The Running Thread - 2018

:offtopic: But it’s getting harder and harder to book sites at Fort Wilderness. With W&D 2019 backing up to Halloween, those dates are already sold out. I’m considering using a travel agent that specializes in the Fort to get the days I need. We have annual passes and are very seasoned Disney travelers. Are there any pitfalls with using a TA that I should be aware of? It seems too good to be true to let her do all the calling and waiting on hold and checking everyday for the space to become available. Anything I’m missing?
I'm currently recovering from a long weekend with a late flight, but I'm staying awake long enough to vote after work. I've only not voted once since I turned 18, and that was a sneaky special local election in May.
ATTQOTD: I loved voting day as a kid, and have never missed one election! Even the local May or August elections with 7% turn out. It is more fun in my current location as I vote with a chunk of the 'student ghetto' and am invigorated to see all the college kids out in what the slept in ready to vote at 7am. I was more excited to see someone was handing out the best donuts in town- I will not tell my kids this as they did not want to vote in the rain today. They always vote for more snacks.
QOTD: So its not so much a question today but a reminder. Go vote today!

*This is as political as we are going to get on this thread. I do not care who you vote for and why, just go and vote.
I voted early last week, along with DS1 who just turned 18 late last month. He’s taking AP Govt this year and really took his civic duty very seriously with lots of research. I was a poly sci minor, plus was a govt reporter for a while for a couple of newspapers, so I have really enjoyed real political discussions with him. Growing wonderful young adults is fun!
NYC Marathon update...

It was an absolutely beautiful fall day. I spent way too much time on my feet Friday and Saturday--there is just so much to see and do in NYC that I couldn't help myself. As usual, I went into this with very little sleep, although I did get more sleep the night before the race. My feet had been bothering me those days but I felt pretty good on race morning (thanks to ibuprofen). I started in Wave 1, corral A, in the green start. You enter your corral, but they wait to walk you up to the bridge start. Once you are allowed to walk towards bridge, it becomes a free for all which is so frustrating. People who have no business being up front, start weaseling their way up there. It is just so crowded! Then you spend the first 1-2 miles getting around the mis-corralled people. I was closer to the start than I was in 2015 and it definitely helped. Runners in green run on the bottom of the Verrazzano Bridge. I was apprehensive about running on the bottom but actually liked it much better than the top. The bad part was that my gps got off in the first mile, but I managed best I could. I felt so strong and admit I went out hard. I felt much better than I did in Chicago. I hit the 13.1 at 1:28:17. I knew that my feet would eventually be a problem but wanted to see how long I could hold on. I also wanted to get the Queensboro Bridge (mile 15-16) over. It is so long, so uphill, and just never seems to end. I was so happy to crest it and get to Manhattan. The crowds along First Avenue are amazing. I also knew this would be one of the few spots I might see dh. I was constantly scanning the crowds which were 3-4 deep. A little past mile 17 I heard him say my name and tossed my throwaway gloves to him. I don't know why I hung on to those gloves so long since I intended to pitch them, but it was oddly comforting to hold them while running. The tendons in my feet were starting to scream. My pace was slowing bit by bit and by 30k I was in survival mode. Mile 23 is rough, mostly up hill. The Central Park part is so nice. It seems long because it is one undulating curve after another, but just an awesome place to run. Since I knew the sub 3 was gone, I was hell bent on keeping it under 3:05. Final finish time was 3:03:44 and I was happy with that. Overall place for women is 122 and 13th in age group. Long trek out of the park and then awhile to get back to hotel. We came home last night--walked through the door at 11pm. I stayed up until 2 am watching the tv coverage I recorded. Then up at 5:20 to get kids ready for school. I am waiting for the crash to happen, but feel remarkably well (except my feet hurt). My legs don't even feel like they ran a marathon.

Some pics:

Mens elite. Lelisa Desisa out in front.

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Central Park, maybe mile 24ish?

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I am so glad I didn't have to figure out public transportation. That is dh's job on race weekends.
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I will add, this was my first race with my Vaporfly 4%s. OMG, love them!

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I saw you around Mile 4 and you looked AWESOME!!!!!

The weather in NYC has been really crappy all weekend (I'm still here today and it's pouring), but like I told others - the weather for the race on Sunday was just about perfect. @mbwhitti had a great race too and PR'd by 15 minutes!

I had a blast spectating. Woke up early and rode the SI Ferry to get Whitti to the bus line, got to Mile 4 in time to watch all the elites and Wave 1, and then I went to have breakfast and get my stuff ready for the rest of the day. I saw Whitti at 4, 16, and 21 and then I hung out at the Harlem Block Party for quite a bit afterwards since I wouldn't be able to see her finish.

My spectating pictures:


(Special celebrity appearance by @CheapRunnerMike!)
Voted early last week. My kids had a two hour delay since their school is used as a polling site. Carpool at drop off was kinda crazy but the parking lot was full so it’s cool to see so many people voting!


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