The Running Thread - 2018

My DD is 6 (and a half, if you ask her) and she has ran a few of the shorter runDisney and Rock N Roll kids races. This will be her farthest to date. Not sure how well she is going to do. She ran a full 1/4 mile with me yesterday before walking at about a 12:30 pace. I am hoping she can finish and feel proud. She is worried about coming in last.
I found that pacing a kid (hello Mr Bunny!) for the first part of a race really helps them finish it faster... Otherwise the enthusiasm sometimes catches up and then end up cramping. Good luck!
Okay, I think I have determined that my goal is 2nd place in my AG, no time goal.
ALSO -- this will be my DD's first 5k and she is suuuuper nervous! Her and my husband are going to run/walk the whole thing together! Wish her luck!
Good luck to the whole fam in your various goals, and hope you all have fun!
Agree with @flav on pacing...I ran a turkey trot 2 years ago with my nephew (his first 5k), and he wanted to dart out of there, so he kept up with DH for awhile, and then dropped back to hang with me after the first half mile. There were a lot of complaints about various body parts hurting and sneakers needing to be tied several times, but we crossed the finish together, and he has been talking about it ever since and has done a few more races since then too!

Best of luck to everyone this weekend. @LSUlakes, please change my NG to 2:00 as my new goal for Philly half.
I'm either going sub 2 hours if things go well or 2:24 if not.
Will be cheering for your sub-2 from a little bit behind ya! Wooo!!!!
One thing I do always have though for a run in the rain is a hat with a bill. As long as I can keep the rain off my face, I can manage.

I adjust the timing of my run to avoid the heaviest rain. When looking at a forecast, 'showers' are better than 'rain'.

This. I otherwise don't change anything. My biggest pet peeve is wet/soggy shoes. I could care less about the rest of me being wet if I could just keep my shoes dry.
ATTQOTD: I love to run in the rain; so long as it is not too cold! If I will be out for a long run or it is really raining I just accept I will be wet. A little body glide/squirel’s nut butter for the feet, a good hat and a breathable rain jacket works for me. I usually still go with shorts since everything else is going to hold too much water.

Had my second “run” today. Went a little further and although the ankle hurts it was a good time, still snowing though...

@jennamfeo good luck to your daughter on her first 5K!
ATTQOTD: I love to run in the rain; so long as it is not too cold! If I will be out for a long run or it is really raining I just accept I will be wet. A little body glide/squirel’s nut butter for the feet, a good hat and a breathable rain jacket works for me. I usually still go with shorts since everything else is going to hold too much water.

Had my second “run” today. Went a little further and although the ankle hurts it was a good time, still snowing though...

@jennamfeo good luck to your daughter on her first 5K!

I have nothing to add other than YAY!!
QOTD: I saw someone mention rain gear earlier in this thread yesterday and I thought we should turn that into our QOTD to get a few more answers for that person. So, rain gear for running, what you got?

Rain gear for running starts with an ipad and a weather figure out out how I can arrange my schedule without running in the rain! I hate running in the rain, it's such a pain. I will gladly run in snow, sub-zero temps, wind, heat, humidity, etc but my least favorite weather to run in is rain.

IF I have to run in the rain, it it's during the warmer months, nothing much changes. Maybe a ziplock bag for my phone so it doesn't get wet. During the colder months, I sweat-wicking sweat shirt. Nothing grand.
ATTQOTD: Drizzle, nothing different, but I have a hard time running in heavier rain. Usually just go to the gym.

So for tomorrow's race, weather is going to be near perfect conditions for me (upper 40s= fast). Might not have been per plan, but conditions were similar yesterday, so I ran a near race pace first half of my run, and surprised myself. I could actually win my AG based on times from last years race.
I love my Fitletic belt too. I have a question for Fitletic/SPI Belt (or any belt with a buckle and a pouch) users: do you wear the pouch in the back or front?

I wear the pouch in the back, since I generally don't access it during a run. It's easier to put on and easier to ignore that way.

I guess that puts me in the 'fanny pack' club with @Baloo in MI

If I think I'll need to access my phone much frequently during the race (pics), I'll wear it in the front. Either pocket in front or back I find it to be the same comfort level.
Today I went out in a snow storm. My co-workers thought I was nuts. I thought it was rather dark and skipped my sunglasses. That too was a poor choice as those flakes were sharp! I am thinking safety glasses would have been better than a hat with a bill but I would be curious if anyone else has an idea or opinion.
I have a pair of photochromatic biking glasses that I wear on days like that to keep stuff out of my eyes.

I also wear my goretex mizunos. This helps keep my feet dry. they are not trail shoes the soles have the normal traction of my wave riders but the uppers are goretex, helps with rain and cold.
Has any tried the Nike "shield" shoes? I wonder how they compare to the Goretex upper shoes.
I got the VA3 this summer. I previously had a Garmin Forerunner 235. I don't know what the Vivomove is like.

I like the VA3 overall. Like the touchscreen and it has the running and daily functionality that I want. It is a bit smaller (both width and thickness) than the FR 235. The options for colors are better, IMHO.

As I've been complaining about lately, the elevation measurements are fictitious. Someone linked a possible fix for this, but I haven't tried it yet. To me, it's annoying but not a deal-breaker. From what I can tell, the HR and GPS mapping functionality are on par with other Garmin devices.

I've had elevation issues with every watch I've owned that does elevation. In the SportTracks desktop app (not sure about online) you can install an elevation correction plug in that uses the map to try and fix elevation but on occasion if you run over a bridge it will have you going down to the road and back up instead of over the bridge.

One thing that does work for me on occasion is cleaning out the hole the sensor uses since sweat and gunk can get in there and throw off the readings. On the VA3 you will see a very small hole under the button on the back of the watch. Dip the watch into a glass filed with dish soap and warm water for a few minutes and then clean the hole (and whol back really) with the softest bristle tooth brush you have. I've found my elevation is more accurate after that but it only lasts until that hole gets dirty again.

QOTD: Looks like I will need something to hold my phone during the marathon this year. I have a iphone 10 or whatever it called, not thats really the most relevant part of the question. Anyway, those who run with your phone, what you use to hold it during the run? Do you bring a extra battery as well and what do you do with it?

I never run with a phone, or anything besides a key, so I'm no help there. I just have no desire to have a phone on me when I run.

Dear all, I'm looking for recommendations for rain jackets for running. Searching the forum turned up a lot of mentions, but not usually with specifics.

I not looking for warmth - I am just looking for dryness. Lightweight and pretty close fitting are pluses. Hood and/or pockets not necessary.

I can find recommendations on places like Runner's World, but those are usually wanting $$$. Thanks!

QOTD: I saw someone mention rain gear earlier in this thread yesterday and I thought we should turn that into our QOTD to get a few more answers for that person. So, rain gear for running, what you got?

For a light rain I don't really wear anything other than maybe a running hat. If it is slightly harder but not cold I'll wear my Patagonia Wind Shield vest but unfortunately that has been discontinue. It is my favorite rain gear by far and others make something comparable. I also have a Marmot Eclipse Jacket if it is slightly cooler or I need a hood.

My recommendation is to look into trail running jackets since they are usually a little more versatile and the companies that specialize in trail running (Patagonia, North Face, Marmot, Salomon) have better rain gear than the road focused companies like Brooks in my experience.
I've never bought Oofos before, but they have the NYC ones for pretty decent price... hmm.

I definitely recommend trying them out before you buy them. They seem to be a love it or hate it type of item. I find the arch to be over-exaggerated and uncomfortable on the Oofos and prefer the Hoka sliders as recovery footwear. That being said, they have a very large and loyal following. Good luck with them.
I love the OOFOS, but I do agree they seem to be a love it or leave it type of thing. It took me a while to get used to the arch.

As far as rain, I don't mind running in a drizzle and if it's warm out, it ends up feeling good. If it's a hard rain, I generally try to avoid it. Of course, if it's a race, just have to suck it up. In that case I'll make sure I have a brimmed hat and body glide my feet. I do have a water resistant running jacket if it's raining a bit harder.
Dear all, I'm looking for recommendations for rain jackets for running. Searching the forum turned up a lot of mentions, but not usually with specifics.

I not looking for warmth - I am just looking for dryness. Lightweight and pretty close fitting are pluses. Hood and/or pockets not necessary.

I can find recommendations on places like Runner's World, but those are usually wanting $$$. Thanks!

There's something about fully embracing the "goofing off" aspect of runDisney events that makes the races so much fun. My least fun runDisney race was my first. I took no pictures and did no goofing off. Honestly, I don't know if I enjoyed that race. I came back for a second race because I tolerated the experience enough the first time that I decided I could tolerate it again two more time to earn a Coast to Coast medal and then I could be done with running. Except races number 2 and 3 were actually fun.

Thanks. I'm currently feeling frustrated with training and dealing with calf tightness that forced me to cut short last night's run. I even had brief thoughts last night about just cancelling the whole thing or not even starting the marathon.

NOPE! You may not quit, I will not allow it. You will regret it for the rest of your life. You will always doubt yourself and anytime you attempt it in the future you will pysch yourself out of doing it. Yes, it is an intimidating distance. It is 100% scary for probably everybody that ever tries it for the first time. I even contend it is scary for repeat runners too, it is hard. HOWEVER, you CAN do it. Look how many people do it every year and keep going back for more. Doing it at Disney is even better because there is so much around you to keep your mind occupied and the time and miles will pass, I promise.

Everyone has ups and downs in training. There are some fast people on here, @Wendy98, for example. Go back about 2 weeks and read her story of how she got there. She worked at it, she believed in herself, and she made it happen. I don't know if you use Instagram. If you do go follow run2pr. Her name is Amanda. She is a mother of 3. She started out like a regular person, out of shape and fully doubting herself. She's in her mid 30's and she is going to the Olympic trials next year. She is currently injured with a torn labrum in her hip. You would never know it by her messages. I am not saying we will all be able to run in the Olympic trials, however you are only limited by your mind. If you tell yourself you can't run the marathon, you can't. If you tell yourself you will finish no matter what, you will finish!!! Don't limit yourself. I am telling you that you can do this and if you don't believe me then do it for me because I can't be there this year. :sad:

QOTD: I saw someone mention rain gear earlier in this thread yesterday and I thought we should turn that into our QOTD to get a few more answers for that person. So, rain gear for running, what you got?

ATTQOTD: I either run in the rain and change nothing, or use the TM. Really depends on the temps outside on which one of those I do. I know that does not help much, but perhaps its a option for you...

I found a Columbia zip up jacket at Kohl's I believe. It is bright yellow and ugly as sin but it is lightweight, keeps me very warm, and it was like $30-40. When i do wear it I come back wet, but not from rain, it is from sweat because the thing keeps me so warm. I don't know the model but I can try to take a pic when I get home if you need me to. I wore it yesterday morning when I went out for my run and it was 22'.
NOPE! You may not quit, I will not allow it. You will regret it for the rest of your life. You will always doubt yourself and anytime you attempt it in the future you will pysch yourself out of doing it. Yes, it is an intimidating distance. It is 100% scary for probably everybody that ever tries it for the first time. I even contend it is scary for repeat runners too...

If you tell yourself you can't run the marathon, you can't. If you tell yourself you will finish no matter what, you will finish!!! Don't limit yourself.


Thought about posting something similar but didn't. I agree 100%. Thank you @Waiting2goback for spelling it out so clearly.
Catching up

QOTD: Looks like I will need something to hold my phone during the marathon this year. I have a iphone 10 or whatever it called, not thats really the most relevant part of the question. Anyway, those who run with your phone, what you use to hold it during the run? Do you bring a extra battery as well and what do you do with it?

I have two phones and IPhone SE and IPhone 7 (work phone). I have an armband that works well for the SE, but not the 7. I can jam in it there, but its takes some work to get the headphones in the jack. I am hoping to get some bluetooth ones at some point so that should solve that problem. Now that it is cold, I run with a jacket so the phone goes in the pocket. No battery issues as my SE has great battery life as I barely use it. Going to milking that one as long as I can.

Rain gear - I have a north face rain jacket.
I was afraid to write it too. I am a very direct and blunt person so I was worried it would come across the wrong way but in the end I felt it was worth having people mad at me. : )

+1 here too

@Sleepless Knight , based on your previous postings and your Avatar, I think you should throw in The Empire Strikes Back, jump to Dagobah, and let Yoda take over

Yoda: "...Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned"
(shuffling around of an X-wing)
Luke: "I don't believe it!"
Yoda: "That is why you fail"​

You're done stacking rocks, time to move an X-wing


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