The Port Report: Frumpin Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses :) COMPLETE


I figured the bathrobes had something to do with the ones in Club Level!! I loved those things but omg if you take it or what-not they are expensive!!! I loved the desserts at YC CL!!! Looks like a fun adventure at YC :) I never found the quiet pool because it was either perfect swimming weather or not perfect = storms!! Did the quiet pool have a hot tub??
What an awesome update, that sounds like the funnest night ever to be had at WDW.

Your video was great, and you guys did an awesome job on performing that many disney songs.

Really makes me want to stay club level some time:goodvibes
I am on page 5. I have to post so I can remember my comments...

Great TR!

I love that your Port Report is pink and centered! So fantastically girlie. Speaking of which, the nails - awesome. My girls would enjoy that but I don't think I could paint the Mickey heads to resemble Mickey heads. haha

I think all of your pictures are so wonderful. Perfect memories for you to reflect on!

How wonderful that your interactions with characters were so much fun!

Don't you just love the secret entrance to Epcot? We do, no one is ever there when we sneak in...

Oh, and I have the phone numbers for the phone booths in Epcot (I got them from someone on the Dis a year or two ago)...I will have to get back to you with them. The three of you can call them and chat it up with the lucky people in Disney!

We stayed at BCV last summer; the Yacht club was very classy! I certainly felt frumpy passing through the lobby.

I'll post tomorrow after reading the next five pages...:goodvibes
Or sing to some lucky people answering.... Too bad we couldn't see the reactions on the other side!!
I am on page 5. I have to post so I can remember my comments...

Great TR!

I love that your Port Report is pink and centered! So fantastically girlie. Speaking of which, the nails - awesome. My girls would enjoy that but I don't think I could paint the Mickey heads to resemble Mickey heads. haha

I think all of your pictures are so wonderful. Perfect memories for you to reflect on!

How wonderful that your interactions with characters were so much fun!

Don't you just love the secret entrance to Epcot? We do, no one is ever there when we sneak in...

Oh, and I have the phone numbers for the phone booths in Epcot (I got them from someone on the Dis a year or two ago)...I will have to get back to you with them. The three of you can call them and chat it up with the lucky people in Disney!

We stayed at BCV last summer; the Yacht club was very classy! I certainly felt frumpy passing through the lobby.

I'll post tomorrow after reading the next five pages...:goodvibes

Hey, you found the TR!!! :cool1:

We actually used a black nail pen to do the Mickey heads...we could never do them with regular nail polish! :laughing:

The characters were so much fun! :thumbsup2

I love International Gateway! It's so quiet and peaceful, and the France pavilion is my favorite place to be in Epcot, so I love that IG puts me right there. :cloud9:

I actually have the numbers to the 3 phone booths in the UK! :rotfl2: I called them when we were there in July but no one fun answered. :confused3

I always feel frumpy walking around the YACHt Club...embrace it! :hippie: My dream is to stay at BCV though. :cloud9: I think it's just beautiful.
OH MY GOODNESS, GIRLS. I am SO GLAD I found this TR. You guys are my new favorite people ever. I just read through this entire thing, and I have A LOT of thoughts, so be prepared for a looooong comment. That's kinda how I roll. LOL.

I love the word "frump". I use it often. But I've never thought to use it as a verb before. That is definitely going to change. Especially considering I spend most of my time frumpin through life. Ok, maybe not most of my time, but a significant chunk of my life is spent in frump mode. Oh, college...

The Yacht Club lobby is definitely very classy. I'd love to stay there someday. I've only ever stayed at the Polynesian and Wilderness Lodge. Ooooo and you guys stayed Club Level too? I am jelly. I love that the snack offerings were basically all junk food and a bowl of fruit. It's like someone suddenly realized that they couldn't just serve junk so they threw some bananas in a bowl. LOL.

Aw I love all of your pictures from around World Showcase. It sounds like you guys had a lot of awesome character interaction. I am soooo jealous that you got to meet Marie. We go to Disney every summer, but I have yet to meet her. It's getting kinda ridiculous. :laughing:

Oooo the food at the Garden Grill looks yummy! The Mickey Mousse is adorable! As is Mickey himself. He looks so cute in his overalls!

"Figment is definitely a frump character. So we love him."
I love Figment too. Probably more than any normal 20-year-old should. His song is just so perfect for singing along.

This is random, but you guys all have really pretty hair. I'm envious. No matter how much anti-frizz goop I use, my hair always looks terrible in our Disney pictures because of the darn humidity. Disney needs to invent a way to get rid of that. :lmao:

I love Pizzafari too! Except I never actually get pizza there. I'm kinda obsessed with their chicken caesar salads. So good.

Ah! I totally noticed that "Please stand up before you exit. BYE BYE!" comment on Primeval Whirl for the first time this year. I meant to comment about that on my TR, but I had forgotten all about it, so thanks for reminding me! When I heard it, I was like, "Really? Stand up BEFORE I exit? That's too bad because I was planning on just flopping out of the vehicle. Standing's for losers." :thumbsup2

Love all the pictures from the Rainforest Cafe. It looks like such a cool restaurant. The Volcano dessert looks awesome!

OMG. You guys are killing me with all of the bathrobe shenanigans. Your night is pretty much exactly what would happen if I ever brought my friends to Disney with me. We quite enjoy shenanigans of the singing and dancing sort. I watched your video, and I'm loving the British accents. And the acting out of the Lion King. You guys have great voices!

Anyway, I guess that's it. I apologize for the novel I've written, but I just wanted to comment on everything! I'm looking forward to the next update! :upsidedow
All caught up! Jess- have to comment on the fashion for AK...Love the top. Last year, I had my girls wear animal print tops for AK too. (Unlike onescgirl - my girls are not fond of my idea of adorable... this is as close as I get...)

I think that it speaks volumes about how confident the three of you are that you would walk around in robes and sing! It is fantastic that you can say you did that and have that memory! The video of it is a treasure! Please pass along to your parents that they are doing an amazing job raising if they don't already know it.

Looking forward to more.
That was an amazing update!! I love the fact that you girls got up there and sang your little hearts out!! You are so lucky to have each other and you will always have those memories!!!
Aw, it looks like you guys had such a fun night! Who knew those robes would be such a hit?! This night definitely sounds like something you'll never forget! Thanks for sharing.

Haha aww no problem! I know those robes were awesome!! that night really made this trip unforgettable with the uniqueness of the memory.

Thank you so much for making a TR of your adventure. I'm 21 and I love disney! I've gone on trips with my girlfriends and it was a blast. I enjoy reading TRs from people nearer my age. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I feel like i'm back at Disney when I read your TR.

Aww you're so welcome!!! :goodvibes I'm so so glad you're enjoying it! That makes me so happy! Thank you so much for reading!

I just read your latest update and thought you might get a kick out of this.

Raymond Luxury Yacht

OH MY GOSH THAT'S IT!!! The YaCHt Club! Thank you for showing us that hahaha I am so glad that I now know the reference! That is awesome. It would be from SNL :lmao:

Uh-oh, Watch out Disney!

I loved this picture

I just watched the video & loved it. I'm impressed with your voices AND that you know the words to that many Disney songs!
I love the bathrobe story. You girls are crazy & too cute!

Hahaha we thought it would be considerate of us to warn them of our arrival by writing on the windows :laughing:
And thank youu!
And Aww thanks for watching it! And oh we loveee Disney songs! They are seriously like the soundtrack of my life. I listened to them when I was 2 and I still listen to them now! And vick and kristen love them too! And haha I'm so glad you liked out adventure! We just had so much fun!

What a fun night! Watching Illuminations from the Yacht Club looked amazing. I enjoyed your video, too. It really captured the spirit of the evening. :)

It was really beautiful! I wish we were there more days so we could have experienced that more than once! And aww thank you so much! I'm excited that I was able to capture the trip so we can remember it forever.


I figured the bathrobes had something to do with the ones in Club Level!! I loved those things but omg if you take it or what-not they are expensive!!! I loved the desserts at YC CL!!! Looks like a fun adventure at YC :) I never found the quiet pool because it was either perfect swimming weather or not perfect = storms!! Did the quiet pool have a hot tub??

Oh really? haha good thing my dad wasn't there.. he always jokes about taking the towels and bathrobes cuz he likes them so much :lmao: And oh my goodness I know they were delicious! It's not like we didn't just have a big feast or anything... LOL there's always room for dessert. (...round two :laughing:) And yes I believe the quiet pool does have a hot tub!

Hee hee hee. Your update made me chuckle. ;)

hehe yayy i'm so glad :goodvibes

What an awesome update, that sounds like the funnest night ever to be had at WDW.

Your video was great, and you guys did an awesome job on performing that many disney songs.

Really makes me want to stay club level some time:goodvibes

Aww thank you! Yeah it really was one of my top favorite days EVER in Disney from my whole life.
And thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the video. I thought by sharing it would make things easier to understand so you could see it all happen.
And oh you should if you ever get the chance! It was like heaven :cloud9:

I am on page 5. I have to post so I can remember my comments...

Yayy I'm excited you found us!

Great TR!

Thank you!

I love that your Port Report is pink and centered! So fantastically girlie. Speaking of which, the nails - awesome. My girls would enjoy that but I don't think I could paint the Mickey heads to resemble Mickey heads. haha

:rotfl: Yeah this layout is as princess-ey as you can get. But I think it just fits! And oh thank you! Yeah as Kristen said, we got the black Sally Hansen nail pens and they were actually really easy to do with that!

I think all of your pictures are so wonderful. Perfect memories for you to reflect on!

Aww thank you so much!

How wonderful that your interactions with characters were so much fun!

oh my goodness yes the characters were awesome!! it was such a good time of year to be there too so the lines weren't bad at all. we got so much done!

Don't you just love the secret entrance to Epcot? We do, no one is ever there when we sneak in...

That entrance is the BEST! I wish that all the resorts had entrances into the parks that were that close! It's so convenient!

Oh, and I have the phone numbers for the phone booths in Epcot (I got them from someone on the Dis a year or two ago)...I will have to get back to you with them. The three of you can call them and chat it up with the lucky people in Disney!

haha oh my goodness I would love those numbers! it would be great to call them and see who would answer! that would be hilarious!

We stayed at BCV last summer; the Yacht club was very classy! I certainly felt frumpy passing through the lobby.

hahaha yes we can relate. however we really enjoyed it!

I'll post tomorrow after reading the next five pages...:goodvibes

aww thank you so much for reading along! we're glad you're here!

Or sing to some lucky people answering.... Too bad we couldn't see the reactions on the other side!!

hahaha yess we can serenade them! they'll think it's all part of the disney experience :laughing:

OH MY GOODNESS, GIRLS. I am SO GLAD I found this TR. You guys are my new favorite people ever. I just read through this entire thing, and I have A LOT of thoughts, so be prepared for a looooong comment. That's kinda how I roll. LOL.

YAYY i'm so so glad you found it too! i'm so excited. I love long comments :)

I love the word "frump". I use it often. But I've never thought to use it as a verb before. That is definitely going to change. Especially considering I spend most of my time frumpin through life. Ok, maybe not most of my time, but a significant chunk of my life is spent in frump mode. Oh, college...

YAY for a fellow frump! Isn't that word awesome? Yes, it can be used in many different forms. I'm glad we were able to show you the many opportunities the word holds.

The Yacht Club lobby is definitely very classy. I'd love to stay there someday. I've only ever stayed at the Polynesian and Wilderness Lodge. Ooooo and you guys stayed Club Level too? I am jelly. I love that the snack offerings were basically all junk food and a bowl of fruit. It's like someone suddenly realized that they couldn't just serve junk so they threw some bananas in a bowl. LOL.

Yes, it is quite beautiful! And oh I stayed at Wilderness Lodge like... 5 years ago now? Wow it's been a while! Geez my first time ever feeling old just happened :lmao: But that place was amazing I absolutely loved it! And ohh lucky you got to stay at the Poly! That's like on the top of my list for dream resorts that i need to stay at in the near-ish future lol. And yes Club Level was AWESOME! And hahaha oh my gosh I know right? I loved that. i was like.. thank you for my healthy option, Disney, you're always looking out for me. LOL

Aw I love all of your pictures from around World Showcase. It sounds like you guys had a lot of awesome character interaction. I am soooo jealous that you got to meet Marie. We go to Disney every summer, but I have yet to meet her. It's getting kinda ridiculous. :laughing:

It was really great! The World Showcase was hoppin that day! And oh no you need to meet Marie!! It's in your name!! We used Kristen's Mobile Magic on her phone and looked up the times.. I guess you just gotta either check that or the times guide and make sure you catch her next time!

Oooo the food at the Garden Grill looks yummy! The Mickey Mousse is adorable! As is Mickey himself. He looks so cute in his overalls!

I agree :) that was an adorable meal all around!

"Figment is definitely a frump character. So we love him."
I love Figment too. Probably more than any normal 20-year-old should. His song is just so perfect for singing along.

Oh i knoww it gets stuck in my head! I get sad when people hate on the Figment ride because I just love him. He's so cute!

This is random, but you guys all have really pretty hair. I'm envious. No matter how much anti-frizz goop I use, my hair always looks terrible in our Disney pictures because of the darn humidity. Disney needs to invent a way to get rid of that. :lmao:

Aww thank youu! Aww man I know the humidity is crazy down there! If I straighten my hair on my travel day and go down to Disney, within an hour or two it's curly again because of the humidity! It's bad! and haha Disney really should! They can do everything else... haha

I love Pizzafari too! Except I never actually get pizza there. I'm kinda obsessed with their chicken caesar salads. So good.

Oh I bet those are good! Yeah I understand because I am OBSESSED with that pizza. That place is just awesome.

Ah! I totally noticed that "Please stand up before you exit. BYE BYE!" comment on Primeval Whirl for the first time this year. I meant to comment about that on my TR, but I had forgotten all about it, so thanks for reminding me! When I heard it, I was like, "Really? Stand up BEFORE I exit? That's too bad because I was planning on just flopping out of the vehicle. Standing's for losers." :thumbsup2

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR UNDERSTANDING!! I thought everyone would just be like... what the heck is she talking about? :lmao: It really doesn't make any sense to me LOL but it is very amusing! Yay i'm so glad you get it haha

Love all the pictures from the Rainforest Cafe. It looks like such a cool restaurant. The Volcano dessert looks awesome!

Thanks! And oh my God yeah it was fantastic!!/SIZE]

OMG. You guys are killing me with all of the bathrobe shenanigans. Your night is pretty much exactly what would happen if I ever brought my friends to Disney with me. We quite enjoy shenanigans of the singing and dancing sort. I watched your video, and I'm loving the British accents. And the acting out of the Lion King. You guys have great voices!

Aww I know I was hoping something really funny like that would happen... and I'm so glad it did! Bringing friends to Disney is just a totally different and awesome experience, and I really really loved it! Especially considering Kristen and Vick both love Disney A LOT! And haha thank you very much for watching! Oh we loved those accents.. and haha the Lion King part was really frumpy but quite amusing. We were just nuts. And aww thank you! We all love to sing!

Anyway, I guess that's it. I apologize for the novel I've written, but I just wanted to comment on everything! I'm looking forward to the next update! :upsidedow

LOL don't apologize I loved it! And I wrote you a novel back! And I can't wait to post the next update so you can continue reading! Thanks for being here! :)

All caught up! Jess- have to comment on the fashion for AK...Love the top. Last year, I had my girls wear animal print tops for AK too. (Unlike onescgirl - my girls are not fond of my idea of adorable... this is as close as I get...)

I think that it speaks volumes about how confident the three of you are that you would walk around in robes and sing! It is fantastic that you can say you did that and have that memory! The video of it is a treasure! Please pass along to your parents that they are doing an amazing job raising if they don't already know it.

Looking forward to more.

Haha aww thank you! I love getting in the spirit of things! Haha at least you got them to wear them! It's always to coordinate outfits with fun events and adventures like that I think!

Aww you're so sweet! Thank you so much for those kind words. I will let my parents know that, they'll be so happy that someone can just tell by my trip report that I'm a good kid :goodvibes that means a lot haha. I'm so glad you're here and I can't wait to share more of the story!

That was an amazing update!! I love the fact that you girls got up there and sang your little hearts out!! You are so lucky to have each other and you will always have those memories!!!

Aww yay I'm glad you liked it! It was so much fun, really, it couldn't have been more memorable! That's true Disney magic... just singing with your friends in bathrobes. And it doesn't even cost an extra dime ;)
OH MY GOODNESS, GIRLS. I am SO GLAD I found this TR. You guys are my new favorite people ever. I just read through this entire thing, and I have A LOT of thoughts, so be prepared for a looooong comment. That's kinda how I roll. LOL.

AWW!! :cutie: Yay for your long comment!! I read this and just subscribed to your TR (which I will read later :)) and noticed that you go to Ohio State! My brother used to go there, and so did my uncle, and my cousin goes there now. So, needless to say, my family are BIGGG fans! GO BUCKS! :thumbsup2

I love the word "frump". I use it often. But I've never thought to use it as a verb before. That is definitely going to change. Especially considering I spend most of my time frumpin through life. Ok, maybe not most of my time, but a significant chunk of my life is spent in frump mode. Oh, college...

We love the word frump. We use it as a noun (i.e. You are such a frump) or a verb (i.e. Your just frumpin' all over the place today arentcha?) or even an adjective! (i.e. That outfit is very frumpish) Hahaha we all gotta frump around sometime! :lmao:

The Yacht Club lobby is definitely very classy. I'd love to stay there someday. I've only ever stayed at the Polynesian and Wilderness Lodge. Ooooo and you guys stayed Club Level too? I am jelly. I love that the snack offerings were basically all junk food and a bowl of fruit. It's like someone suddenly realized that they couldn't just serve junk so they threw some bananas in a bowl. LOL.

I am staying at the Poly in July!! I am so excited it's like a dream come true. :cloud9: For one fabulous week. :banana: I have never stayed at the Wilderness Lodge, but I was supposed to in August, and then we changed over to CSR, and I am saving the WL for a Christmas trip. :santa: And I know right!? The poor fruit. No one eats it...but nice try Disney! :laughing: We're on one eats whole fruit....right...? NOT MEEE!!! :rotfl: Club Level was fabulous though!! MAybe that's why we acted like princesses...because we sure were treated like them!!

Aw I love all of your pictures from around World Showcase. It sounds like you guys had a lot of awesome character interaction. I am soooo jealous that you got to meet Marie. We go to Disney every summer, but I have yet to meet her. It's getting kinda ridiculous.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE World Showcase. :love: It's just fantastic. :) Marie is like alwaysss outside the France pavilion, so I'm sure you'll meet her eventually!!

Oooo the food at the Garden Grill looks yummy! The Mickey Mousse is adorable! As is Mickey himself. He looks so cute in his overalls!

"Figment is definitely a frump character. So we love him."
I love Figment too. Probably more than any normal 20-year-old should. His song is just so perfect for singing along.

Okay, Figment is my hero. :goodvibes He gets to be a frump in Disney...EVERY SINGLE DAY. :rotfl2:

This is random, but you guys all have really pretty hair. I'm envious. No matter how much anti-frizz goop I use, my hair always looks terrible in our Disney pictures because of the darn humidity. Disney needs to invent a way to get rid of that. :lmao:

Aww thanks! That Florida humidity is really bad, but not in January!! So our hair was fine. Well, stay tuned. For my summer TR' hair doesn't usually frizz...but it'll probably be a mess. :laughing:

I love Pizzafari too! Except I never actually get pizza there. I'm kinda obsessed with their chicken caesar salads. So good.

Mmmmm, I bet! :lovestruc I just love their pizza way too much to cheat on it with a chicken caesar. :lmao:

Ah! I totally noticed that "Please stand up before you exit. BYE BYE!" comment on Primeval Whirl for the first time this year. I meant to comment about that on my TR, but I had forgotten all about it, so thanks for reminding me! When I heard it, I was like, "Really? Stand up BEFORE I exit? That's too bad because I was planning on just flopping out of the vehicle. Standing's for losers." :thumbsup2

HAHAHAHA that was my exact thought!!!! I was like "Uhhh, guys, did you just hear that? And then it said it again and we all started dyingg. :rotfl2: I was like, how else do you expect us to get out??? :confused3

Love all the pictures from the Rainforest Cafe. It looks like such a cool restaurant. The Volcano dessert looks awesome!

Rainforest Cafe is my fave restaurant that's not on the DDP. It's sooo cool in there. And the Volcanoooo was YUM! :love:

OMG. You guys are killing me with all of the bathrobe shenanigans. Your night is pretty much exactly what would happen if I ever brought my friends to Disney with me. We quite enjoy shenanigans of the singing and dancing sort. I watched your video, and I'm loving the British accents. And the acting out of the Lion King. You guys have great voices!

Our bathrobes were sooo much fun! I LOVE British accents, and I am British, so it just makes it all the more fun. :thumbsup2 And oh yes Vick and I chanting around Jess....we're funny. In the Circle of Life when they chant in the beginning of the song, it sounds like they're saying "Pink Pajamas Penguins on the bottom." So we always sing it that way! One of Vickie's friends pointed that out to her and we all thought it was hilarious, and so true!! :rotfl2:

Anyway, I guess that's it. I apologize for the novel I've written, but I just wanted to comment on everything! I'm looking forward to the next update! :upsidedow

Aww don't worry we loved your novel! Thanks so much for following along!! :yay:
Chapter 12 - We Made it to Rope Drop!
January 16th, 2011

The phone rang early this morning and it was a wake-up call from Mickey and Stitch! We got up and got ready, and headed over to the Club Level Lounge to grab our breakfast! This morning it was a bagel and a yogurt for me!

Kristen and I were super excited so we went to the bus stop. Vick was curling her hair because she had to look good for Magic Kingdom. :rotfl: It's her favorite park! So her and Mother met us later.

It was a little chilly outside! First the "Animal Kingdom" bus came. Wrong kingdom. Then the "Belle" bus came! :confused3

The sign was wrong. The bus driver said we were going to the Magic Kingdom!

Why do the busses say stuff like "Belle" or "Mickey" or "Rapunzel" on them? I never understood. Are they like training busses or something?

Anyways, we went on the bus and we were super excited! We were still talking in our British accents from our Bathrobe adventure the night before. We sat in the very back of the bus and awaited our destination!


We got to the Magic Kingdom right at 8:50 am so we got to see Rope Drop! YAY! :banana:



Here's a Monorail picture for Kristen. She has a great love for the monorail. "Por Favor Mantanganse Alejado de las Puertas."


The lady at the ticket turnstile let Kristen in, but then she told me I couldn't go in. That threw me off a little bit, so I said "wait, but that's my friend!" And she said "well, she's right there" in a slightly nasty tone. Whoa. Okay Lady.

But then about a minute later, she let me in. She must have felt guilty. No need to get snippy now, just be a nice happy Cast Member. :laughing:


We watched Rope Drop! And "5... 4... 3... 2... 1! WELCOME TO THE MAGIC KINGDOM!"




We walked down Main Street, and saw that the buildings were all covered with sheets. It really threw me off, because I didn't know they were doing that much construction!


The buildings that weren't covered were painted all nice and new! They looked good, but once again, it threw me off. I honestly can't even remember how they looked before, but I knew they were definitely different.


We "walked right down the middle of Main Street USA" :rolleyes1 and went through the castle to Fantasyland!



We saw the Fairy Godmother! Yay! With no line too! She asked us who our favorite characters were. I said Jasmine and Kristen said Ariel, of course.


Then we saw the Step Sisters from Cinderella, Anastasia and Drizella, and the Evil Step-Mother, Lady Tremaine. They Are HILARIOUS!

Drizella asked Kristen what they key on her necklace was for. Kristen told her that it was the key to her heart. Drizella replied with "isn't it a little odd to stick a key into an internal organ?" :rotfl:

Anastasia wasn't paying attention because we were having a random side conversation about my purple eye shadow. She had purple and pink on today! We matched. So she interuppted Kristen and Drizella's conversation and said "what's going on?"

Drizella replied "Well... you have hair on your toe!"

Anastasia said "Yes, it is true. I am a hobbit."


They crack me up :lmao:

Continued in Next Post
yay for another update!!! I'm going to be super sad when this is over because it's great!!

How odd at the gates?? I thought she was just joking until I read the rest and she wasn't..grr to her!!!

I love the stepsister. "Those" ones would come into the boutique and try to stir up trouble and then the FGM would shoo them out (that was not the "FGM" that would normally go into BBB though)...get what I mean? haha. But those Stepsisters were the best by far!!!
Yah for another update:goodvibes

That's really weird that the CM wouldn't let you in at first, I would have been like huh?

The stepsisters are always such a hoot, they must be such a fun character to get to be at WDW, love how your pic turned out with them.

Can't wait for more
OMG! How did I miss three updates. :confused3 That bathrobe update is hilarious, you ladies really are a riot. Thats all I kept thinking when i read it was poor Mother Frump, sounds like she had her hands full on this trip. Was she embarrased at all, or is she used to the antics? Sometimes I wish my kids had more of a free spirit like you gals, my kids are much younger but they are soooo shy.
So glad to be following along again, Great updates!!!
Too bad they were doing construction on Main Street. I hate to see the tarps up, but the buildings that were already finished looked nice. I hadn't seen the Let the Memories Begin signs yet, either.

I've heard great things about the Stepsisters, but never actually met them. Maybe next time.
And oh I stayed at Wilderness Lodge like... 5 years ago now? Wow it's been a while! Geez my first time ever feeling old just happened :lmao:
Oh gosh. Lately everything's been making me feel reallllly old. I turn 21 in July and I'm just like, WHERE DID THE TIME GO? WHY AM I SO ANCIENT? :laughing:

I am staying at the Poly in July!! I am so excited it's like a dream come true. :cloud9: For one fabulous week.:banana: I have never stayed at the Wilderness Lodge, but I was supposed to in August, and then we changed over to CSR, and I am saving the WL for a Christmas trip.
OMG. You are going to love the Poly. It's my favorite place in the whole world. Make sure you spend some time laying in a hammock for me! :thumbsup2 I'm actually staying at CSR in July for the first time ever. It looks really pretty and I can't wait to try it out.

Onto the new update...
Yay for Rope Drop at the MK! I love that little show. It always makes me tear up. And yikes, that is a lot of construction. It would've thrown me off too.

The Stepsisters sound like a riot. I'll definitely have to add that to my list of things to do on my next trip! :upsidedow
Ok, it really looks like you know how to have fun. I'm really enjoying this TR. It looks like you've been having some incredible character interactions. I look forward to reading more!
yay for another update!!! I'm going to be super sad when this is over because it's great!!

How odd at the gates?? I thought she was just joking until I read the rest and she wasn't..grr to her!!!

I love the stepsister. "Those" ones would come into the boutique and try to stir up trouble and then the FGM would shoo them out (that was not the "FGM" that would normally go into BBB though)...get what I mean? haha. But those Stepsisters were the best by far!!!

Haha aww thanks :) Well I will be starting up my family vacation trip report right after. Vick and Kristen won't be in it :( but it is still a cute vacation!
And yeah i know right?! I thought she was joking too... nope. She's just not a morning person.
And hahaha oh my goshh i love them. That's awesome. I love how crazy and obnoxious they are.

Yah for another update:goodvibes

That's really weird that the CM wouldn't let you in at first, I would have been like huh?

The stepsisters are always such a hoot, they must be such a fun character to get to be at WDW, love how your pic turned out with them.

Can't wait for more

Yeah I was a little shocked! haha
And yes I absolutely love meeting them! It's a new experience every time. And thank you! :)

OMG! How did I miss three updates. :confused3 That bathrobe update is hilarious, you ladies really are a riot. Thats all I kept thinking when i read it was poor Mother Frump, sounds like she had her hands full on this trip. Was she embarrased at all, or is she used to the antics? Sometimes I wish my kids had more of a free spirit like you gals, my kids are much younger but they are soooo shy.
So glad to be following along again, Great updates!!!

Haha it's okay! I'm glad you're back!
Thank you so much haha. We just love to have a fun time for ourselve. Oh Mother frump loved us! She thinks of Vickie and Kristen as her own daughters and just laughs at all of our craziness. I think it kept her entertained. And she loved being the photographer/videographer to capture all the moments.
And aww I'm sure they will come out of their shells when they get older! But sometimes shy is good. It's nice and relaxing.
And thank you for being here!

Too bad they were doing construction on Main Street. I hate to see the tarps up, but the buildings that were already finished looked nice. I hadn't seen the Let the Memories Begin signs yet, either.

I've heard great things about the Stepsisters, but never actually met them. Maybe next time.

Yes. We just gotta remember that one day the tarps will be gone and it will all be for the better!
And oh they're fantastic! You should try and find them on your next trip for sure!!

Oh gosh. Lately everything's been making me feel reallllly old. I turn 21 in July and I'm just like, WHERE DID THE TIME GO? WHY AM I SO ANCIENT? :laughing:

Onto the new update...
Yay for Rope Drop at the MK! I love that little show. It always makes me tear up. And yikes, that is a lot of construction. It would've thrown me off too.

The Stepsisters sound like a riot. I'll definitely have to add that to my list of things to do on my next trip! :upsidedow

Hahaha I know! Like I'm graduating this year... what the heck I'm finally getting used to where I am! Now I have to change it all. Isn't that always how it is? :upsidedow
And haha yes I started reading your TR (which I LOVE) and I can tell that you love that show! It really is so adorable isn't it?!
And yess I can tell by your TR that you would have a fantastic time meeting them!

Ok, it really looks like you know how to have fun. I'm really enjoying this TR. It looks like you've been having some incredible character interactions. I look forward to reading more!

Haha thank you! Yes the characters were awesome! And I can't wait to share more with you!!​
So, I want to tell you that I was teaching diction today...formal versus informal -learned language versus popular language, slang and jargon.

My kids all use the term "jaun" for their slang. I introduced the word frump (which was a term that I've used for years - however, frump-do was new to me...) They had never heard it, and some decided they wanted to adopt it.

I thought you ladies would enjoy the use of "frump" in an English class in PA; also, I wasn't sure if "jaun" would be a new term for you... :cheer2:

PS - jaun is used for EVERYTHING- pass the know the jaun who she was with...


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