arrived at the Fort today. It sounds like the Brocktoon RV is set-up in site 105. It should have a big green Mickey head on the front with the work BROCKTOON. If all goes according to plan, I should be flying in tomorrow morning at be at the Fort enjoying a beer by around noon! If the laptop cooperates I should be able to post on the DIS once I've hit the fort.
Just talked with my parents, and they arrived at the Fort today. It sounds like the Brocktoon RV is set-up in site 105. It should have a big green Mickey head on the front with the work BROCKTOON. If all goes according to plan, I should be flying in tomorrow morning at be at the Fort enjoying a beer by around noon! If the laptop cooperates I should be able to post on the DIS once I've hit the fort.

It'll be 5 o'clock somewhere, brocktoon.

Safe travels.

Bama Ed
Just remember, I'm watching.

Always watching...

...and looking for some fool's initials in the concrete...
Tiggerdad, we were looking in the wrong spot, but I have a handle on it for next time.
I hope it wasn't a handle Ed gave you. He is notorious for curve balls when it comes to those initials.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were on the bottom of the pool in old River Country.

How's it going on your trip?
Maybe they're up at the Outpost. Lots of new concrete has been poured around the check-in area over the years. (Today's clue).

Or they could be around the Meadow Trading Post. (As I told tiggerdad).

Or they could be around Trails End. (As I have posted several times).

Or they could be in an obscure sidewalk in the cabin loops where there was some concrete curing. (DING DING - the bonus clue for today).

Only Lamont Cranston knows. And me.

Honestly, though, I will confess that there has been no new concrete poured around River Country in a LONG time.

Bama Ed

PS - erry'body knows who Lamont is, right? Google is your friend. And some of us had dads who were OTR fans...

PPS - I hope I got every part of the Fort covered. I would HATE to leave any part out for tiggerdad and snowmedic. A thorough, methodical search might eventually uncover them. Or until the Fort gets a new concrete budget. Then my initials might go the same way of my initials in the sidewalk around Bryan-Denny Stadium in Title Town (but the North Endzone expansion wiped them out sadly about a decade ago).
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Ed, you told me around the outdoor movie setup!

Do you people see what I mean about curve balls? He would put Randy Johnson to shame.

The only person who could catch for him was Rusty Scupper.
Ed, you told me around the outdoor movie setup!

Do you people see what I mean about curve balls? He would put Randy Johnson to shame.

The only person who could catch for him was Rusty Scupper.

The movie/campfire arena and the Meadow Trading Post are in the same general area so I was referring to that general area as one locale. But they ARE in one of those locations in post #236 above.

The Big Unit threw a mean curve. And fastball. I watched his induction into Cooperstown this summer.

I like to think of TRS as the Yogi Berra of Fort CM's. (Yogi was a catcher so it fits - and he had, what, 10 World Series rings?)

But back to the topic at hand...

I sure hope nabi and laurie are having a good time. Plus brocktoon makes it with no worries.

Bama Ed
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The pool hours have changed @snowmedic :( and I sure didn't care for it.

In January they closed at 9 through the week and 10 on the weekends. A couple nights the kids wanted to swim longer so we just went down to the cabin pool and swam there.
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