The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: no festivities here....however it is Paczki day tomorrow....although I’m still in weight loss mode so I’ll pass this year.

Nope. Fat Tuesday is my thing. Paçzki day in the Milwaukee area. My mom makes homemade ones from my great grandmother's recipe.

This is pretty big around Cleveland, too. A friend of mine worked for her family’s doughnut shop and they made them from an old family recipe as well. They. Were. Delicious.
Really didn't know where to post this because I need to write it down (I think) for it to be real ... and I didn't want to post it independently to draw attention, but I'm also not participating in an upcoming race weekend so I didn't feel like that was a place to post either, so I'm sorry @LSUlakes for bogging down your thread and posting it here.


My Dad passed away very suddenly and completely unexpectedly today - he was actually in Peru on a trip with my little brother to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was yesterday). He was 65.

As if losing a parent under any circumstance wasn't tough enough - losing a parent in a foreign country is, just, well ... surreal.

I leave early in the morning for Orlando and will be there for the foreseeable future to help my Mom. I plan to come out and spectate the 10K and Half of Princess, so if you're running Princess let me know. Maybe I'll host a meet-up.

So ... for me, if you don't mind - tell everybody in your life today that you love them, or that you appreciate them, or just that they mean something to you ...even if you're mad at them! Cherish every step you take from the next step forward. Think of those that can't, won't or will never again do whatever you set out to do today. And say "eff it" every chance you get, because you only live one life and there's no overtime. And don't make this a one-time thing - make it an all-the-time thing.

I love each and every one of y'all, and each day I'm so proud and incredibly inspired by what you do.

@Keels I am very sorry to hear of your loss. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. If there is something you need me to help you with, do not hesitate to ask. If you want to just call and talk about nothing I am fine with that as well. I have zero problem with you posting this on this thread and I think I can speak for everyone here, that your Disney friends are here for you.
@Keels So sorry to hear about your father! We're struggling with this in our family as well right now, as my father-in-law had a heart attack about two weeks ago (along with other health issues) and isn't expected to recover. My wife is out in California right now with my in-laws saying good-bye. You're so right - we need to appreciate our time with our loved ones while we can.

I am sorry to hear about this as well. We will keep you and your family in our prayers as well. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
We live just outside Moble, ya know...where Mardi Gras started!

I would be in favor of sending some of the out of state folks and even some on the in state folks your way if it made my experiance better. There still seems to be some argument on which place it really started, but NOLA seemed to cash in first. lol Where I grew up we had two types, the version that everyone knows of in NOLA and the country version. The country version as the story goes is a parade through town with people on horses and walking (trucks and trailer added later). The idea was to go around town gathering ingredients for a gumbo. Part of this was getting chicken, which became the focus of this "parade". At certain point along the route everyone stops and in a field a chicken is let go and then a bunch of grown men go crazy trying to catch it until they do and celebrate. The chicken is not actually used for the gumbo. At the end of the day though there is a large gumbo cooked as well of south Louisiana things like boudin. Two very different versions of the same thing.

Dash for the Beads 10K Race Report.

Short version: It was cold and I am out of shape.

@LSUlakes my official time was 57:02

ATQOTD: I checked out Oak Cliff (Dallas) Mardi Gras Parade yesterday afternoon. As you can see, there was a big Day of the Dead influence here. Additionally; Texans can't throw beads worth a darn.

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Most importantly, my gumbo came out perfect.

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Thats a nice looking gumbo!
QOTD: Today is Lundi Gras and followed up with Mardi Gras tomorrow. Did anyone partake in any parades or celebrate carnival season over the weekend?

ATTQOTD: I did not do anything this year, but DW and the children went to NOLA on Thursday and Friday for a few parades. I had work obligations that kept me away this year, but DW did bring home some king cake from NOLA!

I do nothing for Mardi Gras. Much like Vegas, I don't ever see myself going to see it in person. I just don't see the appeal. Other than Disney, I'm not a large crowds/party kind of guy. In fact I often wonder why the crowds at Disneydont bother me. I've seen Mardi Gras on "Cops", does that count?
QOTD: What is your favorite type of surface to run on? What surface do you dislike to run on?

ATTQOTD: I prefer asphalt over all of the options and running on sand is a very overrated experience.
Just saw something funny on this DIS. Not sure if this shows up on a phone, but on the desktop at the bottom of the page there is a area that suggest threads and ads. Well I saw this thread on it and it had a picture of the girl from the Hunger Games in this scene:

Interesting choice lol
QOTD: What is your favorite type of surface to run on? What surface do you dislike to run on?

ATTQOTD: I prefer asphalt over all of the options and running on sand is a very overrated experience.

I prefer running on asphalt and concrete and don't like running on mulch.
QOTD: What is your favorite type of surface to run on? What surface do you dislike to run on?

I'm not super picky about surfaces. Not really a fan of grass or dirt (I've never tried sand, but I'm guessing I'll feel similarly), but other than that ... they're mostly the same to me.
ATTQOTD: I'm fine with most surfaces (even sand, it's a great workout). But they recently did a bunch of milling and paving in my neighborhood and I HATED that. The roads were uneven and it was hard to see where they had milled and where wasn't done yet (so there were lips and divits to trip on everywhere), I kept getting rocks in my shoes and in my treads, and the air quality was terrible because of all the dust.
QOTD: What is your favorite type of surface to run on? What surface do you dislike to run on?

ATTQOTD: I prefer asphalt over all of the options and running on sand is a very overrated experience.

I also prefer asphalt or a good packed trail. Sand, it depends. I tried running on the beach in Destin. No Way. But the packed sand at Ponce Inlet, where Daytona races started, is awesome. Least favorite is boardwalk (except THE Boardwalk, which means I'm "almost there") or concrete sidewalks if I am doing a long run.
I generally prefer asphalt or packed dirt. I only tried sand once and grass once and both were hard! I have a trail around here that's gravel and I don't usually mind it when it's well packed but when they resurface it I've had a couple close calls with loose gravel and almost turning an ankle. Sadly, most of my runs recently have been on concrete sidewalks in my neighborhood and that's definitely harder on the joints. Plus boring!
QOTD: What is your favorite type of surface to run on? What surface do you dislike to run on?

ATTQOTD: I prefer asphalt over all of the options and running on sand is a very overrated experience.

I am glad to see many picked 'packed dirt' as I was not sure that is an actual surface. I also think I like it because it usually means I am surrounded by trees, which is more the important factor as my mood seems much improved in this scenario. As for least favorite surface, I'm going with treadmill or iced snow, both of which have been my option of late. Next worse would be sand or loose gravel, which is the non-mud trail option of late. SPRING, WHERE ARE YOU?
QOTD: What is your favorite type of surface to run on? What surface do you dislike to run on?
Add another for even, packed dirt. My least favorite is gravel on concrete... I had a really nasty fall from slipping on that last May. (And got asked about it all of last summer when wearing shorts... yes, I know I have a ugly scrape/scar. Yes it hurts. Thanks for reminding me.)

Just saw something funny on this DIS. Not sure if this shows up on a phone, but on the desktop at the bottom of the page there is a area that suggest threads and ads. Well I saw this thread on it and it had a picture of the girl from the Hunger Games in this scene
Ha! Perfect picture! We do kind of volunteer as tributes...
We have a section we run routinely around our local park that is finely crushed and packed gravel. It's tightly packed usually so no sliding around on it, so I really like it although it can sometimes get a bit uneven. After that, asphalt. Not a fan of concrete for any extended distances. I tried running in the sand in Sarasota and it was horrible. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing sandy beaches, but way too soft for running.
ATTQOTD: Asphalt for sure. Hard sand close to the water isn't too bad, but not for an extended amount of time. Anything with loose gravel, branches, or snakes that resemble sticks and I'm done.


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