The Running Thread—2023

Get Basted Half Marathon Race Report
Time: 1:59:38** (course measured .2 short on my Garmin)

After several attempts to get a new POT for Disney got derailed earlier this year for various reasons, I finally got to race and got my POT! This is a "thank you" race done by a local race director. Anyone that's run one of their races during the year gets free entry (I didn't so had to pay) and then you pay if you want a medal or shirt. They offer 5-K, 10-K, 15-K and HM using a 5-K course with runners doing longer races doing multiple loops. For those of us doing the HM, they added a spur toward the end of our 4th loop to supposedly get us to the 13.1 miles. As anyone that runs in North Georgia knows, elevation for races is always a wild card, but was happy that this one turned out to be mostly flat. Only exception was the extra spur they had the HM do which had the biggest climbs of the race which sucked to say the least. Since it was just a 5-K loop they only had 1 water stop, but I thought that might be the case so brought my Nathan hydration pack and ran with it, so no issue for me. Race was out in the country so no real crowd support other than other racers. Weather was perfect with temps right a 50 at the start and only rising slightly.

Since I hadn't raced a HM in over 5 years (I typically don't push my races at Disney), I decided to be a bit conservative. I set an "A" goal of sub 2:05 and a "B" goal of sub 2:08. Based on my recent run data, I knew these were both easily achievable, but you never know what can happen on race day. My plan was to shoot for 9:30 miles for first 6 miles and see how I felt. Of course I went out too fast, but settled into miles around 9:20 and was feeling good so stuck with it. Never looked at my total time, so when I finally did after crossing the finish and seeing 1:59 I was shocked! Now I also quickly noticed that it measured only 12.9 miles, so the course was obviously a bit short. So I won't claim a sub 2:00, but even if my time had been 2:02 for a full course, it would still be my second fastest HM ever and fastest by over 8 minutes in last 10 years! So I will absolutely take it, especially since I finished knowing I still had more to give.

A huge shout out to @DopeyBadger for helping create training plans to get me where I am today. I turn 50 next February and I am running my fastest times in 10+ years and I am doing it injury free which has absolutely not been the case for most of my running career.
Congratulations on a great race!
Get Basted Half Marathon Race Report
Time: 1:59:38** (course measured .2 short on my Garmin)

After several attempts to get a new POT for Disney got derailed earlier this year for various reasons, I finally got to race and got my POT! This is a "thank you" race done by a local race director. Anyone that's run one of their races during the year gets free entry (I didn't so had to pay) and then you pay if you want a medal or shirt. They offer 5-K, 10-K, 15-K and HM using a 5-K course with runners doing longer races doing multiple loops. For those of us doing the HM, they added a spur toward the end of our 4th loop to supposedly get us to the 13.1 miles. As anyone that runs in North Georgia knows, elevation for races is always a wild card, but was happy that this one turned out to be mostly flat. Only exception was the extra spur they had the HM do which had the biggest climbs of the race which sucked to say the least. Since it was just a 5-K loop they only had 1 water stop, but I thought that might be the case so brought my Nathan hydration pack and ran with it, so no issue for me. Race was out in the country so no real crowd support other than other racers. Weather was perfect with temps right a 50 at the start and only rising slightly.

Since I hadn't raced a HM in over 5 years (I typically don't push my races at Disney), I decided to be a bit conservative. I set an "A" goal of sub 2:05 and a "B" goal of sub 2:08. Based on my recent run data, I knew these were both easily achievable, but you never know what can happen on race day. My plan was to shoot for 9:30 miles for first 6 miles and see how I felt. Of course I went out too fast, but settled into miles around 9:20 and was feeling good so stuck with it. Never looked at my total time, so when I finally did after crossing the finish and seeing 1:59 I was shocked! Now I also quickly noticed that it measured only 12.9 miles, so the course was obviously a bit short. So I won't claim a sub 2:00, but even if my time had been 2:02 for a full course, it would still be my second fastest HM ever and fastest by over 8 minutes in last 10 years! So I will absolutely take it, especially since I finished knowing I still had more to give.

A huge shout out to @DopeyBadger for helping create training plans to get me where I am today. I turn 50 next February and I am running my fastest times in 10+ years and I am doing it injury free which has absolutely not been the case for most of my running career.
Kudos! And, yes, near perfect weather today. (Sounds like you probably aren't far from me.)
As for the race length, our watches aren't perfect, so take the win and enjoy.
Get Basted Half Marathon Race Report
Time: 1:59:38** (course measured .2 short on my Garmin)

After several attempts to get a new POT for Disney got derailed earlier this year for various reasons, I finally got to race and got my POT! This is a "thank you" race done by a local race director. Anyone that's run one of their races during the year gets free entry (I didn't so had to pay) and then you pay if you want a medal or shirt. They offer 5-K, 10-K, 15-K and HM using a 5-K course with runners doing longer races doing multiple loops. For those of us doing the HM, they added a spur toward the end of our 4th loop to supposedly get us to the 13.1 miles. As anyone that runs in North Georgia knows, elevation for races is always a wild card, but was happy that this one turned out to be mostly flat. Only exception was the extra spur they had the HM do which had the biggest climbs of the race which sucked to say the least. Since it was just a 5-K loop they only had 1 water stop, but I thought that might be the case so brought my Nathan hydration pack and ran with it, so no issue for me. Race was out in the country so no real crowd support other than other racers. Weather was perfect with temps right a 50 at the start and only rising slightly.

Since I hadn't raced a HM in over 5 years (I typically don't push my races at Disney), I decided to be a bit conservative. I set an "A" goal of sub 2:05 and a "B" goal of sub 2:08. Based on my recent run data, I knew these were both easily achievable, but you never know what can happen on race day. My plan was to shoot for 9:30 miles for first 6 miles and see how I felt. Of course I went out too fast, but settled into miles around 9:20 and was feeling good so stuck with it. Never looked at my total time, so when I finally did after crossing the finish and seeing 1:59 I was shocked! Now I also quickly noticed that it measured only 12.9 miles, so the course was obviously a bit short. So I won't claim a sub 2:00, but even if my time had been 2:02 for a full course, it would still be my second fastest HM ever and fastest by over 8 minutes in last 10 years! So I will absolutely take it, especially since I finished knowing I still had more to give.

A huge shout out to @DopeyBadger for helping create training plans to get me where I am today. I turn 50 next February and I am running my fastest times in 10+ years and I am doing it injury free which has absolutely not been the case for most of my running career.
Congratulations on a great race!
I have been running in Brooks Adrenalines for a few years now. I have the following pairs:

- Brooks Adrenaline 19 narrow: 3 (no holes)
- Brooks Adrenaline 21 narrow: 4 (2 with holes, 2 without)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 narrow: 1 (recently developed hole at ~550 miles)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 medium/regular: 3 (1 has developed a hole at ~600 miles; 2 are under 200 miles and no holes yet)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 medium/regular: 3 (yet to use)

For the last few pairs, I've been wearing a hole in my right shoe only, on the inside sole, kind of close to where the base of my big toe is. There is no hole in a similar spot on my left shoe. Am I wearing the wrong shoe? Is my running form wrong?

I have reached out to a PT to see if I can be evaluated/analyzed, but wanted to crowdsource some additional opinions while I wait.
I have been running in Brooks Adrenalines for a few years now. I have the following pairs:

- Brooks Adrenaline 19 narrow: 3 (no holes)
- Brooks Adrenaline 21 narrow: 4 (2 with holes, 2 without)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 narrow: 1 (recently developed hole at ~550 miles)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 medium/regular: 3 (1 has developed a hole at ~600 miles; 2 are under 200 miles and no holes yet)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 medium/regular: 3 (yet to use)

For the last few pairs, I've been wearing a hole in my right shoe only, on the inside sole, kind of close to where the base of my big toe is. There is no hole in a similar spot on my left shoe. Am I wearing the wrong shoe? Is my running form wrong?

I have reached out to a PT to see if I can be evaluated/analyzed, but wanted to crowdsource some additional opinions while I wait.
Many of the running stores I’ve been to have a treadmill with cameras to watch you while you run and check your pronation. If you haven’t already, visiting one of them might give you some answers more quickly.
I have been running in Brooks Adrenalines for a few years now. I have the following pairs:

- Brooks Adrenaline 19 narrow: 3 (no holes)
- Brooks Adrenaline 21 narrow: 4 (2 with holes, 2 without)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 narrow: 1 (recently developed hole at ~550 miles)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 medium/regular: 3 (1 has developed a hole at ~600 miles; 2 are under 200 miles and no holes yet)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 medium/regular: 3 (yet to use)

For the last few pairs, I've been wearing a hole in my right shoe only, on the inside sole, kind of close to where the base of my big toe is. There is no hole in a similar spot on my left shoe. Am I wearing the wrong shoe? Is my running form wrong?

I have reached out to a PT to see if I can be evaluated/analyzed, but wanted to crowdsource some additional opinions while I wait.

My shoes tend to have different wear patterns, and I attribute this to the difference in leg dominance. Just like we are right or left handed, we tend to prefer one foot over the other. In kicking a soccer ball, the idea is that the left foot is used for strength to plant the body while the right foot is used for more finesse to direct the ball. Much of this is attributed to the different hemispheres in our brain which are responsible for gross and fine motor skills. Running is the same—I’ll see more toe-off wear on my right shoe, much more heel wear in the left.
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I have been running in Brooks Adrenalines for a few years now. I have the following pairs:

- Brooks Adrenaline 19 narrow: 3 (no holes)
- Brooks Adrenaline 21 narrow: 4 (2 with holes, 2 without)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 narrow: 1 (recently developed hole at ~550 miles)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 medium/regular: 3 (1 has developed a hole at ~600 miles; 2 are under 200 miles and no holes yet)
- Brooks Adrenaline 22 medium/regular: 3 (yet to use)

For the last few pairs, I've been wearing a hole in my right shoe only, on the inside sole, kind of close to where the base of my big toe is. There is no hole in a similar spot on my left shoe. Am I wearing the wrong shoe? Is my running form wrong?

I have reached out to a PT to see if I can be evaluated/analyzed, but wanted to crowdsource some additional opinions while I wait.
Do you have any problems other than holes in your shoes? If not, why worry about it? Unless you are unhappy you're not getting more use out of your shoes, I guess.
Do you have any problems other than holes in your shoes? If not, why worry about it? Unless you are unhappy you're not getting more use out of your shoes, I guess.
Not really. I've had a little bit of a knee issue the last week or two. But this wear issue has been going on since at least spring/summer of 2022. And I'm getting decent mileage out of the shoes. I would prefer to not have the holes develop, though, so I can use the shoes as "everyday" shoes after they are retired as running shoes.
Not really. I've had a little bit of a knee issue the last week or two. But this wear issue has been going on since at least spring/summer of 2022. And I'm getting decent mileage out of the shoes. I would prefer to not have the holes develop, though, so I can use the shoes as "everyday" shoes after they are retired as running shoes.
I’ve done some research, and found the answer—you’re putting 600 miles on a pair of shoes! Why even bother running if you’re not going to use it as an excuse buy a whole bunch of shoes. I’m pretty sure that the only reason I keep signing up for Dopey is so I can justify my spending choices. Last Black Friday I think I bought three pairs of shoes.
Not really. I've had a little bit of a knee issue the last week or two. But this wear issue has been going on since at least spring/summer of 2022. And I'm getting decent mileage out of the shoes. I would prefer to not have the holes develop, though, so I can use the shoes as "everyday" shoes after they are retired as running shoes.
If you're getting 550-600 miles out of a pair of shoes and are physically breaking them down before they wear out and start causing "too many miles on the shoe syndrome", you're in the right shoes with pretty good running form. Many of us mere mortals have to retire shoes after 200-300 miles. Take the holes in the shoes for the win that it is and use the cash you're saving from not having to constantly buy new running shoes to invest in a separate pair of everyday shoes. Based on your running "wear-out" rate, one pair of everyday shoes will likely last you a lifetime.
I realize I’m not contributing anything useful with this post, but I can’t resist adding that I’m SUPER jealous of anyone able to find a model of shoe that consistently works for many hundreds of miles and many pairs of shoes! I have a whopping < 20 miles on a brand new (full priced :scared: ) pair of Glycerins and have to end our relationship because they’re so awful for me. Goldilocks feet are the worst!
I realize I’m not contributing anything useful with this post, but I can’t resist adding that I’m SUPER jealous of anyone able to find a model of shoe that consistently works for many hundreds of miles and many pairs of shoes! I have a whopping < 20 miles on a brand new (full priced :scared: ) pair of Glycerins and have to end our relationship because they’re so awful for me. Goldilocks feet are the worst!
You're preaching to the choir. For YEARS, I could only wear Nikes because my foot is quite narrow and they were the only shoe that fit me. I have fallen in love with Saucony. Thus far, I have worn the Triumph for easy runs and the Kinvara for speed work. Both have been phenomenal for my feet.

Good luck with your search. I know how frustrating it feels.
@Disney at Heart i ran this morning so i could avoid the cold tomorrow and the half marathoners. I don't think we will be out to see you tomorrow. Have to head to my mom's house to get a bunch of things.

I know I posted on another thread, but my mom fell while we were at Disney for W & D. She fractured her femur and had to have surgery. She went to a rehab facility on Monday. She could not stand on her own, but they were able to help her get up and stand assisted. It is not much but it is better than it was. It is going to take a while but hopefully she can come home.
Made it to Atlanta for the Atlanta Thanksgiving Half Marathon. It’s going to be 39* at start with light wind. I’m a Georgia girl; I don’t like it!
Good luck tomorrow! We only did that race once, in 2013. It was 23 degrees, and miserable. The aid stations were icy from spilled water. I said, “never again!” We‘re headed south soon for Space Coast, where it should be nice and warm—just the way I like it. Come join us there next year!


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