The Rumors Are True! Goodbye River Country and TCD Barn!

You are "spot on", Jim. Disney owns a LOT of property to the north of my development in the Florida Green Swamp area. They could probably pave every square inch of WDW proper and still have enough land to call "wetland".

I remember reading somewhere that disney has enough area available on property to build at least five more major 'parks' should they ever choose to do so.

That's a lot of cat tails and skunk cabbage.:hippie:
This is where you see who's a glass half full or half empty kind of person. As I see it, the change is inevitable. There is nothing I (or you) can do about it, so I'm just hoping for the best. Disney has, in the past and for the most part, done a beautiful job in keeping with the theme of the area. So hopefully we'll see a lovely addition that offers us some additional benefits. :goodvibes

It is what it is...Be happy. God is Good.
This is where you see who's a glass half full or half empty kind of person. As I see it, the change is inevitable. There is nothing I (or you) can do about it, so I'm just hoping for the best. Disney has, in the past and for the most part, done a beautiful job in keeping with the theme of the area. So hopefully we'll see a lovely addition that offers us some additional benefits. :goodvibes

It is what it is...Be happy. God is Good.

I think most of us agree with you.

When I first heard the rumor that River Country was going to be leveled and replaced with a DVC resort, I was aghast.

But, I have come around on this.

River Country has been closed and rotting away for almost ten years.

The petting zoo animals have been gone for almost as long.

This corner of Fort Wilderness is a sad reminder of another time.

It is a prime location, and it is not being utilized to its potential.

So, bring on the bulldozers!

There is one part of this that I dislike a lot.

And several others have commented on it.

It's the loss of the wooded area between Pioneer Hall on the 100 Loop.

Shan-man even gave this area a name: Pioneer Woods.

I like that.

And, I have a small bomb to drop about this little area.

I didn't mention a little detail the bean-spilling castmember told me.

She told me that the golf cart parking by Pioneer Hall was going to be taken away too.

Yes, you read that right.

I am not so sure about that little gem, though. I have my doubts about this detail, and I'll tell you why.

So we are all on the same page, this is the area that we are talking about:


The red line is the approximate location of the path between the 100 loop and Pioneer Woods.

The red stars represent the approximate location of these stakes and flags, which I saw on October 3:






To me, it looks like they have marked off the boundaries of what is going to be cleared. There were no stakes or flags in the golf cart parking area itself, which is to the right and above the star on the right in the photo.

But the CM definitely told me that the golf cart parking was going to be taken away.

Does this mean that they will stop carts from driving into the Settlement area?

Will the path itself be taken away?

Don't forget that they made a major expansion to the golf cart parking area by the Settlement bus stop in the past couple of years. Which did not make any sense at the time.

This is a shot looking into Pioneer Woods near the entrance to the path:


I love this area. This is what the loops used to look like before the big clearing took place in the last couple of years. I always wondered why Pioneer Woods was spared. I am afraid that the woods weren't spared at all- they just got a reprieve. And, it looks like the reprieve is about to end.

I am optimistic that the end result will bring more bad than good to the Fort.

But the loss of these woods will not be good.

And, I really won't like it if they take away the Pioneer Hall golf cart parking area.

Great reporting, TCD. You just can't stop progress, I guess. There have been some changes to the fort since we've been going (1985), and we keep coming back no matter what! Anxious to check everything out when we return in Dec.
Love college football and WDW!
This is where you see who's a glass half full or half empty kind of person. As I see it, the change is inevitable. There is nothing I (or you) can do about it, so I'm just hoping for the best. Disney has, in the past and for the most part, done a beautiful job in keeping with the theme of the area. So hopefully we'll see a lovely addition that offers us some additional benefits. :goodvibes

It is what it is...Be happy. God is Good.

I agree with your point but would take it one step further. Some folks use the boards as a cathartic (sp?) release. Sometimes you just need to get something off your chest. This can be a good forum for this. Once the thought is posted, you can move on.

Also, in my un-scientific meandering through life, I've noticed that folks get defensive and stike out when internal confidence is not apparent. This is one of the primary reasons I really enjoy the Camping board. Very seldom (if ever) do you see the folks with the high post counts (TCD, Shan-Man, Clkelley, desk1954, AuburnJen, Discamper, FtwildernessGuy, BornToFish,etc...) come out with attacks on any other developments. I'm guessing (and could be totally wrong) that they have found the place that makes them happy, and have no reason to defend it or try to change others opinions. Although my post count is relatively small, I put myself in that category. I feel extremely lucky to have found the Fort early on, and will continue to enjoy it (in whatever form it takes) for many years. I feel no compelling reason to take a shot at DVC or defend my choice of the Fort.
Folks, I guess the time has come!

I am a life long Camper(and FW lover) and a DVC member since 93'. I love both and can enjoy a WDW vacation or cruise or stay at another 4 and 5 star resort becuase we are DVC members. We could not afford it otherwise.

I live in a simple 1800 sq. foot home, I biult myself and have average cars. nothing fancy! We sure can't afford a $250,000 motorhome either!

I have been reading the threads on this alleged new DVC reosrt and guess what .........if its going to be built it, going to be built and theres nothing DVC members or the FW campers can do about it!

The point of this disortation (sp)?, is that in all the posts I have read....not once have I seen a DVC member putting down campers..........FW campers......... or camping in general!!!. The only ones wining is the FW Campers telling themselves that DVC members are looking down at them.....WRONG!..your doing that all by yourselves, with no help from anyone else!

end of story!.......I hope you all enjoy your self pity party!

AKK................ DVC Member, lifetime camper and proud of both!

PS, If I am a bit rude here, I am sorry, the grown up kiddys are just getting to be to much
I agree with your point but would take it one step further. Some folks use the boards as a cathartic (sp?) release. Sometimes you just need to get something off your chest. This can be a good forum for this. Once the thought is posted, you can move on.

Also, in my un-scientific meandering through life, I've noticed that folks get defensive and stike out when internal confidence is not apparent. This is one of the primary reasons I really enjoy the Camping board. Very seldom (if ever) do you see the folks with the high post counts (TCD, Shan-Man, Clkelley, desk1954, AuburnJen, Discamper, FtwildernessGuy, BornToFish,etc...) come out with attacks on any other developments. I'm guessing (and could be totally wrong) that they have found the place that makes them happy, and have no reason to defend it or try to change others opinions. Although my post count is relatively small, I put myself in that category. I feel extremely lucky to have found the Fort early on, and will continue to enjoy it (in whatever form it takes) for many years. I feel no compelling reason to take a shot at DVC or defend my choice of the Fort.

This is a good post.

And you make a great point.

I really don't think very many of us around here have anything against DVC. I know I don't. I have looked in to DVC, and I even went to a presentation on my last DCL cruise. It just doesn't make sense for the way I roll. But, it is obvious that DVC is popular with a lot of people.

If some type of resort is going in to this space adjacent to the Fort, I actually would prefer a DVC resort over a regular resort. The DVC resorts seem to be self-contained, and DVC owners are obviously real Disney lovers.

Folks, I guess the time has come!

I am a life long Camper(and FW lover) and a DVC member since 93'. I love both and can enjoy a WDW vacation or cruise or stay at another 4 and 5 star resort becuase we are DVC members. We could not afford it otherwise.

I live in a simple 1800 sq. foot home, I biult myself and have average cars. nothing fancy! We sure can't afford a $250,000 motorhome either!

I have been reading the threads on this alleged new DVC reosrt and guess what .........if its going to be built it, going to be built and theres nothing DVC members or the FW campers can do about it!

The point of this disortation (sp)?, is that in all the posts I have read....not once have I seen a DVC member putting down campers..........FW campers......... or camping in general!!!. The only ones wining is the FW Campers telling themselves that DVC members are looking down at them.....WRONG!..your doing that all by yourselves, with no help from anyone else!

end of story!.......I hope you all enjoy your self pity party!

AKK................ DVC Member, lifetime camper and proud of both!

PS, If I am a bit rude here, I am sorry, the grown up kiddys are just getting to be to much


You made this identical post on another thread.

Maybe I missed it, but I don't think anyone has been "wining," so perhaps you didn't need to share your "disortation" here, too.

But, it's a free country.

So, you are as welcome as anyone to post here.

I personally would rather just discuss the rumor on this thread, and allow the DVC vs. whomever discussion to run its course elsewhere.

Refresh this "Sorry Old Fort Fiend's" memory.... isn't the area you have starred where the old display of Fleetwood camping trailers were located? Also, isn't this the spot where they load up for the hay wagon rides? Help me to focus, TCD. What did you say was going to go into this spot? It's not THAT big for that much stuff. Maybe 2 or 2.5 acres?

I was of the impression that the "rumored" new DVC resort was going to be smack dab between MBYBBQ & WL DVC?

What IS a rumor that I've heard from 2 very reliable sources is.... the Disney Imagineers are working on Theme Park #5 even as we speak. I don't know where it will be located or what the theme will be, but, an acquaintance of mine who is an animator made the comment on FB to "Move over Mr. Potter". It seems he's been assigned to do some conceptual drawings for park #5 (as it's being called right now).
Refresh this "Sorry Old Fort Fiend's" memory.... isn't the area you have starred where the old display of Fleetwood camping trailers were located? Also, isn't this the spot where they load up for the hay wagon rides? Help me to focus, TCD. What did you say was going to go into this spot? It's not THAT big for that much stuff. Maybe 2 or 2.5 acres?

I was of the impression that the "rumored" new DVC resort was going to be smack dab between MBYBBQ & WL DVC?

Deb- For once, your memory seems to be working. Yes, this is the area in question. The old trailer display platform is still there. What the CM told me is that this area is going to be expanded for use by the carriage and wagon ride operations. As you know, the wagon ride currently loads in this area. I guess they are going to be building some things to be used in conjunction with the wagon rides, since the barns and such are being relocated. I imagine that there will be some kind of building to keep the wagons and carriages in (they are currently kept in the employee parking lot adjacent to the barn), and maybe some stalls to keep the horses in while waiting to take the wagons and carriages out.

I think this new resort is actually going to be where the pavilion and River Country remains currently stand, not in the middle of the space, as you suggest. I'll bet that they want these guests to be in walking distance to Pioneer Hall and the Fort marina. This is where all the surveyors and stakes and such have been seen. I don't know of any such activity mid-way between the Fort and WL.


What IS a rumor that I've heard from 2 very reliable sources is.... the Disney Imagineers are working on Theme Park #5 even as we speak. I don't know where it will be located or what the theme will be, but, an acquaintance of mine who is an animator made the comment on FB to "Move over Mr. Potter". It seems he's been assigned to do some conceptual drawings for park #5 (as it's being called right now).

Sounds very plausible. How long can Disney go without having a competitive marquee venue to match Potter. Like Ryan said on The Office, " costs ten times as much to get a customer back as opposed to retaining them." Disney's whole model is based on keeping folks on campus. I'm going to review TCD's map posting's above, and try to assess whether they could fit the 5th park between the Fort and WL.:rotfl2: It would be sweet to be able to walk to the park. :laughing:
I personally would rather just discuss the rumor on this thread, and allow the DVC vs. whomever discussion to run its course elsewhere.


:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I'm going to review TCD's map posting's above, and try to assess whether they could fit the 5th park between the Fort and WL.:rotfl2: It would be sweet to be able to walk to the park. :laughing:

I have 4 words for you all....

Golf. Cart. Race. Track.


I'm going to review TCD's map posting's above, and try to assess whether they could fit the 5th park between the Fort and WL.:rotfl2: It would be sweet to be able to walk to the park. :laughing:

In the words of John Lennon: "Some people say I'm a dreamer!" :rotfl2:
I myself love the Fort just the way it is but change is inevitable, hopefully it will be a wonderful compliment to our happy place (Yes, I am an opptomist:3dglasses) To quote a great man:worship: “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
The point ... is that in all the posts I have read....not once have I seen a DVC member putting down campers..........FW campers......... or camping in general!!! The only ones wining is the FW Campers telling themselves that DVC members are looking down at them.....

I agree. I've also just been reading the thread b/c I'm interested in all of the changes going on in Disney. And I have to say that the amount of animosity I've seen towards DVC'ers has just left me aghast.

I'm sure most of you are very nice people, but holy crud! The cross section represented here cements any type of stereotype you keep saying DVC'ers have of you.

First, there's the people who are: MY FW. MINE. Stay away from it. It's MINE. ....... Wth? This is Disney folks! It belongs to the Disney Corporation, and to anyone who wants to pay to stay there! Doesn't matter if you're in a tent or a 5 star hotel. Seriously! Or did you buy a plot of land at FW???

Second, there's the: DVCers look down on me b/c I camp vs stay at a hotel... They're all snobs!!! SNOBS I SAY!!! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!! ...... I'd say I'm curious as to where that complex comes from, but I don't really care.

Wow. What attitudes. I'd say I'd love to see what they built, and would love to stay there, but based on the attitudes of the Camping board, I'm not sure I'd like the neighbors.... :sad2:

And no, I'm not a DVCer. Or a camper.
<sigh> I have a question about our original topic.

For TCD, Stacktester, or anyone else who talked with knowing CMs, I wonder if the changes to Pioneer Woods (as we are now calling them) and the paved cart trail through the Woods will impact the golf cart parking down by the Settlement Trading Post. Would the paved cart/sidewalk survive? Would all golf cart parking down at the Pioneer Hall/Marina area be moved out by the current bus turn-around?

Gotta Wonder...

Bama ED
I agree. I've also just been reading the thread b/c I'm interested in all of the changes going on in Disney. And I have to say that the amount of animosity I've seen towards DVC'ers has just left me aghast.

I'm sure most of you are very nice people, but holy crud! The cross section represented here cements any type of stereotype you keep saying DVC'ers have of you.

First, there's the people who are: MY FW. MINE. Stay away from it. It's MINE. ....... Wth? This is Disney folks! It belongs to the Disney Corporation, and to anyone who wants to pay to stay there! Doesn't matter if you're in a tent or a 5 star hotel. Seriously! Or did you buy a plot of land at FW???

Second, there's the: DVCers look down on me b/c I camp vs stay at a hotel... They're all snobs!!! SNOBS I SAY!!! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!! ...... I'd say I'm curious as to where that complex comes from, but I don't really care.

Wow. What attitudes. I'd say I'd love to see what they built, and would love to stay there, but based on the attitudes of the Camping board, I'm not sure I'd like the neighbors.... :sad2:

And no, I'm not a DVCer. Or a camper.

Well I see the CGW's are back.
I agree. I've also just been reading the thread b/c I'm interested in all of the changes going on in Disney. And I have to say that the amount of animosity I've seen towards DVC'ers has just left me aghast.

I'm sure most of you are very nice people, but holy crud! The cross section represented here cements any type of stereotype you keep saying DVC'ers have of you.

First, there's the people who are: MY FW. MINE. Stay away from it. It's MINE. ....... Wth? This is Disney folks! It belongs to the Disney Corporation, and to anyone who wants to pay to stay there! Doesn't matter if you're in a tent or a 5 star hotel. Seriously! Or did you buy a plot of land at FW???

Second, there's the: DVCers look down on me b/c I camp vs stay at a hotel... They're all snobs!!! SNOBS I SAY!!! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!! ...... I'd say I'm curious as to where that complex comes from, but I don't really care.

Wow. What attitudes. I'd say I'd love to see what they built, and would love to stay there, but based on the attitudes of the Camping board, I'm not sure I'd like the neighbors.... :sad2:

And no, I'm not a DVCer. Or a camper.



Have you even read this thread?

If so, help me out. . .

Where is this animosity that you reference?

It's not on this thread.

This thread is about a rumor.

It is not about any supposed conflict between DVC owners and Fort Wilderness campers.

<sigh> I have a question about our original topic.

For TCD, Stacktester, or anyone else who talked with knowing CMs, I wonder if the changes to Pioneer Woods (as we are now calling them) and the paved cart trail through the Woods will impact the golf cart parking down by the Settlement Trading Post. Would the paved cart/sidewalk survive? Would all golf cart parking down at the Pioneer Hall/Marina area be moved out by the current bus turn-around?

Gotta Wonder...

Bama ED

Ed- All I heard is that the golf cart parking by Pioneer Hall is being taken away. But that was from one CM, who may or may not have known what she was talking about. She did seem to know a lot about the design of the new barn.

But, I'll tell you, I wouldn't be surprised to see golf carts banned from the Settlement area.

Especially if the new resort will be sharing the FW marina.

There will be some unhappy campers, me included, if that comes to pass.


When you say "Settlement area" do you mean the parking area outside of TE, the parking "around the circle" in front of the Trading Post, or the parking area near the marina? Or all of the above? What do you think?


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