The What's For Dinner Thread - Aug '10 (recipe index in OP)

Michelle, I hope Zachy is feeling better today!
Marisa and Lauren, I am glad to hear that you are both feeling better.
Vic, congratulations on the new job! I would love to be able to walk to work.

Prayers for Gretchen and for Paige.

Aimee, those wontons sound kind of like a popular appetizer in Chinese restaurants around here-crab rangoons. Very similiar to your recipe but with crabmeat added to the cream cheese.

Dinner last night was BBQ turkey burger sliders. Does anyone here besides me eat turkey burgers? If so I will post the recipe. It was super easy--five ingredients--and good. I have a pic to post later.

WFD: Irish breakfast.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! :shamrock:
Happy St. Patrick's Day! :shamrock:

You sharpin skates with Brie....who knew !! :confused:

I think I was just missing the sun. I went out at lunch today I feel so much better.

It is sunny here today, and I feel so much better too. It's the first day I feel like I've adjusted to the time change.

Glynis -- I forgot to mention yesterday that I didn't know you were working toward your Master's. Good luck and good for you!

Prayers for Gretchen and Paige. Thanks for keeping us informed, Kat.

Marisa -- I'm glad you're feeling better. There has been a lot of nasty stuff going around lately.

Dinner tonight is clam chowder.
Kathy- Thank you for letting us know about Gretchen. Of course she will me in my thoughts along with Paige. I know her aids are like family, and they have all been through way to much together. Gretchen's strength continues to amaze me.

Aimee- I am definatly going to try the chicken! The pictures on your blog look awsome. It's too bad you don't have time to cook more often, everything you make looks so tasty.

Janice- I'm glad you were able to get some sunshine, it makes a huge difference. I have been able to have lunch in my sunporch a couple of times (and maybe a little catnap) and it's been wonderful.

Laura- Thanks for the allergy pill info, I didn't know the different brands worked differently- I thought just the names were different. I feel bad because I really can't relate to her on this one.

Michelle- Hope you had a good night out with your friend!

Lauren- I'm glad your getting to visit with your sisters.

Vic- Congratulations on the job! I know around here library jobs are hard to come by, you must be so excited.

Tonight we are having corned beef, potato soup, and some veg. I wanted to make a guiness stew, but I couldn't pass up the sale on corned beef. Have a great day all!
Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

Gretchen - Prayers are winging their way toward you and Paige. I'm so sorry that you are dealing with a whole lot of yuck, right now! Hold on, sweetie!

Kathy - Thanks for keeping us posted with what you can! You really do hold us together! I'm so glad that Kyle is feeling happier! That's really all you can ask for, as a parent!

Marisa - That flu was nasty to you!!! I hope it's decided to move on!

Aimee - Love those recipes!!! Those wontons are my favorite things, and I may just have to try them, now!

Becky - We love turkey burgers! I'd love the recipe!!!

Laura - I've been working for my Master's on and off for the last 3 years. I take a class here and there when I have the money/time to do it. I only have 2 classes left and I'm really hoping I can get them done soon, so I can apply for jobs when Timothy hits school age. Ideally, I'd love to work in a school library, just for the convenience of being home when my kids are.

Dinner tonight is corned beef brisket and cabbage, mashed potatoes, and Irish soda bread! My kids look forward to this meal all year long!!! Yay!!!
I just realized I haven't seen a post from Sheryl in a few days. Anyone know how they are doing? Are they home from Disney? Hope they had a wonderful time, and I hope Angelina did well with them gone!
I just realized I haven't seen a post from Sheryl in a few days. Anyone know how they are doing? Are they home from Disney? Hope they had a wonderful time, and I hope Angelina did well with them gone!
I haven't spoken with her but I have been exchanging e-mails with Bob. They are home and had a great trip.
Just popping in for a minute

Gretchen- sending prayers hugs and love your way. Paige and her family is in my heart today

Vicky- just a little more..............Donny is brilliant. Really. If you could have been there through school you would have just kicked him. He was bored to tears, hated the subjects and could not see why he needed them. Don't give have a way of managing despite themselves. Donny is now creating huge databases for a large communications company and is highly respected in his field. Buddy never thought he would manage to survive but there you go :thumbsup2
Becky- I make turkey burgers once in a while. I usually just take a pound of ground turkey and grate an onion into the mix, add some montreal chicken seasoning, divide into 4 equal portions and toss in the pan. i don't grill them because all of the burgers I make fall apart.

I missed Sheryl!

Glynis-keep working on that degree! Are there any tax incentives that apply to you as a stay at home mom going to work?

Last night I made a chicken stir fry with brown rice and salad.

Tonight is a bulgar wheat casserole, corn, beets and a salad. Buddy had meat last Friday at that dinner he went to, there was no non meat alternative and he has been feeling guilty since. Even though he barely ate and had bread and jelly (yes, this was penance for him) he still feels bad. So I told him I would make a meal he detested :rotfl2:and here it is!

CMARTIN- Hi tthere!
Aimee, those wontons sound kind of like a popular appetizer in Chinese restaurants around here-crab rangoons. Very similiar to your recipe but with crabmeat added to the cream cheese.

Yeah, I love the ones with crab! Panda Express (chinese fast food chain) have just plain cream cheese ones but other restaurants typically have crab mixed in too.

Sometimes they are folded up on all sides but I didn't want to have to pour that much oil in my fryer to cover them all the way so I just did a triangle :laughing:

Aimee- I am definatly going to try the chicken! The pictures on your blog look awsome. It's too bad you don't have time to cook more often, everything you make looks so tasty.

you are definitely too kind because my pictures are awful! I'm getting better, for sure, but they are never going to be great. I need to hire a Liam Sister to cook AND snap pics for me! :laughing:

Prayers for Gretchen and Paige. Their plates are overflowing right now, it seems.

I think we're going out tonight - DH is OOT all weekend and I don't want to grocery shop and mealplan for just me.
today i made egg fried rice a chinese dish i really love it....:cool1:

Welcome!! And would you please share - this is one of Matthew's favorites and I don't know the first thing of how to make it.

Gretchen ~ Oh sweetie, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I wish I could do more.

Michelle ~ how is Zachy feeling today? Better I hope

Laura ~ You dinner of bread and brie sounds wonderful. I am so jealous of your cheese shop.

Vickie ~ hey sweetie, I hope your day is going good.

Janice ~ I am so glad to know you are feeling better. Thank goodness!!

Kat ~ Thanks so much for taking such good care of all of us. You truly are the glue that keeps us all together. You are the BEST!!

Sheryl ~ Welcome home. I can't wait to hear how the trip was.

Aimee ~ Those won ton's look easy enough for even me to try. Hummm....I might just have to do that.

Risa ~ Sweetie I am so glad you are feeling better. There really have been some nasty things going around.

Becky ~ I would love your turkey burger recipe. I am still waiting on the tomato tart. I really want a new stove. ;) :lmao:

Robin ~ I am SO jealous of your sun porch. I want one so bad but just can't figure out how to do it on this old farm house.

Glynis ~ I am so proud of you. I never went to college. Doug and I were married right out of high school and then the babies came. I have NEVER regreted it, but I just think it is so neat of you going back to school and getting your Master's. You GO girl.

Nan ~ LOL I love you!! I used to feel sorry for Buddy - now I just shake my head. That man doesn't stand a chance - and he doesn't even know it!! :rotfl2:

WFDT ~ We are going out to our favorite Pub, for green beer and corned beef and cabbage. I can't wait!!

Make it a great day my friends.
Thanks for all the well wishes on the new job. :goodvibes I am working 2 more weeks at the old job, my boss finally was willing to speak to me about it today. I know she is hurt I am leaving (I am the only non-family member who works in this business) but I won't be guilted into staying. Hopefully we will part on ok terms.

Not doing much for St. Patrick's Day except for the "wearing -o- the green". We don't like corn beef and cabbage so I'm making chicken noodle casserole, cooked carrots, corn muffins and in a nod to the day green grapes- ha ha!

Happy Green Beer Day everyone!:drinking1:shamrock:
Gretchen- prayers for your family and Paige's. I'm holding both of you close today.

Kathy- as always thanks for updating us on our family members. You really do hold us all together.

Marisa- I'm glad you're feeling better. Its been a brutal winter sickness-wise and it feeling bad physically certainly doesn't help with the funk. Wasn't today gorgeous though? Its hard not to be happy on these first springlike days.

Becky- We all love turkey burgers here so I would love to get that recipe.

Nancy- you had me cracking up that you made Buddy a meal he hates as penance.

Ellen- so jealous that you're going out tonight. I'm sitting this year out. After a few too many margaritas last night I don't think green beer is in the cards for me tonight. But its always such a fun night... enjoy!

Zachy thankfully woke up much better today. I knew it once he took down 8 green pancakes for breakfast. He even made it to taekwando this afternoon. The master made all of the parents come in and do the class with the kids today which they loved but we weren't warned about. I was wearing loose pants that were on the verge of falling down the whole time. I think the moon shined in there a few times. Also that's my quiet reading time normally. But it was fun and quite the workout too.

Dinner last night was great. I had a few coconut-raspberry margaritas, homemade guacamole, veggie burrito, and chocolate spring rolls with fried ice cream for dessert. Dinner tonight was corned beef, cabbage, soda bread, and rainbow cupcakes for dessert. And a glass of green milk for one of us.
OK, the turkey burger recipe is ridiculous easy. It was in this month's Food and Wine in an article about Gwenyth Paltrow and how she has a cookbook out. This is her recipe, haha:

1 lb. turkey meat, ground
1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp "sweet and smoky" bbq sauce (I used sweet baby rays...left in the fridge from last grilling season!)
salt and pepper to taste
optional: cheese, pickled jalepenos, lettuce, tomato, etc.

Mix the 1/4 c. bbq sauce into the turkey meat and add salt and pepper to taste. Shape into patties. I got eight patties for sliders. I think you'd get four regular burgers. Cook in a lightly oiled grill pan, turning once and basting with the extra bbq sauce, until just cooked through, about 8 minutes. Top with cheese and toppings to taste. Photo:

OK, the turkey burger recipe is ridiculous easy. It was in this month's Food and Wine in an article about Gwenyth Paltrow and how she has a cookbook out. This is her recipe, haha:

1 lb. turkey meat, ground
1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp "sweet and smoky" bbq sauce (I used sweet baby rays...left in the fridge from last grilling season!)
salt and pepper to taste
optional: cheese, pickled jalepenos, lettuce, tomato, etc.

Mix the 1/4 c. bbq sauce into the turkey meat and add salt and pepper to taste. Shape into patties. I got eight patties for sliders. I think you'd get four regular burgers. Cook in a lightly oiled grill pan, turning once and basting with the extra bbq sauce, until just cooked through, about 8 minutes. Top with cheese and toppings to taste. Photo:


Like she cooks! Ha Ha. Seriously these sound really good.

I thought I posted yesterday but it appears I didn't. We just had leftovers since it was a quick in and out last night. Though the boy was moving backwards when we finally got home. I think I am going to apply reserve psychology and tell him to take his time. :headache:

I'll be back later with something brilliant for dinner.
Nan ~ LOL I love you!! I used to feel sorry for Buddy - now I just shake my head. That man doesn't stand a chance - and he doesn't even know it!! :rotfl2:


Buddy was 39 when we married and all the guys thought he was a "guy's guy". We are still laughing because Donny said he is "domesticated but that he does not know it":rotfl2::rotfl2:Honestly, we all tease him and that is all I am doing here. I would never share on a message board if I ever meant any of this maliciously............but Holy Smokes! He goves us plenty of ammo!

Thanks for all the well wishes on the new job. :goodvibes I am working 2 more weeks at the old job, my boss finally was willing to speak to me about it today. I know she is hurt I am leaving (I am the only non-family member who works in this business) but I won't be guilted into staying. Hopefully we will part on ok terms.

I understand that your boss feels badly to lose you but really, she should be happy for you as well!

Nancy- you had me cracking up that you made Buddy a meal he hates as penance.

Zachy thankfully woke up much better today. I knew it once he took down 8 green pancakes for breakfast. He even made it to taekwando this afternoon. The master made all of the parents come in and do the class with the kids today which they loved but we weren't warned about. I was wearing loose pants that were on the verge of falling down the whole time. I think the moon shined in there a few times. Also that's my quiet reading time normally. But it was fun and quite the workout too.

Dinner last night was great. I had a few coconut-raspberry margaritas, homemade guacamole, veggie burrito, and chocolate spring rolls with fried ice cream for dessert. Dinner tonight was corned beef, cabbage, soda bread, and rainbow cupcakes for dessert. And a glass of green milk for one of us.

Okay-------------I don't know where to begin! How about the margauritas adn chocolate spring rolls?!?!?!?? YUM!

Glad that little Zach is better, I hate hearing little ones are sick.

Buddy ate the casserole and he needs to get used to more of that, I am going on my diet and he is along for the ride!

OK, the turkey burger recipe is ridiculous easy. It was in this month's Food and Wine in an article about Gwenyth Paltrow and how she has a cookbook out. This is her recipe, haha:

This looks great!

Dinner is going to be easy, I am going to Marisa's for a candle party.................I hate them......................... so I need to make something that goes quick.
Like she cooks! Ha Ha. Seriously these sound really good.

Actually, she does! She was on a PBS series traveling with Mario Batali in Spain a couple of years ago, and she also has a cooking website. I've not checked it out yet, but they were talking about it in the Food and Wine article.

Here is a photo of last night's dinner. I made a full-on Irish breakfast excepting the potatoes (didn't have time for those) and the black and white puddings (ick!). I also had to use regular bacon instead of Irish bacon, because that is what I had on the house, and I was not going to the store! My Dad baked the soda bread that you see in the picture. I was mad because he only dropped off half a loaf at my house instead of a whole one. :mad: It was really good!

Good morning ladies!

No need to thank me for updating y'all on Gretchen, we're family! Our NOLA thread died here on the DIS and I will not let that happen here.

WFD - Going out after the baseball game. We're actually playing "away" games this weekend here in town against Tulane. So excited to get to watch the boys play!!!:cheer2:
Glynis -- That is great that you are so close to your degree. Good luck!

Nancy -- You made me laugh about Buddy's penance.

Michelle -- Your dinner out sounded delicious and fun! I am glad Zachy is feeling better.

My Dad baked the soda bread that you see in the picture. I was mad because he only dropped off half a loaf at my house instead of a whole one.

That's because Dad only made two and Caili took one. :laughing:

So excited to get to watch the boys play!!!:cheer2:

Have fun and good luck to Kyle and the team!

I'm making pizza tonight. We have a busy weekend, so I probably won't get back until Sunday night or Monday. Have a great weekend!
WFD is chicken breast couscous and snap peas.

I'll be back after my brain can remember what it was I was going to say. I just hate when I draw a blank.


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