The Port Report: Frumpin Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses :) COMPLETE

Great update. I'm totally with you on Primevil Whirl. It's definitely a little bit on the painful side. I love the picture on Dinosaur. I may have to try that the next time I go!

Um, Brazilian tour groups? Yuck. I hate the tour groups. I saw one group where all the girls were wearing the exact same thing, and I imagined their conversation to go something like this in the morning:

"Oh my god, I'm going to wear my boots this morning!"

"Oh my god, I'm going to wear boots too!"

"Waaaa! I forgot my boots!"

"Oh my god, now we all won't look the same!"

Anywho, love the pics, love the details, keep it coming. On a side note. I totally bought a Slytherin scarf at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. In my defense, it was really cold! LOL.
Great update. I'm totally with you on Primevil Whirl. It's definitely a little bit on the painful side. I love the picture on Dinosaur. I may have to try that the next time I go!

Um, Brazilian tour groups? Yuck. I hate the tour groups. I saw one group where all the girls were wearing the exact same thing, and I imagined their conversation to go something like this in the morning:

"Oh my god, I'm going to wear my boots this morning!"

"Oh my god, I'm going to wear boots too!"

"Waaaa! I forgot my boots!"

"Oh my god, now we all won't look the same!"

Anywho, love the pics, love the details, keep it coming. On a side note. I totally bought a Slytherin scarf at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. In my defense, it was really cold! LOL.

YES! Primeval Whirl does jerk you around a lot! :laughing: The picture on Dinosaur was so much fun! :lmao: You should definitely get one yourself! :thumbsup2

HAHAHA oh the tour groups... :rotfl2: I could DEFINITELY see that conversation happening!

Thanks! Sorry we are short on updates, but as Jess is the one with the pics, not me, so we will have to wait because she is on her family trip to Disney World right now! :wizard: So when she gets home we should have an update for ya'al shortly after that! AND another trip report to follow along with! :thumbsup2 I know I can't wait! :banana:

And by the way I personally really like the Gryffindor and Slytherin scarves, and they do look really warm! I don't know if I could justify spending $40 on one though. :laughing: They look great though! Just kinda out of place in Disney World... :rolleyes1
Hello Everyone! I just wanted to apologize for a lack of updates! Life is crazy right now! We had Spirit Week at school two weeks ago, which is very intense, fun and time consuming. And then this past week for break I went to WDW with my family! It was so fun! I just got home today and I am so sad to be back to reality lol.

Now these upcoming weeks are going to be Tech Week for our musical "The Music Man." So it's gonna be busy. But I thought since I have a little time now (and I don't feel like studying for my math exam anymore) that I could do a little update!


Chapter 10 - Rainforest Cafe
January 15th, 2011

Dinner time is my favorite time of the day. :rotfl: But really. I get so excited every time we have a reservation. Especially when I've never been to that specific restaurant.

Now, I have been to the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney, Disneyland, and the one in the Mall of America in Minnesota. But never in Animal Kingdom! So yay! New dining experience!



We strolled over and took lots of pictures! There are so many awesome statues and photo opportunities over in this area before the restaurant entrance!

There were giant mushrooms...

And waterfalls...

And squirting water...

And frumps in mickey crew neck sweatshirts... :-) hahaha

Our reservation was for 5:15. So we checked in, and went to look in the gift shop.


We loved these little stuffed animals! There were so many though! My Mom asked us "have you ever thought about if all of these animals ever find a home?" Good point Mom. Something to think about. Like, what if those same animals have been sitting there for years? Interesting concept.

Right after we took that picture we were called to our table! We were seated within 3 minutes after our check-in.

We had an awesome table!! It was right next to the gorillas and a waterfall. The gorillas got a little loud when the animals came to life every so often, but it's okay. It added to the authentic experience.



Then it was time to order!! YAY! And this is my favorite part of all trip reports... FOOD PICTURES!

This is my meal: Jungle Steak and Shrimp: Flat-Iron Steak with Shrimp Scampi and Coconut Shrimp. It was very good! I wrote down that the steak was a little fatty, but I do remember enjoying it a lot!


Kristen's Meal: Coconut Shrimp


Which was actually...

:mickeybar KRISTEN'S FOOD OF THE DAY! :mickeybar

This is Mother's Tribal Salmon:

and this is Vick's Chicken Sandwich!

We were all very happy with our meals! And although the Rainforest Cafe is not on the Disney Dining Plan, we decided we can't have a meal without dessert!

So what did we get? Well, we went all out. And we got a...


Getting one of these things was on my bucket list. And let me tell you, it was DELICIOUS! I am so happy that it was our desset!

After our dinner, we were very stuffed and very happy. We walked around so we could see the other areas of the restaurant. I think they told us that the Animal Kingdom Rainforest Cafe is the biggest one there is!


We walked out the gift shop. And Vick found a funny shirt.


And we said goodbye to Rainforest Cafe - the frumpy way. DEER FACE!


Rainforest Cafe Review:
Food: VERY Good! The Volcano was Amazing!! 5/5
Service: Our Waitress was Rachel. She was very nice and answered our questions about the busses and such. (we weren't sure if there'd still be busses to pick us up since Animal Kingdom closed an hour or two ago) 5/5
Overall Experience: There was nothing wrong with it! Great food, environment, table placement, service... everything! :) 5/5


Delicious. Good night Animal Kingdom!


Continued in Next Post
I was checking to see if there were any updates and you posted one!

I'm glad you had a nice trip with your family :)

I had no idea that RFC AK was the biggest. It actually seems like a shame because I'm pretty sure the one at DTD gets way more people and could use all that space!!!! I'm sure more people would go if it were on the DDP too but I guess not everything can be! The same company that owns that, owns Yak and Yeti at AK and that is on the DDP so it's weird how they determine what is and isn't on the DDP! Your food looked great!!! Yummy dessert too :)
YAYYY YOU'RE HOME!!! :cool1: Just kidding I already knew that...but still...yay!! :goodvibes And yay for an update! I loved Rainforest even though I've been there a million times. It was just as great as ever. And of food of the day. :cloud9: That coconut shrimp is to die for! :love: And of course the VOLCANOOOOO was fabulous! :banana:

Can't wait for the next update!!! I know it's gonna be SUCH a good one!!! :thumbsup2 OHHH the suspense.....popcorn::
Great update and great pictures! We hadn't visited RFC in a long time due to it not being on the DDP, but we did go in February when we were there and it was as good as I remembered!!
Glad you girls enjoyed Rainforest Cafe. Your meals all look yummy and your pictures are so cute :goodvibes
I love Rainforest Cafe! We won't be going back for awhile, since it is not an environment conducive to feeding toddlers, but it is one of my favorites. You got some great photos, too. :goodvibes
Yah for an update:goodvibes

We love the RFC at AK, it's definitely my fave of all the ones we've ever visited, and your food looks delicious!

Can't wait for more
I live about 1 and a half hours from the mall of America and I ALWAYS want to eat at the RFC when we go! I love that place its sooo fun and the food is great! The last time we went it was me and my boyfriend and we got seated right by a fish tank and we had about 10 little kids leaning over our table :rotfl: ha lets just say my boyfriend doesnt plan on going back for awhile :laughing:
Chapter 11 - The Bathrobe Princesses
January 15th, 2011

Yes, in this Chapter you finally get to discover why we are "The Bathrobe Princesses." It's not really an ordinary story... It resulted due to our craziness, sense of adventure, and a little Disney Magic, of course.

So let us begin!

We left Animal Kingdom, and since it was a couple hours after closing now, there was a bus waiting to take people to whatever resort they were staying at.


First we went to the Swan. Someone had this conversation on the bus:
"I would never stay at the swan. Swans are Mean!"
"Yeah, one time I got chased by a swan." :rotfl:

Then we got to our resort, and the bus driver announces "Welcome to the Ya-CH-t Club! (emphasis on the CH sound. Go ahead, try it. Hear how it sounds.) Needless to say, this name stuck for the rest of the trip. I love the YaCHt Club!!

We went up to the room and Kristen and I did a little Dis-Work, and decorated our windows with window markers! They were really cute!

(Frump-Doo Example in Picture Below)



So then we thought that it would be a good idea to go swimming, even though it was a little chilly out. We got changed and got ready to head down to the pool.

But before we left, *Vick found 2 bathrobes in the closet and she thought it would be a nice warm thing to wear when we got out of the pool.*

We took the bathrobes and went down to the Yacht Club Lobby and explored the resort. We took some pictures and strolled outside.


And.... Storm Along Bay was closed. ): WAH!


Vick and Kristen were very disappointed. They wished they could have snuck in! But of course they didn't... :-)


At this point, the 2 bathrobes were on Vick and Kristen. They loved the bathrobes, which seemed to be the center of attention that night. We went on the little beach, down to the dock near the light house, in a little courtyard, in the lobby, the gift shop... all over the place!






So, these bathrobes turned out to be a lot of fun! We got some looks, but who cares! We're in Disney! But sadly I didn't have one because there were only two! So we went to ask for a robe for me at the front desk. The Cast Member, who actually used to live on a street near Kristen, had our robes sent up to the room! So we went there to wait.

We stopped at Club Level to get some snacks. There were Mini Cupcakes, Oreo Bon Bons, and Rasberry Cheesecakes which were all to dieee for ♥


We were back to the room just in time! IllumiNations was starting! And we could see it right from our balcony! It was so beautiful! I lined my iPod IllumiNations soundtrack with the fireworks, since we couldn't hear it from our room. And it was almost perfectly aligned! Can you say "you know you're a dis-er when...?" hahaha

By the time it was over, the new robe was here!! So, off we went on another adventure!

We pondered where we should go next!


So we explored even more of the resort! We saw the barber shop, fitness center, arcade... and yes, we wore our robes the whole time. In public!! Yes, I know.


Eventually, we crossed the border of the Yacht and Beach Club.


And we found ourselves at Beaches and Cream.


We were in a very princess-ey mood, and for some reason, royalty is associated with British accents. So, we were using our accents in full swing!

The greeter CM at Beaches & Cream found us very amusing. Her name was Lacey, and my Mom told her we thought we were Princesses.

She said, "Why hello Princesses! Are you going to sing for us?"

And my Mom goes, "you asked for it."


And right then and there, right at the entrance of Beaches at Cream, we gave a concert of Disney Songs! In our Bathrobes.

We sang "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" first, "A Whole New World" next, "Someday my Prince Will Come," (but we forgot the words to that one... LOL) and lastly "Beauty and the Beast." And we never rehearsed them. So we had to make up some on-the-spot harmonies. They sounded pretty decent.. I hope.

People who were waiting for their reservation all watched us. We were the Disney Entertainment! A lot of passerby's took a glance too, to see what was going on. When we finished, everybody clapped for us! It was very exciting! And of course at the end, we told them all...

"Thank you for being here today!"


Some boy asked us "are you guys just friends? or like do you work here?" He was very impressed with us. Him and his girlfriend were chorus geeks themselves, so he really enjoyed our little performance.

A little family was waiting for their reservation too, and the kids loved listening. They were all swaying to the music. And it was one of the little girl's, Izzy's, birthday, so we sang "Happy Birthday" to her!

We said goodbye, and while we left, all of the families nearby complimented us. I love how everyone is so nice and cheerful in Disney! :-)

Then we went into the little back area of the Yacht Club and sang some more since we were in the singing mood.

We sang "Part of Your World," and a lady came up to us and raved "You girls are so fantastic!" She was so excited haha. Simple things bring joy to people and I love it!

We also sang songs like "Jolly Holiday," "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah," "When You Wish Upon a Star," etc. Any Disney song you can think of, really.

We walked and found the quiet pool, singing all the way there. But after all that, we never actually went swimming.


And then we decided to head in for the night. We were all like... "what just happened?!" It was truly a magical moment that we'll always remember! What a great memory to make with your friends in Disney!

I am actually making a movie of our entire trip, but if you are interested in seeing our little "performance" I uploaded the section of it to youtube... so you can better understand the story.
*NOTE: we do not actually have British Accents.
*ALSO: All of the installments of the movie are now uploaded onto youtube, so feel free to check them out when you're done reading.. or anytime really!
Enjoy :-)

Here's the Link:

So after all that, the princesses decided it would be a good time to get some beauty sleep. So we headed to bed. Good night!

Small Recap of January 15th:
Temperature: Pretty much the same as yesterday.
Griffindor Scarf Count: 12
Cute Boy Count: 5
(same as yesterday too!)

- Meeting all those characters in Camp Minnie-Mickey with almost no wait!
- Festival of the Lion King
- Pizzafari Pizza :lovestruc
- Bathrobe Princess Adventure

- The Rude Brazilian Girls in front of us at Br'er Bear
- The Strawberry Parfaits at Pizzafari

Continued in Next Post
I was checking to see if there were any updates and you posted one!

I'm glad you had a nice trip with your family :)

I had no idea that RFC AK was the biggest. It actually seems like a shame because I'm pretty sure the one at DTD gets way more people and could use all that space!!!! I'm sure more people would go if it were on the DDP too but I guess not everything can be! The same company that owns that, owns Yak and Yeti at AK and that is on the DDP so it's weird how they determine what is and isn't on the DDP! Your food looked great!!! Yummy dessert too :)

Haha thanks for being such a loyal reader! :) And thanks! I want to go backkk haha. And yes I agree! I think people forget about it because it's tucked back in there. But it's actually really nice and I really enjoyed it! And yes it's gotta be the lack of DDP usage there. Oh yeah I think I heard that Yak & Yeti is owned by the same company but I forget... that's funny! And odd that they aren't consistent with the DDP options. Oh well! The food is delicious either way! And ohh yess everything was DELICIOUS!

Great update and great pictures! We hadn't visited RFC in a long time due to it not being on the DDP, but we did go in February when we were there and it was as good as I remembered!!

I'm glad you got to go again! We loved it! :)

Glad you girls enjoyed Rainforest Cafe. Your meals all look yummy and your pictures are so cute :goodvibes

Mmmm they were! And aww thank you!

I love Rainforest Cafe! We won't be going back for awhile, since it is not an environment conducive to feeding toddlers, but it is one of my favorites. You got some great photos, too. :goodvibes

Haha well one day you'll have to take them there! But when they're older.. cuz those rainstorms and gorillas get really loud in there. And thank you!

Yah for an update:goodvibes

We love the RFC at AK, it's definitely my fave of all the ones we've ever visited, and your food looks delicious!

Can't wait for more

Me too I think :) I just love the food so much! And yayy! Well there's a new update so I hope you enjoy it!

I live about 1 and a half hours from the mall of America and I ALWAYS want to eat at the RFC when we go! I love that place its sooo fun and the food is great! The last time we went it was me and my boyfriend and we got seated right by a fish tank and we had about 10 little kids leaning over our table :rotfl: ha lets just say my boyfriend doesnt plan on going back for awhile :laughing:

Do you really? That's awesome!! I went there this past summer, and I was literally in awe. Coolest Mall EVER! And I agree about RFC... so great! And hahaha that's a great story. But I hope he wants to go back eventually so you can get your fill!
Aw, it looks like you guys had such a fun night! Who knew those robes would be such a hit?! This night definitely sounds like something you'll never forget! Thanks for sharing. :goodvibes
Thank you so much for making a TR of your adventure. I'm 21 and I love disney! I've gone on trips with my girlfriends and it was a blast. I enjoy reading TRs from people nearer my age. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I feel like i'm back at Disney when I read your TR.

Uh-oh, Watch out Disney!

I loved this picture

She said, "Why hello Princesses! Are you going to sing for us?"

And my Mom goes, "you asked for it."


And right then and there, right at the entrance of Beaches at Cream, we gave a concert of Disney Songs! In our Bathrobes.

We sang "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" first, "A Whole New World" next, "Someday my Prince Will Come," (but we forgot the words to that one... LOL) and lastly "Beauty and the Beast." And we never rehearsed them. So we had to make up some on-the-spot harmonies. They sounded pretty decent.. I hope.

I am actually making a movie of our entire trip, but if you are interested in seeing our little "performance" I uploaded the section of it to youtube... so you can better understand the story. This video begins at Rainforest Cafe and ends at the end of the night.
*NOTE: we do not actually have British Accents.
Enjoy :-)

Here's the Link:

A Day in Review:
Griffindor Scarf Count: 12
Cute Boy Count: 5

I just watched the video & loved it. I'm impressed with your voices AND that you know the words to that many Disney songs!
I love the bathrobe story. You girls are crazy & too cute!
What a fun night! Watching Illuminations from the Yacht Club looked amazing. I enjoyed your video, too. It really captured the spirit of the evening. :)
YES!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I have been waiting for this update!!! :cool1: That was SO much fun!!! I loved entertaining those lovely guests at Beaches & Cream. Izzy was so precious. I'm so happy that we made her birthday more magical. :wizard: We had absolutely so much fun that day. :) I like my frump do as I'm writing "The Frumps take over Disney World." :rotfl2: I would. I'm so glad everyone enjoyed the video! :thumbsup2 It was fantastic! :yay: Jess, you really did a fabulous job. :worship:


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