The Rainbow Lounge - LGBT Chit Chat

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Whatever you do, though, DON'T READ The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. It is a great guide, but if you think you're stressed now, that would put you over the edge. LOL.

This reminds me of a friend of mine who was urged, by friends of hers, to skip reading "What To Expect When You're Expecting" when she was pregnant. They were like... trust me, it will freak you the eff out. :D
This reminds me of a friend of mine who was urged, by friends of hers, to skip reading "What To Expect When You're Expecting" when she was pregnant. They were like... trust me, it will freak you the eff out. :D
LOLOL! I can see the resemblance! This book is like all the things about WDW I never knew could freak me out and now that I read it...I am freaked out.
Morning everyone!!

Just came to say Hi from the most magical place in earth :D yesterday was our first day and it was a blast!
Hi!!! Wish I was you right now..but then in October you'll wish you were me and we'll be even! LOL. Have an amazing time!!!
Hi Y'all!
How are you all doing today? Something interesting happened to me the other day. I got invited to an interview to go work in Orlando :D After discussions with my fiance we decided it wasn't a great idea for me to leave for a year and go transatlantic, but I managed to snag a vacation to WDW next year out of it, I'll call this a good week.
Part of me is curious to know what this book is, but the other part of me worries to find out now. I already have a slight planning obsession. I wonder if it would help my planning...

If I was still at the beginning of my planning phase, I would probably go to the local Barnes & Noble and just take a look at it. I did this with the Universal Studios Orlando book, but didn't end of buying it. I went back and looked at the Universal book and realized that now I am glad I didn't purchase it.

Regardless if you are wanting to plan any type of Disney trip or Universal trip, I think the DIS Boards and the information the DIS team provides is much more informative and current. But for someone totally starting out with no knowledge, then maybe the books (official or unofficial) may be of use. Also, if information wasn't as quickly accessible, I think the books would be a good resource.
Hi Y'all!
How are you all doing today? Something interesting happened to me the other day. I got invited to an interview to go work in Orlando :D After discussions with my fiance we decided it wasn't a great idea for me to leave for a year and go transatlantic, but I managed to snag a vacation to WDW next year out of it, I'll call this a good week.

I am soooo jealous! I am very disenchanted with my career right now. It would be safe to say that I am totally burned out. I am a people person, really, and somehow I ended up in accounting and federal compliance regulation, and the older I get, the less patience I have for this. I have these recurring fantasies of just up and quitting and doing god knows what. (If I knew what, I'd probably quit and do it!)

Do any of you have experience with mid-career change?
Hi Y'all!
How are you all doing today? Something interesting happened to me the other day. I got invited to an interview to go work in Orlando :D After discussions with my fiance we decided it wasn't a great idea for me to leave for a year and go transatlantic, but I managed to snag a vacation to WDW next year out of it, I'll call this a good week.
A year is quite a commitment so I am sure your other half was probably not thrilled. Were you planning to work at EPCOT? I was friends with people who worked at EPCOT from abroad for a year (a guy from France and two girls from Scotland). They all wanted to go back within a few months, but were for with a year. Also, at the time, all people contracted to work at the World Showcase were placed to live in an apartment complex owned by Disney, with heavy security, so you checked in and out and could not bring anyone with you who did not go through security. People felt really stifled. Since I was dating the guy from France, he'd smuggle me in through the side of the complex and I always felt really weird doing that, but I understood Disney was doing this to protect them, who were in their care from their respective countries for a year.
I am soooo jealous! I am very disenchanted with my career right now. It would be safe to say that I am totally burned out. I am a people person, really, and somehow I ended up in accounting and federal compliance regulation, and the older I get, the less patience I have for this. I have these recurring fantasies of just up and quitting and doing god knows what. (If I knew what, I'd probably quit and do it!)

Do any of you have experience with mid-career change?
Oh yes! You should talk to my partner. He went from library research for a well known company to HR, in mid-career ten years ago. While it took time for him to build experience after that change, he is happy he did it. He also went on to manage my career (on the side). I changed careers as well, at age 37. I was an actor since age 9 and left it to work fully in the music industry. It was scary calling my manager's office in NYC and taking off, because in acting, taking off means you may never get booked again when you decide to return. While still in the arts, it was a complete change and a bit scary, because in the entertainment industry, you build contacts and experience and the more you're known, the more you get hired. Switching meant starting from scratch, but in time it turned into a very successful career so I never looked back. My sister changed careers as well in her late 30 to become...a doctor! Today she is a top oncologist and never looked back either. So, I would say, you may be onto something! My partner, who of course now is extremely familiar with HR practices says the new trend, particularly for millennials is that they will change careers up to five times in their lives.
Oh yes! You should talk to my partner. He went from library research for a well known company to HR, in mid-career ten years ago. While it took time for him to build experience after that change, he is happy he did it. He also went on to manage my career (on the side) I also changed careers at age 37. I was an actor since age 9 and left it to work fully in the music industry. While still in the arts, it was a complete change and a bit scary, because in the entertainment industry, you build contacts and experience and the more you're known, the more you get hired. Switching meant starting from scratch, but in time it turned into a very successful career so I never looked back. My sister changed careers as well in her late 30 to become...a doctor! Today she is a top oncologist and never looked back either. So, I would say, you may be onto something! My partner, who of course now is extremely familiar with HR practices says the new trend, particularly for millennials is that they will change careers up to five times in their lives.

This is so encouraging!

My partner and I have talked quite a bit about going into business for ourselves - opening a B&B, or a cafe/tea room. Unfortunately, I'm pretty risk averse, so going out on that limb is tough for me. I am also an "armchair astronomer" - I don't really have a desire to learn the physics of hardcore astronomy, but I would love to do something like run a planetarium to inspire children with the wonders of the universe... or start a non-profit of some sort to do the same. I'm just not sure how exactly to go about it or where to start.
Part of me is curious to know what this book is, but the other part of me worries to find out now. I already have a slight planning obsession. I wonder if it would help my planning...
I would say the book is good to find out a few things you may not know about, but it will also fill you with more information than you wish you'd know. You may start worrying about some things you were not before. Also, the book leaves some things for you to really wonder about. One example was when they discussed whether taking the Disney bus or driving your own (or rental) car. Since I am driving down to Disney, I have been ambivalent about whether to use the buses (which I did before and I was not thrilled) or use my car. I thought, "Great, I will get information from this book that should settle my dilemma." Wrong. The reviews about that were so varied that it left me no better off than I was before reading it: still no idea which way I want to go, but now concerned it may be hell either way! Still, it is a good book if we can put it in perspective, take what we need from it and disregard all else....
This is so encouraging!

My partner and I have talked quite a bit about going into business for ourselves - opening a B&B, or a cafe/tea room. Unfortunately, I'm pretty risk averse, so going out on that limb is tough for me. I am also an "armchair astronomer" - I don't really have a desire to learn the physics of hardcore astronomy, but I would love to do something like run a planetarium to inspire children with the wonders of the universe... or start a non-profit of some sort to do the same. I'm just not sure how exactly to go about it or where to start.
Needless to say, there is risk involved in any big decision like this, which will obviously change your life. Right now, I'd quit everything to go work at Disney (which I almost did when I was in my 20's, even interviewing with them but deciding not to pursue it further -- I wonder where I'd be now had I done it?). But I know the magic would probably vanish once working there! On the other hand, with my long resume in the entertainment industry, I'd probably work for Disney outside the parks, like an artist friend of mine who is a Cast Member working in the Animation Studios in LA. Still, I invested 10 years in the music industry and got pretty high up to turn back now. And I love what I do (I just hate the egos and the industry drama -- let's just say, if you ever watched the Grammys, don't believe a thing you see!).

So, I would say, find out what you truly want to do (and why), and then research the heck out of it before taking the leap. After that, you should feel more secure in what you're doing and the final decision will make you happy. The initial stage after the change may be rough, but if it is what you truly love and stick to it, you can make it succeed.
So, I would say, find out what you truly want to do (and why), and then research the heck out of it before taking the leap. After that, you should feel more secure in what you're doing and the final decision will make you happy. The initial stage after the change may be rough, but if it is what you truly love and stick to it, you can make it succeed.

This is the essence of my problem. I know, at heart, I want to work for myself - or at the very least, have a LOT of autonomy about how I go about my day and where I go with my work. But I don't really know how to find out what I truly want to do (and why). For instance, I get as far as: "I'd like to help inspire people to learn about the universe and our place in it." But I don't really know where to go with -that-.
This is the essence of my problem. I know, at heart, I want to work for myself - or at the very least, have a LOT of autonomy about how I go about my day and where I go with my work. But I don't really know how to find out what I truly want to do (and why). For instance, I get as far as: "I'd like to help inspire people to learn about the universe and our place in it." But I don't really know where to go with -that-.
I'll ask my partner for you when he gets home from work and see if he has any suggestions. He is really good at that. Not only is he an HR professional, but trained in HBDI and Myers-Briggs and has learned a lot as to how to help encourage and direct people in their careers. Let's say, if it wasn't for him, I'd have quit my business a while back! When I moved into music, I actually started my own business (a label and publishing company). When you run your own, you do the work of 20 people and work all the time. The trade off is, you're your own boss and make the decisions. You still answer to someone (in my case: my audience, the industry's constant changes, etc.) but you are in charge. Going on vacation, however, may take a while! LOL.
I'll ask my partner for you when he gets home from work and see if he has any suggestions. He is really good at that. Not only is he an HR professional, but trained in HBDI and Myers-Briggs and has learned a lot as to how to help encourage and direct people in their careers. Let's say, if it wasn't for him, I'd have quit my business a while back! When I moved into music, I actually started my own business (a label and publishing company). When you run your own, you do the work of 20 people and work all the time. The trade off is, you're your own boss and make the decisions. You still answer to someone (in my case: my audience, the industry's constant changes, etc.) but you are in charge. Going on vacation, however, may take a while! LOL.

Yeah - I am leaning a bit more toward non-profit work just because I would still get all the benefits (health insurance, etc) without having to take on the financial risk myself. It's not like I insist on working for myself, and I know how much work it is to run your own business. It's more that I want to do work I find meaningful, that plays to my talents, versus doing the same old corporate work that pays well that I do because I CAN - not because I enjoy it.

If you could ask him, that would be AWESOME. I am a borderline E/INTJ if that matters. LOL. ;)
Yeah - I am leaning a bit more toward non-profit work just because I would still get all the benefits (health insurance, etc) without having to take on the financial risk myself. It's not like I insist on working for myself, and I know how much work it is to run your own business. It's more that I want to do work I find meaningful, that plays to my talents, versus doing the same old corporate work that pays well that I do because I CAN - not because I enjoy it.

If you could ask him, that would be AWESOME. I am a borderline E/INTJ if that matters. LOL. ;)

Oh, knowing your MBTI, he'll have you figured out in two minutes! LOL. Especially since I am a total INFJ, so you and I are relatively close in the spectrum. And I do believe he is closer to your spectrum. As far as non-profit, he worked for Consumer Reports magazine (which is actually Consumers Union, a non-profit) for about 14 years before we moved to Atlanta -- now he is VP of HR at a huge bank! While he likes non-profit, there is generally a limit as to what you can earn working for one, and that also depends on where you live. But he is a staunch supporter of doing what you love vs. doing what pays the most. He believes that you have to be happy and feel challenged in what you do. He just called a few minutes ago from work to say hi and I mentioned your conundrum and he said he'll be very happy to help (that is his forte as he LOVES helping others find their way -- and he is pretty good at it). If you want to send me a private message with what it is you feel your strengths and talents are, he would probably know better which way to direct you. Also, if what you love to do and where you live would be a match. For example, when you mentioned planetarium, is there one in your area, etc. I think many of us go through the "what do I really want to do" point in their lives, especially after having worked for a long time somewhere and realizing it is not what you want to do. There is a way to do both, something that pays and that you also love.
I am soooo jealous! I am very disenchanted with my career right now. It would be safe to say that I am totally burned out. I am a people person, really, and somehow I ended up in accounting and federal compliance regulation, and the older I get, the less patience I have for this. I have these recurring fantasies of just up and quitting and doing god knows what. (If I knew what, I'd probably quit and do it!)

Do any of you have experience with mid-career change?
I think I'm in the same boat as you. My talents aren't really being utilized where I am after we had a merger. I like my boss and he leaves me to my work, but it's using so much less than what I can do. I am also a people person and love helping and problem solving. Maybe you can run OUR new business and I'll work with you there.
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I think I'm in the same boat as you. My talents are really being utilized where I am after we had a merger. I like my boss and he leaves me to my work, but it's using so much less than what I can do. I am also a people person and love helping and problem solving. Maybe you can run OUR new business and I'll work with you there.

I know how you feel. We weren't even asked to set goals/objectives this year. I literally do not have a development plan. I felt lucky to get a raise this year, but it was basically a cost of living adjustment, and the difference between the 'exceeds expectations' that I was given and the 'meets expectations' level was a fraction of a percent. Given that, and with no development plan, I really don't have any incentive to do more than the bare minimum to keep my job. On top of that, I report in a department that doesn't have much synergy with what I do, and my manager has little to no time for my area of the business, yet I seem to be shut out from learning more or advancing in this area, so my hands are kind of tied. I don't have the authority to really make decisions and involve myself, but I also don't have the support I need from my manager for a more middle-management role. Business has expanded lately, so I am too busy just keeping all the pieces together to grow the job or myself. Because of THAT, I don't have the time to get involved in any special projects or innovations that would really get me noticed. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... kinda stuck.

But sure, we can start a business. So far I've decided on an astronomy-based B&B that sidelines in furniture reclamation and repurposing and Disney trip planning. Sound good? LOL.


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