The Rumors Are True! Goodbye River Country and TCD Barn!

I agree with your point but would take it one step further. Some folks use the boards as a cathartic (sp?) release. Sometimes you just need to get something off your chest. This can be a good forum for this. Once the thought is posted, you can move on.

Also, in my un-scientific meandering through life, I've noticed that folks get defensive and stike out when internal confidence is not apparent. This is one of the primary reasons I really enjoy the Camping board. Very seldom (if ever) do you see the folks with the high post counts (TCD, Shan-Man, Clkelley, desk1954, AuburnJen, Discamper, FtwildernessGuy, BornToFish,etc...) come out with attacks on any other developments. I'm guessing (and could be totally wrong) that they have found the place that makes them happy, and have no reason to defend it or try to change others opinions. Although my post count is relatively small, I put myself in that category. I feel extremely lucky to have found the Fort early on, and will continue to enjoy it (in whatever form it takes) for many years. I feel no compelling reason to take a shot at DVC or defend my choice of the Fort.

The only time I have ever said anything negative about another resort or guest is when I was confronted in person by the attitudes of WL peeps on the boats when they were shared. Some of these people were regular WL guests and some of these peeps were DVC. Each of the three times I overheard them making nasty comments about having to ride the boat with "the poor campers", they got a mouth full from me. Normally, I don't go to other boards and cause a stir, as I am very happy here. However, if confronted with a condescending attitude, I will correct it, no matter if I am at the happiest place on earth or not.

Folks, I guess the time has come!

I am a life long Camper(and FW lover) and a DVC member since 93'. I love both and can enjoy a WDW vacation or cruise or stay at another 4 and 5 star resort becuase we are DVC members. We could not afford it otherwise.

I live in a simple 1800 sq. foot home, I biult myself and have average cars. nothing fancy! We sure can't afford a $250,000 motorhome either!

I have been reading the threads on this alleged new DVC reosrt and guess what .........if its going to be built it, going to be built and theres nothing DVC members or the FW campers can do about it!

The point of this disortation (sp)?, is that in all the posts I have read....not once have I seen a DVC member putting down campers..........FW campers......... or camping in general!!!. The only ones wining is the FW Campers telling themselves that DVC members are looking down at them.....WRONG!..your doing that all by yourselves, with no help from anyone else!

end of story!.......I hope you all enjoy your self pity party!

AKK................ DVC Member, lifetime camper and proud of both!

PS, If I am a bit rude here, I am sorry, the grown up kiddys are just getting to be to much

I am with TCD here, you just copied and pasted from the other thread. We are not having a pity party, but an actual discussion on the construction of the DVC and how it will impact some of the activities that go on at the Fort. Why is this a pity party? So you are both a DVC member and a camper, yeah! You are not the issue. If people say negative things about DVC membership, they are referring to personal comments made to them by DVC members, which were not made by you. Coming into this thread, which is only discussing the construction aspects, and reposting your rant, is only showing your misunderstanding of the whole concept the camping community is trying to discuss in the first place. You are trying to make fruit salad out of apples and cucumbers.

This is a good post.

And you make a great point.

I really don't think very many of us around here have anything against DVC. I know I don't. I have looked in to DVC, and I even went to a presentation on my last DCL cruise. It just doesn't make sense for the way I roll. But, it is obvious that DVC is popular with a lot of people.

If some type of resort is going in to this space adjacent to the Fort, I actually would prefer a DVC resort over a regular resort. The DVC resorts seem to be self-contained, and DVC owners are obviously real Disney lovers.


You made this identical post on another thread.

Maybe I missed it, but I don't think anyone has been "wining," so perhaps you didn't need to share your "disortation" here, too.

But, it's a free country.

So, you are as welcome as anyone to post here.

I personally would rather just discuss the rumor on this thread, and allow the DVC vs. whomever discussion to run its course elsewhere.


Thank you TCD. Please reference additional comments above. Maybe they will get the point.:confused3

I agree. I've also just been reading the thread b/c I'm interested in all of the changes going on in Disney. And I have to say that the amount of animosity I've seen towards DVC'ers has just left me aghast.

I'm sure most of you are very nice people, but holy crud! The cross section represented here cements any type of stereotype you keep saying DVC'ers have of you.

First, there's the people who are: MY FW. MINE. Stay away from it. It's MINE. ....... Wth? This is Disney folks! It belongs to the Disney Corporation, and to anyone who wants to pay to stay there! Doesn't matter if you're in a tent or a 5 star hotel. Seriously! Or did you buy a plot of land at FW???

Second, there's the: DVCers look down on me b/c I camp vs stay at a hotel... They're all snobs!!! SNOBS I SAY!!! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!! ...... I'd say I'm curious as to where that complex comes from, but I don't really care.

Wow. What attitudes. I'd say I'd love to see what they built, and would love to stay there, but based on the attitudes of the Camping board, I'm not sure I'd like the neighbors.... :sad2:

And no, I'm not a DVCer. Or a camper.

You must be reading something into this that comes from Mars or something. I am with TCD again on this post. Are you taking comments from another thread and trying to apply them here as well? You can't make fruit salad out of apples and cucumbers. We all will share, just as long as everyone wants to share with us. Geesh, if anyone needs to get over themselves, it is the couple of posters that came over here to rant. And by the way, for your curiosity's sake, the resentment from some folk, myself included, comes from direct comments made from people from the WL, DVC members included.

I have to say that I have been most impressed on the coverage of the rumor, and however sad I am to see the old rotting RC go, progress is progress. I just hope that we can park the carts somewhere near the Settlement and marina.


Have you even read this thread?

If so, help me out. . .

Where is this animosity that you reference?

It's not on this thread.

This thread is about a rumor.

It is not about any supposed conflict between DVC owners and Fort Wilderness campers.


This thread may not have been about any supposed conflict between DVCers and FW campers, but there are many posts along that line in this thread.

You want post numbers?

As a camper and a DVCer I'm always a bit put off by the attitude on this board. Somehow the attitude seems to be that the campers are self-proclaimed "trailer trash" and DVCers are the over-privileged, self-indulgent snobs.

It gets a bit tiresome.

As a DVCer I certainly don't look down on guests at FW. And, as I grew up as a camper, I also don't stare up at the DVCers as somehow elite.

But back on topic, I guess I'd have to say I'm intrigued by the allegedly proposed changes .... I've yet to see a new project that Disney doesn't do well, or that Disney doesn't provide the resources to support, be it new marinas, transportation, trails, etc.

And, by the way, older DVC properties aren't languishing in disrepair either. But if it makes some feel better to think they are ..... carry on. :rolleyes1
This thread may not have been about any supposed conflict between DVCers and FW campers, but there are many posts along that line in this thread.

You want post numbers?

As a camper and a DVCer I'm always a bit put off by the attitude on this board. Somehow the attitude seems to be that the campers are self-proclaimed "trailer trash" and DVCers are the over-privileged, self-indulgent snobs.

It gets a bit tiresome.

As a DVCer I certainly don't look down on guests at FW. And, as I grew up as a camper, I also don't stare up at the DVCers as somehow elite.

But back on topic, I guess I'd have to say I'm intrigued by the allegedly proposed changes .... I've yet to see a new project that Disney doesn't do well, or that Disney doesn't provide the resources to support, be it new marinas, transportation, trails, etc.

And, by the way, older DVC properties aren't languishing in disrepair either. But if it makes some feel better to think they are ..... carry on. :rolleyes1

Like I said the CGW's are back. Male and female versions lol.
As a camper and a DVCer I'm always a bit put off by the attitude on this board. Somehow the attitude seems to be that the campers are self-proclaimed "trailer trash" and DVCers are the over-privileged, self-indulgent snobs.

It gets a bit tiresome.

Obviously you haven't had someone on the MK boat act in such a way that has been reported here over and over again. Be put off as you will. It happens far more than you want to admit and just because you are not part of the problem, does not mean it does not exist. If you would like to put your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't happen, you have that privilege.

But.....It gets a bit tiresome.
What the CM told me is that this area is going to be expanded for use by the carriage and wagon ride operations. As you know, the wagon ride currently loads in this area. I guess they are going to be building some things to be used in conjunction with the wagon rides, since the barns and such are being relocated. I imagine that there will be some kind of building to keep the wagons and carriages in (they are currently kept in the employee parking lot adjacent to the barn), and maybe some stalls to keep the horses in while waiting to take the wagons and carriages out.


I'm curious about this. Is the Wagon/Carriage loading operation large enough to need a separate building? Wouldn't it make more sense to house that equipment up with the horses once that expanded barn is relocated down by the Outpost? They could also start loading/unloading the wagons there to make the rides more accessible to guests from other resorts.

That area is so central and visible in the resort. There's so much foot and cart traffic down there. I can't imagine just using it for a loading area and storage. If they do just build a storage building, hopefully it is small and doesn't require much clearing.
I too wonder what a CGW is but...I am more concerned about the concrete path that the golf carts use to get the the Settlement. I know it probably sounds silly, but that little path (which I loved even more when it was dirt/mulchy stuff) with what I call FW music playing magically is my most favorite place. At night it has always seemed magical to me. My dad always said WDW was a magical place and that little section was one of things he pointed out to me when I was young and something that I shared with my boys.

I don't mind sharing with others (my momma taught me to share :goodvibes) but I would be very sad to lose something that sums up FW for me.

Maybe I am reading the map wrong though....:confused3
Obviously you haven't had someone on the MK boat act in such a way that has been reported here over and over again. Be put off as you will. It happens far more than you want to admit and just because you are not part of the problem, does not mean it does not exist. If you would like to put your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't happen, you have that privilege.

But.....It gets a bit tiresome.

You're right -- haven't had a bad experience on the MK boat from a DVCer. I've had an experience or two waiting in line *for* the boat from fellow campers. Wanna hear about those? :eek:

It's the one-sidedness of this little drama that bugs me. I'm hardly naive enough to believe that DVCers are angels. Being one myself and all. :angel: But on the other hand, campers aren't God's greatest gift either. And I'm also one of those. So the constant animosity toward DVCers as if they're the root of all evil kind of makes me want to share my own stories of obnoxious red-necks encountered at the Fort just to keep it real.
Ed- All I heard is that the golf cart parking by Pioneer Hall is being taken away. But that was from one CM, who may or may not have known what she was talking about. She did seem to know a lot about the design of the new barn.

But, I'll tell you, I wouldn't be surprised to see golf carts banned from the Settlement area.

Especially if the new resort will be sharing the FW marina.

There will be some unhappy campers, me included, if that comes to pass.


Personally with the abuses from golf carting around the Fort in the past few years, I wouldn't seeing less of them. We love biking and golf carts are a true danger to all. If we don't bike we take Disney transp. You're camping and you're on vacation...what's the rush! Enjoy your surroundings more, ride a bike or walk more.
You know I see with this cross posting and a mix of bad blood that makes no sense I don't know why people can't follow the simple rule of if you don't have something nice to say you keep your mouth closed.

I am not a DVC'r I am a fort camper when we can. We love all things Disney from resorts and parks. And more importantly we have never had an issue with anybody when we are at Disney. We are just happy to be there.

I know the internet makes everybody an expert and highly opinionated. There are people on this board that take time on their trips to seek the truth and information and it makes me a better person for it. I love seeing a trip report with pictures and information with a little investigative reporting. But in this case the information has riled up some folks. We as campers hope that Disney's money machine does not come in and ruin the charm and magic that is one of the best campgrounds in the country with a resort/DVC.

You see the Fort has not had as many improvements and upgrades as other resorts and the Fort has been getting some attention lately. But unlike the other resorts/DVC sites there is only one campground at Disney. As a camper I wish they would expand with more campsites but as a company they choose to expand a heavily saturated time share market.

So in closing if you own a DVC and they do build next door welcome neighbor. come by and have a drink and a chat as most of the campers are very friendly folk. And remember none of us own Disney's resorts/DVC we just get to rent them from time to time.
And I have thought about these changes Disney is planning. While changing one of the original resorts to WDW sometimes it is needed. I for one have always wanted to stay in the 100 loop because of the action. Does this mean that the 300 loop will also be a prime spot for activities? I know it will be louder. That is a part of the magic of the Fort though hearing the buses and the boat whistle and the fireworks.

Sorry side tracked. We do love going and seeing the ponies in the evening so I wonder if that access will be removed?
Apparently someone took offense at me calling myself "trailer trash", or was it "fat, red-neck moran"? I forget. Oh, and for those out of the know "moran" is spelled incorrectly on purpose. So for anyone who was offended by these self applied titles, I'm sorry I was insensitive to your needs.

As for your concern about my damaged ego and fragile psyche, perhaps you could help spread your high opinions of the camper-crowd with guests at other resorts so that we don't have to endure nasty comments on boats and buses, because I have heard about enough. Or spread that goodwill on other boards here so they will stop sending assassin trolls onto "our" board and stirring up trouble... and yes, I know this is not our board, it's Pete's, but he made this place for us to play and we generally play nice.

Finally, maybe you could take this goodwill on the road and ask Disney to stop treating us as second-class citizens, too. It's kind of a slap in the face for us to pay as much for our concrete pad and spigot as others are paying for furnished rooms with maid service and to still be denied Free Dining, discounts and other perks. Not to say anything of the fact that we are always the last stop on the bus route, even if we are first in proximity.

And for what it's worth, if I were paying WL prices for a resort stay, I would not want to arrive via a "trailer park" with laundry strung between the trees. But that's me.

Morning to All........Campers and DVC'ers!

Seems my earlier post has brought out some hurt feelings. I am sorry for that

1. I double posted it because both threads were having this exchange of bad feelings between campers and DVC'ers.

2. I have seen comments about nasty comments on boats, buses, etc., I think maybe the point is more to remember there are good and bad people everywhere. I rarely have a problem with other WDW guests no matter where they stay. In other words......these are a few individuals, but representative of all Campers and DVC'ers.

3. I am not so thin skinned that if I had a very expensive Motorhome, fifth wheel or trailer, I would care what some fool person would say about campers!.

4. I also would like to point out that there are many DVC'ers that are also campers and DVC'er can use points to rent sites and cabins, so in that way....FW is also part DVC!.

5. TCD........I what to thank you big time for all your information......I , like so many others are curious on just what is going to be built and where!

I would love to see the Steam train system back and maybe a redone River country type of pool system!

One big reson RC was closed was that it used lake water and there is a prasite(spll?) in fla. lake water and some folks were getting ill.

any way.......just one old es deep water sailors opinion

note:............amended................*these people are NOT representative of all campers and DVC'ers.*

I think I’m going to join DCV so I can be rude to all you campers. I’m going to change my name to DisDVC’er


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