The Summer Games of the XXXII Olympiad

congrats to Fiji on their rugby 7s gold.

I had to look up the story of the swimmer for Hong Kong with the very Irish name. Siobhan Haughey. Interesting.

We Canadians don't have nearly the medal count of other countries but I do find it interesting? fun? that all of them so far for us have been won by women! Strange? I guess it's still early in the games, and I am sure the men will win some eventually :)
maybe hope for track & field?
Yes and I agree with you on the changes. And many years ago, you also had "school figures" added into the mix. If anything, judging was weighted too much the other way -- in favor of precision, rather than either artistry or athleticism.

I suspect it will evolve into a more even balance than we have right now, but right now it is definitely skewed in favor of athleticism.

But today's skaters are so much better in the artistry as well. There is just no comparison.

I mentioned that earlier. But it wasn’t just that they did figures, but even when it was technically just weighted as 30% of the final result, the judges’ points didn’t really matter. They had to be ranked. When someone finished 7th in figures in 1984, finishing first in everything else wasn’t enough to come away with a gold medal. There was no concept of being "close". 7th was 7th.

And I certainly remember seeing some puff pieces on figures. The judges were standing there looking at the competitors.

Yay for Suni!! I am beyond thrilled for her!

Man, I missed it! I had to leave for work, and was thinking she was a lock for Silver - but, wow, nice job! Her floor must've been extra special. I'll have to catch the highlights.
Man, I missed it! I had to leave for work, and was thinking she was a lock for Silver - but, wow, nice job! Her floor must've been extra special. I'll have to catch the highlights.

She did amazing...but Rebeca Andrade went out of bounds twice on her floor routine which knocked her down to silver.

Just watched the medal ceremony and they showed a sloe up of Suni's hands - she has long nails. I don't know how she can do gymnastics with those nails!
Nice! I'll catch the replay tonight. I do like the live-stream coverage better though - the commentators are better, though they don't have the standings graphics. It's nice that they can do this now, with live coverage over streaming.
She did amazing...but Rebeca Andrade went out of bounds twice on her floor routine which knocked her down to silver.

Just watched the medal ceremony and they showed a sloe up of Suni's hands - she has long nails. I don't know how she can do gymnastics with those nails!
I think you could hear her saying she broke a nail after she finished the uneven bars during the team competition. Ha ha
Wow, there is a lot to unpack here. Where to start?

First, she didn’t quit. Mental health doesn’t work on a timetable. It’s not because she did poorly on the vault. She did poorly on the vault BECAUSE of her mental health. Twisties are a real thing and multiple gymnasts have come out over the last few days explaining how scary & dangerous it is. You’d be wise to listen to one of them. In summary, continuing and having one misstep could have resulted in grave injury or death. Which makes your football analogy ridiculous. Tom Brady missing a pass results in an incompletion. Her missing an element could lead to her death. And she’s not a quitter - she has competed with a kidney stone, broken toes, achilles problems. She wisely understood this wasn’t something she could just push through.

Second, understand the immense pressure she was under. Not only was she carrying the weight of this team, she is the lone member who suffered the abuse of US Gymnastics. And this was her first time back at an Olympics without her abusers. Repressed trauma is very real. Go back and look at the video of Keri Strug’s vault. Not only did they not need it to win gold, she asked not to do it again and was told she had to. She was then handed off to the team doctor, the one who sexually abused them. And it ended her career at 18. None of the other girls have any of that going on, so you can’t compare them. That said, if any of them needed to walk away, I’d applaud them too.

Lastly, she did it FOR the team. Even if she had put her own health aside and pushed through, she likely would have tanked it for them and they’d be walking away without medals. And they wouldn’t have placed higher than they did with an alternate. But you should be happy, she’s pulled out of the AA and Jade will take her place. So using your analogy, if a QB said “hey team, I’m suffering some blindness” your answer would be “it’s ok, go ahead and keep going”? Doubtful. You’d want them replaced with somebody who could see where to throw it. Twisties means she couldn’t tell spacial awareness. So you expected her to do flips, twists and blind dismounts when she couldn’t tell where the floor was?

You should really do some research on gymnastics and then on mental health. And know it’s ALWAYS ok to put your mental health first. That’s the lesson we should be teaching our kids.

This is from a former gymnast. Definitely worth the read.
View attachment 592879
It's been mentioned in several aritcles like this one:

Kind of reminds me of the movie Tin Cup. The protagonist just qualified for the US Open and is hitting balls for fun but can't seem to hit a single one straight. He continues doing this even at driving range practice at the tournament until he somehow gets over the mental block.

But yeah it's a mental block. And some gymnasts have been severely injured when they suddenly couldn't do something they could do easily the week before.
It's been mentioned in several aritcles like this one:

Kind of reminds me of the movie Tin Cup. The protagonist just qualified for the US Open and is hitting balls for fun but can't seem to hit a single one straight. He continues doing this even at driving range practice at the tournament until he somehow gets over the mental block.

But yeah it's a mental block. And some gymnasts have been severely injured when they suddenly couldn't do something they could do easily the week before.
One of my best friends got the twisties and got “lost” on a routine backflip, training at the elite level. She ended up breaking her back. It’s really serious & it’s really dangerous.

Anybody who doesn’t understand it should really do some research about it. That article you posted is an excellent start.
One of my best friends got the twisties and got “lost” on a routine backflip, training at the elite level. She ended up breaking her back. It’s really serious & it’s really dangerous.

Anybody who doesn’t understand it should really do some research about it. That article you posted is an excellent start.
One of my DD's figure skating coaches was Adrian Schultheiss, a Swedish Olympic and Worlds skater. He finished 15th overall in men's singles at Vancouver, and was the first Swedish skater to land a quadruple jump in competition. Adrian eventually had to quit competitive skating because he broke his back. He had back surgery twice and never recovered enough to be competitive.
How are people watching this live? On Youtube TV I can never find the live feed for gymnastics.

I watched it via this link this morning.
Unfortunately the event finals all start at 3am central time on Sunday.

I watched the last 2 rotations of the all around this morning. I thought Rebecca was going to win. Suni did great! I think she was taken by surprise that she won.
I have my youtube TV to record all Olympic events but for some reason it skips over the morning gymnastics and I have to wait for the night time one.
I have my youtube TV to record all Olympic events but for some reason it skips over the morning gymnastics and I have to wait for the night time one.

That's because the morning Gynmastics isn't shown on TV - it's streaming only on Peacock (free version) or the NBC Sports app.
China and Japan lead the gold medal race at 15 each while the USA is currently third with 14 golds. I’m hoping the the USA can retake the lead tonight. I also hope we win in fencing and canoeing tonight since we keep getting close but rarely win consistently. :-)


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