The Running Thread - 2019

but...unfortunately, the second race is the day before a business trip. Not saying it's impossible, just tougher.
I know what you mean. I've spent the last 3 years training for Dark Side during the busiest time of the year professionally. 2016 to see if I could handle training and the increased hours and workload in the hopes of running 2017 Dark Side, and then actually training for 2017 and 2018 Dark Side after figuring out that I could.

I'm going to enjoy not training this year, though I hope to at least run during this time of year.
@camaker good luck on your 50 miler tomorrow. I hope the weather is good and the knee holds up. I have no real advice except constant forward momentum. Walk when you need to and have fun.

Thanks! Weather looks great, ranging from 38 to start up to 48 mid-race. No chance of rain and little wind. I’m going to break the nothing new on race day rule with Uncrustables, though. We’ll see how that works out. Almost time for bed, though, as 4am is going to be here awfully early!
January 2019 totals:
Distance: 83.7 km (52 miles)
Average pace: 6’50”/km (11min/mile)

The shortest and slowest month since... January 2018! The difference is that in 2019 I was also recovering from Achiles Tendon pain, traveling to the boonies and enduring the worst icy conditions I have ever ran in. The comparison is consoling me a bit. At that rate, I should be at the best shape possible right for my first Marathon in September!
January totals:
Miles: 137.27
Pace: 9:09

Good luck @camaker !

Even better, I have cleaned up my eating which includes VERY limited alcohol. It was tough at the beginning because I LOVE my glass of wine with dinner and IPA on the weekends. Now, I can have one drink on the weekends. As much as it pains me to say it, I think I perform better when not drinking regularly.

I was just reading about this last night (with a glass of wine of course!). I might start decreasing my alcohol intake leading up to my race if it helps me. But I’m thinking of planning my husband’s birthday party for that night and the decreased tolerance coupled with exhaustion from the race and possible despondency over the result might be a disaster!
January Miles: 299.8

January was another good month of training! I had two strong weeks leading up to my HM taper where I hit my PR for weekly miles. I also hit my PR for the HM as well :-) I’ve been working through a few minor niggles, but I seem to be turning the corner on those... just in time for my Marathon training block for Fargo in May! Hopefully Feburary will be another healthy awesome month of training!!
total miles: 210.11
avg. pace: 7:51/mile

January Miles: 299.8
Congrats on the half PR, @canglim52. That's an amazing result!
I've noticed you guys regularly post months well over 200+ miles. I'd love to hear how you guys break up that sort of mileage. Do you do a lot of doubles? How many rest days/week do you typically take? What's your ratio of easy miles vs. workout miles? What sort of mileage do you run in a maintenance week vs. when you've got a target race coming up? I'm thinking of increasing my mileage to get beyond my current plateau, and I'm wondering how others do it.
Katy Half Marathon quick report:

Going into yesterday, I did not have a plan for this weekends race. Friday morning, one of my friends from my running club pinged me to see what my plan was. She was looking for someone to run with at a 7:30 pace as she is ramping up training for Boston. After twisting my harm (not really) I said I would run with her and see how long my legs would last, being two weeks past my Houston half PR race. This morning was about 30 degrees warmer than 2 weeks ago, 60 with a dewpoint 59, so it was pretty yuck Luckily there was a breeze that helped, but the miles into the breeze were our slowest miles.

Basically, we nailed a 7:31 pace for the race, and I ended up winning my age group, WOOT! This was unexpected.

My time was 1:38:29, 1/66 AG and 66/1314 overall.

Congrats on the half PR, @canglim52. That's an amazing result!
I've noticed you guys regularly post months well over 200+ miles. I'd love to hear how you guys break up that sort of mileage. Do you do a lot of doubles? How many rest days/week do you typically take? What's your ratio of easy miles vs. workout miles? What sort of mileage do you run in a maintenance week vs. when you've got a target race coming up? I'm thinking of increasing my mileage to get beyond my current plateau, and I'm wondering how others do it.
I’m trying to imagine how much I would have to eat to maintain weight putting in that mileage. It would probably be close to 9 or 10,000 calories for my height.


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