The Soarin question..

My DH hates heights (panics when the cats look through the stair railings on the second floor, wouldn't go anywhere near the edge when we went up the Seattle Space Needle). LOVES Soarin' - can't wait to go again.
Ok ok..I watched the video on husband and 8 yo think I can do it. I'll try third row and told them they have to let me hold on to them if needed.
My DH hates heights (panics when the cats look through the stair railings on the second floor, wouldn't go anywhere near the edge when we went up the Seattle Space Needle). LOVES Soarin' - can't wait to go again.
Kudos to him actually going up the space needle!
I swear I saw flashing lights at some point when I opened an while I was cursing I was praying as well.

Yes, there are lights flashing.
Back in 1998, in DL, my DH (we were dating then) convinced my that Space Mountain was not a coaster! I also closed my eyes! Peeked open, saw the lights and closed it again!
I came off that thing pale! And then I got to meet my future MIL an hour later!!!!
I still have nightmares about it. And it was 4 years ago the last time I went on it. I love how people are saying it's no big deal. If you have a big heights problem, it is a HUGE deal.

Seriously, still have trauma over it.

Edit to add: I can do coasters without much issue.
I have a serious height terror. I don't even do ladders or balconies. We once lived in a townhouse and I couldn't look out the rear upstairs windows, as they were 3 stories up. I had bars installed (that could be unlatched in the event of emergency) as I was so terrified of the kids even being close to them.

Somehow, DH talked me into going on Tower or Terror in 2002. I'm not over it yet. I felt like I was going to pass out for days afterward. If I think about it, I start getting dizzy.

But Soarin' is a must-do for me. I go on it quite a few times every single time we are there. I was really, really nervous prior to my first ever ride. But found it was so fun and awesome that I'm really glad I gave it a try. At no point, does it feel like you are going to fall. I could never do any real life hang gliding or anything close. This is a very safe and fun way to get the cool adrenaline rush without the fear of really falling.

I'm also one of those people that have to have something to hold on to. Just ask for an end seat, they accommodate my request for this every single time. Have a family member sit next to you so that you have bars on either side of you to use. If a stranger sits next to you, you really only get one side rail to hold. Only the movie moves, your seat doesn't move at all once the rows are raised into position. Even the highest one is not that far from the ground.

When I went on Tower of Terror, there was NOTHING to hold on to. We had seat belts, but there was no lap bar. I have heard they have since added one. I was on the end of the row, on the inside. I was freaking out looking for something to grab on to. There were metal grates to my left, but I could see the "elevator shaft" speeding by and was afraid I would cut my fingers off if I put them through the grate. This is one ride you definitely want to skip. Give Soarin' a try though.
My partner isn't a fan of heights, but loves Soarin'! The vehicle doesn't move too much, just at the beginning and end when you move into the flying position and come back down to 'land'. It's definitely in the mind with a motion ride like this and if you find yourself feeling nervous, close your eyes and go to a happy place :)
I have a serious height terror. I don't even do ladders or balconies. We once lived in a townhouse and I couldn't look out the rear upstairs windows, as they were 3 stories up. I had bars installed (that could be unlatched in the event of emergency) as I was so terrified of the kids even being close to them.

Somehow, DH talked me into going on Tower or Terror in 2002. I'm not over it yet. I felt like I was going to pass out for days afterward. If I think about it, I start getting dizzy.

But Soarin' is a must-do for me. I go on it quite a few times every single time we are there. I was really, really nervous prior to my first ever ride. But found it was so fun and awesome that I'm really glad I gave it a try. At no point, does it feel like you are going to fall. I could never do any real life hang gliding or anything close. This is a very safe and fun way to get the cool adrenaline rush without the fear of really falling.

I'm also one of those people that have to have something to hold on to. Just ask for an end seat, they accommodate my request for this every single time. Have a family member sit next to you so that you have bars on either side of you to use. If a stranger sits next to you, you really only get one side rail to hold. Only the movie moves, your seat doesn't move at all once the rows are raised into position. Even the highest one is not that far from the ground.

When I went on Tower of Terror, there was NOTHING to hold on to. We had seat belts, but there was no lap bar. I have heard they have since added one. I was on the end of the row, on the inside. I was freaking out looking for something to grab on to. There were metal grates to my left, but I could see the "elevator shaft" speeding by and was afraid I would cut my fingers off if I put them through the grate. This is one ride you definitely want to skip. Give Soarin' a try though.
Thanks for your assessment. Yes there's no way I could even think of riding TOT. I will for sure ask for an end seat.
I'm terrified of heights but this ride is too awesome to pass up!!
Do not look down!! Hold on to the side handles!!!
We rode it three times in August because it's that fun though :)
i've road it twice and both times had asked to be the closet to the ground. I dont know if i could handle it all the way up on the top.:(
I don't know if they allow this at WDW, but at DL I saw a woman holding her baby while she stood on the ground near the ride. She could see the show without going up in the air. Perhaps you could ask if this is an option for you.
I rode this with someone afraid of heights. When the ride was over she was ready to ride again. I think the fear of the unknown was worse than the ride. Yes, the ride does lift you up but when the film starts you forget the ride up. The seat has handles and you can lean back in chair. Go and enjoy the ride...just once.
soarin actually scares me more than any other ride in WDW. (I LOVE Tower of Terror!) People think I'm weird, but it really freaks me out and I feel like I'm going to fall, especially when it kind of leans forward. I still ride it, but it makes me very nervous (I know this is not justified, it's just a fear). I haven't read the whole thread, so not sure if this has been suggested, but I would suggest if you do want to try it, DO NOT go in the front row. Ask for the third row. It's not as high and doesn't feel as real since there are feet dangling in front of you. I also have a fear of flying and it feels very real - like you are actually in the air on a handglider, so I'm sure that has to do with it.
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I'm somewhat afraid of heights, I don't ride anything with a drop (not even PotC) or rollercoasters and I love Soarin'. Top row, center. Now if I look down, it's another story!
I did bottom row in the middle section, but all the way over (last seat). This gave me a little more of a handle to hang on to since the bar on the side of that last seat went up vertically to about shoulder height. I hung on for dear life. I loved the old Soarin' but this new one has a whiz-bang beginning that took a lot out of me to start. I think I will skip in the future, but may try it again at some point.
I've been on, but I just can't anymore. If only they had a bar instead of that seat belt, it would feel so much safer. When I was on I felt like I was going to fall out. Not rational, but no way around it for me. If you are horribly afraid of heights, I don't think it is a good idea to go on. If you decide to give it a try, ask for the bottom row, and don't look down. It is only a few minutes long, so if you don't like it it doesn't go on forever.
I am very much afraid of heights. Actually, maybe it is falling that really scares me. I don't even like to stand on our 2nd floor balcony at home. My legs feel like noodles just watching other people stand near the edge of things, balconies, etc. However, I have come to really enjoy Soarin. I do still get a little uneasy feeling, but I ride it a few times each trip. The first time I rode it, I kept my eyes closed in the beginning. I have now graduated to keeping them open at all times and also relaxing my death grip on the handles and putting my hands in my lap. I am looking forward to riding it again this summer. Give it a try, I bet you will be glad you did!
soarin actually scares me more than any other ride in WDW. (I LOVE Tower of Terror!) People think I'm weird, but it really freaks me out and I feel like I'm going to fall, especially when it kind of leans forward. I still ride it, but it makes me very nervous (I know this is not justified, it's just a fear). I haven't read the whole thread, so not sure if this has been suggested, but I would suggest if you do want to try it, DO NOT go in the front row. Ask for the third row. It's not as high and doesn't feel as real since there are feet dangling in front of you. I also have a fear of flying and it feels very real - like you are actually in the air on a handglider, so I'm sure that has to do with it.

I'm glad I am not alone in this! I am not afraid of any coaster and I wouldn't say I am afraid of heights, but Soarin' makes me very nervous. I have a firm grip on the handles the entire ride.

OP, I don't know if this would help, or even work, but for children they have a strap that goes between their legs and the seatbelt threads through it. If it could work for an adult, maybe that would provide some added security?
At first I was a bit startled by how high we went up, we were on the second tier seating.

I remember watching the people's feet dangle above our heads and thought dear lord they're even higher! I didn't look down and I just held on to the handles (I prepared by holding on before it started) but really after 30 seconds I was so emersed in the ride I forgot about it and even let go of the handles. My DH was a little more startled he didn't hold on to anything and made a desperate dash for the handles as we moved upwards. A lovely older lady noticed his fear and said, "we're going to be okay" :) Great ride! I'd definitely do it again, we haven't been on Soarin' Around the World yet.


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