The What's For Dinner Thread - March '10 (recipe index in OP)

Girls, I need a favor.

Matthew came home from school last year a bit heavier than he liked. Doug and I have really been changing our eating habits - I have lost almost 25 pounds - and Matthew ate what we ate and really slimmed down also.

Matthew is in his own apartment this year and has been asking me for some easy & healthy meals he can cook. He really can't afford to eat out and it really isn't that healthy. I have started a cook book, so to speak, for him with things I feel he can do. They have to be easy and affordable. He has a crockpot and would love to use it.

Could you all rack your brains for me for some easy recipes that he could do? He doesn't like mushrooms. Loves chicken, beef and pork. He loves to cook so this has been kind of fun but I am running out of ideas.

I would really appreciate this!! Thanks so much.
My Birthday was awsome. We went to the Pub for dinner. We don't have but 3 places to eat besides fast food. So our choices are very limited. I really enjoyed the evening. Then Doug and I came home and had a nice glass of wine on the patio. Pure Bliss!!

I'm so glad you had a great night out!

Could you all rack your brains for me for some easy recipes that he could do? He doesn't like mushrooms. Loves chicken, beef and pork. He loves to cook so this has been kind of fun but I am running out of ideas.

What about that creamy ranch chicken - who's recipe is that? Stephanie's? Super easy, one dish, SO good.

Taco Salad? You can buy a 4 pack of those tortilla shell things with molds so he can bake one or two and save the rest for later.

This was DH's FAVORITE college casserole:

This was also a dish he brought into the marriage with him after college:


I ended up working most of the day... I am making this enchilada dish from FN magazine tonight. Seems complicated but we'll see. I'm going to do bean and cheese tostadas alongside it.
I started to look for a new thread, thought someone forgot to leave the forwarding address, but got distracted and never came back. :rotfl:

Dinner tonight is Greek chicken livers, boiled potates and roasted veggies.
Change of plans - went into the kitchen to start dinner and it's a huge mess. DH hasn't cleaned it in a few days, it seems... so, I informed him we are doing out.
Change of plans - went into the kitchen to start dinner and it's a huge mess. DH hasn't cleaned it in a few days, it seems... so, I informed him we are doing out.

Aimee Your Husband hasn't cleaned my kitchen either maybe I should go out too :lmao:

Seems like a quiet day around here today. I hope all is well.

Ellen I will dig out some recipe this weekend I have tons of cheap eat recipes easy too.

Oh tonight is beef fajitas, rice and you guessed it fruit.
Hi Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss you all so much!!!!!, Wait maybe you don't even remember me anymore!!!!

I have weeks to catch up on on here. Please forgive me my free time is almost non-existant now, and I hardly cook any regular meals it seems.

WFD- happy meal shared by the kids and a turkey sandwich for me with chips. DH is sleeping.
Ann- So good to see you!!! I can't believe your little girl is big enough to share a happy meal! Time sure flies. I hope your enjoying your job.

Janice- That's funny, because Aimee's husband forgot my kitchen too.

Ellen- I have a hard time getting good meals out of a crockpot, but this is one I make pretty often and serve over brown rice...

We also have big salads for dinner. I spend a little more to get the baby greens that I don't have to do anything to. If I buy a whole head of lettuce I end up throwing it out, so in the long run it's cheaper. Also I'm the only one in the family that likes cooked veggies, the other two only like them raw so it saves me a pot. I chop the veggies and put them in separate plastic containers, enough for about a week. Then it's now work to put a salad together.

I make a quick grillen lemon chicken. Because of the lemon it only needs to marinade for 15 minutes, juice of lemon, 1 crushed garlic clove, olive oil, s&p, marinade then grill.

I make a big batch of chili, I'll get you the recipe later, that's loaded with beans and carrots. Then I freeze them in individual containers, or I'd eat to much.

Since brown rice takes so long to cook, I'll make a big batch and then freeze some.

I only use barilla plus, I figure it's not much more money, but at least I'm getting a little more protein.

Last night I simmered (probably could have done it in crock pot) chicken, then pulled it and added bbq sauce. Like pulled pork, but chicken.

I work on a pretty small grocery budget, and our meals aren't always exciting, but it can be done. We eat pretty healthy, but it's the portions that always get me!

Marilyn- I hope you are comfortable, I'm glad all that work is out of the way.

Maria- I can't believe all the hoops you need to jump through, needing to own more just makes no sense. Wishing you and Greg the best.

Kathy- He'll be home for Christmas before you realize it! Thanks for the warning on the new thread, I'll keep my eye out for it since I'm not around to often.

Sheryl- How's school going for the kiddo?

Nothing fancy for dinner tonight. My husband's bosses always have a big fishing trip weekend at the end of summer to thank them for the 70-80 hour work weeks they've been putting in and that's this weekend. So just me and the kiddo for dinner. We're having fried chicken from the grocery store, she discovered it one night we had a power outage and loves it. Anyway, chicken, no veggies, and ice cream. I guess that's as daring as I get!

Now that I've written a novel, enjoy the rest of evening all.
Kathy- I hope you feel better soon.

Aimee- I'm glad you enjoyed your night out.

Ellen- I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday dinner. I'm going to think of some of my easier recipes over the weekend. Also be sure to remind him to watch his portion size. Its really easy to overeat when you're eating alone, or at least it is for me.

Ann- so nice to "see" you.

Marilyn- I hope you're doing OK.

Robin- your dinner sounds good to me!

I took Zachy back to the dentist yesterday and what a difference a good hygenist makes. This one took it nice and slow with him, explained everything ahead of time, let him touch all of the equipment, never forced him to do anything, and simply distracted him when necessary. So he got his full cleaning and exam and everything looked great. When the dentist came in and saw the change in him he even said that we should probably just stick with her from now on. I am still going to formally complain though because the hygenist we had last week was in the hall giving me the evil eye the whole time.

Dinner tonight was a big salad with chicken, goat cheese, cranberries, apples, and candied walnuts.
Hi Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss you all so much!!!!!, Wait maybe you don't even remember me anymore!!!!

I have weeks to catch up on on here. Please forgive me my free time is almost non-existant now, and I hardly cook any regular meals it seems.

WFD- happy meal shared by the kids and a turkey sandwich for me with chips. DH is sleeping.

You look sort of familiar, did you change your hair style? ;)

Mouth is feeling okay. Still a little sore when I open it all the way. Started using my $60 tube of toothpaste and sugar mouth wash. I mix a glycerin like substance with a mouth wash like liquid and swish it for 2 minutes. :sad2: Afterwards I feel like I have been drinking a really sugary drink.
Aimee Your Husband hasn't cleaned my kitchen either maybe I should go out too :lmao:

Janice- That's funny, because Aimee's husband forgot my kitchen too.


I took Zachy back to the dentist yesterday and what a difference a good hygenist makes. This one took it nice and slow with him, explained everything ahead of time, let him touch all of the equipment, never forced him to do anything, and simply distracted him when necessary. So he got his full cleaning and exam and everything looked great. When the dentist came in and saw the change in him he even said that we should probably just stick with her from now on. I am still going to formally complain though because the hygenist we had last week was in the hall giving me the evil eye the whole time.

So glad it was a much better experience!

Hey Ann! :goodvibes

We ate at Five Guys. Totally crammed, first week it's open here, but really good.
Good morning!

WFD is Mac n Cheese soup and Buffalo chicken fries. I bought a new magazine last night and this sounded really good. I'll post the recipe if it is tasty.

So what is everyone doing today? I have tons to do around here but nothing I really want to do:rolleyes1 sound familar?

Ann at least I thought that was you. How are you juggling work and the kids? Still liking you job?
Yes, definitely post the buffalo chicken fries recipe! Sounds fun and yummy! Not much going on here and not much cooking. With school starting this week, it's been really busy! Will post if I cook something tonight ;)


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