The What's For Dinner Thread - March '10 (recipe index in OP)

:banana: :woohoo:WOOHOO!! I am a Dis Veteran:cool1: :woohoo:

I am so excited!! I finally reached 500 posts today and now feel like a big kid on the block. I just had to share as if any of you really care. :lmao::rotfl:

:lmao: Funny! Just shows that you don't waste nearly as much of your day as I do!
Nancy -- Your back to school party sounds great! I am sure Kady and her friends will have fun.

Joanne -- Congratulations to your daughter! That is quite an accomplishment. Your menu for her party sounded delicious.

Lauren -- Enjoy your vacation! Liam hates shopping too, even if it is to buy things for him. I'm sorry about your sister's loss.

I kind of think of those poor boys like the old dog in the yard chasing the cars that go by. He's giving a pretty good chase, but he wouldn't have any idea what to do with that car if he caught it. ;)
:laughing: I hope you like the way the brick looks better once it is done. I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions for the built-in.

Sheryl -- I hope things improve at school for Alexis. Prayers for you...I hope you feel better soon.

Ellen -- I hope Ethan had a good first day in 1st grade. That was a huge transition for Caili.

Kathy -- I don't know if it would work with Kyle's class schedule, but would he consider after-school care? I know a lot of families who are scrambling to find good reliable people to watch their children between the hours when school lets out and the parents get home from work. Around here, a licensed driver would get $15-$20/hour.

Glynis -- I'm sorry things are tough for your family right now. Money issues always make me feel down in the dumps as well. I hope you have a great time with your dad and family.

Maria -- I don't understand the bank's requirement at all. You and Greg continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Bethany -- I'm glad Annabelle is doing better. Good luck to your DH! It's a tough job market out there.

Marilyn -- I hope you're doing okay. A root canal is not a fun way to start the day.

I thought I had posted on here yesterday, but I guess I didn't. Dinner last night was pasta fresca and crispy fried eggplant rounds. I haven't figured out dinner tonight. Caili has a couple of her friends here, so I can't go to the store and I'm not really sure what I am going to be able to put together with what I have. It should be interesting.
Hi everyone been a while just been in the same funk everyone else has been in.:sad2:

Nancy Your party sounds wonderful. Hope everyone has fun. So sorry to hear about the crops that were lost.

Lauren glad your back hope your vacation goes well and you all have fun.

Sheryl prayers are on the way for you my friend no fun I know.

Ellen I hope Ethan had a great first day back and glad your back also. :banana::banana: On being a veteran.

Kathy Hope Kyle finds a good job soon. That is one area my boys have been very fortunate both (19&17) worked the summer away as my youngest said. Dont feel bad for him he's saved enough to buy a Camaro convertible.

Bethany I'm glad Annabelle is healing well. Hope your first day went well.

Maria I'm so sorry for all the hassels your having with egg donor. Your my idol repairing everthing :cheer2:

Aimee I hope your feeling some better. Thanks for the info on what the test will be like :hug: much appreciated my friend.

Becky love all the food porn looks awesome.

Laura :hug: to you all and your vacation looked like a blast glad it went well.

I'm having one of those :sad1: days . Gotta get better cause cant get much more worse. Thurs I start all the inservices for back to work. Not ready for that yet along with most of you.

:grouphug: to you all I promise I'll try to do better keeping up and posting I always read though and send prayers to those in need.
Gosh for some reason this morning when I read back I missed a bunch of posts. :confused3

Thanks everyone for the wise words about school and the teacher! :grouphug:

Kathy, I'm sorry that Kyle's having a hard time finding a job. Prayers that something comes through soon.:hug:

Lauri, Glad to see you here! :goodvibes So sorry you're having a rotten day & have down in the funk with me! :hug: I hope things get better soon!

Change of plans for this evening. A's Daddy got off work early & came take her home. She was in a good mood when I picked her up from school, but did say she had a lot of homework. So I'm changing dinner to that scallop, white bean, spinach dish.
Right now the worst part is where he jabbed me with the needle, my mouth is bruised. The numbness has worn off, thank goodness. Every time I would suck on a straw or laugh my nose felt like it was pulling to the left side of my face. :rotfl:
Just wanted to give everyone an update on dinner last night. It wound up being OK. I got there a little early and waited at the bar where I had half a glass of wine before he got there which helped take the edge off. I wound up ordering shepard's pie which was wasn't messy. I also took Aimee's advice and mostly picked at it. Truthfully the shirt I wore was a little more low cut than I realized and I wound up directly most of my energy to worrying about a wardrobe malfunction than how I was eating. Thanks for all the advice and good wishes my friends!

Marilyn- ouch! I hope you get relief soon.

Lauri- so sorry that the funk has been contagious. I hope it passes fast.

Ellen- sounds like Ethan's day was off to a good start. I love how he lost all of his desire to cry once he got permission.

Sheryl- please take care of yourself.

Maria- ***? Why do you need to spend money to qualify for a loan?

Lauren- so nice to "see" you here. Sorry about your family's loss.

Glynis- I know things will look up soon.

Sorry to all of you I missed. Busy day where we were out of the house almost all day. Tomorrow we're going back to the dentist so I hope it goes well for Zachy. Mike beat me home tonight and said he was torn between cooking a gourmet meal and getting some yard work done. We wound up having hotdogs and sweet potato fries so you can guess what he picked.
Maria- ***? Why do you need to spend money to qualify for a loan?

They feel we need to own more because the "eggs" are something that can't be "taken back" & that is a quote~

Hope everything goes well tomorrow at the dentist.

Glad last night was smooth.

Marilyn, hoping your feeling better tonight.

Sheryl, thinking of you & prayers being said.

Pest control was here again today......they are clueless about what the noise is.......

I have another UTI & have some pain.......I think my bladder has become the way I deal with stress.

Tonight I made a chopped salad & grilled tilapia.
Maria Did you ever read the book The Borrowers? maybe that is who is tap dancing in your attic or you have a tap dancing poltergeist ;) I confess I am totally baffled with the new loan thingy. But it is ok since I spend most of my day baffled in one way or another.:rolleyes1

Marilyn My endo shots me up soo much I think it is days before I feel my face. I hope you have a painfree night.

Sheryl I am sorry you are having soo much pain lately. :hug:

Michele I am glad last night went well. A wardrobe malfunction would not have been a good thing. :eek:

I have forgotten everything I wanted to say. I am taking myself to bed I will try again tomorrow.
Can I ask for some prayers for me. I'm really feeling funky. Last week was overall just a mess plus my neck & back flared up. Now since Sunday my knee is killing me. No reason for it, just started hurting again pretty bad. I'm taking rx anti-inflammatory hoping it will just go away. Next visit to the ortho will have him wanting to scope it & I'm not ready for that.

I'm sorry =( :hug:

:banana: :woohoo:WOOHOO!! I am a Dis Veteran:cool1: :woohoo:


I'm having one of those :sad1: days . Gotta get better cause cant get much more worse. Thurs I start all the inservices for back to work. Not ready for that yet along with most of you.

:grouphug: to you all I promise I'll try to do better keeping up and posting I always read though and send prayers to those in need.

Hope things improve soon :hug:

Just wanted to give everyone an update on dinner last night. It wound up being OK.

Glad it went okay! Shepherds pie is a great choice :thumbsup2

I have another UTI & have some pain.......I think my bladder has become the way I deal with stress.

Have you found ways to deal with your stress? Like, yoga, meditation, massages, drinking heavily (okay - that was a joke), painting, etc? I wonder if that would help offset the physical stress your body is showing. :hug:

Tonight went well (presentation to the church) and I was able to leave a bit earlier than normal. Picked up Mickey D's on the way home. I needed crack in a cup.
Hey all! Today went really well. Emma is all gung-ho about school, so I never worried about her. We dropped her off first and Matthew just hung onto me for dear life. I started getting really worried that it was going to be hard for him. But when we got to his class and his teacher he was fine. There was a bit of apprehension in his face; a class full of unfamiliar faces. but we didn't have any tears, from him or me. And his little smiling face at pickup was just what I needed! Such a big boy. As for emma she had a great day too!

Last night was leftovers and dinner tonight was out b/c we ended up getting a new computer tonight. we decided to give the ole heave ho to our desktop and now i'm trying to get used to a laptop. Fun!
Hey all! Today went really well. Emma is all gung-ho about school, so I never worried about her. We dropped her off first and Matthew just hung onto me for dear life. I started getting really worried that it was going to be hard for him. But when we got to his class and his teacher he was fine.

The pics on FB were adorable!

I confess I am totally baffled with the new loan thingy. But it is ok since I spend most of my day baffled in one way or another.:rolleyes1

They feel we need to own more because the "eggs" are something that can't be "taken back" & that is a quote~

It makes no sense to me :confused3

Just wanted to give everyone an update on dinner last night. It wound up being OK..

GOod! That cleavage thing is :headache: I bought new tops this year and they looked fine in the store. I am falling out of all of them! The other day Welby was making all kinds of gestures behind her MIL adn I thought seh was annoyed with her. Turns out she was trying to tell me that I was playing peek-a-boo in my new sundress. Ooooops! I was on my second glass of wine so I guess I didn't care :confused:

BBL! Thanks for the welcome off to shower and get out to go school shopping. A really doesnt want to go but he needs a few things.

I ma so glad you are back! I missed you!

Done with the root canal, that was fun! :headache:

Ethan got along just fine. About 45 minutes before they left for school he started fussing and Elizabeth told him that if he felt he needed to cry that he'd better do it now because there would be no crying at school. He looked at her and said, "I can cry now?" Elizabeth said, "yes" he said "oh". He never did, I guess she took all the thunder out of it. :rotfl2: So funny. By the time I got over there he was all smiles and ready to go. I can't believe he is starting 1st grade. Where does the time go?


You made my day with this story. So darn cute!

Ellen- I told Buddy what you said about the crops and his insurance, thakk you. The adjusters were out again yesterday and the damage is anout 50/50. One of the men has a big farm in the next town and he told me that the only way to save it is to cut it, cure it and bale it. Then sort it ourselves. One of our friends did this last year and all it gained him was giving his men work throughout the winter. We do not have that kind of obligations, our folks are tempory and family who we can strongarm into working, so after we went over the rough numbers, it makes no sense for us to cut.

The adjusters told me yesterday that they knew that Buddy was a responsible grower and was not an insurance grower. It was clear from the condition of his fields and the plants that he was not neglient. They also told me to give him two glasses of wine because "he was pretty worked up last week".

Can I ask for some prayers for me. I'm really feeling funky. Last week was overall just a mess plus my neck & back flared up. Now since Sunday my knee is killing me. No reason for it, just started hurting again pretty bad. I'm taking rx anti-inflammatory hoping it will just go away. Next visit to the ortho will have him wanting to scope it & I'm not ready for that.

I worry about you. I think the stress is causing a lot of this :hug:
:banana: :woohoo:WOOHOO!! I am a Dis Veteran:cool1: :woohoo:

I am so excited!! I finally reached 500 posts today and now feel like a big kid on the block. I just had to share as if any of you really care. :lmao::rotfl:


Hi everyone been a while just been in the same funk everyone else has been in.:sad2:

I'm having one of those :sad1: days . Gotta get better cause cant get much more worse. Thurs I start all the inservices for back to work. Not ready for that yet along with most of you.

:grouphug: to you all I promise I'll try to do better keeping up and posting I always read though and send prayers to those in need.

Please do not worry about posting, just take care of yourself and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers even when we do not "see" you.

Kat- I feel so badly for Kyle. The economy is really killing college kids, the jobs that they would normally be offered are just not there. Tell him not to give up, the right one will happen!
We have been eating even though I forget to post dinner a lot. :dance3:

Monday night we went to IHOP for Minion pancakes! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Buddy stayed home and ate wings adn tomatoes. WE told him he could stay home but he still needed to pay for dinner :thumbsup2

Tuesday night I forget what we ate.

Last night we had a mustard adn apricot glazed pork roast with a green salad and roasted sweet potato wedges. Corn adn asparagus. Left over dessert from saturday night. Our neighbor night got changed to last night so Mikey could go camoing today. Dinner was a confusion though but it was good. Nola snagged Buddy and entertained all of us and the company was a good distraction.

Tonight I am going to make a clam chowder from some fresh caohogs a neighbor gave us. I also will simmer the rest og my beef in gravy with mashed potatoes and some tomatoes.
Ellen -

Just popping in a picture of dinner last night, BBL to catch up. Spicy Southwestern Chicken Salad:

Just a heads up in case I am unable to post daily, I plan on starting our new thread sometime in the next few days and will post a link here.
Happy Birthday Ellen!

I wanted to say to Aimee that I LOVED the tortillas! They were easy to make and tasted great! We used them as wraps for the salad I showed a picture of above. Thanks for posting that recipe.

Sheryl and Maria, I hope you both get out of your funks soon.


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