The What's For Dinner Thread - Aug '10 (recipe index in OP)

Good Morning! Quick fly by...BBL. I am feeling a bit better...Monday night and yesterday were pretty bad but my doc called in a script for antibiotic and the sudafed and tylenol are working. I am also doing nose spray but I hate that stuff.

Dinner last night was left overs and tonight is meatloaf, potatoes and some sort of veggie.

Have a great day. BBL to catch up. I am trying to get a bit done since my 2 sisters are coming for their first visit this weekend! :cool1:
Good news! You might remember a few weeks back I was waiting to hear about a job interview and nervous about calling to follow up, you may also remember I eventually found out I did not get that job.

Well.... they called back and said there was a new opening and asked if I was still available and would consider it! Turns out this job is at a branch location (public library) even closer to my house and I will be able to walk to work! :banana: It was hard to inform my current employer but she has taken it well and we have set an end date two weeks out. There will be a slight overlap of jobs but it will be doable.

I am really excited.:yay:

Now, got to run to work a few hours at old job then hit the grocery store. No idea WFDT yet. That chicken salad photo looks pretty tasty to me!!

Congratulations :woohoo: This is a win win, great job and close to home.
Good news! You might remember a few weeks back I was waiting to hear about a job interview and nervous about calling to follow up, you may also remember I eventually found out I did not get that job.

Well.... they called back and said there was a new opening and asked if I was still available and would consider it! Turns out this job is at a branch location (public library) even closer to my house and I will be able to walk to work! :banana: It was hard to inform my current employer but she has taken it well and we have set an end date two weeks out. There will be a slight overlap of jobs but it will be doable.

I am really excited.:yay:

Now, got to run to work a few hours at old job then hit the grocery store. No idea WFDT yet. That chicken salad photo looks pretty tasty to me!!

This is fantastic news!!!! What will your new job be, if you don't mind me asking? I've been taking classes to finish my Master's in Library Science. I'd love to work in a library when Timothy is old enough to go to school!

I'm glad your old boss is taking the news well!!!
Lauren - I hope the antibiotics work fast! You want to be top notch for your sister's visit!!! How fun that they are coming to see you!! I hope you have a great time with them.

Thanks for all the congrats for Katie. She really is very happy. She told me she was really glad that she only placed second, as that will give her a goal to work to for State. She really got a shot of self-esteem from yesterday's events! I'm also really proud of her for just brushing off the attitude from her "friends." She told me that her "real" friends couldn't come to history fair because they weren't in the class, but she had a lot of them call, text and FB her last night with their congrats! I'm glad she's got some really good friends. A teen needs them!

Not sure what's for dinner. Katie and I have a mother/daughter evening at the church, but they won't be serving dinner. I'll have to come up with something for tonight that will be fast and easy. I'm thinking soup and sandwiches, since it's supposed to start raining any time now.
Thanks for the good thoughts for my little guy. Zachy was up for a few hours overnight until we could get his cough settled and was pale and coughing today but no fever. He didn't have school but more or less went about his day as usual. He asked to go out to lunch but didn't eat anything including dessert. Tomorrow he does have school so I'll have to see what the night/morning brings and go from there. Its pajama day and I know he's going to be so sad if he can;t go.

Poor little guy :sick: Hoping today was a good pajama day for him!

Thanks for all the good wishes! Katie placed second in her division, which means she advances to the State competition! She has a month to rework her documentary and process paper for that competition.


Good for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well.... they called back and said there was a new opening and asked if I was still available and would consider it! Turns out this job is at a branch location (public library) even closer to my house and I will be able to walk to work! :banana: It was hard to inform my current employer but she has taken it well and we have set an end date two weeks out. There will be a slight overlap of jobs but it will be doable.


I am so happy for you!

Lauren- how are you feeling today?

Vicky- I remember that even Dan was a pokey guy back when. Buddy used to think that Donny would go backwards if he moved any slower :rotfl:

Dinner is not going to be Greek Chicken and potaotes :rolleyes1 I loved it but Buddy was not a fan................another Buddyism..........lemon as no business in chicken and potatoes :confused3

I am going to cook chicken again but it will be a chicken adn veggie stirfry thing. I am trying to get back on a healthy diet and today is teh first day I made it this far without caving so I am going to see if I get to dinner. I have salad too.
Good news! You might remember a few weeks back I was waiting to hear about a job interview and nervous about calling to follow up, you may also remember I eventually found out I did not get that job.

Well.... they called back and said there was a new opening and asked if I was still available and would consider it! Turns out this job is at a branch location (public library) even closer to my house and I will be able to walk to work! :banana: It was hard to inform my current employer but she has taken it well and we have set an end date two weeks out. There will be a slight overlap of jobs but it will be doable.


Glynis, I'm so impressed by Katie's maturity in handling the fairweather friends. She should be very proud of herself!

Michelle, hope Zachy is better today :goodvibes How is your finger? Did you say how much longer you'd have it in a splint/cast and unusable? A friend of mine seperated his dogs who were fighting over the weekend and while he got bite many times in the process, they got his finger GOOD and they think there is ligament damage. Since it's his middle finger, he's now flipping everyone off with it in a splint :rotfl: He said how hard it was to do anything without that finger operable and I immediately thought of you. Hope the end of recovery is near for you :hug:

Lauren, hope the drugs work fast! How fun to have your sisters here!!

I got to see my sister, albeit briefly, on Monday. And the most important person - my niece :lovestruc She's 9 months old and is at that cute stage. I also saw my mother in the process (first time since...) and things were normal. Well, as normal as she ever is :laughing:

Since it's spring break, I took today off - including tonight - which is SO rare. I'm going to make General Tso Chicken from a blog I read.
Hi All, I am feeling a bit better. Would really like to lay down and rest but Thomas does not want to nap today. He is quiet in the play pen so that will have to do today.

Tomorrow he does have school so I'll have to see what the night/morning brings and go from there. Its pajama day and I know he's going to be so sad if he can;t go.

I hope he felt well enough to go to school for pajama day~!

Thanks for all the good wishes! Katie placed second in her division, which means she advances to the State competition! !

Vickie So far I've seen only 2 speeds in Mr A slow and asleep. He is not from this planet. He can make molasses seem fast. :rolleyes1

I have one of those!

Good news! I am really excited.:yay:


Vickie – I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to have you back with us.:hug: Matty is a normal young boy. It was the same with Kyle when it came to school & homework. No need to worry Mom. Kyle is doing good.

I cant wait until Andrew is not normal! :rotfl: I am glad Kyle is enjoying UNO and baseball...all will fall into place with him playing more. Does that make sense? You know what I mean! I love the pic of him in his uniform on FB!

I am trying to get back on a healthy diet and today is teh first day I made it this far without caving so I am going to see if I get to dinner. I have salad too.

I really need to get back on track. I am always hungry and picking lately.

I got to see my sister, albeit briefly, on Monday. And the most important person - my niece :lovestruc She's 9 months old and is at that cute stage. I also saw my mother in the process (first time since...) and things were normal. Well, as normal as she ever is :laughing:

Since it's spring break, I took today off - including tonight - which is SO rare. I'm going to make General Tso Chicken from a blog I read.

That age is a great age! I am glad you got to see everyone...and glad that things were "normal" with mom. I cant wait to hear how the General Tso's comes out. We love that!


I hope eveyone has a great night!
Afternoon everyone!!

My computer problems are fixed . . . hopefully. At least now I know how to fix it - if it happens again. It is just so darn frustrating, to say the least.

Vic ~ Yea for the new job. Good for you. I hope it is a great fit.

Glynis ~ I am so proud of Katie. Good for her!! Now onward to State!!

Lauren ~ I hope you start feeling better, you have some serious fun to do.

Michelle ~ how is Zachy feeling today? I so hope he got to go to PJ day.

Aimee ~ great news that you got to see your princess. I just love that age.

Nan ~ good luck with the chicken tonight. Life in your house is good for my mood lady!!

Vickie ~ I agree with the others. Boys just seem to be a little bit slow in the motivation department. He will "get" it eventually. To this day Matthew gets great grades - no complaints at all - but I know he could do better. He says, "Why bust my butt for all A's, all I need to do is pass." I guess I can't argue with that, when he does pull a 3.75 GPA. It will be ok my friend. You have done good with him and he will be just fine - PATIENCE!!!

Tonight is our Lenten services and I am doing a drama/reading. Should be fun. They are having sloppy joes for dinner - yuck!! So Doug and I are eating at home before services.

WFDT ~ grilled chicken sandwiches, sweet potato fries and a pasta salad.

Make it a great day everyone!!
Thanks for all the thoughts for Zachy. He seems to be feeling better but still isn't eating at all and pale and coughing. I did decide to keep him home today since he wasn't eating. He was disappointed but we had our own PJ day at home. We also did the same craft project he would have done at school and baked rainbow cupcakes for St. Patrick's day tomorrow.

Aimee- I just got into a half splint that protects my fingertip and nail. Before that it was a full splint and before that the whole hand. It should be about another 2 weeks before I have nothing on it. The problem is the nail is split in half so its so tender with any pressure or contact. The bone is pretty much healed. Thanks for asking. And it is my middle finger too and I do have to say its been quite therapeutic to be able to flip people off these last few weeks:rotfl2:

Nancy- I have the same lemon issue at my house. I love lemon anything and Mike thinks is belongs in lemonade only.

Glynis- so proud of Katie and what a great example of good sportsmanship from the other competitors. I'm sorry her friends were a disappointment.

Vic- great news! Being able to walk to work would be a major plus for me.

Janice- I'm also suffering from the time change. I honestly have felt like I have had mono all week. Nothing is getting done here.

Dinner tonight is out with a girlfriend. We're thinking Mexican and margaritas right now. Of course since its raining and I've been celebrating PJ day all day my motivation to go out is zero.
And it is my middle finger too and I do have to say its been quite therapeutic to be able to flip people off these last few weeks:rotfl2:

Dinner tonight is out with a girlfriend. We're thinking Mexican and margaritas right now. Of course since its raining and I've been celebrating PJ day all day my motivation to go out is zero.

:lmao: Get motivated and enjoy your night out girl!!! Hoping Zachy gets well soon.:hug:

Lauren – I’m glad to hear you are on an antibiotic, you need to feel better for the weekend! Yes, you made sense about Kyle and his playing time and you’re right! I love his new baseball pic too, he finally smiled!!!!!

Aimee – I’m glad things were “normal” with Mom and that you got to see your niece.:cloud9:

Just a head's up, I'll be setting us up in a new home soon as this thread is nearing the max. I'm not sure when I'll have time to do it but I will post a link here.

I'd also like to ask for prayers for Gretchen, she has had a really rough time the past month or so. I'm not sure what details I am allowed to give, so for now, please keep her in your prayers.
Kathy Thanks for letting us know. I have been thinking about her lately. Prayers going out to Gretchen.
Dinner is not going to be Greek Chicken and potaotes :rolleyes1 I loved it but Buddy was not a fan................another Buddyism..........lemon as no business in chicken and potatoes :confused3

Well that sounds pretty darn good to me.. Yummy!

Just a head's up, I'll be setting us up in a new home soon as this thread is nearing the max. I'm not sure when I'll have time to do it but I will post a link here.

Thanks for the heads up.

Just back from grocery store so WFDT = steak kebobs, rice, peaches and bakery rolls. It is sunny and 50 so I think we will grill. All the snow on my patio is finally melted! :thumbsup2
This time change is kicking my butt, I am soo tired.

Me too. It was dark and rainy today, so I had to resist crawling into bed all day. I knew it would only make things worse if I did though.

Vic -- That is great news about the job!

Lauren -- Feel better and enjoy your visit with your sisters!

Glynis -- Katie has a great attitude. I'm glad she has good friends who support her. Have fun tonight.

lemon as no business in chicken and potatoes
:laughing: Buddy is funny. I love lemon chicken. The kids...not so much.

Aimee -- I'm glad you got to visit with your niece. That is a great age.

Ellen -- I"m glad your computer is fixed.

Michelle -- I hope Zachy feels better tomorrow. You are a good mom to have your own pajama day. I hope you did go deserve it!

Kathy -- Thanks for letting us know about Gretchen. She is in my prayers. I have missed her.

Today was skate sharpening day, so I stopped at the cheese shop for some brie. Dinner was salad, baguette and brie. Easy and yummy.
I am feeling a bit better

Im glad your feelin better,have fun with yer sisters.

I got to see my sister, albeit briefly, on Monday. And the most important person - my niece :lovestruc She's 9 months old and is at that cute stage. I also saw my mother in the process (first time since...) and things were normal. Well, as normal as she ever is :laughing:

aww....thats cool you got to see them.
Your mammy situation rings so many bells for me,I have excepted that our relationship is what it is.
Families huh.....cant live with them,cant kill them !! :laughing:

:I'd also like to ask for prayers for Gretchen, she has had a really rough time the past month or so..

Thanks for lettin us know Kat,sendin good vibes ower the water to Gretchen and her family.

Readin your posts about your boys has simmered me down a wee bit.
I think I just get stressed because I screwed up my education big time( no suprises there eh !! ) and ended up sellin book cases for a livin and I dont want that for ma boy.

No pressure ma Boy but I expect a Masters at the very least.....

And Bethany...... A- in the Scots tongue paper.:thumbsup2
You sharpin skates with Brie....who knew !! :confused:



Today was sunny and warm I wish it would stick around. I grilled burgers and had a salad with it.

Lauren glad you are starting to feel better:hug: have tons of fun with your sisters.

Michele I hope you have a great night out. I would love a pj day.

I think I was just missing the sun. I went out at lunch today I feel so much better.
Aimee- I just got into a half splint that protects my fingertip and nail. Before that it was a full splint and before that the whole hand. It should be about another 2 weeks before I have nothing on it. The problem is the nail is split in half so its so tender with any pressure or contact. The bone is pretty much healed. Thanks for asking. And it is my middle finger too and I do have to say its been quite therapeutic to be able to flip people off these last few weeks:rotfl2:

:eek: on the nail! I should wear a splint on my middle finger on occasion... just when I'm having one of those days. You should keep yours around for future therapy! :laughing:

Sorry Zachy still isn't back to normal; think maybe it's allergy due to changing seasons?.

I'd also like to ask for prayers for Gretchen, she has had a really rough time the past month or so. I'm not sure what details I am allowed to give, so for now, please keep her in your prayers.

I've missed her!

aww....thats cool you got to see them.
Your mammy situation rings so many bells for me,I have excepted that our relationship is what it is.
Families huh.....cant live with them,cant kill them !! :laughing:

These were both hits! The wonton recipe isn't really a recipe, I just threw it together using ingredients I had leftover but it was crazy easy and tasted just like the ones at restaurants! For the chicken recipe, I couldn't get the batter to work right so I just made my own batter without the marinade.

Cream Cheese Wontons
1 package of cream cheese, softened (the whipped kind is easier to mix!)
1/2 package wonton wrappers (not eggroll wrappers)
1-2 tablespoons chopped green onions (just eyeball it!)
1 teaspoon paprika (just eyeball it!)
Vegetable oil, for frying
Water, to seal

Mix the cream cheese, green onions, and paprika together in a small bowl. Pour some water in a small dipping bowl and put near your workspace. Spoon about a teaspoon of the cream cheese mixture in the center of each wrapper and, using your finger, run a little bit of water along each edge. Fold over to create a triangle and seal.

Heat oil on med-high until about 350 degrees. Fry the wontons in batches, turning once, until browned on both side. Drain on a paper towel lined plate.

Serve hot.

General Tso's Chicken
1/2 cup hoisin sauce
1/4 cup white vinegar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 1/2 cups water
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (about 1 1/2 pounds)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes (I subbed cayenne instead - gave a subtle kick)

Coating & frying:
3 large egg whites
1 1/2 cups cornstarch
1/2 cup unbleached all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
4 cups vegetable oil
1-2 green onions, thinly sliced on a bias for garnish

Prep the chicken breasts by cutting them into 1 inch pieces.

To make the marinade & sauce, whisk the hoisin, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, and water in a bowl. Of this mixture, place 6 tablespoons into a zip lock storage bag and add the chicken; seal and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Set aside the remaining marinade in the bowl.

While the chicken is chilling in the marinade, heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat until shimmering. Sauté the garlic, ginger and red pepper flakes until fragrant. Add 2 cups of the hoisin marinade to the skillet and simmer, whisking constantly, until the mixture is dark brown and thickened. Remove from heat, cover and keep the sauce warm.

To prepare the chicken coating and frying, whisk the egg whites in a shallow dish until foamy; set aside. Combine the cornstarch, flour, baking soda, and remaining hoisin marinade in a second shallow dish; mix until it resembles coarse meal. (this is the step that did not work out for me!)

Remove the chicken from the refrigerator and from the marinade. Pat the marinated chicken dry with paper towels. Toss half the chicken into the foamy egg whites until well coated, then dredge the chicken in the cornstarch mmixture, pressing to adhere. Transfer the coated chicken to a plate and repeat with the remaining chicken.

Heat the oil in a Dutch oven over medium high heat until the oil registers 350 degrees. Fry half the chicken until golden brown, about 3 minutes, turning each piece halfway through cooking. Transfer the cooked chicken onto a paper towel lined plate to drain. Return the oil to 350 degrees before frying again. Repeat with the remaining chicken.

Warm the sauce over medium heat until simmering. Place the sauce in a large bowl and add the fried chicken pieces. Toss to coat and serve.
Gretchen would appreciate prayers for Paige, Hailey's physical therapist. She lost her mother in a tragic car accident. She is an only child and her parents were divorced. Kenny's family has had some serious illness issues so Gretchen has had her hands full.

WFD - Chicken in lime butter, rice pilaf and a salad.
Gretchen, I am adding Paige to my prayers. I am adding you too :grouphug: We miss you and love you, and are all praying for you to have strength to make it through whatever challenges you are having.

Sorry I havent been commenting, but I have been keeping up. Happy St. Patrick's Day!! It is supposed to be 65 today and hopefully that will help get me out of my winter funk :upsidedow I have to say that today is the first day I feel "good" after getting the flu last wednesday.

Have a great day everyone!


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